Havre De Grace, Daily Racing Form, 1928-04-30


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4; 0 Entries and Past Performances HAVRE DE GRACE • MONDAY, APRIL 30 * WEATHER CLOIDI ; TRACK SLOW. Eaejng sarts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago daylight saving time, 2:30. Havre de Grace 1 Mile. First Race — 4 1-2 Furlongs. Purse ,200. 2 year-olds. Maidens. Fillies. Track record : Rock Man, April 25, 1923— :33— 2-116. Today t Ind Horseandrostlos. Wt- Hee. A.Wt ilan 23790 Ros.ling, 3 HdJ 104 ■.57?osJ 113.. 730 23730 Jubilee, 10 115.. 725 237573 Royal Sadie, 7... 115.. 720 23723 Little E., I..BM 111 :5c1.. 115.. 715 23S71 Kall.l-cn B.,2Hd : 117 :55i 115.. 710 23844 Marion May, CHdG 110 :55;j 115.. 705 23730 Sun o Chen, 5... 115.. 700 23S53 Play Flower, 4... 115.. 095 23928 Smart Bat, 8 11 3. 090 23730 Elder Blossom, 11 115. 090 Ballroom Flirt, 1. 115 S:cond Race — 3-4 Mile. Fnrse ,200. 3 year-olds ami upv.ard. Claiming. Track record: Sarazen, April 21, 1925-1:11—4—129. 23818- Single Star, 4Bow 115 1:12% 4 115 735 23752s Aagiy Mood, 8 .. F.G 114 l:lo"., 3 113X730 £38993 Body Guard. 9 J.P 107 1:13% 8 112x725 20540 *St. Valentine, 3 . Mia 115 1:12 8 116. .720 23785- Alans Bay Mi. 1 Bow 115 1:12% 3 110X715 21233- Red Curl M. 2. Jam 107 1:1«% 4 107.. 710 23751 Stit.hes, 10 .Haw 10C 1:13% 3 111.. 705 20357 Social Jlii-. 0 4 117.. 700 23872 Prompter M. 7. BIS 110 1:14% 3 105. .695 21321 •Quandary M, 5. 4 112.. 090 23325 Pleasant Smiles. 11 HdG 113 1:14 4 117XC90 Third Rac:— 1 1-16 Miles. Purse ,200. 4 -year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record : Jock. Sept. 24, 1927— 1:44%— »— 112. 23873= King Carter, 15. Bow 114 1:43% 5 114. 735 23722 •l:onda.-6 ...Mia 107 1:47:;5 7 111X730 23877- The Roll Call, 1.. L.F 110 1:47% 9 112x725 23877= •F.ances Back, 2.. LF 109 1:40% 5 101 720 23904 Poor Bov, 8. .CD 110 1:48% 4 116. .715 2C85D •AtMMla, 5 ...UB 137 1:48% 6 104x710 23823 •HisMaBd Chief. 9 F.P 112 1:43% 5 109. 705 23873 Lochia. 11 ...Hav 112 1 :47 5 5 ]05..7Mi 23848 "Trifle. 13 Hav 114 1:47% 4 M8..3B3 23796 reallcht, 4 ...Lri 113 1:47% 4 104. .383 23313 •HMalso, 7 ..Bow Ml 1:43% 8 105x690 23843 •BoMcnet, 10 .Lri 118 1:47% 5 111. .690 23850 T.vp •■■ -in li r, 3 Kin 109 1:17 5 1134:885 23873 Sam Bjcltta, 12Bow 105 1:81% 7 133X889 23823 »■*!■—■■, 14 .Mia 107 1:52. -. 8 180x889 2392G Fornovo, 16.. Bow 110 1:98% 10 110- 189 23873 •Gaffney, 17 ..Mia 105 1:47% 6 103.. 683 Fourth Race — 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Greenwich Faroe. Purse ,500. 4 a ear -olds and upward. Allowances. Track record: Transmute, April 25, 1925—1:42 — 1 — 112. 23929 NEALON" KAY. 2 Ken 102 1:42% 4 107X745 23874 Willie K.. O..Ken 94 1:42% 4 110x735 23726 Nat Evens. 4 ..Bow 112 1:44% 5 110 730 20174= P.eau of the West. 5 F.E 106 1:42% 7 110. .725 23929 Verdi. 1 4 110. .720 23929 Flippant, 3. . .HdG 106 1:45% 4 110.. 715 Tifth Race— 1 1-16 Miles. Ninth Running Chesapeake Stakes. 0,000 Added. 3-.vear-olds. Allowances. Track re. ord: Jock, Sept. 24, 1927— 1:44%-3— 112. £3347 Knapsack. 17 ... 11CX7.50 23821 Peiee- Wrack, 1 .. 110 745 23902- Toro, 18 122 -.740 23764 J Typkua .13 122. . 735 :23875 Beaarcfari, 8 ... llf... 730 23902 Jack HUoriaa, 7.. 122-725 23902 Sortie, 15 122.. 719 23902 1 So.-.. r. 14 113.. 710 23753- Boka alula, 16 ... no. .705 238751 Cloudy, 10 114.. 705 23767= Baraias ;!ass, 5. 114 733 23792J BaatariM M, 6.. 113x788 23821 KcsoBoll, 2 113X889 23875 Spear Bock, 3 118X383 23902 Bageac S., 4 122. .383 21059 Vito. «J 122X888 23670 Siinnv Saint. 11.. 118X883 23902 Sun P.eaa, 12 114X333 Sixth Race — 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Purse ,200. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track rccata: Transmute, April 25. 1323—1:42—4—112. £3876 *Graai Bey. 3. Jam 111 1:44% 5 118X733 23901 Lactc Ann. 8. Bow 115 1:46 3 112X733 23S03 •Spanish Prin-e.ss,9 3 101.. 725 23876 •Slice, 7 6 115 720 23756 Alicia. -lie, 0.1MC 111 1:43% 5 108. .715 £3822 Deep s.a M, 5. 3 102. .710 23822 P.oi-ian. 1...BOW 112 1:48% 3 107 783 20618 Tie Maple, 2 4 108.. 700 23876 *TbcrCoa Joan, 4.. 4 110X7KI Seventh Race — 1 1-16 Miles. Purse ,200. 4-year-olds, aiid upward. Claiming. Track record : Joek. Sept. 24, 1927— 1:44%— 3-112. 23849- Maxie, 11 HdG 115 1:49 7 114 733 23796- Kos. iusko. 2.. HdG 114 l:54%sy 5 113X738 23926 *Ed Pendleton. 14.. C.F 108 1:43% 8 107:;:7_5 £3848= Firedog.-O J.P 111 1:48% 4 107.. 720 23849 Donna Mona. 1.. HdG 104 1:49 4 101.. 715 23848= "lawless. ]r,..lld ; 103 1 :43% 0 105.. 710 23876 Cllaatl Selh, 12. . HdG 112 1:47% 4 116®705 23S76 Row lands Be- aacot, 13. ..Bow 118 1:43% 8 118. .738 f23925 File Opal, 5.. F.G 109 1:50 4 138 489 23849 Jbby. 10 Hav 102 1 49% 4 188. .888 23710 l.annie. 15 F.E 111 1 :4S% 5 1.. 8M 23325 •Parma- -heni-e Belle, I7...lld ; 100 1 :50 f. 180 681 £3703 Sun Swept, S..C.P 107 1:40% 5 1M..883 23848 Ligel. 4 Mia 111 1:49 8 113X383 23930 Admirer. 6 F.G 105 1:52%h B 138X883 £3748 Ambition Ml. 7.. Aq:l 10751 :49%sy 4 10f 883 23E77 Dut.l. Girl, !sViii 10; 1:48% 6 135 333

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1928043001/drf1928043001_6_1
Local Identifier: drf1928043001_6_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800