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UPSET HAS TOP WEIGHT NKVV YORK, N. Y.. June 12.— Frank .1 Bryan, handicuppc-r for the Eastern Horse Club, under wbOM auspices a two-day meeting will be conducted at the Country Club, l.rookliiie, Mass., lu-xt Saturday and Monday, yesterday announced tbe weights for two of the outstanding events. Tliese are the Country Club Grand Annual Steeplechase. with ,000, lor four-year-olds and upward, about two and a half miles, and the National Hunt Cup Handicap Steeplechase for hunters, ?2,000, about three miles. Both events will be run on Monday. For the Grand Annual the top weight is i.aard Warrens Ipsal. His impost is IM pounds. August F. Goodwins Land Boy. winner of the Lilly Barton Steeplechase at Pimlico, is in with IM pounds, two less than .he l orvood Stables Lubipny. For the National Hunt up. Land Boy i top weight, under 170 pounds. John R. Ma-i ombeis Bridge is second in the list. w:t!i 1C6 pounds, while Regan McKlnneys Comical is in with ICO pounds.