Workouts, Daily Racing Form, 1927-05-12

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aWORKQUTS j 131 LOCISVILLE, Ky.. May 11— Todays training gallops here included the following: CHURCHILL DOWNS. Weather clear ; track good — - 3-8 MILE. 130 Accumulator. :37 h Jennifer :37%h 129 Arch Duchess :3S%b 111 Jealous :39 b 1L7 Itelgenl.-ind.. . :3H»ih 125 Katherine W. :37%b tolol .ilmore :3K b Kar 38 b 12S arlin :3"%b Kaluga :38 b 127 Clutter :3«%h 127 KenyCardinal :36 h 12S Cynthia Cray :38Mib 116 E7I Faoshawe :39 b llfi Chars Berlin :3«%b 127 Malcolm :3f»%b Doctor Rankin :37 b Merrick :37b 127 Fellowship. . . :M%b 127 Nauset :37%h 113 Jold Stamp.. :38 h 126 Retort :36%h Fohiueen :38*f.b 128 Refraction .. . :37 h 12fi Ceorge de Mar :373r.b 127 Scotland Jirl :38 b 12$ CosKoon :37.b 127 Sport Trail.. :36i£h 129 J. ;. Denny.. :37.1 Tanigram ... :39 4b 129 Judge Caverly :3tt=V,li 12T War Kagle... :36 b 1-2 MILE. 12.1 At-pinwall ftirl :."iO~l 125 Manipulator. . :50%d Rlusg Maiden :.M=r.l 129 Mary 0 :51 b 125 boon Compon :.V%h 128 Miss Step... :50%h 125Cirvenna .... :48%h Misnomer.... :50%h 128 Charley J. S. :49Vib 111 Pretty Run.. :4»%h 55 Cotlogomor. . . :52 h 12R Parco :51 h 122 Ihimosol :51%b 128 Runanelf ... :48%d UBftet Iron :50 b VSi Saba ttus Maid :51 ih 113 Kairyman ... :50V,h 128 Spot Light... :50 b 117 i.iiest of Honor M%,% 120 San Utar :51 b 125 Happy Time. :49yf 129 Taloba :"»l%h 119 Infatuation. . :4»*£d 129 Trydor :50 h 12H Kentucky Ace :50 b 129 Ten berry :51%b • 124 Leirnis-rate. . :51 li 124 Thistlegold. . :49%h Lady DOr... :50%h 127 Tyrol :49%h 6-8 MILE. Capuchin l:04%h 129 Ragtime 1:03 h 129 Captain Pox.l:02%h 123 Royal S 1:05 h 112C«ohogan ...l:04%h 12« South Wind. .1 : R%h 117 Frank Dugan.l :04%h 12« Spicy Quince. 1 :05%h 126 Flattery l:01«andh 125 Teds Pluni.LOfi b 129 Golden Sight. 1:04 h 127 Tchadflyer ..1:03 h 121 llv Schneider 1 :0«%b 120 Wool ridge ..l:01*£ta 127 My Pardner..l:05%h 3-4 MILE. 118 Angleplane . .l:173ih Little Doris.. 1:20 d 129 Antiquarian .l:M%h 122 Lady Stone. 1:17 b 125 AlabamaRnd 1:201 124 Lucky Drift. l:18%b 120»lne Mask.. .1:18 b 130 Little Taussigl :18%h 127 Big Sweep. .1:10 b 129 Mally Jane. . .1 :21%b 127 RottomDollar 1 :l«%b 118 Mir.ifel 1 :15%d 129 Hit o Love..l:15*.h 127 Marshall Neyl:17%h 127 Clonaslee l:18%b Mnight Rose. .10 b 127 Crooked Workl :17li 123 Ortlieb l:30%h lJC. Cndy CC.reat 1:17 h 124 Peekaboo ...l:17%h 130 Kdna ;ienn . .1 :17*f.h 12C. Percussion ..l:18%b 119Klias .1:22-Tf.b 120 Pindar Peel.l:16*feb 127 Kxplosion ..l:20 4h 129 Phil Foto 1:19 b 120 Florida Gold. 1:17 b 127 Peter Prim. .1 :187feh 120 Florenda ...l:17*.b 127 Rassell Cave.l:19%h 130|[lippant 1 :13%h 120 Sday Clothes. 1 :18*.h 1l3MabaIdon 1:21%h 123 Sen Fiddler. .1 :22 h 127C,uillotine ...l:10%h 126 Sea Liou 1:22 h 112 Handy Mandyl :lS5f.h 129 Kuxanne It.. .1:9*41 127 Hero 1:10 d 128 Sun Rebecca l:l-"V%h 130 Heed 1 :17f.h 127 Thelma l:10%d 120 Joy of Life..l:18Tth 127 lilequa l:194ib 7-8 MILE. 125 Col. Board. ..1:29% h 127 Nevermore ..l:2SSih 129 Hide l:33%h 1 MILE. 122 Alloy 1:47-V.h 129 Kum Kalessi.l :51 %b 129 Rirley M. C. l:43=hh 120 King Nadi. . . 1 :47%b 130 Forbearance .1:4M%4 127 New ;old . . 1 :50%b 127 Finnster 1:48 b 12C Profiteer ...l:44%d 124 Fretwell l:43.h 127 Radio l:47%h 12!» ;enial Host. .1 :45*.b 00 Sea grave 1:47 h 125 Kg Gorin II.l:441i 1 1-8 MILES. 126 Royal Julian. 1 *•%■ 11-4 MILES. 130 Rip Rap 2:10V5h King Gorin II. went a useful mile. Genial Host was in hand. Hip Hap, accompanied by Flippant, the first three-quarters, finished a very creditable trial, and looks fine. Birley M. C. worked nicely. Woolridge and Flattery were together in their good move Royal Julians trial was done quite easily. DOCGLAS PAItK. Weather clear ; track fast — 3-8 MILE. Rrown Sugar. :39 129 Unreasonable :S» Little Trump. :37 1-2 MILE. 88 apt. Apjack :52 123 Padona :52% 128 Hats Ip :51 5-8 MILE. 127 Brunswick ..1:06 Watts l:06%h 3-4 MILE. 127 Chicago 1:19-V. 128 Red Oange. .1 OV.h 128 ;uapa I:1S%4 127 Rasuli 1:23 b 119Ja.k Nagel..l:19 li 128 Red IVunnt.l:23 b llli Ix-panto l:18-V.h 127 Spanish Lay . 1 :19-Vib 128 Palm Court. .l:19ib 1 MILE. 123 Dav Trap 1:51 128 Lieut. Rust . .1 :47 ib 12:. Flying Cloudl:51 d 120 In Duty 1:50 AURORA, 111., May 11.— Following are the workouts over the local track today : AURORA. Weather cloudy ; track heavy — 3-8 MILE. 120 Atossa :44 b 129 Kingscourt II. :44*feb 128 Ambitious ... :44 b 126 Majoe :42«andd 126 Blue Beans.. :42%b 128 Molder :45 b 126 Edtih Alice.. :43 h 130 Revolt :43Sib 127 Clib :44%b Sun Fairy .. :43 h Josie Htman. 43 b 116 Senator Seth. 40 b 1-2 MILE. 124 Rod ri so :57%h 119 Wong Bok ..:58 b Most workouts were confined to slow gallops. NEW YORK. N. Y.. May 11.— Todays training gallops here included the following : JAMAICA. Weather cloudy ; track sloppy — 3 8 MILE. 128 Apostle :36 b 122 Lorelei :36%d Even Chance. :42 b 123 Pop Bell :41%b 125 Fget Me Not :38 b llOUuandry :40%b 124 Uiant :36 d 127 Sky Flight... :39sb 127 Hildreth :36 d 1-2 MILE. 128 Clean Play... :53 b 130 Mosque :50 b 129 Complaisance :49%d 129 Memory I.ane. :51 b 128 Cross Word.. :52%b 128 The Lure :50%h 129 linume Girl.. :50 b 116 War Flame. . . :54%b 125 Meta Ahearn :52V, b 5-8 MILE. 127 Cordon Plaid.1 :05M;b 122 Star of Morn. 1 :03%d 128Joe Sweep 1 0:lV.h 129 Spt Hallahanl :08V.b 127 Master David l:07%b 128 Theresa Joan. 1:04 h 3-4 MILE. Capriole 1:17 h 128 Vagabd Kingl :18%h 126 Medley l:23%h 125 Zuker 1:25 b 128 Niagara Falbl:23%b The track was a sea of sloppy mud this morning and no good moves were noted. AQUEDUCT. Weather foggy ; track muddy — 3-8 MILE. 125 Captain Dick. :38%b 129 Distraction .. :40 b 1-2 MILE. 126 Amberjack .. :55 b 117 Frosty Boy... :52*£h 5-8 MILE. 126 nuffy 1:08 b 3-4 MILE. 129Curveur l:23%b 130 The Seer l:17%h 129 O Turk l:20%b 1 MILE. 119 Zonite 1:48 b BELMONT PARK. Weather cloudy ; track muddy — 3-8 MILE. 129 Beowulf :36% 125 Campbello ... :39 128 Cantankerous. :37 129 Sublevado ... :36 1-2 MILE. 121 Quibbler :53 3-4 MILE. Caricature ...1:29 127 Fire Opal 1:24 127 Circlet 1:21 121 Corman 1:18% Feu Fotlette. .1:18% 121 Royal Play... 1:18% PIMLICO, Md.. May 11.— Following are the workouts over the local track today : PIMLICO. Weather clear ; track muddy — 3-8 MILE. Bobby Jones. . :37%h 123 Plain Polly . . :39 b 116 Boy sli Bob .. :.10%h 123 Pat Mf 111 I :39 b 129 Fable :38%b 114 Sol :40 h!d Coin ... :39 b 120 Tmv Foster. :.H1 b 112 Lady Marie.. :44 b 1-2 MILE. 120 Bogan :53 h 12C Colden Twig. :51%h 122 Bevcrwyck .. :52%e 1 14 Kentucky II. :5.!%h 120 Bulletin :49%h 120 Mist :51%h Cherry Brook. :52 li 124 Red Hill ... :51%d 123 Golden Rule. :52%li 122 Sen or Norris. :50%h 5-8 MILE. 127 Backrope 1:06 h 126 Joy Smoke ..1:10 b 127 B. of f West. 1:11 h 126 Stanistar ...1:10 li 127 Ginna Lee ..1:10 h 3-4 MILE. 124 Banton l:19%h 34 Hot Pepper. .1:25 e 129 Canter 1:23 b 129 Katn Crosby. 1 17 124 Chairman ...1:18 h 123 Last Cent ..1:26 h 130 Grass Tree ..1:24 b 128 War Gold ...1:22 e 1 MILE. Fredn Rock.. 1:51 li l.i Shadow-dale .1:54 h 115 Sir Leonid ...1:51 h 126 Woolworth .1:58 h 74 Rocksea 1:54 li Kathleen Crosby was under restraint. Canter was hard held. Backrope MM handily. Bulletin went handily. Senator Non is was driving. Chairman went handily. Banton was diivin. Golden Rule was under restraint. Joy Smoke wa.s hard at ML

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Local Identifier: drf1927051201_20_3
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