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LEXINGTON TURF NOTEStl * ■ — d | LEXINGTON, Ky , June 18. Pick Wilson is arranging to leave here for Xew York next week-end with a carload of thoroughbreds. Sanford C. Lyne, who bred Doctor Fred, winner of three straight races, said that he has a yearling and a sacklfcag out of his dam Betty Hines. The yearling is by Negofol and a good one. while the suckling is a chestnut colt by Ohilhowee, "And," said the veteran master of Larehmont Stud, "the best individual I ever raised, and I do not believe I have ever seen his equal." Incidentally, the people hereabouts who have foals by Chilhowee. are proud to own them, and are praiseful of this fast race horse as a coming sire. Tliomas Piatt received a telegram this morning from Robert H. Shannon instruct- lag him to get ready for the sales at Sara-1 toga, the nine yearlings, principally by Sport- j ing Blood, owned by Bud Fisher, and a littlo! later he h::d a telegram from E. J. Tranter advising him that Fisher had consigned the yearlings to be sold. Piatt says they aro good looking, hardy individuals.