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kt"fl rvraC*i? 1 -,G Miles. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: ***** ».**x- LiuJi Madcap, Ma j 24, 1922— 1:44 — 1—113. Index Crs. Dia.Time Tr. Odds Wt. St. *, Str.Fin. Jockey Started Order of Finish 3. G. DENNY, br. h. 6 110 By Jusquau Bout— Mary Michaels, by Lissak. Trainer. A. Thomas. Owner, J. H. Brown. Breeder. J. H. Brown. 12953 l x fc 1 13 hy 21 115 1 1 31 3 I Frogttel2 L Bub Mein 1 lS.Stintson 105. Immortal ia~. 12746 iAX fc 1 lOft 11 10 118 5 6 31 2» l FroKtte K Cossoon 113. Hats I |i 1 1S. One Way 105 12614 I.ex fc 1 lOfcft 29-10 115 1 S 3i 2i I Frogttel2 VleyLigbt 115.Pmourt HO.SgMgon 105 NMICO 3-41:13ft 5 112 3 3 31 31 E P,cnhamll Dry Moon 11 1 .Broomstcr 1 15.1. k Drift 110 01.*02 1-ex fcl:09Hft 3 2 116 3 4 i*| 5»J ■ Ugere 10 trsVillage 103. Huntsman 99. Muldoon 110 00994 I. ex fc I 10Sgdl9 10 113 4 1 1 1» Elegere IS B.Cahill H3.,eo.Grm lOS.FrBowena Ml 99973.11 3 4 1:12Vift 91 116 6 7 7» 7« A Sihugr S MarvinMay 112. Banter 113.Itori1enu 113J MMP.O 3 4 l:14*,hy 18-5 108 1 3 3 2« E Pool 12 Tester 1 12. Rondelle 99. lawless 102 9763G J.P 3 4 l:12fi 29-10 116 3 2 Ill4 E Pool 10 Caligula 113. Nassau 108.1ostMistress 96 NABISCO, ch. g. 4 105 By Omar Khayyam— Tea Biscuit, by Rock Sand. Trainer. C. H. Trotter. Own:r. 0. Torrell. Breeder. A. B. HancocU. 12900 ! x 1 1 -16 1 :47*».ft 29 10 11J 7 S 11 1» It P-amett B Arragosa 1 12.Cabaldon 100;. Aug plane 109 12819 La fc 1 MM 13 M 5 7 7 ■» C« R Harnett 8 ,eo Gtwan 111. Hats l|. 1 13;«issoon 113 II73KMI.1 1 1-1G 1 47 £ft 10 10:i 4 6 SJ 7;J R Iarnett 10 Sandrae 1 10. Accumulator 105. CQuayle 104 IMM Mia 11 M 1 48WK143 10 110 5 3 31 4l R Harnett 7 Happy Birthday 113.N"ania 102.11arlan 110 11564 Mia 1 1 16 1 41« ft 7 5 106 3 1 1J 1" It Harnett It Treasurer 109. Harlan 109, Dr.Tanner 105 11439 M,:i 11-16 1 47%ft 9 5 105 1 2 2 2* R Harnett S Phidias ION, Outing 95, Cloria Quayle 101. 11315 Mia 1 ; 16 1 7ft 19-10 108 5 4 4i 31 R Harnett 11 IhiiMas 111, in-ek Friar 1M. Rigel 110 11192 Ma 3-4 1:13i4ft 3* 113 6 3 3 3 R Harriett 14 iarcth I.Ci. iiimore 113. Overlook 110 100GI Coin 1 l:4S-fc.ft 19 10 113 3 3 4* 4" R Harriett • Harlan 10. ;ioriaOuayle 94, Streetl.iz M 09939 Pom 1 1 46*. ft 3-5 1C7 1 2 2 :; M H.nctt G NorthBrecze 105,J..S.Mosby 107.Atomin .:9 GRAND KING. br. g. 4 105 By Granite — Galloping Queen, by Ben Brush. Trainer. W. J. Marlman. Owner. C. R. Hood. Breeder. J. L. Carrick. IMUUi 1 11C 1:47 ft 4". 105 6 3 4;1 a*ft M Mi-G gle fi BtleField 105MyDesti lOCHpyllolw 100 IMMUl ll-81i3Hft 2» 111 « 4 7" 7J E "oates 7 Dingo 1 M.S.andStripes 1 10. BIkGrkle 1K 11832 I.. m 1 If- 1:56 ft 19-5 109 4 3 4»i 4° L Gcmiik 4 erulir.n 1K. Winni|H-g 1 11. Firelnder 101 11771 Mia 1 1 .6 l:47*ift i 109 t 6 V 5" O CleOUk* li Just Folks 114. Marengo 1 1 l.S|iy Irince 109 1158.1 M ia ll-4 2.07HKtl 23 109 4 3 4i f* WCunan G Cludias 113. Cloisti-r 109. Hoi Polloi 109 11 459. Ma 1 1-16 l:4.-m Lf 115 5 1 2" 21 W Curian 10 Maillyn 94. Treasurer 107. Delusive 109 11397 Mia 1 1-8 l:5iV»sl 24-5 109 4 2 21 Mf ■ Rav G erulean 109. liiidias 109. Delusive 109 11318 Ma 1181.S3VI 58 109 6 7 7" 7,s H Ray 7 VM CMM HO.Battle Field 113,Moscs 113 TALEQUA. ch. g. 5 110 By Flittergold— Buth L.. by Dorante. Trainer. K. Pitt. Owner. K. Pitt!. Breeder. F. A. Forsythe. 11825 II 1 1-16 1 .* m 115 111 4 I 3J EI.egrre 5 Roionf idenn- 110. Venus !t9.Sir.Mri » 07 11251 K : 11 K14MJHF 22 110 11 9 8" S" E Kegere 12 Pay man 109. Liny hate 101. Foolscap 111 11071 y.j 1 1 16 I 4t *„ft H 113 E 8 1010» ■ L*gere 11 Banter 113. Prattle 103. Alopex 113 10986 KG 1 1 -h 1 fctMt 35 113 8 9 8" 8«* E L,egere 11 Cockney 11G. Payman 112. Prattle 103 11556 KG 1 1-16 ItSMMI 7 112 1 1 l*| B* K I *gire 12 Friglitful ll-.Cood.Niglit 1 12. F. Viitoria 105 •9981 J P 1 1 16 1 4SHH 12 5 111 6 4 3*1 2» 1 L nch « Button 109. Olympic 109, Lieut. Bust 105 ■97X9 J P 1 1 16 I 11 5 110 4 1 1 1 | l I.ynh HKiyi 106. Lucy Kate lOt.OreenBlazcs 100 09536 J P 1 1 S 1 59 hy 1 106 1 I 2» 2* V I.yn. h 7 Olympic 108,Clii|ue 11 1 .Drowsy Waters 111 HELEN CARTEB. blk. m, 6 110 By Flittergold— Thistle Green, by Knight of the Thistle. Trainer R. C. Frakes. Owner C. E. Hamilton. Rreeder. C. E. and J. Hamilton. 13105 CD 1 1 16 : 5i ft 6 110 2 1 21 41 JohnsonlJ hp* 115.VnicDay 1 10. Rav gljiily 100 12786 I.«x : 70 1 4X%m 23 10 114 1 I i,: .." W rump 7 IKeila 112. Clover Club 105. Allaire 112 12655 I x ft 1 II ft L 10 1064 4 4 5»J 5«J J Regan 12 S. pw y 105. P T B num 105 BobsBest 105 MMIUi 1 1-16 i:.:V,sl 23-10 105 3 2 li ll L Craver ■ Holly B0.1 108. SpyMcOee 108. Bnl.iafl03 09II91 U x f 1 :13Vthy 10 104 7 7 6* L! I, Craver IS Nabis.o 105 CaveWoman 104. Jealous 107 O90II lx fc 1 12V.v| 17 101 8 6 8«1 8 • T McKlroylO Lupine 101. be 104. Ritter 106 O .098 CI 31 IMjfl 11 Mi I i*l i I E Henham .Marionette 110. Pure Die 1 Hi. Pliidias 115 BLACK GRACKLE. br. m 6 100 By Light Brigade— Grackle. by Ben Brush. Trainer. L. H. S »well. Owner. L. H. S?well. Breeder. J. N. Camden. IMMUi 1-70 LiJVthy 9 10 112 3 C 1J U W I.illey 9 Eighty Sixty 107. S Sixty 1 lO.Brumf ield 105 12706 I x 1 MlMjH I 10 li- 4 6 ::■» "rJ M MiC gle 7 Dingo 1 14. S andSlripes 1 10. 1.gihamps 10.. 12G29 I ax 1 70 1:46 ft 2 114 1 S 4 M W Crump I Angl.plane 1 10 BouilMai.l 100 MavSli il 110 IVir.ll JT 1 1 8 1 57Vigdl7 10 lot; 6 2 21 1 G Johnson 9 Tribal ! 74. llcAninn.- 105. i KM 12019 J P 1 1 16 1 49V I -M0 10. 6 6 2* 1" J J.11-S 12Uis.h 110. Four Sixty 107. Nereid 102 118X7 J P 1 70 1 47,ft OS M 1 3 31 23 G Johnsoiil2 Iidy Bountiful 104. ami 102. layly 107 11790 J P 1 1-W 1 4**itt 23 10 lii4 II 4 .. i 4 i J Jonea 12 Tippity Witchet 97.Alard 105.Sin.ire 1011 11515 pi; 1 j it: 1 .1 rt r.i 10010 *■ «*i 7:1 M MctTstoU BariM IM. MlikilliM ItT. lilipHan |tl 11AS1 F.G 11 it 1.47 i,ft m 105 3 8 8" 8" J Jorita 8 GeiiBUlows 113,Flighty 102.Uraudlk.-j 100 COPPERSHINE. ch. g. 4 110 By Tchad— Ethelda, hy Ethelbert. Trainer. S. T. Gaines. Ownsr. 8. T. Gaines. Breeder. P. Laffoon. 08072 Lad 1 1-1K l:474ft 70 98 € 10 10:10"E BenhamlO N Second ue lOLIliislltra 107. Fiiuity 104 06477 Rac 7-S l:27%rt 10 U 2 7 Si 6J D Bniery 8 FlWeidelll. 102. nr;ain8 107 Pa poos. 104 06190 Rac 3-4 l:19%sy 15 104 8 5 43J 4J O Mazoue S Dr.JnKeny 104.PrRToci lOO.Kilanea 104 052061 L C.F 1130 ft 13-5 97 8 T G Willis 8 Bit. Clair 112. Sen. Crow lift, Bronston 115 05036 C.I 11-4 2:13 hy 48 94 1 7 714 8" G Philpot 10 Alloy lOy.BroadAx. 103.1xrettu Brooks 108 B.ASULI. b. g, 4 105 By Bomme Kisa — Maria Galante. by Marco. Trainer. J. B. Partriden. Owner. J. B. Partridge. Bred in Enrland by L. Thirlby. 12820 I ex 1-70 l:49 andhy li-fi 115 1 S 2- 23 W Garner 6 Estill 115. Tiraa 105, Nino Sixtv 113 11220 F.G 1 1-16 l:51%h; 10 110 1 3 3"J 3° G Johnson 7 Lancaster 105.leorK -DeMur 1 II Harass 110 11173 F.G 3-4l:liVft 64 111 7 6 6* 6J G Ellis 7 Ragtime 108. Tester 119. Bodv iuard 113 10934 F.G 11-16 1:4. %fl 9 115 3 6 4SJ 7*J A JohnsonIO ColdnBila ll.I.ncaster 108 Iandosto 1 13 10576 F.G 1-70 1:46 ft 13 109 4 3 3 J 4« C Harnett 9 Col. Board ltW.ColdenKule 110 Harass 110 10497 F.G 1 1-8 158Asl 33 10 113 3 1 1» 4« C Harnett 7 Balboa 105.Aopi-x lll.OccanCurrcnt 109 MIDNIGHT BOSE. br. m, 5 100 By Huon — Kopje, by Kroonstad. Trainer. G. V. Barnes. Owner. W. Kotan. Breeder. Dr. D. B. Knox. 08867 Hat 1-70 l:52%hy 5 100 3 4 4»1 M D Smith I Fretwell 108. Wrack Ra» 10S Ilalu 107 08826 Lat 1 l-lo l:55«thy 6 101 1 9 813 8» D Smith 12 BlueTorcli 9S.L gchamps 104 Ltlel.laz. 102 08739 I-it 1-70 1:5014m 5 102 6 3 3« 2» T McElroy 8 Sobrose 108, Allaire 102 ivavar.l ! 7 08468 Lat 1 1-16 1 :47%R 1 7 105 2 3 6=1 6" W Garner 8 Trinket 9S, Blasted Hopes 9i. Jell 99 08346 Lat 11-16 1:46 ft 11 97 6 7 10,,10» L iraver 11 Bright Tomorrow ia . .Seagrave 94 .1. h 99 07743 CD 170 1:4-5 ft 7 106 1 2 3 1 "»J R Finerty 7 Cameo 107. Sobrose 98. Loretta Brooks 111 07532 CD 1116 1:49 si 16-5 102 5 3 4» 4» D Smith 7 Liberty lOO.Cameo 105. lx retta Brooks 110 JEALOUS, b. f, 4 105 By Jim Gaffney — Lakelet, by Orlando. Trainer, J. M. Goode. Owner. J. T. Looney. Breeder. C Clay. 12862 I-x 11-16 1:4S ft I 109 9 4 87i 8" J Mizoue 10 Marjorie C. 100. Kij i IIS. Riel.t SixtT 114 12785 Hex l-70 1:47%m 37-10 107 4 2 2s 2« J Mazoue 7 lpShe; s 107Accum tor il2.I ntcli;irl 107 12704 I ex MBldWfl *-• HO 6 4 4=J 2J II Harnett !» Heed 1001. Jane C. 110. Klisha 1.- 10791 Mia 1 1-8 l:54»fcft 8 106 1 2 3» 3Jlt Harnett .» Moses 108, Cliickvale 110. Cerulean 110 10653 Mia 1 1-16 l:48 ift 47 106J 4 2 3»i 3S1 R Harnett X Midwest n 113.J .S.Mosby 1 10.Bat. Field IM 10564 Mia ll-16 1:48ft 12 103 1 3 5«i b* K Harnett C J S.Mosby 107, Cloister 112, WbgStone 114 ARRAGOSA, b. g. 7 110 By Argosy— Grey Flier, hy Friary. Trainer. W. M. Cain. Owner. W. M. Cain. Bred in England by Lord Glanelr. 12956 Ix 1 1-8 IM0Q 47-10 110 3 1 2 2| D Smith 8 Kiji 110. Massey 103. Rrawner 110 12900 I. ex 1 1-16 l:47ft 5 112 4 4 21 2" W Bool 8 Nabisco 1 12 106. Angleplane 109 12816 Lex l-70 1:52%hy 10 112 J 7 iJ Il R Harnett 9 Bl.Crackle 112.K litSixty 107.SiSixt 110 12706 Lex 1 1-8 l:53Vt 13 110 1 3 4SJ 5« D Smith 7 Dingo 1 14.S andStnpes HO.BIklirkle 100 12619 Hex l-70 1:46Vift 9-5 112 5 2 2" 2" D Smith 7 Valence 107.SC8 andStpes 112 Osman 105 12568 Lex 1116 1:47V,ft 70 112 9 7 4« 4* D Smith 12 Dingo 112. Bear i.ras- 112 Kivi 107 12264 J.P 1 l-16 1:49%ft 18-5 105 4 9 7U 8" F Armsfg!2 l»yal II. 105, Peter J 111 Tribal 99 12042 J.P 118 1:54%ft 16 108 5 7 7 8»1 F Armstgll Pegsy O. 103. Reveillon 113, Spandor 10S BILL HARE, b. g. 4 105 By Jack Hare Jr.— Nurse Jane, by Frizzle. Trainer. W. L. Drake. Owner, W. L. Drake. Breeder. W. L. Drake. 11340 Hav 1 1-16 l:4b%ft 10 104 4 6 6«i 5J V Watson 8 S.o.thellills 103.P.Blinks » MonsMeg 110 11232 Hav 3-4 l:tt%fl 6 HO 7 8 7« fW Watson 9 Bach sBalm 101. Expressive 1 1 l.C.Vine KH5 10845 Hav 1 1-J6 1 :47%ft 6 107 3 1 ll 1 M Fishmnll The Ally 110. Braj Annin »8. Clapiier 106 10634 Hav 1 1 10 l:47%fl 6 105 2 1 l2 1jM Fishmn 8 HigliSkip 109.11. ;raliam 1 14. Waldm r 106 10382 Hav 1 1-16 1 :46/ift 7 108 3 5 6"! 6» A Pickens 8 Marj B. 10T. W KnowsMf 10.1. Tin. Saliib 105 10217 Hav l-50 1:44%ft 6 109 6 2 3J 3» A Pickens 8 Yellow Bine 107. Ti d 112. Rapid Fire 96 09969 Hav 11-16 1:49 ft 3 104 1 1 ll 9 A Pickens 12 Brown Leaf 99. Henry S. 105. Piedra 102 LIEUT. RUST, b. g, 6 105 By Luke McLuke— Vireo. by Mazagan. Trainer. F. P. Leteilier. Owner. Southland Stable. Breeder. T. B. Jones. 12170 J.P 11-8 1:56 ft 30f 111 8 11 H-IM C I/egnon 11 Stoneagc lOO.KWi. toria KiC..l.arl ta 106 11986 J.P 1 1-8 l:54%frd 40 109 4 3 5:i 5 » C Ix £non 7 F.Lieutent 115.C of Honor 105.1 ique 116 11456 F.G 11-4 2:101*61 9 110 3 1 2» 210 F Stevens 10 FlagLieutent 1 15. Fleetwd 1 1 l.HkKve 105 11191 F.G 11-16 l:53-m 8-5 112 1 1 1» 1« G Johnson 11 SirRalpl: 114,om|.roniise 109.l iddiego 109 10775 F.G 11-16 1:49 ft 3 110 1 2 2s 3t4iG Johns. . nl2 Cpdike 111. Blowllom 100. SirKalpl. 113 10461 F.G 11-8 1:59 hy 24-5 109 6 1 2" 4*10 Emery 12 Foolscap ni.Slpyllead 1 lO.i.o.I. ».r 105 tPlaced second through disqualification. RITTER. br. c. 4 110 By Paul Weidel— Fiorina, by Dick Finnell. Trainer. M. Goldblatt. Owner. S. Furst. Breeder. E. F. Pricbard. 09011 Hex fc 1121 19-10 106 5 2 2 3J D Smith 10 Lupine 101. Ice 104. Stoneage 97 08884 Hat 3-4 1:18 hy 14-5 101 5 1 11 l»k D Dubois 8 Disciple KA. Omnia 97. Caffn.-v 111 0884 2 Lat "-4 1:19 hy 5 102 4 1 1* 1« R Harnett 9 Omnia 103. Timothy 102. Lawless 105 08550 Hat 3 4 UM%M 7 303 6 7 97 9" J M.ioy 12 Steinway 99. P. Weid.lII. 108. Vrlain 112 08165 I .at 1 :-16 lieg.l 8 98 2 1 1 411 Dubois 7 ;randKin-_- 98. I.ordM.-ise 103. Cilmore M 08384 I-it 3 4 1:15V" 43 10 107 8 5 3- 4«i B Henham 12 SpMedBety 103.Stw:iy ITT.sTlBiBl i| 102 07685 CD 3-4 l:13%sl 21-10 100 4 ! ll 21 R Finnrty 7 Bobs Best 102.IIullo 104. ol. S.booler 106 I MAGIC LIGHT, ch. g. 4 105 By Gnome — Marsh Light, by H?»"lmre. Trainer. J. Robson. Owner. J. B. Cloher. Breeder. P. M. Walker. 08418 F.P 1 1-J 2:40?thy H 90 2 6 C-J 1 B Ray 7 AhRe kon O-VKsUansom 110. 1 ntri.d ! 7 08293 F.P 1 70 l:4.",~lt 20 99 10 7 0=1 ".-* * "hmanll TheArcher 111. Win. Biggins 103.Fausto 115 108067 F.P 1 3 16 2 01%ft 14 96 6 6 o»* 3J: B Ray 11 Firth of Tav 108. A lard 105. IV. t. Wizard 105 07916 F.P 1 1-8 l:55Stft 39 10 99 7 6 531 i H Ray 12 Vennie Day 107. Alard 105. Lavmia 102 07800 F.P ll-Sl:56igd 30 92 4 2 2i 2" H Ray 8 Sp.arSbot 101. Treasurer 100.Prin.iK. 110 | B00TSIE. ch. f, 3 105 By Boots and Saddle— Pearl G.. by Handsel. Trainer. J. J. Flannigan. nw-ner. J. J. Flanniea=L Breeder. T. M. Murnnv 06663 D .1* MBIWI 6 101 5 6 S2 8» B Ray S TlieRove 111j.BBv.Me IIT.IiMllM Il3 05895 B.G 51 f 1:07 ft 3i 103 4 4 2" I"* K V lton 8 Why 98. Volley 97. BsnlllUl 92 05683 H.G 5fl:062ift 74 103 12 12 12«1U"» F Merimee12 0ir;»:ns 109. Bichelieu 111. Bealist KM 105342 L.CF 51 f 1 6 Isd 7" E Clak 8 I. a Nashle loj lmi a.i llll !n.J Khi t 117 1 05230 L.CF f.lfl:0f.Vrt 1-6 98 1» O Clark ■ Joe Tag 112. Barrister 112. Bell So::.- 110 1 04474 Rac l-70 1.45Vt 10 97 i 2 21 3» S Tr. hard 7 Barlnna 103. Bro. klesl.y 100.1-r.-t tfi.l 106 LEW POPE, ch. g. 7 110 By Hanbridge — Helma 8., by Cesarion. Trainer. W. M. Brennan. Cwner. D. Moran. Breeder. G. H. Moore. | 12656 Ix x f.-1 lr%rt 12f 110 12 12 12«12-» X J Brnes 12 Chterhrk 1 lO.I.sK stn 1 14. I. 102 | 11999 Hav 3-4 1 :15Aft I 115 1 7 532 4J I* Groos 12 Joldeiil-ocks 110.1. inaloa 103. Maliatnia 105 : 11507 Hav 3-4 1:16 gd 10 113 10 8 10"10»3 P Gr-.os 12 Ierulose KC,. Acquitted 10S. Voorflor 1118 10965 Hav 3-4 l:12%ft 6 118 5 7 7 » 711 A Collins 7 Seallawkll. 109.B»yall"rl 1 l.l.Mutiny 113 10634 Hav 1 1 16 1 47kft 4 114 5 C 6" 6 ! P Groos ■ Billllare 105.11ighSkip loy.llsiirrih.iin 1 14 i 10521 Hav 3 4 1 lSihy 3§ 115 5 3 2 2i P Groos 7 Crest wood Boy 111. Toiler 107. Voorflor 105 , TRINKET, br. c, 4 105 Ey Star Spangled — Star of Runnymede. by Stai Shoot. Trainer. J. McPherson. Owner. R. A. Fairbaitn. Breeder. R. A. Fairbairn. I 12136 J P 1181:58 s 12 105 2 2 3-6" L Craver 8 Felix 10.5. CoriMMiant 105. Chick 1 |. 105 j 12041 JP 1 llfi l:471ilt fi 104 I 1 21 23 I. Craver 12 Billy Witt 107. Spanisl.Name 106. Drone 95 11886 J.P 1 1 -16 1 47-7t.ft M Kt 101 5 2 5*1 6 « M McGgle 9 I Jin er 1 14. Kai.dnit 110. Prone 9tl II733J.P 1 1-16 1 :47/fcft 16 105 3 2 1" 3» L Craver 8 hi. kip 105. KedPi m.ant lKi.Corpo nt 105 11071 F.G 1 1 16 1 :4Sft 59f 105 6 5 4*1 47i M M. Gglel 1 Banter IU Prattle 10.1. Ilipil 113 10895 F.G 1 1-16 l:48%ft 65 110 6 8 9«12" J McCoy 12 irand Bey 100. Flag Lieut. 110. Felix 110 08646 Lat 1 1-16 1 :53hy 23-5 108 2 1 11 1" R Finerty 8 Billy Witt 107BlueTor. h 108.1 ianella 102