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• _ 1 i 1 « Entries and Past Performances PIMLICO •; THURSDAY, MAY 12 * WEATHER CLOIDV ; TRACK FAST. Ra ine Marti at 2 30 p. m t hicago daylight Baring lime. 2:30l. Pi rah co 1 mil*. First Race — t Miles. C. biiraore Sieeni.s hae t l.nimioe Handicap. Purse ,000. 4 mr old* aod upward. Todays lad Horse* Pent Foe. Wt. Bee 12981 IU verwy«-k. S 7 150x735 UNI Kangaroo. 12 ... R 140. .730 12981" ll- r«.f tiroom. J 6 MB. .339 UWT NaHKTMl Ui, 7 9 139. 720 13981 •Uniiw. 1 8 137. .715 12981 Kii.1i.oU Ml. 5. A 136*710 01924- innamun Ml. 4 5 135.706 13133 •Saial Ian.ras. 9. 8 135x700 1291 Winoya. 3 and 137.995 12499 Kruker • Mi. « 4 135. .690 12884 is«.»te i M i 11. 6 132.090 •Ballast II.. 10.. 6 130 Second Race— 4 1-2 Furlongs. Purse .:100. 2 year olds. Maidens Fillies. Track record: Digitus. Mar 13. 1924hB-:53%— 2—111. 13013- iv.i». 4 112 :50% 118.. 730 13992 S*«.|H-rti. 6 118.. 725 12939 Boyish It b. IHdC 110 :55% 118.. 720 129S2 Fair I.ark. 2 rim 110 «56% 118.. 715 13092 MM, 5 118. 710 13008 Milaria. 7 Pint 110 :58% 118. 705 Kbony Maul. 3... 118 Third Baoo 3 4 Kile. Purse .too 3-year-olds. Claiming. Track record: Mainmast. May «. 1924 1:10%— 6 — HO. •9997 *4JaMj* Jon.n. 10 Bow 1 W 1 :13% 1 1 1 x BS 99279 Pomookey. :: Ifaiw 108 1:14 llj 730 12S44 Ka Kee I VI. 12 Ild ; 106 1:15% 111.. 725 12734 Tommy K.istenMi H lld ; 110 1:15% 111. .720 12983 "Fable. 7 ...Bow 107 1:0% 100x715 11812 Sol. 11 Tain 1021:13% 100.. 710 13138 •i.riemon lUi. 9 Itow 108 1:14 111.705 1276$ Star Mirth. UBow 107 1:31a 108. .700 13135 Oapey itny i Mi. 4 Bow 105 1:17s IMaMM 00789 Royal V.niK Ml.l 111. 690 04923 M-risea. 2 10... .685 12944 "MM Light I U . 5 1.rl 115 1:15% 100.685 Fourth Race — S-S it Us. Purse 1.300. 2 year -olds, i laimm Track record: Bother. Mar 7. 1924 1:00 %— 2— 109. I 12525 Angry Mood. 4.. 114.. 730 1285 •T.ianna. 3 112.. 725 1303 Cayuga iMi. 6... 114.. 720] 12766 Blue Rose. 7 111.. 715 j j 12383 Piute M . 2 111..710 13015 Vulnerable M. 1 M3..3M Harry Ileal. 5... 119 Fifth Race — 1 Mils and 70 Yards. Purse ,300. 3-year oldB and upward. Maidens. Track record: Shuffle Alone. Nov. 3. 1923 — 1:42%— 3— 110. 12642* IM MctJee. 11 HdG 114 1:47% 3 108. .730 08136 Dawn ft Virginia. 2 MM 110 lr46%8 4 115.725 13048* Ambition. 10 Pirn 107 1:48% 3 103. .720 12940 Yocaliau. S 3 108.715 13012 I.iu rump. 5... 3 103.710 12642 Uoan By inc. 4 Hdt. 112 1:49 3 108.705 13136 Salutation. 3 HdG 112 1:48% 3 108. 700 11002* Middle Temple. 1 ».«• 107 1:49% 3 108.695 12505 Frances J.. 7 3 103.690 Palaiseau. 6.... 4120 Corn Spirit. 9.. S 103 Sixth Race— 3-4 Mile. Fifth Running Jennings Handicap.,000 Added. 3-year-old* and upward. Track record : Mainmakt. May 6. 1924- 1 : 10%— «— 116. 12847 8. HdG 105 1:12% 4 123X750 11640* Bulletin. 6 I..K 102 1:11% 4 100. .740 03175 ;iintcr. 2 . . .Tij 95 1:11% 5 100.. 735 12564* Senator Norris. 7 L.F 113 1:11 6 112X730 12*42 Murzint. 5 Pirn 106 1 : 13% 3 106. .725 12846 Single Foot. 12 I.rl 112 1:12 5 118x720 12886 Shuffle MM*, 11 Bel 118 1:11% 7 109x715 12886* Whafll I I o. 10 Bel 111 1:12 4 108x710 12770* Devonshire. 9.. Bel 127 1:12% 5 109. .705 13044 Peter Fis. l..Pim 9S 1:13% 3 101.. 700 13184- The Heath, n. 3.. Mia 9S 1:11% 2 109x700 01945 Marclie Militaire. 4 Pirn 107 1:12 4 110. .700 Seventh Race— 1 1-16 Miles. Purse ,300. 3 year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: nephaistos. May 10. 1922 1:44%— 3- 107. 13187 Roseate II. 5. .Ty 116 1:45% 7 122*735 13094- Ildeefence. 4. Ty 95 1:45% 5 122.. 730 13098 •Kanduit. 1 . ..J P 110 1:47% 5 110X725 1309$ •Alletache. 3 ..I.rl 107 1:48% 4 112. 720 13136 Typc.iitter, 8 Pirn 118 1:50 4 116*715 12609 Moses. 2 Mia 111 1:47% 4 113. .710 13187 Voshell. 6 ...HdG 108 1:48% 4 113.. 705 13187 Deronla, 7 ...Mia 111 1:46 6 116x700