untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1929-05-27


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« * ! FOR FREE PHONE RESULTS | CALL WABASH 7007 i HINDUS SUPER CODE: WASHINGTON— Buffalo -Jewel-Mount -Launch -Flora. AND AL GERN SENDS UP A SPECIAI 00 FREE CODE: CHURCHILL — Dayton-Honor-Mount -Petard -Pinch. Under NO consideration fail to pet lmWW STRONG on this one today. LOOK! SATURDAYS ADV. XXX SPECIAL* Major Tom .76, Won Again we clean up on the sheet. TODAY ANOTHER XXX SPECIAl Preppcd to the minute and the 0. K. «nys — Go the Limit For this one, ask your newsdealer for the — DAILY MASTER CLOCKER FOE SALE AT ALL NEWSSTANDS. ISVBig Bargain Gfler~3HS Both Occasional and Sheet, sent one week, 4 Remit to MASTER CLOCKER 440 8. DEARBORN STREET CHICAGO. ILL, BILLY KELLYS CODE BOOK NO. 405 KELLYS CODE FOR MONDAY: BELMONT— F-13-16-55-9. SATURDAYS LAST-MINUTE SPECIAL: MAJOR TOM .75, Won SATURDAYS CODE HORSE: CROYDEN 31-20, Won A new book with new code published every Thursday. Price, one dollar. Sold by yonr dealer, or direct from William Burke Keily 25 EAST CONGRESS STREET CHICAGO, ILL. THE RISK TAKEN OtJT OF HORSE RACE INVESTMENTS POSITIVE FACTS of how my SYSTEM proved a winner during 1928. I will open your eyes by giving A STATEMENT, covering AVERAGE PRICK to-1 OF SELECTIONS, PER CENT OF ACTUAL WINNERS, HORSES SELECTED AT ODDS-ON PRICES, LONGEST AND NEXT LONGEST RUN FROM WINNER TO WINNER. If interested in THE TRUTH ADDRESS: GEORGE B. REAY 4137 Lindell Blvd. St. Louis, Mo. INFORMATION — on two real good things at Churchill Downs during the last week of the meeting. The first one, Tuesday, May 28, and the next, Thursday, May 30. I am handling large commissions on both and am confix dent that nothing but a serious accident eu prevent these two from galloping home in front at odda nearing the limit. Dont muff these two sensational releases. MY PROPOSITION Wire me winnings of a straight bet after job collect, via Western Union or Postal Telegraph. Those honest in their dealings will get many other winners in the future — pikers and welcliers need not answer. Rush your correct name and address at once to — CLOCKER A. COOPER 411 EAST 8TH STREET NEWPORT, KY, "The Secret of | TILL Beating the Races" IrpjTC 16-page booklet of real inside information by * retired turf speculator. No charge Simply mail this ad and your name ana address to J. K. WILLIS "jjandgj 18flaaye- IMPORTANT Read B. Hewitt and Sons Advertisement — Important CHURCHILL DOWNS WEDNESDAY, MAY 29 One of the best betting proj ositi ns of Louisvilto meeting going Wednesday, May 29. This horse is ready for the money, and those people seldom make mistakes when they bet. Terms winnings of a straight wager. Address* J. 3. CARROLL. 411 W. Broadway. Louisville. K*

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1929052701/drf1929052701_21_1
Local Identifier: drf1929052701_21_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800