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$ ENTRIES AND PAST PERFORMANCES WHEELING HALF ailLE TRACK FRIDAY, APRIL 25 . Weather conditions as forecast by United States Weather Bureau f and as at press time indicated: WEATHER CLOUDY; TRACK FAST Racing slarts at 2:30 p. in. Chicago time, 1:30 p. m. 1st Wheeling , . Fnrsc sonn . 3-year-olds ami upward. Claiming. , 5-8 Mile XOTE Claiming priee, 00. Starters that have not been plneed first, second or third at this meeting. 3-year-olds, 112 pounds; older, 11G pounds. Ind. rr. norse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.Ilan Ind. PP. Horse. Wt. Rcc A.Wt.n.m 40827 3 Amir S 110X725 4CSG2 2 Cano 9 11GXC90 46G15 9,rriie Runt 9 111720 1G014 CRegular Broom.. 4CG91 lCritic , .1111X71.-. . . .Hav 10S 1:03 3 102 X C90 4G8G1 4Maghery Tij 112 :o0 7 100.. 710 4C721 SWee Gentlemaii 4CSG3 5Tlie Angelus 10a..7O.j M 5 111.. COO 4GS94 7riay Tas 7 111X700 4G791 10Wliite Knee Bbg 103 1:01 3 107. .COO 4CS02 llSunday Clothes.. O 111X093 4C792 12Ic1r1i Celene .. 4 100.. C90 4G790 13 Dashaway 3 107.. 093 4GSC2 14 Suma A.D 112 1:02 3 107. . COO 4GSG3 loBlue Agate ... u 111..C93 Tlie past performances of the horses entered in this race, together with latest workout and racing record: Date. Crs. Dis.Time Tr. Odds Wt.St. i Str.Fin. Jockey rP.Sts. Best Company Class of Race, mlj. -I -f ? Br. g, 8, by Brown Prince II. Bound the World, by Lackford. I.ast work: 98 1-2... :59m XJLO Trainer, D. Franklin. Owner, D. Franklin. Apr.22-30Whe 2 1:17 ft 11 115 1 S S10 99i FatorE5 Milano 109,Breakaway97,ClajP5geon 117 C Ai.r.l8-305Who 21:19sy 4J 113 2 7 9 9J Hayll 0 KbertaL. 102,nlBells lOO.IhiDlta 108 C Apnl4-30:Wlie g l:01ft 10 111 11 9 S1! Si CongoreJ1 12 Vandioiilll.nylHellslOSJ.J.J.Bbrklll C ApnlO-30Whe 21:19 gd 6 109 1 2 O 44i GuerraJ1 10 AutnBlooinlll.TinickperlOS.Curvr 111 C WaE2S-30St.J 2 l:16y5sy 9-10 119 1 1 V ! ItoseM 11 SidD.OXeil 107,Vitalizell4.Frkr.akell2 C M26-30St.J 2 1:16 ft 17-5 118 4 2 li 2i SinithW 12 Havoc llS.ripestem lOS.MissScotia 103 C Mat24-30:St.J 2 l:16sl 23 118 2 3 23 3 GuerraJ 11 Talky 10G,ripestemll3,GottaGonow 101J C JIat21-30,1St.J 21:15ft 9 11G 2 2 2s 21 GuerraJ 12 Satisfy 101, Gotta Goriow lOl.Vitalize 111 C , Starts. 1st. 2nl. 3rd. Won. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-x Last year.. 8 1 0 2 5 473 This year.. 16 2 3 4 ,225 TIlC Rimt 1 1 1 Chl Br 9 by Meridian Queen of Paradise, by Eastings. Last work: 83 3-8 :43sv J- JL J. Trainer, G. F. Jenkins. Owner, G. F. Jenkins. Arr.l4-30WhG 61fl:22ft 23 104 9 9 S1 Ss2 RecdW10 10 KyColonel 108,MaIclinll2,BeauAsp:nll7 C Apr.lO-30JWho gl:03gd G- 117 10 11 11,1213 FowlcrD5 12 ObllquelOO.Buchon 117,Dod.Leighton 107 C Mat27-30:St.J l-ic l:50ft 40 107 1 2 45i 7,: ShcrryJ3 12 Derondall3,Wrackeenl07,FairJustice 102 C JUr.lS-30St.J 2 l,:lft 31 111 6 9 9si 913 GuerraJ5 9 ApostlelOO.WarNymphlOO.KyColonel 114 C Matl4-30:St.J 5J f l:107im 24-5 11C G G G 7" GrnwdC 12 SandyIIatchllG,Vinlinl03.AVarXymph Ho C , Starts. 1st. 2nl. 3rd. Won.. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd: Won. Last year.. 35 8 4 8 $ 6,150 This year. .12 0 2 0 $ 300 Critic 111 s 8 y Midway Sentimental, by Marathon. J- -L -L Trainer. H. C. Kumage. Owner. H. C. Humago. Ain-SOWho 1:01 hy 13 10S 7 7 V Is StranslciC3 9 TwoBillslll.Bdalbane lll.Vitalize 10JJ C rtb.21-00IHav 15U l:4G,sl 8 107 5 4 851 S10 StranskiC 10 Prig 112, Elmer II. 107, Frankman 107 C rrb.21-30!Hav 2 l:19hy 5 112 1 3 3 4 GuerraJ10 10 Mozart 107. Munning 107, Eugene S. 112 C FO-SOHav a lhy 31 107 7 6 GJ 3i AustinM1 7 Vandion 109, Brahman 114, Iloatzin 100 C Ftb.lO-30Hav 1 l:47sl 6 110 2 14 4J StranskiC 7 Annieltoon 93,LittlcScoutl07.FrkmanllO C Ttb. 9-20Hav 2 l:lS 2 110 2 6 31 3 StranskiC 8 Leuny 103,Clodomir II. llO.IJockdale 105 C , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. Last year.. 31 9 3 5 $ 6.9G5 This year.. 10 0 1 1 ? 220 Magliery . 1 CC. Ch m 7- Yoro IouBh Neagh, by Petrous. XJO Trainer, A. G. Tarn. Owner, A. G. Tarn. Arr.23-303Whe g l:00ft CC 101 5 G G1 Gi Renickjs 7 Dr.IIickman lll.I.enuy 101, noatzin 108 C llaclS-SOmav 51 f. 1:0714ft 4 102 5 5 5ci 7" LoganL 12 E.Lelim,nl07,BtI,lumel02.M.F.Ilate 107 C ra-SOHav 5ifl:0Sgd 4 103 5 1 lh 43i LoganL5 12 Era 110, May Bar 105, Not Guilty HOC rrtUO-SOIIav 51 f l:14hy 12 103 G G S,e S4 LoganL 8 EllaBankl05,Tidgeel02,BtyBowman 102 C Tib. 2-30:IIav 51fl:0S75ft 8 102 4 2 54 9J LoganL11 12 remrniall..Kanwham.TwoBills 112 C JinS-SOUIav 5i f l:0Sgd 5 103 a 3 il li LoganL" 11 SverWavelOO.rennsall.lOd.nchLassllS C Sep.lO-13Wer 6J f l:0Sft 9e 100 7:i WarrenR 7 SntMcsgerllS.FrtWortbllS.Cuevas 100 H Eeji C-297P.P l:014sl 9o 102 79 MerrickR 8 Slia.Itabbil08,S"nCarloslll.CspieSethll2 H , Starts. 1st. 2n.l. 3rd. Won.- . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. Last year.. 13 0 1 1 $ 290 This year.. C Tlie AllgeluS T ClCZ B. m, 5, by Harmonicon Garner, by Radium. Last work: IOC 3-8 :45m J-D Trainer, W. H. Schwartz. Owner, W. H. Schwartz. Apr--SOWhe 61fl:23ft 25 10S 4 G VI SSJ GuerraJ3 10 JibelOS, EdwardGrayllS, IteighShotlOSC Apr.l2-20Whe 2 l:17ft 30 111 10 9 910 9i OMalleyJ 10 Kalakaua HC.ElnAdair lOG.VeraC. 10G C M15-20;Hav 21:14ft 13 107 7 12 11B2112 MitchellM1 12 Twollills 107.WhiteKnee 97.SeaKale 112 C Mar!3-30IIav 51 f l:07ft S 107 2 3 4 3 MitchellM 12 MtDaisyl02.1,re,gativel07.II.Maiden 102 C Jfan 9-30UIav 2 1:1514ft 5 107 11 11 lls2 91 ColvinA 12 Treacle 95. Tid Bit 102. Mont Daisy 102 C Mac 3-303Ilav 2 1 :1534ft 5 100 S 9 7G 5,:i RileyG" 11 OhMe 105.RedDome 07,StrghtEight 105 C nL25-303IIav 51 f 1 :0S4,4gd 30 115 3 G 84J 9 JudyJ 12 Era 110. May Bar 105. Not Guilty 110 C Ftbil5-30llav 21:14 ft 30 108 5 7 lKl Csi JudyJ1 12 Shas.BcllelOS.Pcnueto 103,MichaelB. 113 C , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. Last year.. 12 1 1 3 $ 800 This year.. 12 0 0 1 $ 70 Play Tag 111 B B 7 by Donnacona Tag, by Contestor. Last work: 093-8 l:lCm -L J--L Trainer, C. W. Gebhard. Owner, J. C. Hertel. See yesterdays second Wheeling chart. Apr.22-30:WIic g 1:02 ft 40 112 1 3 C 71 ShaddyJ 12 Winsome 113, Doc K. 112, Chantry 112 C Ai14-30:Whe g l:014ft 9f 111 8 S 9"il0c2 FatorE13 12 Vandionlll,nylBellsl05J.J.J.Bbrklll C Ajcll-SOnVhe g l:0214fr 1G 112 5 4 7!Il214 KiniryF4 12 Paqucttc 105. Vitalize 100, Sureway 107 C Ben 6-29Whe ag :5Sm 10 111 Left at post.CollinsJD 7 TidBit lOG.LanipWard Hl.MaryG. 103 C e-p.-3-291Who a g :58 ft 27 110 7 FisherW 7 SamM,geI110.PocketMousQll7.MaryG.102 C Jun.l0-29Who a :5Sft 31 113 S1! RIceJ 0 Adorable 110, Jibe- 110. Middle Man 115 C , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-x Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won.- Last year.. 18 1 1.3 $ 480 This year.. 3 Sunday ClotllCS TIT B Et G by Sir Barton Madras Gingham, by Delhi. Last work: 1071-2 :38m i-J-JL Trainer, W. lutz. Owner, W. J. Palmer. Ai-.23-C0Wlie CI f 1:23 ft 38 IOC 5 7 711 71S DuhonS 7 TheDoctorlll.ArwlIklll.BoekQirn 111 C Arr.21-30lWhe 51:0114ft 23 112 4 11 11,0112 CollinsJD3 12 Bracdalbanc 112,P.latoou 112, Vitalize 112 O Ait.19-301W1io l:014grt 3G 10-1 7 7 5 5,;J DuhonS3 0 JohH.Ageelll.SiirfncclOO.neighShot 105 C Matl3-30;St.J 2 l:lGm. 20f 109 10 10 111S11;0 McDottT1 1 1 Dowager m.GaincswMllS.MsOnine 1 13 C Mac 5-303Mia 2 1:14 ft CO 110 8 9 10:10- McDottT 10 IIobcawllC.JackCrainllO.SunMcdler 111 C Mac 3-305Mia IJc l:47i4gd CO 109 1 5 C 5" HcDmtl. 9 Bayltuddy lll.Blanco 113,IIoneyfish 114 C Fth.2i-30Mia l:ol:43Z4ft 300 112 5 12 12:,12; McDintT11 12 Wliistler 114, Confidential 109,FireOn 119 C ; rttn-COIIa 21:12 ft 100 109 9 11 llMl33 GnbcrsS 11 I.ct:ilnnpll31..SptII.iriian 118,OurOvnlli C , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won , , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.. : -Last year. .25 . 4 -v2 . 1 $ 2,725. This year.. 13 DasllftWay 1 07 3 y Midway Thelma K., by Ogden. j Last work: 843-8...... :39ft J-vM Trainer, M. Beiser. Owner, W. F. Knebelkamp. Apr.21-30Whe S 1:0114ft 19 10G 5 7 SJ SJ GuerraJ11 12 Bracdalbanc 112,1latoon 112, Vitalize 112 O Apr.l7-C0Wlie Gl f l:27hy 3i 10G 3 7 710 61 CollinsJD 10 Milano lOSJ.NotGulty 101, Blazoner 305 O Apr-1403Wlio S 1:01 ft 12 111 8 9 S"! 9 GuerraJ1 32 Paquctte 100, Vinlin 108. Vladimir 100 O Apr. 9-30Who 2 1: hy 38 303 8 8 7 78i ColnsJDs U ShoityO.107,TetraG:assll2.MshlSethll2 C Mar.28-30"St.J 1" l:49sy 20 108 2 3 4J 5 TasscroJ3 8 Lakeland 114,Nelson 118,MissSootia 101 O Mac2G-303St.J 2 1 :l"i4f 1 49-10 313 5 2 21 21 CarrollW3 9 Nelson 118,IIuesman HS.FuI!Cloud 118 O Mar.20-30St.J 2 l:10ft 7 303 3 3 41 3i CarrollW 10 Alamae 103. Nihil 120, Finnatli 120 O 3Iacl2-30St.J 2 l:15ft 21 101 2 1 1 1 CarrollW1 11 Morpat 101,RoyaIBells9G.Doni:omano 10G C , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. Last year.. 1 This year.. 14 11 3 $ 800 BlllC Agate 111 Ct, , 5, by Tea Caddy Blue Green B3II0, by Great Heavens. Last work: 1095-8 " l:llhv ""---- Trainer. F. H. McDonald. Owner, M. E. Nelson. 4pc2.J-305Wlie Clfl:23ft 53 10S S 9 9"J 95 PregunJ 10 JibelOS, EdwardGrayllH, IJeighShotlOSG Apr.21-30lAVhe S l:01V4ft 13 137 9 9. 9Ti 975 TaylorW 12 Braedalbane 112,1latoon 112, Vitalize 112 O Apr.lO-303Who g l:03gd 18 112 8 8 S9 PregunJ1 12 ObllfinelOO.Buchon H7.Dod.Leigliton 107 O S-p.2S-29Akn 51 f 1.13ft 33-10 309 5"2 CarterT C ChtgCh,tsl20,,i,te 100 Tl 6ep.39-29Beu g 1:0314ft 52 111 73 TaylorW 10 JghAbbey 103,MallyS. HO.KinFolks 110 0 Angll-293Bbg 2 l:371hy 36 330 6 4 Ci GJ RoscM. 8 Arrogant 112, ElfriedaG. 101, Bolton 100 O , Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won.- , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.. Last year.. 13 1 3 1. $ 900 This year.. 3 CailO lift ch e 9 by 0raar Khayyam Bonnie Tess, by Star Shoot. Last work: 301 5-S 1:10ft J-J-U Trainer, J. Noel. Owner, Mrs. J. Noel. Apr.23-304Whe C f 1:23 ft 16 111 2 5 6 614 DouglasF1 7 TIieDoctorlll.ArwIIklll.BockQun 1110 AjmlO-SOnVhe ll:49 gd G 116 2 1 452 4 DouglasF1 S Besom 111, EasyMoney 111, FairJinie 11G O Apr.l3-303Whe CI f 1:23 ft 43 113 3 7 7i; 79i DouglasF3 10 VcraC. 107,IIoatzin 112,CaptnGilbcrtlOG O " Kaell-30JIIav 2.1:14 ft 10 108 C 9 7i 75J SniderA4 32 Mona 101. M.of Pearl lOl.StLaeruse 103 O Mac 2-30IIav 1" 1:4314ft 12 107 1 2 23 41 NasllE3 3 2 Gaineswd 107,MyWord 112,NonStop 107 O Ftb.3G-30,iIIav 1 l:14ft G 107 11 9 lOMOS LoganL10 11 UnnJckl07,BrdSaint HIl.StaGnde 102 O . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.. Last year. JlG 0 0 1 $ 75 This year.. 11 0 0 2 $ 140 Regular Broom 1 AO U. f, 3, by Golden Broom Regular, by Bryn Mawr. l.J Lu Trainer, W. W. Xoney. Ownsr. W. W. Xoney. Apcl4-30;Who g 1:01 ft 41 304 7 0 03 7 FutrellJ8 12 Paquctte IOC, Vinlin 108. Vladimir IOC O Arcll-303Who 1:0214ft 43 104 31 31 ll13!!11 FutrellJ13 12 Vandion lll.TIieo.Fay lOO.RoyalBells 99 O Moc27-30St.J 51fl:09Aft 19 93 7 4 43J 4! PasseroJ13 12 Col.Flon 113.1"lllevcre HS.Sylltch 113 O Mar.23-3y;St.J 51 f 1:0914ft 5J 93 2 2 23 33 PasscroJ S SulnTrail 113,IInyfishl08.NitExtral03 O Macl9-30St.J 51fl:10m G 103 3 4 33 24 PasseroJ 11 My Girl 113, Acquire 113, Sureway 108 C Macll-SOt-J 51fl:10in 4 102 3 3 C S"i CarrollW 12 Photograph 115,Maryetta 102, Weenie 10C O Starts. 1st. 2n1. 3rd. Won.-, . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. Last year.. 13 1 4 2 $ 1.G25 This year.. 8 0 1 2 $ 240 Wee Gentleman TIT Br. U, 5 M, by Black Rascal Fastfoot, by Orison. Last work: 10S 1-i... :2CTr.hy Trainer, H. N. Skaggs. Owner, Mrs. M. Hunter. Apr.lS-COWho gl:03sl 27 112 7 G 4 4 J LoganL3 8 King Pal 115, Lang 107, DocK. 112 0 Mac27-303J.P 51fl:0S14ft 37 331 10 10 S 3 7J QnbushG 31 WehOn Hl.FlaLevy lll.Chgljidy 109J O Matl3-30;J.P 2 l:14ft 11G 110 4 6 5 53 GrccnC1 12 Xel.BllotllO,KdWordsll3,BlkAlice 103 O rib.l4-30F.G lfg l:4S4ft 21f 102 31 11 31imi GreenC 12 B.Dartcrll2,C.Campus307.C.Ap,ej;ick 107 O Dc27-:9J.P 1,j 1:49 14ft 125 101 4 iri112:i CramerR 32 GrandmaG. 101.Doc 113.B"kdoIeMiss 99 0 Iki20-:93J.P 211314" 1C4 112 8 9 ll31 DellJ 12 Osslell. 114.CapfnJ.S.133.JolniSpeed 118 O , Starts. 1st. 2ud. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. Last year.. 2 This year.. 4 White Knee 1 07 Ch" S 3 by AtheIinS H. Wedgwood, by Ballot. " Iast work: 113 lm 1:30ft 4-" Trainer, R. Robertson. Owner, R. Robertson. Apr.21-305Who 1:01 ft 32 106" 11 11 12,31211 WatsonR 32Toltec lOC.RalBells 107,Al:cenerx 112 0 Apr.l7-30nvhc g 1:04 hy 43 101 7 7 P.up. WatsonR3 7 Sureway 111,1aquette lOG.DcConner 108 O Mar.lC-305IIav 2 l:14ft 4 102 8 3 3i 41 LongJ 8 Doncru W.WtrChf HC.SvcrWave 10G O Macl3-303IIav 2 3:34ft 10 97 G 5 2 2 LongJ14 12 TwoBills 107, SeaKale 112, Chantry 102 C Mac S-SOlav Elf 1:08 ft 30 112 G 5 71 9" LongW4 12 Poorllube 107,Athos lOl.SethsJewel 102 O Mac 2-303IIav 51 f 1:07 ft 13 101 2 7 C13 C13 LongJ1 . 7 Patsyll. 103,Col.Drage 10S.PoorR.ube 103 O Jn. 3-303Hav 5 l:llft 4 101 2 6 711 715 RileyG 8 WilIrain309,Clifton"sMaid 101,MaSun 114 O . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Von.- . This year.. 7 0 1 0 $ 150 Rcigll Celene " ff by Sunroigh Sobranje, by Polymelus. i J. U U Trainer, H.- Caplan. Owner, Mrs. 1. Caplan. Apr.2P303Whe gl:0074ft 33 106 9 9 9" 95 StranskiC 9 BucIionllC.BrightFlash 102,Tubcrose 100 O Apcig-SOnviio gl:014,gd 46 109 C G G9i 6s WstockF 9 John.Agcelll.SnrfacelOO.ReigliShot 105 O Mac l-303IIav 2 3:34ft 30 100 9 11 8s 1011 NashE3 12 NotGuilty lOo.Pequcto 100,Ueproduccl05 O FiU22-30IIav 5ifl:10V41iy 20 103 7 5 51 310 LoganL 8 PhiDelta307,GolJenM. 107,I.ewB!ack 112 O FtU20-303IIav 51 f l:lG14hy 20 102 5 4 4 4 BoucherJ 8 Ascot 107,Sca Kale 112.Wildrake 107 O rtb.39-301IIav 51 f l:llhy 12 103 4 7 C GJ RileyG3 8 EIIaBankl05,Tidgecl02,BtyBowman 102 O Jan.lS-303IIav 21:21 hy 20 99 7 6 7i 718 Boucher Ji 8 Acme 107,MadSkctch 112,T.Engineer 109 O JanlS-SOUIav 51 f 1:0714ft 20 112 10 10 WIO18 MeyerM 12 n,chLassll2,PhiDeltal07.B,yBowmnl07 O , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Last year.. 29 112 $ 1,000 This year.. 12 Suma 107 B f 3 by Sana Mo!e 0 Yucha San y Kwang-su. i -LU I Trainer, R. A. Forsha. Owner, R. Forsha. Apr.23-304Whe 61 f 1:23 ft 19 102 4 6 5 513 McLalinE4 7 TlieDoctorlll.ArwIIklll.RockQun 111 O Apr-SOsWho 2 l:lG7sft 13 106 6 4 5s 51 DuhonS 7 Sureway lll.Tomboy lOa.DocConner 110 O Ftb.l0-30F.G 2 3:34ft 0 110 33 32 12,310;2 AyraudR8 12 Ignite 110, Asgo 113. Thistle John 113 O Jan.21-G0F.G lfg l:53m 94f 106 5 10J1133 SwIgertT3 32 IIeartachell3,Qirrquill 108,RobaSethl03 O DecnOJ.P 2 l:14gd 105 101 3 10 11"1311 CooperR 3112 nahwayliO.KgChkeelOl.M-rngBmslOG O DecnO.P 21:15V4gd 65 106 9 7 S Sl LandoltC 11 CurtnCall lOl.MsRatnseylOS.PortsurllO O Nocl3-I93A.D El:0274gd 132 112 21! LeylandJ G:MgcrSothlOS.DixieDIinsll2.Ltiewdl08 O " Noc31-293A.D 5 f 1:14 hy 113 4 5 513 513 LeylandJ 3 LinonidrllC.ExcsBggt-UC.TtoIfkllC A , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Wen.-, . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Last year.. 15 1 1 0 5 825 This year.. 4 2nd Wheeling . . Pnrse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. CJaiminfj. i- r ni 5-8 Mile XOTK Claiming prico, ?700. Starters that hare not heen placed first, second or third at this nice ting-. 3-yearolds, 112 pounds; older, 11C pounds. Ind. PP. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt flan Ind. FP. norse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.Ilan. 4G722 2 Ferry of Fate... 5 110X725 4GS93 0Gay BrocckM 3 302..U95 4CS25 l.VNa.varit . 111X720 4CS24 7 Sewing Hour... 4 111. .095 S3 4 Pheasant 7 11CX715 4G794 S Fair LegiouKyP 113 1:04 5 HQ.. COS 4CS24 30Sweet Tidings 4CS2G 1 Green Tie 3 107XC90 ..Der 107 1:00 3 102.. 710 41720 3Agnos WynnM 4 lOOXCOO 40792 33 Max Brick. 9 110X705 4C74S 9 Iristados ..?... :i 107XC90 4GS91 34Toanna 5 HlX70u 4GS25 llOmen M..... 3 107. . 090 . 4GS91 5Saratoga 5 111..C95 4C733J 12 Rivanna 5 11CXC90 The past performances of the horses entered in this race, together with latest workout and racing, record : Date. Crs. Dis.Time Tr. Odds Wt.St. Str.Fin. Jockey PP.Sts. Best Company Class of Race. Ferry Of Fate 1 1 S B 6 by Kllsship Final Shot, by Watercress. X i U Trainer, O. E. Pons. Owner, Seagram Stable. Apr.lS-30Who 2 l:17sl 33 331 6 4 7J3 S14 Hayl-I 9 Checkniatell3, PlezalllOO, noatzinllC O Apr.l2-C0:Wlie g l:02ft 32 334 30 30 30H30T2 Hayll" 30 Buchonlll.BrdlbnelOO.A.B.BnsgrlH C" Jn.20-30;Mia li 1:51 ft 25 113 4 5 301 11 McGinnlsP 12 YrPlaylOG.ArchitectlOS.JgeCaverly 133 C Jan. S-305Pom 3 3:3Sft 9-5 133 4 3 3 4" IMcGinsP1 C Bozo 108. Toanna 113, ItoiConfidence 103 C Jan. 7-30Pom 51 f l:07ft 27-10 113 2 3 li l3 McGinsP3 a Dunworkin 103, Tariff 100, Vinlin 93 O Jan. 4-303Pom 2 l:lCy3ft 2 335 2 1 21 23 McGinnisP3 8 Toanna 309,MulligansSonll3,Oblige 104 O , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. Last year.. 13 2 2 1 1.820 This year.. 6 1 1 0 S 435 Navaiit 111 B B 9 by Disguise Sis Martin, by Sir Martin. ! 1-i 1 Trainer. J. Switcher. Owner, J. Switcher. Apr.22-C0Whe S 1:02 ft 39 112 2 3 3? 42 EernierE1 12 Winsome 113, Doc K. 112, Chantry 112 C ApclS-SOWnie 2 l:177isl C6 3 09 3 9 913 911 DuhonS 9 Checkmatell3, PlezalllOO, HoatzinllC O Apr.l4-303Who g l:0H4ft 34 1071 2 10 30:2 9"! DuhonS1 12 Vandionlll,UylBellsl031,J.J.Bbr,klll G Apr.l2-30Wlio g 1:0114ft 27 311 5 8 S13 911 ScaboG9 10 Dr.IIIckmnlW.TimekprlOG.Ligurianlll C Apr.lO-003Who g l:03gd 31f 109 4 5 5 5i GrnbergS3 12 ObliquelOO.Btichon 117.Dod.I.eighton 107 O Mac2S 303St.J 2 1:17 sy 12f 107 3 3 21! 23 GrnbergS1,0 12 Acquirel05.Handiworker OS.Iipestcm 114 O Mac26-30;St.J 2 1:36 ft 50 312 2 1 4i 5 ReedWG1 12 Havoc 118. Amir 118. ripestem 108 C , Starts. 3st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Last year.. 25 0 1 2 S 155 This year.. 16 0 1 1 $ 150 Lhcasant 1 1 X B- 7 by Vindex The Lost Bird, by Ciseau. Last work: S3 3-8 :42hy J-O Trainer, J. G. Dcmarjst. Owner, J. G. Demarest. Mac23-303J.P 2 l:13Sd 14 115 8 30 309i3013 GarrityP3 12 A.ICanalellO,FlagLieuttll5.nndUpll3 O Jan.lO-30F.G 1J 1:55 ft 1G 309 4 8 31lill33 HornG 12 Vole 114, Turquoise 114. Genial 114 O Dl30-29J.P 1and 1:49 ft 22-5 108 10 7 7 73J DeperiniR "12 Gst of HnorlOS.MksBbylOS.PeepO.HS O 320-29 I50 1:4614ft 1? 10S 1 4 41 63 RusselUC 312 GriegolOS,Boy.BobllO,K.-Me-Gnome 111 O 0cU7-293F.P 2 l:13ft 6 309 11 9 SJ Sl HornF "12 KgsprtlOl.PoIygmiallO.ScotrdGirl 10G O , Starts. 1st. 2nl. 3rd. Won. . -Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Last year.. 13 2 0 3 $ 1.800 This year.. 2 Sweet TidillgS 1 f0 Cn- 3 y Messenger Garden Rose, by Colin. Last work: 1013-8 :43ft Trainer, J. H. Munson. Owner, C. Davis. Apr.22-C01Whe g l:01ft Gl 10C 2 3 43 531 DuWrviiiS1 11 DeL-gtonllO,Ormogirlll2,Chrlble .107 C Apr.21-303Whe g 1:01 ft 13f 104 32 12 ll11!!9! DuhonS13 32 Toltec lOC.RalBells 107,AI:celIers 312 0 Apr.lU03Whe g 1:01, ft 4G 103 5 7 7 G1! WatsonR3 32 raquette 100. Vinlin 108. Vladimir 100 O Mac C-30:Mia 2 1 :1314ft 40 104 4 C 6 S13 DaintyF3 S Wingo 114,Billie N. .101. Royal Casta 114 O FUU2-303Mia 2 l:13ft 3C0 305 10 10 lOMO10 DupuyM4 32 BveIvnitl03,UIueCanpyll0.i:olgSeall3 C Jan.33-30!Mla 51fl:0Sgd 50 310 10 11 llilOJ RemlardP1 12 Jar 115. The Moon 110. Teaspoon 105 O Oct.31-293Aur 2 1:1914m 30 103 6 4 911 9 WilsonLA 12 Title Oak 11G. Cabildo 110. Leadgold 108 O OcL2S-293Aur 2 l:14gd 14 104 1 2 l1 lJ WilsonLA 12 Bunyora 105, Tariff 112. Swiftway 107 C , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Wqn. Last year. .24 1 4 2 $ 1,375 This year.. 6 MilX Brick 1 1 Chl S, 9. by Sir Martin May Alley, by Star Shoot. Last work: 108 3-S... :42liy J-O Trainer, J. E. Lewis. Owner, J. M. Murphy. Aic21-303Wlio g l:007ift 35 111 S S Si S CollinsJD3 O P.iiehonllG,BriglitFIash 102,Tuberosc 100 C Aiigl9-295B.G 1 l:39ft 11-10 116 1" TunstclIJ 7 GoldenTop lll.JohnJ.Jr. 33G.Atador 11G O Ai33-29L.C.F 3:01ft 2i 116 l1 NapIerL 7 ClieatgChfsllG.Dicknell Hl.SutSr.sll6 O Jua25-29,Lat 2 1 :lCsl 20 116 1 5 5s 5" PascmaA 1 8 Master 105, Efeldee 103. Dark Angel 111 O Jun. 19-29 La t l-ff 1:49 gd 24 109 8 7 5 585 SmocUF Ml BrtoThderl00.AdaAdrl07.Col.Gmorcll4 O Jan.l7-29Lat V l:4Shy 13 115 6 7 71 G13 KernW 7 Kcspond 110. Turn Over 115. Soiree 105 O JunlSLat 1 1:47,. si 13 ,113 6 1 l3 1 KernW 3 8 Latch Key 97. Chiz 102. Never Bust 113 0 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-S Last year.. 21 3 1 4 ? 1.CS5 This year.. 1 , " - . . TOilllim 111 Ch s 6 by Trap Keck Joanna n., by John o Gaunt. J- Trainer, C. Jones. Ownor, C. Jones. See yesterdays second Wheeling chart. ApclG-30JWhe GJfl:23m 44 UC 4 9 S3101: BuckleyR 10 Sirif Current OO.FhiDelta lOS.Jibe 108 C Apr.32-305Who 1-,s l:51ft 7 113 1 2 G3 73 BucklcyR5 8 StcenSixty 105,11kTrnp llO.Wrfld 110 C Apr.lO-SOWho 1i1:50bc1 8 113 2 4 5 5J WimmcrM1 7 ScyPolIy 111, Ly Viola lOC.Elraerll. IOC C Jtae21-303St.J 3 l:lGsl S US G S Gi 51 BrownO 11 1alky 10G. Pipestem 113. Amir 118 C K21-S0St.J 31:15ft 8 116 G G 3i 2 BrownO 32 PaulRevore llG.Ruthie 103. Vladimir I0G C MlS-30fSt.J l,j 1:51 ft 7 US 4 3 VI 6" BrownO 12 RedRobo 110,RnRougcl30.S.a.Stripes333 C Kacl4-30TSt.J 11:47 m 10 111 6 4 2 2 GucrraJ 8 Celidon lll.Stars a.SiripcslllJIavoc 11G C . Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Last year.. 20 1 2 4 $ 1,435 This year. .11 1 3 0 $ G55 Saratoga 1 1 1 Ch. 5- y Polymelian Armine II., by Louvois. J- JL JL Trainer, II. T. Palmer. Owner, H. T. Palmer. See yesterdays second Wheeling chart. Apr.21-30Whe g l:01ft 42 112 11 G 0s 63 BernierE 12 Ilraedalbane 112,1latoon 112. Vitalize 112 C Apr.lG-303Whe g 1:03 m 43 110 0 S 81 710 BcrnierK 10 Thelmar.. lOS.Vinlin 107.FranccsE. 107 C Mac2S-30,!St,J 5fl:09sy 3if 117 8 S 10 10 CritchtdC 32 Dowager 130. WarXymph 13G.MyOirl 111 t Mac2G-30cSt.J ij lilavift 27f 114 12 12 12"1210 Critchf ldC 12 TrappyllLSargaMaje 109,MissOnine 109 C M20-SOSt.J 2 l:lGft 33-10 113 7 6 GH 7" McCoyJ" 8 MissOnine 107. Vera C.105.IIoneyfish 112 C Macl7-30"St.J 31:13 ft 52f. 11G 11 0 7" S McCoyJ3 12 Jack Crain 113. Voyage 10S. Mote 111 C JI13-30St.J 2 l:14ft 23 11G S 8 7 7 SmitUVv 9 SaratogaMajelll,Motcl31,Graceland 111 C , Starts. 1st, 2ud. 3rd. Won.-, . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. Last year.. 9 This year. .15 1 0 0 S 750 GllT Broeck I AQ B. f, 3 M, by Gay Ronald Minerva, by Ambassador IV. JL U tL Trainer. W. M. Shsedy. Owner,. Mrs. W. M. Sheedy. Sec yesterdays first Wheeling chart. Apr.lO-30Wlie S l:04gd ISf 101 4 2 GJ G ScaboG" 32 Lucky Drift 107. Sunolin 101. Lang 90 C Apr. 9-30Whe g l:05hy41-10f 101 5 4 u1 S10 SeaboG9 32 StniryDawn 105.TheImaL. lOS.Vinlin 109 t MaelS-SOUIav 3 1 :15iandft 5 102 6 G 10 1010 LoganL 12 Doncru 100. WeltliaAnn 99. Jeannine 93 t Mac 4-30IIav 5J f l:03ft G 112 8 7 7 7i PasseroJ 11 AffecttelOC.NtyXgbty 112.Treacle 10G C Feh.2S-30IIav 5i f l:0Sft 5 112 9 8 V 813 PasseroJ1 12 MshFirelOG.NlyNghtylOO.SsJewI 112 C l-cl.2G-30:lIav 5Af1:09andgd 4 05 3 2 21 2J PasseroJ" 12 LibrarianlOS.BcrnadBeelOO. Cacique 107 C , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. . Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. Last year.. 1 " This year..lC 0 2 1 $ 370 Sewing Hoilt 111 B f 4 by Iucky Hur Watch Your Stitch, D7 Star Shoot. Trainer, R. Scully. Cwner, H. Wandcri. Last work: 111 1-1 :2Cft - -- - Ai-.22-:0Whe" l:0lft 19 107 10 8 9Ji 9G2 CoHlnsJD 1 1 DeLg"tonl30.Ormogirlll2,ChrIble 107 C Apr.l7-30-Vhe g 1:01 hy 47 309 S 9 9" 9 FlyhnJ" 9 rwuBillslll.Bdalbanc 111, Vitalize 101J C Mac20-C0St.J 3 l:lGft 51 115 S 6 10" 10" Dainty F1 30 Alamae 103. Nihil 120. Dr.shaway 105 C MaclO-30St.J 3 l:15ft 32f 113 10 12 ll"U ColIinsJD" 12 XineDllarsllS.Xeverinre 113.IIavoe 117 C rib.l9-30Mia 3 l:12ft 50 107 12 12 12123 MeGinisP 12 Tinllat 114. MyDella 100. I.emuos 114 C IVb. 3-30Mia 3 l:12y5ft 50 107 9 12 12"412"9 GnwcodC 12 PgnLdiell2.SptU:arhanll4.SignOrf 114 t Mac 4-298Mia l"l:45ft 12 97 4 8 10"10" S Hebrt 10 Supersedell3.Geniai 113.AdtnsApple 100 t r.2G-29"aia 3 l:llft 7 106 1 3 4 4J T Mally 8 Essie 103,GreyMarch 308.LewP.lack 120 t , : Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, . Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Last year.. 8 1 1 1 $ 975 This year.. 6 Fair LegiOtl "I l ? B. s, 5, by Fair Gain Laura, by Woolsthorpe. Last work: 10G 5-8 1:07m -L JL U Trainer, P. Pcll3ttieri. Owner, R. Sabbatino. Ac.21-30-Vhe Ci f 1:23 ft 22 115 8 G 7;1 Sl LongW 30 MaJKkch lll.Plozall ICO ReighShot 107 C Ait.IS-30WIio 2 l:17sl 24 113 5 G 5 G LongW 9 ClieckmatellS. llezalllOO, HoatzinllG C M15-303IIav 3 l:13It R 118 G S 8;I 8i LongW 30 JnyAgeellS.StylishM.ickllS.VanUion 113 l Mac 8-301 lav 2 l:Hift 8 .112 8 G 8i S LongW 9 Crittal107.ScotlandGirl 102,ShortyO. HOC Mac 4-30-IIav 21:14 ft G 113 2 1 1 15 LongW5 12 SshMkllS.Cdldzcr 133.J..I. IVmck 113 c Mac l-SOIav 1 1:15 ft 6 113 1 3 853 8" LongW 11 UronChief 108. WashnRoscOO.Ondora 103 C , Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Wen.-, . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. Last year.. 16 1 2 1 $ 875 This year.. U 2 0 0 ,500 GleCIl Tie 107 f 3 by Transmute Dy Spanish Princa II. Ist work: 109-1-2 :33hy Trainer, J. Miller. Cwnir, J. Miller. A!22-30Whe- 2 l:16ft 51 103 2 7 711 715 GuerraJ 7 Sureway lll,Tomboy 103 Dot-Conner 110 C Mael3-303ILav 51 t 1:0S ft 15 108 3 6 V SJ ConsorcJ 30 Smithiil07.Al LivstoulOl.ClitKlIaid 102 C Mac B-SOllav 5i f l:07itt 10 110 8 f. GJ 72 ComgorcJ0 11 StarryUnlOo.KairDawn 105.Smithcrs HO C Mac 3-30IIav 2 1:15 ft 8 108 i 11 llit23i ComgorcJ19 12 GreDustlOG.ClifsLasslOl.SilrWave 107 t1 FdxSS-SOIIav 5J f l:WSl 15 307 10 10 10fs10" CongorcJ 11 IocConrl07,Swt Yvettel07.N"yNh!y 99 C ri-b.21-30Hav 5Jf l:14liy G 107 3 4 4?. GS CongoreJ 30 LtKunal07.Clif CsLassI03.Strr.vDawn:02 t I-Ux 7-30IIav 5j"f 1:1201 3J 104 2 2 2- 2 ColvinA1 7 Tomboy 102, FairDawu 108, Rattle 107 C , Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. Last year.. 2 This year. .14 1 1 0 5 900 AgllCS Wyilll 1 rtfi "y Meridian Orphan Agnes, by Mediator. JLUO Trainer, O. Tuggle. Owner, 0. Tugslo. Apr.lS-30;Who 0 1:02tSs1 57 107 3 C 5J 5J DernlcrE 8 Ligurian 117,Su:ioiin 107,AIicenerx 132 C Apcl4-30Wlio 5 l:01ft 9f 101 12 11 lls311c2 Bcrniorli 12 Vaiidioiilll.IfyIUellslOoJ.j.J.nbrklll C Macl3-30IIav 55f i:07ft 20 102 5 7 Cl6 NashE 12 jrtDaisyl02.I,regativel07.T.Angprs 107 C Macll-SOIlav 3 1:14 ft 30 93 11 8 9 9 NashE 12 ilona 301.SI.of Tearl 101. StLacruse 10.5 C Mac 5-30;IIav 3 1:15 ft 12 105 10 G 7s 7J XashE 12 May Bar 103,SeaKale 115.Lew Black 110 t r : Staits. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. " Last year.-. 24 0 0 2 S 275 . This year., 14 0 0 1 $ 70 IristildoS 1 Cn B f 3 17 Lantados Iris T., by Seth. J-U I Trainer, T. OShea. Owner, T. OShsa. Arcl9-29Wh9 l:02Sel 19f 108 10 10il0 TaylorW 11 WesternlightlOS.ThelmaL.lOG.Vitilin IOC C eep.l2-29Der Q l:03ft 3 107 a1 TryonA 7 Alight 112.CorrineD.100,Impertinent 112 C BlO-29Del S l:054sy 7 111 3 TryonA 7 Vestry 103, Alight 110. Etnely Aiken 107 A JuL29-295iI.B 51 f l:09gd : 30 111 5J TryonA il Dark Simon 114, Mortrue 111, lley 104 A 55l:07Vft lGt 111 il LbngW 12 Treacle 101. Cavel IOC. Enticement 101 A , : Starts. 3st. 2nd. 3rd Won., , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won Last year. .11 1 0 4 5 980 This year.. 1 Olll Cll "1 07 B e 3 M y 0rm?ndale Sand ls1ti y Rock Sand. Last work: 111 3-S :40ft J-V I Trainer, R. Dollaway. Owner, G. W. Dollaway. A.r.22-30Whe 5.1:02. ft 29 109 9 11 lli.lO LoganL 32 Winsome 333. Doc K. 312, Chantry 112 C ApclS-SOWhe g l:03si. 19 ,107 4 4 5 52 GpodrichE 8 King Pal 113, Lang: 107, DocK. 132 C. Aprll-30Wlio g 1:01 ft 43 305 S 8 S,s 9" LoganL lO.Dr.IIickn 110ISurewaylO7,LyI.eBandlOl C Ai-r.lO-30sWie g l:03gd Hi 105 11 10 10"10s BenoitA 12 QbliauelOO.Buchon 117,Iod.Leighton 107 C , Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. This year.. 4 Itivtinim "lift s y Meridian Dinah Do, by Burgomaster. llO Trainer, R. Crawford. Owner. R. Crawford. Ajtl9-C0iWhc 1 1:49 gd . 18 116 .3 7 7 7s SanfordP 8 Besom lll.EasiyMoney lll.FairJmie 310 C Ail7-30Whe GA.f i:27hy 33 314 2 10 Pall.up.SanfordP 30 Milano 3bS,XotGu;lty lOI.Blazpner 103 C Apcli?-30nVlie 65 f. .1:23 ft 22 114 9 10 10s10 PtsmoroW 10 VeraC. 107.Hoatzin 112,CapfnGilbertl0G C Oct 4-29Hag alxe 2:04 by 95. 117 6 SanfordP 8 Samlcliff 113., MissSanrt 309. Ijinoll 117 C Oct l-29Hag 1 l:5Sm 8 11G 1? SanfordC 7 Vernonlll.Cf-a-bvrellC.WhiteNosellG C Bep. 5-29Whe a 3 ?57ft 29-10 118 1 BrownN LittleKlcra 112. Teal 1151 winkleStar 1 li C. Bep. 3-29:Whe a J :.rg ft 9-5 115 BrownN 9 Brown Rock 107.Basha 12.IIoleCard Via C Bep. 2-295Whe ag :57f t 23-3 116 6 BrovinN 8 GiiLocksll.-.l.Mcqoud 112,C.Cirtersll3 C . r . St.irts. lxt, 2nd, 3rd. Won.-. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. Last year.. 11 2 0 1? 550 This year.. 3 3rd Wheeling Purse . 3-vear-oIds and upward. Cla.ming. ?A Mile XOTH Claiming price, ,000. Xor.-winiiers at this mseliii? v.lilcli have not won tiro races this year. 3-year-olds, 111 pounds; older, 117 pcunls. Starters at this meeting "on-Winiiers tills year allowed. 5 pounds. ind. TP. norse. Wt. Rec A.Wt.Han. Ind. PP. Ilorse Wt. Rec A.Wt.Ilan. 40823 7FIaherty ..Dbg 112 1:14 G 107X723 40824 ::Domiiievr . .Mia 108 1 :Uys 4 10iXi90. 4G327 9 Fred ParkerDev 101 1:13 r 112.. 720 -4G891 C Itroadiuoor .Tij 108 1:12 G 117 X COO 4GSG35 2Edward Gray.. 10 132X71.1 40G93 S Loui.i Ruhen- 40394 lPlezail .J.P 101 1:34 3 101. .710 stein. ... .Hav 110 1 :14 8 112Gfi0 4G8003 32l!oyal BellsSt.J 90 1:10 3 101. .703 1GG53 lOMim Millar. ..LP 103 1:34 3 301X0 4G 13 Rock Queenllav 101 1:13 4 107.. 700 .40791 11 Ellen AdairBIig 101 1:14 4 107..CJoJ ! 4G823 4 Chantry ...IlavlOG 1:13 4 107. .093 40891 13Cho:r Invisible. 1 j 4CS25 r..Sunolin MBbg 102 1:14 4 102..G95 .Mia 105 1:14 4 102..GC0 40S93 14 Lang M 3 101.. C95 : i The past performances of the horses entered in this race, together with latest workout i and racing record: Date. Crs. Dis.Time Tr. Odds Wt.St. Str.Ein. Jockey I P.Sts. Best Company Class of Race Flllierlv 107 " y Boniface Blaze o Gold, by St. Floriaz. Last work: 109 1-2 :54hy --V I Trainer. 0. Viau. Owner. 0. Viau. Ai22-30;Wlie Q 1:02 ft" 33 312 10 9 75 GJ FutrellJ 32 AVinsomc 313, Doc K. 112, Chantry 112 C Apc21-30IWho 1" l:4Sft 1S-5 109 10 7 7:i Si FutrellJ5 31 Misnomer 114,EImerIL 109,LongJoe 109 C Apr.lG-30Whe G?. f 1 :26m 7 10S 7 5 41 31 FutrellJ1 10 ClayPigcon 118,Sunolin 303,Milano 108J C Af-.15-303Whe CI " f 1:23 ft 31 113 10 4 41 4i BuckleyR10 10 VcraCl 107,IIoatzin 112,CapfnGilbertl00 C Apr.l2-303Whe 3 1:17 ft 30 11G 3 3 Zl 3 Buclvleyli3 30 ClayPignllGReigliSbotlll.LowerFivellC t Ape 9-3QWhe 3-1:22 hy 31 112 9 G 6J Gs BuckleyR9 9 ShoityO.107,TetraGlassll2.MshlSetbll2 C Mac23-30:J.P 2 1:1G sd39-10 115 12 11 S" 51 QnbushG 12 TigersFlowcrs 113.GoldBet 113.0mniall5 C Macl9-305J.P 1V 2:01hy 5 111 7 2 2" 52 LeylandJ 12 LtleMitiistrlll.GndmaG.lOl.Cnblt 111 C Staits. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Yon. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. Last year. .11 1 3 3 5 1.125 This year.. 10 0 0 2 $ 100 Fred Parker 11 Blk" s 5 ty Balot Adele by Burgomaster. r-ist vork- 99 3-S :4Cm Trainer, O. E. Pons. Owner. Seagram Stable. Apc-SOWiio " 1.17 ft 43 107 9 G C5 GJ ReedW 9Milano 309,15rcakaway97,ClayPigeon 117 C MaIn-20,!St.J o.1. 3:09 ft 4G 117 10 10 ll51!!51 McGinnisP 12 WarX,phll7,P"b!esLastl22,Jtal"perl03 C FtJ 4 "0:Mia 0 f l CGft 20 115 10 11 12l,121G HcGinisP11 32 Boganllo.Corskan HC.SaratogaMajellO C 3x2 gOPom S1:Ku 21-10 .107 2 3 2 31 McGinisP 4 Wfyll4,AngryMd lOG.CkeesRidge 100 C twIS 291vP " 2 lWvft 8l5 112 5 3- 4 10U McGinnisJ 12 IlobcawllO. CorinneStarllS, Nondaga 10S C nlTl ri 1 l"49isl 5 112 7 2 3 3J AbelA . k 9 Torrence 109. Reform 112. FairGold 104 C l?l-46ft 13 116 1 G- AbelA 8 Kingbird 103.Pcllegrino llG.Meander 10S C rw 0C""" it fT r- StnrisAst. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. t Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won -. - Last year.. 9 1 0 1 5 1.050 Tins year.. 4 0 0 1 $ -0 . . , v, 1 1 O Blk. S. 10, by Von Tromp Bonsetta, by Masetto. Edward uraj ; JLJLZ Trainer, J. G. Demarest. Owner, J. G. Demarest. 10 Jibe 108. Reigh Shot 10S, Surface 30S C 4 FatorE jC-wandV C FvXvYt 313 7 2 li 21 TT-tr H Zllwit 1aternal llfi.PMobdle 112,PtOC:r 108 C 4 110 2 9 P. up. GarrltyP . nShf lo I 10 ElfricdaG.lOG.Nihil lOG.IIeathcrWine 301 C i-49 ft 311 7 S 9o 9 GarrityP 2C"w? A ClBoss.lOLPeO.lOSl.HvJgn Qun .102 C ft 7i 3- 5J 51 GarrityP .12 149 ESUS? lY 3 1 " 7 i 1 I U A GarrityP. U S.y Polly lOG.Theo. Red ll l.Jim Bell 109 C . i : Startsi 1st. Sml.lrd. Won.-J . v-L:Marts.MSt.--2rfdV3rd. -Won.W Last yearr.ll 3 3 2 5 3.050 This ; year.. 0 0 1 0 S 100 ! 1 j : i . Plezall 1 A1 B f a by Sweep On Fairmond, by Farimaa. . -K1! Last work: 81 3-8 :41sy J-VJL Trainer, G. F. Jenkins. Owner, G. F. Jenkint. .tSd See yesterdays second AVheeling chart. pr.21-30Wlo G. fl:23 ft 3 100 2 1 1 2" GoodrichE 10 MadSkchlll,RghShotl07,ComnGoldllS Apr.lS-30Who "3 1:17sl 13-3 100 1 1 l1 2h GoodricliE 9 Chcckmalcll3,HoalzinllG,MadSkctch 113 Apr.l5-305Who GJfl:2l ft 11-5 103 3 2 2H 4i FatcrK 10 ItolcrtaL.99,Fill D. 108,ArrowIIawlc 103 4 Apr.ll-303Wlio 2 l:lSft 2J 10G 4 5 Gs G"l DyerJ 7 irdlwkrlOG.J.MillerlOO.CapnGilbrtlOD M2G-30:J.P 3 l:llift GS 101 4 G 7s 9" MeysME3 12 Sunviewll3,RingTruell3,ThistlcJcan 101 C Macll-30J.P 3 1:13 gd 1G-5 109 5 1 1 l"k KnightM 12 Star 113, Miss Pat 108, ncad Pin 114 C FtMS-SOMi.G S l:13ft 11 101 G 7 GJ 3s HanronlB4 11 Dominal09,MothcrsChcl05,MaePrice 109 . Starls. 1st, 2nd. Srd. Won.-. . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. Last year. . 5 This year. . 9 1 2 0 5 825 Rojal Dells "1 1 Gr- f 3 by Royal Canopy Bow Eclls, by Knight of the Thistle. Last work: 8S 1-2. ..... :."tm L V JL, Trainer, J. J.-Maroney. Owner, Blue Belle Park Stable. Apr.23-30!Vlio g l:01ft 9-5 103 2 3 23i 33 GueiraJ 7 Toltcc HO.StarryDawu 105,Vladimir 103 0 APr.21-30:Who g 1:01 ft S-3 107 2 2 3Ji 2- FatorE 12 Toitec lOCAlicellerx 112,Urdmoor 112 C AprlS-305Who 3 l:lsy 7 100 3 1 1" 2i CooperR 9 RbcrtaL. 102,PhiDelta lOS.RkQn 113 C Apr.3S-30Who S l:02m 33-10 1005 1 4 41 41 WimcrM3 0 Tlieo.FayllO.J.J.l!ambrickll5,Lenny 307 C Apc34-305Wlio g l:0Mft 30 103i 4 1 2i 2 AViinmerM 12 Vandioiilll,.LJ.i:ambricklll, Platoon 10G Apr.ll-303Who S l:02ft 15 93 1 2 2l Z- CooperR1 32 Vnndionlll.Tlieo.FaylOO.Dr.IIickmanlll C Mac29-30St.J 31:17 si 5 102 5 1 1 3 5 PasseroJ5 9 BIar.oncrllC.XightExtral05,SalMahdi 113 t Mac27-30St.J 51 f 1:09 ft 10 101 G 4 5 5 DaintyF 12 SrcwylOl.RdioSvice lOG.EnRute HOC . Starts. 1st, 2ud. 3rd. Won.- . Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won.- Last year.. 3 . .. This year. .13 1 3 3 $ 915 Roclc QuCCIl 107 Ch- f 4 by S:a Ilock -ueen Wolf, by Whipsnade. JL U 1 Trainer. R. Crawford Owner, R. Crawford. Apr.23-33Whe GJ r 1:23 ft 23-10 311 3 2 2J 3 SanfordP8 7 TheIoctorlll.Ar,wIIklll,JohnJ..Tr. Ill AprlS-SOHVlie 2 l:19vi-sy 33 113 7 5 3-i 4-1 SanfordP3 9 RbcrtaL. 102,RTBclls lOO.PhiDlta 303 C 3 l:luft G 10G 7 5 53 413 OMalleyJ 8 I.asfall4,Timekprll4,.lnWilliamlLlll C Mic2j-:9Kyl1 1,1:31 gd 4 DG 4 2 23 3 Carusoll 7 SpanishPrince lOG.Miraele lll.Solo 11C Mac21-29ICjP 1,e l:52gd 5 95 4 4 4!i 33 CarusoM 1 7 Waffles HO.Infanta 105,MarnPayue 100 Mac 7-29 Mia 1" l:!3ft 13 94 2 5 3J 1J 11 Caro UO Bclleau 108.Cl.Amour lOS.UnnJaek 103 Feti25-293Mia 1" l:lGft 20 111 10 9 lO-ilO1"! S Stretn 12 NonStop 107.CIVAmour 107, Webster 112 leii.20-29!Mia 1" 1:47 ft 20 110 2 2 21 31 S Stretn 2 7 Original 111. Webster 114. Guarany 105 . Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won , . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won . Last year.. 8 1 0 3 5 925 This year.. 3 0 0 1 5 50 Cliailtry 1 07 Ch f 4 by Bud Lorner Vesper Hour, by Star Shoot. LastAvorfc: 103 1-2 :.r3hy v I Trainer. J. M. Reed. Owner, J. M. Reed. A.r.2:-30Whe gl:02 ft G 112 5 2 2" 31 GuerraJ13 12 Winsome 313, Doc K. 112. Xnyarit 112 C Apr.21-30Whe g l:01ft 3C 107 S S 71 i3 Dupontll 12 Bracdalbane H2.Platoou 112, Vitalize 112 C Apr.l2-C0Who 3 l:17ft 8 ICS 7 G Gi 53i ReedW5 10 Kalakaua llG,F.PnAdair lOO.VeraC. ICG C MaclG-SOIIav 3 l:14ft G 10S 3 4 G52 S5! SeaboG 30 MtDaisy 103.3fk.Vgatc 313,Salut n 118 C Macl3-303IIav 3 l:llft 6 102 8 S Gs 43J XasliE3 32 Twoltills 107.WhilcKnoe 97,SeaKale 3 12 C Marll-SOUIav 3 1:11 ft 2 107 4 5 5 Gi CongoreJ3 12 Mona lOl.M.of Pearl 101, Stl.acritse 103 C Fcb.21-30IIav 3 l:15sl 31 109 3 8 9" 95i CongoreJ3 9 I.assa 117. Fifia 107. CliftousMaid 102 C , Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won.. . Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won.. Last year.. G 0 2 0 $ 225 This year.. 13 0 2 3 $ 4D0 SUROlIn 1 AO Ch. t. 4 M, by Sunferencc Linolin. by Requital. J-ViJ Trainer. H. C. Runiage. Owner. H. C. Rumage. Apr.22-30:Whe gl:02 ft 4 107 11 S S"J S StranskiC" 12 Winsome 113, Doc K. 112. Chantry 112 C Apr.-.g-SOWiie CJ f 1:24 f?l S 108 4 3 2" 31 StranskiC1 7 CnCoId lll.AVIIawk Hl, C Ai-.lS-30:Whe g l:02sl 21 107 2 C 33i 2 StranskiC" S Ligurian 117.AlieiHorx 132 En Route 112 C Apr.lG-SOWho Gifr.23m 0 103- 1 2 2 21 ColnsJD 30 ClayPign HS.FIahorly 303.MiIano 1031 C Apr.l2-303Who 3 1:17 ft 12 10G Left at post.StranskiC10 30 CIayPigeo;illi Riigh.S:iotll1.F:aliPrtyllO C Ai-lO-SOnVho g l:04gd 19f 101 2 4 3 21 StranskiC1 12 Luck.vDrift 107.1.ang 99.RohortaL. 103 O Macl2-30IIav 3 l:15ft 20 103 4 4 53 5 StranskiC 10 Tentb-iULrnO.Domin-rlG7.MiehaelR. 107 C Mac 3-30IIav 3 l:14ft SO 105 11 $ 7 7s StranskiC3 11 PlatoonllO.Futurolin.MsFashuPlatelOo C , Starls. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won. . : Starts. 3st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Last year.. 10 0 0 2 5 214 This year.. 18 0 4 1 5 500 Lail- - A-j Ch. f. 3 M. by My Play Toucanet, by Vulcain. -i-U-L Trainer. -.V. S. Wishard. 0wn8r, S. Ross. See yesterdays first. Wheeling chart. Apc21-30Whe g l:01ft 3f 103 10 30 30!102 CoopcrR 12 Ilraedalbane 112.Platoon 112.Vita!ize 112 C Apr. 13-30 Whe g l:D3sl 8-5 107 2 2 2i 22 FatorE3 8 KiiigPatll5.1oeIC.112,WeeGentIoman 112 C Apr.l4-303Who g 1:01 ft ISf 99 9 8 9"3tls CoganC" 12 Paqiictte 103. Vinlin 108, Vladimir 103 C Apr.lO-30Who g l:04gcl " 6" 99 5 3 2 331 CoganC9 12 LuckyDrift 107.Suuolin 30J.Rob-rtaL.103 C Oct 4-29 Lrl oifl:r-Ssi 57 115 9 6 9,3115 MrglerJC 11 Oonagh 115, Ann C. 115. The Kid Via Jl Sep.2G-293IldG 55 fl:07ft 4S 107 3 5 6J 7,s SteffenE 8 MMKissll4.IIyI.ocustlll.Disting-slil071 A - Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.. Starts. 3st, 2nd. 3rd. Won.- Last year.. 4 This year.. 4 0 1 1 5 150 Domineer 1 07 S 4,- by Dominant Rusbwater, by. Tho- Commoner. ,,. . -L-.U I Trainer, R. Robertson Cwnor, -R.. Robertron. A-.22-C0Who gl:0tft G-u 112 fi 4 632 7i GoodichE 11 IiL"g"to!illt,rmbgirJ112,tIirIbIe 307 C Apcl7-30Vhe Gi f l:27hy 32 105 3 1 li 2 WatsonRi 30 Jat kl p 310 Priccman 1!5 Snutker 305, 0 ; Apr.ll-30Who g l:0f ft C4 .106 4 G C-l G .WatspnR5 30 DtIIifkn ll.Siireray;o:.I.yLci;andlof 6 Apell-SOWlie g l:02ft 19 10G S S G3J AVatsqnU3 12 IMquett? IOi. Viia"f TO !. fki ew y 107 C Apr.l0-305nie g l:03sd 43" 109 9 9 9" 9 WatsonH 12 Oir.:iuel09 B;:r! o:i. 117 Do l.Lcigiitoii 307 C Macl4-30IIav 5Jfl:0Sft 5 107 4 9 10:iI052 SeaboG1 12 .rniyiitiiiH2.Sa utr. .on I :M:"arankl07 O- Macl2-303IIav 3 l:15ft 8-5 107 7 2 3J 23 LoganL3 10 Te!i.b,Jd:.ri:0.MichaclB,107.P.Sniiks 118 0 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.. . Star.s. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won . Last year. . 17 4 4 4 ? 2.84C This year. .12 0 2 0 ? 250 Broadmoor 1 1 7 B "ff. 6. by Paicines Blind Beauty, by Helmet. JL JL I Trainer. J. G. Angner. Owner, J, G. Angner. See yesterdays second AVheeling chart. " Apr.2l-303Wlio - g. 1:01 ft 33f 312.9 5 4. 4i DewainSr 12 Toitec lOn.RalBells lOT.AHcellerx 112 C ,Vprll-303Who g l:02ft lt-Sf 115 10 10 lOUlOi LongW 32 Vandiou lil.TlKo.F:iy 1 09. U..;.nl Bells 99 C MclG-303Hav 31:15 ft 2S 113 2 G 6;I G LongJ4 12 KicLlimnl 13.Thio.F.vll3.I."s;hgc 113 C jraclO-3C3Hav 3 l:llft 8 115 4 8 53 31 JIozerR 10 FairDawu 93.r.rk.g IO.Theo. Fay 113 C Mac S303Hav 3 l:14ft 12 117 1 4. 431 41 MozerR3 8 IlcatKiti lll.Chtster 11 1.TIm: krep?r 114 C- Feh.l9-305Hav 5 f l:llhy G 115 7 8 llMt" MozerR" 11 Cuevasl ro.lii.thirf 110 O-Tbll-303Hav 3 l:16gd G 112 5 0 GJi Si NashE1 12 Hoatzin llOPJet imilesl I2.fol Vlon 1 12 O Feb. 3-303Hav 3 l:12ft 10 107 6 4 9ill MozerR 32 Ilbinalonp 112.IfbI.ass 107.S:i:if:iyt 107 O Jan.29-S0UIav 5 f l:0SVSft 3 112 1113 1V MozerRi 12 MVWordll3.rorcrvv-d 1 12.F.Ilam;:t"nl07 C . Starts. 1st. 2nd. .3rd. Won.. , -Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd... Won..- Last year. .30 4 7 3 5 2.9C5 This year.. 12 1 0 1 5 S20 Louis Rnbcnsteia 119 Er- B- 8- by DeIhi Pittl- "y Plaudit. - XX La Trainer. A. G. Tarn. Owner. A. G. Tarn. Apr.?7-30Whe G?, f l-.27hy 9 ltii S 4 41 7i ColvinA 10 Milano 108.X9Stt Uy 301.BIazon!r 305 C Apci;"-30nVho 3 1:17 ft 28 ill 9 S Sl S i ColvihA 30 ClaylisronllO Reir:liS:iotll1,F:aIiertyllU C Apr 9-S03Whe G?. " f 1:2S hy 5 303 5 4 5s 5 ColvinA 30 Ch kmtcllLPa ni l 11!5,KyColonel 100 C KictG-30Ilav 3 l:14ft 15 113 4 5 fJ 53J LoganL 10 MtDaisy lOS.irkAgate 113,Saiufn 118 C MaclO-SOSHav 31:lirt 12 110 9 9 7J 7s LoganL 30 Fairlawn95.i:rk.gatell0 I!roadmoorll5 C Mac G-30IIav 3 1:13 Kft 15 112 7 5 SI13 LoganL" 12 Mad Sketch 117. Sun Dnre 112. Era 112 C itig-SOHav 5J f 1:14 hy 8 110 11 11 9s S10 LoganL" 31 05. Blk Agate l.O.J.J.IbrkllO O Feb.l7-303Hav 3 l:19m 10 103 5 5 5 51 LoganL4 - 9 Wega 105. VaiuKon 111. JoanShirley OS C . St.irts. IsL 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. , Starts 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.. Last year.. 15 0 3 3 $ 605 This year. .15 1 1 0 5 900 Jim Miller 101 Clu B 3 by Bunnymede Lady Burrows. By Sir Martin. JLUJL T.-ainer, J. R. Carloik. Owner. H. W. Millsr. Apr.lG-30Whe g l:02m S 113 3 5 5" 5" GoodichE3 i Tiieo.FiiyllO.J..l.B:nii:r:ckU5 Lenny 107 C Apr.ll-303Whe 3 l:lSft 5 109 1 2 IS 2J GoodichE0 7 irdiwkrlOG.CapnGilotlOJ.F-frJlk 10S C Mac 5-303Hav 5i f l:077sft 20 110 11 11 1111 ColvinA" 11 Sta-Tyl nl05.F.i.rD:iwn 105.Sm!thi rs 110 C Feb. 7-303IIav 5A f l:13m 8 107 6 G G G6i GoodiicliE G ComnerDcel02.St.lawnl02.n.Co:iner 111 C Feb. S-SOIIav 3 l:lGft 12 107 8 8 8" Ss GoodichE 8 Ormonita 1C0.C ton"sMdl07.Smithers 10S C .Jan-l-OOIIav 3 l:15ft 15 312 5 7 101 10 IlartlyL 10 MmgPineslO!5.I!r kawvllO.CIifsMdl02 C Jan.l2-303IIav 2 lrllTiBti 10 103 G 2 42 G;l GoodchE 6 ClifsLasslOO.WasirnRose !l7.Willr-n 103 C Jan.ll-305IIav 55fl:07gl 10 100 G G 8" S13 GoodrichE 11 Belascoain 103. Owl 115. Chester 115 C. . Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won . . Starts. 1st. 2nd. Srd. Won.- Last year. .IS 2 4 2 $ 1,039 This year.. 8 0 1 0 S 100 Ellen Atlair 1 07 B" 4 by High Noon Spindale, by Horron. IU 1 Trainer. J. D. Stevens. Owner. J. D. Stevens. Apr.21-303Whe g 1:01 ft 45 107 S 9 99J 9 LoganL 12 Toltcc lOO.Ralltells 107.Al:ceIIerx 312 C Apcig-SCWhe C f l:23?sd,. S-3 103 2 3 21 2 LoganL1 - 7 Theo.Fny 111. Blazoner 111, Fill D. Ill C Apr.lI-COWhe 3 l:17ft 1G 106 2 4 3i 2ut BoucherJ3 30 Kalakaua 31i.VcraC. lOG.Nottrity 100 O JIacl2-303Ilav 3 1:11 ft 6 101 4 7 S"3 811 BoucherJ1 8 Sh.taBellelOO.CliarbnolKiS.Ik.vDrift 100 C Tib.23-303Hav 3 l:lGsl 12 109 8 G 35 23 AVstockF1 31 R,chLissl07.Eiii-hatic 108..thBrzcl07 C FiUll-30IIav 3 l:135ft 2 101 2 3 4s GI BryantD 9 Tinu-kp?rllO.LastCIigel00.SunlanceIll C . Starts. 1st. 2nd. Srd. ttVn. . starts. 1st. 2nd. Srd Win . Last year.. 10 1 0 1 $ 800 This year.. 9 1 3 0 $ iio6 CllOir Invisible 1 OP B 4" y Harmonicon Unseen, by Sankee. Last work:101 3-8 :40ft J-V i Trainer, "W. F. Lutz. Owner, Mrs. D. Hicks. See yesterdays tecond Wheeling charr. Apr-COWha g l:01rt 53 107 5 1 2l 33 DuhonS" 11 DeLgtor.llO.Ormogirll 12.P.!azoner 112 C Apr.l4-303Whe g l:01ft M 109 3 7 7 7S1 McDottT 12 Vandionlll.RylllcllslOj l.J.J.Bbrklll C Jjn.lO-30Pom 5. f 1:0S ft 71 103 5 6 G10 G35 McDmtT1 G Apopka 10S. Bieook 93, Jamie 117 C Jia. 7-30sPom 31:15 ft 71 301 7 7 7 73 McDmtT1 7 Salta 111. Deviner 111. Apopka 101 C Oct 7-293Itav gl:02 ft 82 105 FishcrW 8 Copper 112.I.ittIeKid 103.M:ulSketch 103 C Sep.l7-29Beu 5?. f 1:14 hy 170 94 fil McDottT 9 EriirsBridel03.Dr.ChIipl07 T.Anglus 99 C Sep. G-:9:Beu 5S f 1:15 hy 11 1011 WallaceJ 10 Belascn lOO.J.J.BbrkllO.DareDevil 103 C , Starts. 1st, 2nd. Srd. Won. , , Starts. 1st. 2ml. Srd. Won. Last year.. 13 , r. - , -, ? : This year.. 4 0 0 1 $ 50 4th Wheeling" , ., Purse ?f00. nnn 3-year-oltls and upward. ClaiininEf. Mile . . ! 1 iOTK Claiminir priee, SSOO. Xon-wInniTs of two racp at this meeting. 3-year-olds 112 pounds; older. -116 pounds. Von-vInners at this meoliiig allowed 3 pounds- since Slarclr 1, 5 potinds. . : Ind. PP. norse. Wt. Rec. .A.Wt.Han. , Ind. PP. Ilorse. Wt. Rec A Wt II in 408W3 lfStarry Dawn 40894 ypiatoon 4 103 005 Emp 105 1:02 . 3 102X 725 4G119 SBilIy March.... T 101 GOO 408G3 14Mibc 8 111X720 40SG0 4Vladimir ..Was 109 1:02 u 3 1 0X090 4GS27 GTwp Bills....... 4 111X715 " 4G.895 10Swift Current... s 10 090 40825 2 A. . Jtenslnser ... . , C1UX710 . 40803, 12Surface n 4 IOogH 40824 lDodie I.elghton. . .4 100. ,703 ..40803 13 il. Johnson M , 7 40720 30 Ligurian Ey ...7 110. .700, . I.bguio 1:02 3 307.. fi!K 40701 SMtrightj Pluin. ...V , i J 5 10LXG95 40SOO 15Captain Ciibert"; 3 102X0W .4G825., 7 Winsome ...... "? 7 111. .095 40894- 17 Vitalize ..7... .4 "v .. " " . c4 101 vl.ojv COO 1 40792 S Vinlin .Sar 108 l:CO .3 101X095 The past performances of the horses entered in this race, together with latest workout and racing record: Date. Crs. Dis.Time Tr. Odds Wt.St. Str.FIn. Jockey PF.Sts. Best Company Class of Race. Starry Dawn I AO Ch. f, 3, by Star Master Nancy F., by Sweep. JLUj Trainer, M. Katz. Owner, F. Maicrs. Apr.23-303Who g l:01ift 41 103 1 2 2i 21 LoganL3 7 Toltec 110, IloyalBells 103, Vladimir 103 C Apr.l9-303Who g l:02Vgd 41 106 2 3 43i 54 LoganL3 11 WestcrnlightlOS.ThclmaL.lOG.Vinlin 10G 0 Apr.l7-30Whe g 1:04 hy 31 107 5 5 Gl Gs BenoitA 1 Sureway lll.Paquettc 10G,DcConner 108 C Apr. 9-30Whe gl:05hy 47-10 103 1 3 l1 ll BenoitA1 12 ThclmaL. 108, Vinlin lOO.WelthaAnnlOOl C Mael2-304Hav 2 l:l3ft 10 101 4 3 4 Cl WallN 8 CnclDgelJ2,BcauAspinllG,JIyWsorll3 C 11m 9-303IIav 2 1:14 It 6 109 2 10 10"10; MitchellM 10 DocConrl09,CnpnGilbtl07,ClisLss 102 C , Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won Last year. .14 10 4 ,100 This year.. 14 3 2 1 $ 2,270- Jibe 1 "1 1 B g by spur QuiP by 0ut of Reach- Last work: SO 3-8 :42ft Trainer, H. T. Palmer. Owner. H. T. Palmer. Apr.23-305Whe G fl:23ft 33-10 ICS 10 4 21 11 BernicrE5 10 EdwdGrayllS.KcighShot lOS.SnrfacelOS C Apr.21-305Whe Gi f 1:23 ft 1G, 107 10 10 982 71 BcrneirE4 10 JIadSkch lll.Flezall lOO.ReighShot 107 C Apr.lG-303Whe Cfi:25m 2G10S 7 3 43i 33 BernicrE 10 Swif tCurt99,PhiDeltal0S,A.I..Bsgrll3 C Ajr.l2-30Who g l:01Vandft 30 109 9 7 G8 Gcl BoucherJ 10 Dr.IIickmnlll,TimekprlOG,Ligurianll4 C Mar.2S-303St.J 5 1:17 sy 12f 114 1 5 5:1 53i BouchcrJ3 12 Acquire 103,Nnyarit 107,nandi worker 9S.C . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. Last year.. 32 6 9 4 $ 3,200 This year.. 18 1 2 1 75 TatO Bills 111 B s 4 by Faul Weidcl Nylorac, by Frizzle. Last work: 1001-2 :5Ggd J-J-J- Trainer, J. D. Stevens. Owner, J. D. Stevens. Apr.22-30nVho 31:17 ft 10.112 G 7 7T1 7ci LoganL O Jlilano 109,15reakaway97,ClayPigeon 117 C Apr.l7-30:WIie g 1:01 liy 10 111 4 2 11 ll LoganL4 O Bradbanclll.VitalizelOil.SmJlden 103 O Apr.l2-30Wlio g 1:0114ft 7 109 .7 5 5ei 5!1 LoganL3 10 Dr.IIickmnll4,TimckprlOG,Ligurianll 1 C JlarlS-SOlav 3 l:llft 3 107 4 2 l1 lh BouchcrJ 12 WhitcKnee 97,SeaKale 112,Cliantry 102 C Manll-30IIav $ l:W,itt 4 103 3 2 21 3 BouchcrJ1 11 Lew Black 103, Doncru 03, Futuro 108 C . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.. . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. Last year.. 24 4 2 1 $ 2,850 This year. .13 2 0 3 ,385 A. B. BcilSlngcr 111 Ch e b by Upsst Wedding Slipper, by Pataud. J- J- J- Trainer, W. Holmes. Owner, W. Holmes. " Apr.22-30Wlio g 1:02 ft 4 117 7 7 flc211 PasseroJ3 12 Winsome 113, Doc K. 112, Chantry 112 C AiT.lG-30Whc GJfl:25iim 31 113 2 4 31 41 VvimerM 10 SwiftCurrcnt 99,1hiDeltn lOS.Jibc 108 C Apr.l2-303Whe g l:02ft 13 111 G 4 42 31 WlmcrM3 10 Kuchonlil.BraedMbnclOO.BritPlumclOG C Apr. 9-303Whe 0 l:03hy 22 101 7 7 S Sci IloltS" 12 Au,nl,l;:ilanankl0G,J..T.B,brkll2 C Jan.rS-30Mia 2 l:124ft 20 113 10 11 12S 91 KsingcrC11 12 Graceland 10S. VcraC. 103. Lcmnos 111 C Jul. 2-29Lat 2 l:16hy 9 115 6 3 35 3s CrumpW 8 L lcColI 113,G.McClnl09,KublaiKlianllO C , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. Last year.. 4 0 0 3 $ 318 This year.. 5 O 0 1 $ 50 Dotlic Lelglltoil 1 O B 4 y Crewer Landy Leighton, by Wormleighton. Last work: 99 3-8 :44m J-VU Trainer. J. H. Davis. Owner, J. H. Davis. Apr.22-C0Wh3 g l:01ft 19-10 110 4 2 ll 1 ColvinA 11 Ormogirlll2,ChrInvisiblcl07,Blazer 112 C Aprl7-303Who gl:0t liy 33 10S i 41 51 FatorE3 9 TwoBillslll.Bdalbanc lll.Vitalize 101J C Apr. 12-30 Who gl:02ft 13 101 2 3 32 52 BouchcrJ3 10 Buchonlll.Brd lbnclOO.A.B.Bnsgrlll C Apr.l0-30nviio gl:03gd 15 107 2 3 33 352 BouchcrJ1 12 ObliquelOD, Buchon 117,Bgbtlliiinel 10G C Dean-SOJ.P 2 l:HEd 125 103 8 9 11"111 HanfordB "12 Zurichlli.King atArmslll.LuckySwplOG C . Starts. 1st: 2nd. 3rd. Won., . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. Last year.. 12 2 0 0 $ 1,400 This year.. 4 1 0 1 $ 475 Iiigliriail 1 1 C s Honey Eee -Diavolezza, by Hobert le Diable. JL X O Trainer, It. Crawford. Owner, J. McNair. AiT.lS-30Whe g l:02sl 3 117 1 2 2" ll SanfordP1 S Simolin 107,AliceIIerx 112,KnRoutc 112 C .Apt-SOWlio S.l:01ft 22 114 4 3 331 3 PsmoreW4 10 Dr.lIickmanllJ.TimekprlOG.JyFinnlll C . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. This year.. 2 1 0 1 $ 475 Bright Plume 101 m by Colonel Vennie Orlo, by Orby. JLUJL Trainer, A. G. Tarn. Owner, A. G. Tarn Apr.;i-30:Whe g 1:01 ft 24 107 10 G G51 G52 ColvinA 12 Toltec lOG.UallleHs 107,AlieeIIcrs 112 C Arcl7-30:"Vho g 1:04 hy 13 11112 5 C Gl ColvinA 9 TwoBillslll.Bdalbano lll.Vitalize 101 C Apr.l2-30;Whe g l:02ft 30 10G 7 5 55 4i ColvinA1 10 Buclionlll.HrdlbnelOO.A.B.Bnsgrlll C Apr.lO-30sWlo g l:03gd 61 10G 5 4 4 41 ColvinA" 12 OblinuelOO.Buclion 117,Dod.Leigliton 107 C Matl5-30:Hav gl:14ft 5 102 3 1 31 72 LoganL.1 12 TwoBills 107,WbiteKnee 97,SeaKale 112 C - Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. Last year.? 9 1 1 0 $ 375 This year.. 9 0 2 0 $ 300 "Winsome 111 Cl1, m 7 by Spur Pert ty eDWs -I- -L -L Trainer. J. Gorga. Owner, J. Gorga. Apr.22-30:Wlie gl:02 ft Sf 113 4 1 lh BarrWT 12 Doc K. 112, Chantry 112, Xayarit 112 C Apr.21-30Who g 1:01 ft 13f 112 6 4 5 52 BarrW" 12 Toltec lOG.ItalBells 107,Al:ceHerx 112 C Apr.lC-30WTlie 1:03 m 1G 110 5 4 7J S" BarrW1 10 ThclmaL. lOS.Vinlin 107,FrancesE. 107 C Arr.l4-301Who g 1:01 ft 30 114 5 4 D"l 3ci BarrW3 10 Dr.IIickn llG,Surewayl07,L,yLeBandl01 C Ep.l3-29Del g l:02gd 4 113 GJ BardalesJ 7 Goelahdl03,Calabria 107,LadyChiIton 313 C . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. . ; Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. Last year.. 22 3 4 2 $ 1,800 This year.. 4 1 0 0 $ 425 Yinlin j A Ch. f, 3, by Dunlin Divine, by Trap Hock. J-VTC Trainer, E. Pons. Owner, S. Most. Apr.21-303Wlie gl:00ft 16 1QG 1 3 55 7s DouglasF1 9 HuchonllGIrightFlash 102,Tuberose 109 C Apr.l9-30:"Wlio gl:02Hgl SI 10G 4 2 3 35i HayH 11 Wternlightl0S,TirinaL.10G,Sureway 11C C Apr.lG-30:VvTHe 1:03, m S-5 107 1 1 21 2i HayH1 10 TlielmaL.103,FranccsEll07,MalSkchll7 . C AptU-SOWho. g 1:01 ft 41 108 2 1 lnt 22 IlayH1 12 Paquette 10G, Vladimir 10G, Jlilano 111 C Apr. 9-30Whe g l:03hy41-10f 109 4 1 31 3s Hayll" 12 SfryDanl03,TlilmaL.108,WthAAnnl00 C M22-30St.J 21:17 sy 17-5 105 1 1 21 3 McGinisP 8 GracelL, lll.Nevermore 120,Donnaco 10G C , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. Last year.. 8 1 0 0 $ 950 This year.. 15 0 4 5 40 PlatOOIl TOR Br C 4 by Westy HBan Mary Lee. by Marta Santa, Last work: 10G 1-4 :23m -L"0 Trainer, H. C. Rumage. Owner, H. C. Eumage. See yesterdays second Wheeling chart. Ai.23-S03Whe g l:00ft G 10S 4 4 5 432 StranskiC8 7 Dr.Hickinan lll.Lcnny 101, Hoatzin 108 C Apr.21-30lWhe g l:01ft 21-5 112 3 3 3 2 StranskiE 12 Braedalhanell2,Vjtalizell2, Vladimir 111 C Apr.l4-30;W7he g l:01ft 13 10G G 2 31 4s LoganL1 12 Vandionlll.RylBellslOjl.J.J.Bbrklll C Apr. 9-30:Whe g l:03hy!2-5f 111 12 10 lClOl StranskiC10 12 AunBlnilOO.ElIaBanklOGl.J.J.Bbrklia C Mttl4-30Hav f l:07ft 8-5 112 10 7 9" S10 LoganL 11 SunDncell2,Thco.Fayll2,LastChargell2 C r-- Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. Last year.. 8 111 $ 1,300 This year. ,10 12 0 ,000 Billic March 101 m 5 y Hecluse Bonnie Valeat, by Valeat. J J A. Trainer, J; D. Mikel. Owner, W. Mikel Sc. Son. Mar.l4-30Hav 51fl:0Sft 2 107 6 4 51 61 GoodichE 12 J,myFinnll2,Salutation 113,EllaBankl07 C JIaclO-303Hav 5 l:144ft 21 10G 2 3 4 G1 ColvinA3 10 FairDawn95,BlkAgatellO,Broadmoorll5 C Jan.29-303Hav 5J f l:07ft 4 103 2 2 21 21 ColvinA3 12 Cuevas 112,PdyFlaherty llo.Baium 110 C 3kn.23-30,Hav 5J f l:0Sgd 3 110 7 4 351 431 ColvinA 11 SverAVavel00,PennsalI.103,IfchLassll5 C. Jan.lO-30IIav 2 l:13ft G 101 3 3 3i 4 ColvinA S Malcolm 114,SlandGirl 104. Cuevas 110 C Jn. 7-30Hav 5J f 1:10 si 2 10S 3 2 21 ColvinA8 9 Amen-P,all8,Vandion llo.T.EngineerllS C , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. Last year. .6 2 1 1 $ COO This year. . 7 1 2 0 $ 1,050 "Vladimir 109 B 3 by stefan Tlie Great Espoir Dore, by St. Amant. Last work: 108 1-4... :2Ghy J-U Trainer, G. F. Jenkins. Owner, G. F. Jenkins. Af.23-30;Wne g l:0Uandft 16 103 G 5 4 4" McLalinE 7 Toltec HO.Starry Dawn 103, BIBells 105 C Apr.21-30Whe g l:01ft 12 111 7 4 43 43i FatorE13 12 Braedalbanc 112,Platoon 112, Vitalize 112 C. Apr.n-SOWhe gl:04 hy 13 109 6 6 51 41 FatorE4 7 Sureway lll.Faquette lOG.DcConner 108 C Apr.l4-303Wlio g 1:01 ft 13 106 4 4 31 35i GoodichE1 12 Paquette 10C, Vinlin 108, Jlilano 111 C Apr. 9-30Whe 0 l:0oliy 1G 109 12 10 S9 713 FowlerD5 12 StarryDawn 103,ThelmaL. lOS.Vinlin 109 C , : Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won. . Starts. l3t, 2nd. 3rd. Won. Last year.. 8 10 1 $ 1,000 This year. .12 0 0 1 $ 50 Swift Current 1 O P Ch f 3 ly Peter O-unc6 Falco, by Light Brigade. Last work: 111 3-S :40ft --U Trainer, R. Dollaway. Owner, C. Dollaway. See yesterdaj-s third Wheeling chart. Apr.22-30WTho 21:17 ft 13 101 S 5 51 5;1 GoodichE 9 Jlilano 109,Breakaway9",ClayPigcon 117 C Apr.lG-303Whe GS f l:23m 32 99 1 1 l3 I3 GoodichE1 10 PiiiDelta lOS.Jibe 108, A.B.Bensingcrll3 C Arr.l4-303,mie g 1:01 ft W 99 G 5 54i 53i Boucherjo 12 Paquette 100,, Vinlin 108, Vladimir 10G C Apr. 9-30Whe g l:0Ghy 31 102 11 12 121215 GoodichE3 12 StarryDawn 103,TlielmaL. lOS.Vinlin 109 C Kotll-293Lat 2 1:23 hy 20 112 7 7 7" 933 TurkC 10 FriskyFloll2,JIissPgerll2,LleR,pusll2 M Vci 4-29Lat 2 11 hy 17 106 4 9 9 G9 TurkC "12 AceG,smithl04,MissSdhl01,Eil-AV,rll2 C . Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd Won , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. Last year. .10 This year.. 4 1 0 0 $ 425 Surface 1 O B" B 4 ty Trap Rock Javelin, by Assagai. JLUO Trainer, F. McCoy. Owner, F. McCoy. Apr.23-30Whe GJ.fl:237ft .5 108 3 1 351 45 RecdW3 10 JibelOS. EdwardGrayllS, ReighShotlOSC AK.21-30Who g 1:01 ft 16 112 4 S 7 72 ReedW3 12 Toltec lOG.KalBclIs 107,AliceIIerx 112 C Ai-.19-30HVho . g l:01gd 47 109 3 2 23 23 ReedW 9 John.Aseclll,UeighShotl03,Bdalbe 111 C Apr.l2-30HVhe g l:01ft 27 114 10 10 10,c103 HayH3 10 Dr.lIickmnll4,TimekprlOG,Ligurianll4 C Wai:19-30St.J 5Jfl:10m 4 118 4 3 51 G3 McGinisP3 11 JlyGirl 113,RcgurBroom 103,Acquire 113 C Jlacll-SOStJ 5Jfl:10m 21f 116 11 7 43 53i GuerraJ 12 Photograph HS.Maryetta 102, Weenie .100 C , Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won. . Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won. Last year. .15 1 2 1 $ 515 This year.. G 0 1 0 $ 100 .TollIlSOll 1 07 Ch 3 M ty Sanfly Deal Katherine Rankin, by Suffragist. J.U I Trainer, C. Coates. Owner, M. Grant. See yesterdays first Wheeling chart. Jun.l9-29Bbg g l:01ft 27 110 9 11 10 95 Le BlncN 312 Elfish 112,AdaElBee 112,LittloSpied 103 M . Jan.lO-293Bbg g l:00ft 5 111 7 10 10I310" PerniaO ll CapnsDterl08.WhelCneel03,Tiilandl08 C 1Uj 3-29Pim 4J f 06gd 196 116 10 11 10"1033 BookerF 3 11 Partisan 11G. Sunaibi 113, Guilder 116 A , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won , , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., Last year.. 3 Captain Gilbert 1 OP Br s 3 by Top Hat Cemas by C""165 Fdwara. Last work: 1031-4 :2Gft J-V Trainer, O. Tuggle. Owner, O. Tuggle. Apr.23-303,Vho g l:01Aft 20 103 5 G 5s 5 BernicrE3 7 Toltec llO.Starry Dawn 103, BIBells 103 C ! Apr.22-30JWhe 2 l:lGft 24 105 7 5 4;1 4 BernierE 7 Sureway 111 .Tomboy 103,DocConner 110 C Apr.l9-303WTho g l:02andgd 32 108 7 7 S52 S BernicrE4 11 WesternlightlOS.ThelmaL.lOG.Vinlin 10G C Apr.15-303 Who. Cl f 1:23 ft 8 106 4 3 31 33 BernicrE3 10 VeraC. 107. Iloatzin 112, Flaherty 113 C Apr.ll-303Who 2 l:18ft 8 109 G 4 33 33i BernicrE 7 lTdiwkrlOG.J.JIillerlOO.FthrMack 108 C M29-30;St.J 2 l:15sl 30f 101 8 8 Si 7i BernierE 11 Apostle-112,SaratogaMajcll2,TinUat 112 C . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. Last year.. 4 0 0 1 $ 75 This year.. 21 2 4 4 ,340 Vitalize 101 B" t 4 by Mackenzie n. Silo, by Cornstalk. J.Ji Trainer, W. Twining. Owner, W. Twining. See yesterdays second Wheeling chart. Apr.21-30lWhe g l:01Vandft 10 312 2 2 2l 31 IlayH8 32 Braedalbane 112,Vitalizell2Vladimir 111 C 1 AptlS-305Whe 2 l:19sy 71 108 4 3 C2 75 FatorE9 9 RhertaL. 102,Ulltells 100,1hiDlta 10S C Apr.l7-303Who gl:01 hy 10 1011 5 3 33i 331 P.cedW8 9 TwoBillslll.Bdalbne lll.SmJlden 103 C Apr.l5-30Who 2 l:15ft 5 10G 2 3 4" G GrnbcrgS3 S LassalH.Timekprlll.JnWilliamll.lll C Apr.ll-SOWha g l:02Vft 12 300 1 3 33 2i DouglasF1 12 Ptquette 103, Sureway 107. Sniper 109 C MarSg-SOStJ 2 1:17 si - 10 114 4 3 7 7" YerratA8 9 RoyalBensl02,BIazonerllG,NitExlra 103 C , Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd: Won.-, -Starts. 1st. 2nd. :rd. i Won. " Last year. .19 4-1 1 $ 2,225 This year.. 17 0 5 4 $ COO . ! 5thWheelingr . Pnrse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Mile JfOTE Claiming price, ,200; If for less, 2 pounds . allowed for each 00 to ,000. 3-ycar-olds, 112 pounds; older, 110 pounds. Vinncrs, 2 pounds extra for each race woia. Jion-wlnners allowed 3 pounds. Ind. TP. Ilorse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.IIon. Ind. TP. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.Uan. 4G790 4.Braedalbane Tij 111 1:01 it 31 113X725 4689G 5 Beau Aspin 5 113X695 4G8G1 2Dr. Hickman... 13 113X720 4GS2G3 C Doc Conner.Lat 111 1:00 3 105. .093 4C7933 lTimekceper .... ,5 10SX715 4G7923 S Bright Flash... 3 101X690 4G748 11 Western Light.. 3 109.. 710 4G82G3 UTomboy 3 99X690 4C8G0 7Toltec .... .F.P 113 1:03 3 311X705 4GS273 30l!reakaway Ken 90 1:01 Ji 3 98X0.00 4GS27 3 Jlilano 3 111.. 700 40G39 12Elia Bank 4 103XC9O Tlie past performances of the horses entered in this race, together- with latest workout and racing record : Date. Crs. Dis.Time Tr. Odds Wt.St. Str.Fin. Jockey TP.Sts. Best Company Class of Race. BracdalbailO 1 1 Q Ch by ack Atkin Princess Pat. by Stalwart. -L JL O Trainer, J. D. Mikel. Owner, W. Mikel and Son. Apr.21-30WhQ g l:01landft 3 112 1111!1 ColvinA3 12 Platoon 112, Altalize 112, Vladimir 111 O Apr.l9-30Who gl:014,gl 31 111 4 3 3s 42 ColvinA 9 John.Ageelll,Surracel09,RcighShot 103 O Apr.l7-303Who g 1:01 hy 5 111 1 1 21 2i DuhonS 9 TnoBillslll.Vitalize lOll.SmMden 103 O Apr.l2-C0:Who g l:02ft 7 109 3 1 ll,k 21 ColnsJD4 10 I.iielionlll,A.I!.i;sgerlll,I!ritlliimclOG O Mat 2-30IIav BJfl:03 ft 5 103 4 1 2h 5 BryantD9 12 Jlunning 103, JIadSkctch 113, FIfia 98 0 FUiCt-30Nav 2 l:lG,sl G 117 1 1 2h 7i UoucrtyF 9 Lassa 117, Fifia 107, CliftonsJIaid 102 O FcU l-30llav CJfl:0S5l 21 109 1 1 l3 l1 ColvinA9 12 Era 107,Covcrwood H2,North Breeze 107 O , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. Stmts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. Last year. .20 5 3 5 $ 2.3G5 This year.. 9 2 3 0 ,525 Dr. Hickman IIO B. g, 13, by Tony Bonero Lady MoGeo, by McGce. Last work: 1081-1... :23liy J-XO Trainer, C. R. Campbell. Owner, C. Hicks. AlT.23-303Vho g l:00ft 7-10 311 2 1 II 11 McLalinE 7 Lenny 104, Iloatzin 108, Platoon 108 C APr.21-30,Who 2 l:13ft 21 113 1 1 11 22 JIcLalinE3 7 LjDftlOS.TimckperlOS.Swpstakes 118 O Apr.M-30Who gl:01 ft 9-5 11G 1 1 1 12 FatorE 10 Snrcwayl07,LdyLeBandl04,Theo.FaylOC O Apr.l2-30Who g l:014ft 39-10 114 3 1 l3 11 FatorE" 10 Timckper 10G,Lisurianll4,Jm Finn 114 0-Apr.ll-30:Wlio g l:02ift 6 111 5 4 43i 4 FatorE" 12 Vandion lll.Tlicc.Fay lOO.ItoyalBelis 99 C So C-IOPIm 2 1:13 ft G8 113 4 2 7S10 Kenlyll 312 Sunclien 31G, Spectre 114, Prompter 11G O , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won Last year.. 24 7 7 3 $ 3,590 This year.. 5 3 1 0 $ 1,375 Timekeeper 108 E 6 by HB me Toucan, by Star Ruby. Last work: 102 1-4.. :25ft J-VO Trainer, B. E. Rumage. Owner. Mrs. A. D. Freeman. Apr.21-30Whe 2 l:15ft 5 103 3 3 331 Z- StranskiC 7 LkyDf tlOS.Dr.HkmanllS.SWpskesllS O Apcl5-30Whe 2 l:13ft 8-5 314 1 1 1 21 GoodichE b Lassall4,JnWillianiII.lll,P,kQuecnl0G O AiT.12-30Whe g l:01Vft 1 106 8 2 23 21 StranskiC 10 Dr.IIickmanll4,Ligurianlll,JmyFinnll4 O Apr.lO-30Whe 31:13 gd 12 108 5 4 33 . 2i StranskiC 10 AutumnBloom lll.Curveur lll.Amir 109 O Mac 3-303Hav il:lltt 31 114 5 1 V 31 StranskiC4 8 Iloatzin IM.Chestcr 114,Broadmoor 117 0 Fcb.23-30:IIav 2 l:H3sl 5 109 G 10 92 Ssl StranskiC1 11 RchLassl07,ElnAdalrl09,EuiphatIc 108 O , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. Last year. .33 4 1 7 $ 3,274 This year.. 15 2 4 4 ,210 Western Ligllt 1 O Q B" f 3 by Wesy KSan Light Rose, by light Brigade. luu Trainer, J. Bird. Owner. J. Bird. Apr.l9-303Wlio gl:02igd 17 10S 31 l3 ll 0JIalleyJ 11 ThelmaL. 10G, Vinlin 10G, Sureway 11C C Apr.l4-303Who gl:01 ft 7 106 10 10 302 S OJIalleyJ9 12 Paquette 100, Vinlin 108, Vladimir 100 O Mac:S-30;J.P 21:13 m 11 105 4 2 3s 3s OJIalleyJ13 12 GgisKhanllS.Milano 10G,JIacksBabyl08 C Matl7-303J.P 2 l:13hy 14 111 G 5 47 4t3 OJIalleyJ 12 JlersChce lOG.AnnC. 113,GoscStep 100 C FcbL25-303F.G 2 UWAtt 15 103 11 10 10Til07l FryeJW 12 Dominal0G.JIsRamseyl08,Vieksburg 113 O Feh.l2-1!03F.G 3 l:14ft 91 105" 1 5 4 43i MartinL9 12 ThelmaL. lOO.PiukBIossom 102,Jean 105 O" , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., . -Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., Last year.. 6 2 1 1 $ 1,385 This year.. 8 1 1 1 $ 625 TolteC . 1 1 "1 D." g, 3, by Westy Hogan Lorna, by Jack Atkin. Last work: 991-4. :29m Trainer. J. R. Carlock. Owner, H. W. Miller. Apr.23-30Whe g l:01ft 7-5 110 3 l l1! li GoodrichE 7 StryDavnl03,ltolBellsl05, Vladimir 105 O-Apr.21-30;Whe g 1:01 ft 43-10 10G7 3 Ill3 GoodichE" 12 ItlBells 107,AceIIerx . 112,Bdmoor 112 0 Apr.l9-303WIio g l:02,Sgd 20 10S- 1 5 G32 7 GoodrliE3 11 WesternlightlOS.ThelmaL.lOG.Vinlin 10G O Apr.l7-30Whe g 1:01 hy 1G 104 3. 4 331 5 GoodichE 7 Sureway lll.Paquettc lOG.DcConner 108 O Ape 9-30Whe 21:22 hy 41 102 6 Pull. up. StranskiC4 9 ShortyO.107,TetraGlassll2,MsiriSethll2 C , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. .Von Last year. .18 2 3 2 $ 2.450 This year. . 8 2 0 0 $ S50 JlilailO 111 B, t, 3, by Leonardo II.; Herkyte, by Hermis. .-L J- J. Trainer. R. J. Jones. Owner, R. J. Jones. Apr.22-30Whe 2 1:17 ft . 9 109 4 1 l1 l1 BuckleyR9 9 Breakawaj-97,ClayPigeonll7,Col.SethllO C Arr.l9-304Whe GJ f 1:24 gcl23-10 10S1 2 1 6 71 BuckleyR3 7 CnGold lll.ArowBawk lll.Sunolin 10G O AprJ7-30Whe GS f l:27hy 19-5 10S1 1 1 1 ll BuckleyR 10 XotG-tyl04,Blazonerl03,TyEiveSixtyl08 O, Apr.l6-30Who GJ f l:26m 23-5. 1081 5 3 331 44 BuckleyR5 10 ClayPigeon 118,Sunolin 103,Flaherty 108 O Apr.l4-303WTho g l:01 ft 12 111 1 3 432 41 BuckleyR3 12 Paquette 10G, Vinlin 108, Vladimir 10G O" Apnll-303Who g l:02ift 19-5f 104 2 9 92 91 DouglasF4 12 Vandion lll.Theo.Fay 109,RoyalBelIs 99 O . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. This year. .14 3 2 1 - $ 1,900 ..." Beau Aspin 1 1 Q Ch e 6 by AsPinwa11 Coquette, by Celt. -L JLO Trainer, J. M. Reed. Owner, J. M.. Reed. , See yesterdys. fourth Wheeling chart. Apr.l4-30Whe GJfl:22ft 3 117 4 3 3i 33i CongoreJ3 10 KyColonel lOS.JIalcolm 112,DocConrl0G"O Apr.ll-305Who GVfl:24ft 23-5 114 7 6 G5 G5i CongoreJ3 8 Sliorty0.112,LastChargeli4,Paternal 114 O Matl5-30Hav 21:13ft 31 US 1 1 I3 2h ComgorcJ? 7 Fair Dawn 9G, Shorty O. 113. Pan llfTC Manl2-30Hav 2 l:13ft 4 116 6 4 21 23 CongoreJ1 8 ColonelDragell2,MyWindsorll3,Pan US O Vax S-303Hav 2 l:14ft 21 110 4 1 l3 11 CongoreJ1 10 Belascoain 98, Bilbxi 107, Chester 112 0 Mac l-SOUIav 21:14 ft 2 112 3 1 11 2h ComgorcJ3 10 KittyCat lOS.Bilosi 107,Florinassa 110 0 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. . Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won. Last year. .13 1 4 S $ 1,625 This year.. 13 2 3 2 ,070 DOC Conner I A C B. c, 3, by Colonel Vennie Ciruella, by McGee. Last work: 981-2 :39m -LVO Trainer. A. M. Jacobus. Ownar, J. B. Rcspess. Apr.22-303Whe 2 l:lGft 31 110 4 3 31 3T FatorE 7 Sureway lll.Tomboy 103,Capt.Gilbertl03 C" Apt21-303Who g l:00ft J3 .105 3 4 43 42 JIcLaliuE1 9 liuchonllG.BrightFlash 102,Tuberose 109 C. Apr.l7-30Wlie 51:04 hy G 103 4 3 431 3 JIcLalinE 7 Sureway ill.Paquette 10G, Vladimir 109 O" Apcl4-30Who GJ f l:22ft 33 106 2 1 2 431 JIcLalinE1 10 K.vCoIonel 108,JIalclmll2,BeauAspinll7 C" Apr.ll-305Whe Gifl:24ft 10 103 4 5 7" 82 BoucherJ 8 Slnrty0.112,LastChargell4,Patcrnal 114 0" , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3id. Won. , Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won. Last year. . 2 This year.. 16 3 0 3 $ 2,420 Bright Flash 1 OA B f 3 by Br,iSht KniBbt Flying Comet, by Peter Pan. Jrk Trainer. IT. S. Wishard. Owner, S. Ross. Apt21-303Who gl:00ft 13 102 5 2 25 2J CooperR8 9 Buchon llG.Tuberose i 109,DocConner 105 C Arcl9-303Who g l:02igd 19-5 103 Refused. FatorE1 11 AVesternligIitl0S.ThelmaL.10G, Vinlin 10G 0 Apcl4-303Who g l:01ft Sf 97 10 G G5 G32 CoganC1 12 Vrandionlll,RylBellsl03.J.J.Bbrklll C: Apr.lO-30Who g l:02gd 30 103 7 8 S52 81 CoganC8 S Jlote 112, Spectre 109, OldKickapoo 110 A Macl4-305St.J 5 f 1:10 m 12 105 3 3 5s 51 JIcGinisP G Lindy llS.BettyAnnl03,JlyCnwlBoy 118 O Ma12-30St.J g l:13ft 32 105 4 1 53 S4 JIcGinisP3 9 Truncheon .112. Alamae 102, Bobeaw 117 C , Starts. 1st,. 2nu. 3rd. Won. . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Wen. Last year.. 4 1 0 0 $ 650 This year. .17 4 3 0 ,745 Tomboy QQ f 3, by Audacious Princess Polly, by Prince Palatine. fji Trainer, E. CaSey. Owner, E. Casey. Apr-SOSWhe 2 l:lGft 51 103 1 1 2! 2J GoodichE3 7 Surewaylll,IocConrllO,Capt.Gilbertl05 C Man 3-30Hav 2 1:15 ft 8 102 11 10 12llsl PasseroJ4 12 GreDustlOG.Clif sLasslOl.SilrWave 107 O Ftb.23-30Hav 5Jfl:09sl 4 107 7 7 91 7s RilcyG8 11 DocConrl07,SwtYvettel07,NyXhty 99 O Fdx 7-30Hav 5J f l:12ym. 21 102 1 1 l3 l4 RileyG3 7 GrecnTie 104, FairDawn 108. Rattle 107 C ret, 1-30Hav 2 1:10 si. 3 102 3 1 l1 11 RileyG1 8 AlLivingstonl07,Wash.Rosel02,AskBol08 C : Jan.30-303Hav BJfiam 6 95 5 2 21 21 RileyG 9 Criftall 107,Frefatherl07.LtCharge 114 O Jan.20-30Hav 0ifl:llhy 6 112 2 2 21 4SS DouertyF4 10 GrnTielOO.ScthsJwl 107,GayBrocckl03 C , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., Last year.. 14 3 2 3 $ 1.375 This year.. 9 2 2 1 $ 1.S20 Breakaway QQ Cn fl 3 by Whiskaway Lucky Wave, by Cunard. ZfO Trainer, H. T. Palmer. Owner. H. T. Palmer. Apr.22-30Whc 2 1:17 ft 8 97 3 2 21 2 BornierE0 9 Jlilano 109,ClayPigeon 117,ColSeth 110 C Apr. 9-30nVhe g l:03hy S 106 7 7 6s! G" BouchcrJ6 12 StarryDawn 103.ThelmaL. lOS.Vinlin 109 C MaE2S-30cSt.J 5?jfl:09sy 30 DS 4 G Si Si BoucherJ3 12 Dowager llC.WarNymph llG.JIyGirl 111 C Marl6-303Hav 2 l:14ft 8-5 106 3 7 G52 65 GoodichE1 8 Doncru 10",WtrChf llG.SverWavc 10G O Jan.2G-303IIav 2 l:14ft 7-5 107 7 1 ll 1 SniderA1 7 CpnGilbtl02,FrDanlO2,SwtYvettelO7 0" Jan.21-30Hav g.l:15tft 21 110 2 1 1 21 Tonrown0 10 JlrmurgPiueslOG,ClifsJIdl02,Atlios 104 0 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. , Starts 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- Last year.. 12 3 3 0 $ 2,696 This year.. 7 1 3 0 $ 1,150 Ella Bailk 10 Br f 4 by Kins Heathor May Maulsby. by Stalwart. Last work: 1011-4 :23ft LvO Trainer. A. G. Tarn. Owner. A. G. Tarn. Apr.lG-30Who 21:18m 31 10S1 4 5 G2 G3 ColvinA 7 D.Ntionl03,LtClfgel0S,JryJIcClaln 104 O Apr.l5-305WTho gl:00ft G-5 103 G G G0! G2 LoganL 7 JlyGirl 103,TetraGlassll3,jrShlSethlll C Apr. 9-303WThe g l:05hy 11-10 1061 3 1 Is 21 ColvinA3 12 AalnBl:nl09,J.J.Bbkll2,I.astChgel09 C Manlt-SOHav" 5J f I:0Sft 5 307 1 1 l3 33 LoganL11 12 JimmyFinnll2,Salutationll3,JIayl!ar 30S C Ftb.23-303IIav 21:Wsl 6 102 3 1 113113 LoganL8 11 i:,chLasslO7.EInAdairl09.Emphatic 108 0 Ftb.l9-30Hav Ei f l:liys!iy 8-5 103 3 1 l3 l3 GoodichE4 S l.,iilscel02.BtyBownianl02.Shs.lewel 97 0 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. . Starts. 1st. 2nd.. 3rd. Won. Last year.. 6 3 0 1 $ 1,765 This year.. 8 1 1 1 $ 920 6th Wheeling" Pennsylvania Purse. Purse . S-year-oIds and upward. 1 1-16 Miles Clnlnilngr. -3OTE Claiming price, ,000. 3-ynar-oIds, 111 noiiiids; older, 11 pounds, yon-win-I ners of one race at one mile or over at this meeting allowed 3 pounds; one race of any kind, o pounds; one race this year, 7 pounds. - . . Ind. PP. liorsc Wt. Rec. A.Wt.Uan. Ind. PP. Ilorse Wt. Rec A.Wt.Han. 4G793 4SWEK1STAKKS 4t5M3 5 Clay Pigeon. F.P 10S 1:32and 7 113X700 Bug IIS IMS 10 111X730 4GS27 9Colonel SethWas 110 1 : 17 O 10SOC93 43CC3 1 Whack Ilav 111 1:47 4 111X720 IGSG5 10Cloiloniir ll.IIav 105 IMS,3 7 111. .095 4GSG53 3Saucy" Polly Bbg 90 l:474i 4 10G..715 -KSS07 fiBetsy.Ia.vnellav OG 1:47 1101X090 4CSG53 7Common GoldTij 109 1:4G,and 7 10SX710 45704 SAunie P.oou llav 9S 1:49 3 0G..G90 4G719 aCheckmate .TF 104 1:47 4 10S. .705 Tho past performances o the horses entered in, this race, together with latest workout and racing record: Date. Crs. Dls.Time Tr. Odds Wt.St. Str.FJn. Jockey PP.Sts. Best Company Class of Race. Sweepstakes 111 B Bl 10 by Sweep GoldTen, by Goldcrest. Last work: 1051-4... :23 ft Trainer, H. Skaggs. Owner, Miss M. Hunter. APr.21-30Who 3 l:13ft 41 lis 4 4 41 43 DouglasF 7 LkyDftl08,lr.irkmanll3,TImekper308 C ApclS-SOnVho l 1:49 ft 19-5 111 3 2 3" 31 LoganL 7 Clarificr 305,T.owcrFlvc31G,Smaeker 103 C Ape 9-30Who 1" 1:53 hy S-5 111 1 3 31 31 LoganL4 7 ElfrledaG.302,Laftar308,Heferenduni 113 C Mt2S-30J.P 3"3:54 m 24-5 103 7 3 31 ! DeperiniR" 11 LittleSpicd 91, Endor 114, Marabou 109 0 Kr25-30J.P 1,1:51 gd 8 101 2 8 82 72 ClmorakG 11 BilllhillipsOO.Torchor 109,Turf King 114 C Hat22-30J.P 31:19 ra 51 111 3 5 2 2 MeysME4 11 Favoritll. lll.Bunthorno lll.BallGee 111 C , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. Last year.. 17 5 2 4 $ 3,300 This year.. 8 2 11 ,200 lVIiack 111 Br c by Wrack Delivrance, by Ajax. XXX Trainer, A. M. Jacobus. Owner, Mrs. C. M. Henderson. lYU23-30IIav 3J 1:57 si 21 10S 2 1 J 1 RileyG 0 S.SlicklOS.ShaGrandc 103,CcLcBus 105 C FrinH-SOHav 1,V l:47ft 15 111 C 4 42 2h McycrM 12 Finnster 106, FrankmanlOG.npy Jack IOC C rtu S-30IIav 1" l:51hy 5 112 4 G 782 7" TonrowR 8 MyMcCln lOO.Fasciste 132,1yDrift 1C5 C Feb. 7-30IIav 31:19 m C 109 7 G 51 5 PazJ 8 Malcolm 310,DuskyMaiden OO.Ckantry 97 C TeU 4-30IIav 1 3:4Gft 5 110 9 9i 8SJ HorvathK4 9 Lancer 107,ThcDipper 115.ChanningL.107 C , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., , ; Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Last year.. 4 This year.. 7 2 2 0 ? 1,800 SailCy Polly "I f cb- by Audacious Princess Polly, by Prince Palatine. X J J Trainer. R. Guciardo. Owner. M. Guciardo. Apr.23-30Whe 1and 1:52 ft 31 111 1 4 31 31 WstockF4 7 Clodomirll.lOS.ComnGoldlll.SIgnola 101 C Ac22-30Whe 1J l:5Gft G Hi 4 2 in 32 WstockF 9 OurJoan303,nkTrap331,AdamsAppIe30C C Apr.21-30WIic GJ f 1:23 ft 41 113 4 4 5 52 WdsfkF 10 MadSkch lll.Plezall 300,IteighShot 107 C ApnlG-30Whc G3fl:25im 13-5 113 9 8 Si 62 OMallcyJ" 30 SwIftCurront 99,PhlDclta lOS.Jibe 30S C APr.l2-30Who 1 l:51ft 11-5 110 1 3 21 21 OMallcyJ 7 Laftar 305,Referdum 110.ClodomirII.103 C Apr.lO-30Who l 3:50gd 3-2 111 1 1 1" p OMallcyJ 7 LyVioIa lOO.EImcrll. lOG.GmeSccd 111 C Xan29-30J.P 1J 2:01,sl 11 103 6 3 3 2i OMallcyJ 12 Lansqnt31G,GrdniaG.103.CotgeDoyl08 C , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. Last year. .32 3 2 6 5 1.2G0 This year. .19 2 4 4 ,775 Common Gold TOR Ch s 7 by Gold Enamel Maudio, by The Commoner. Last work: 1003-8 :40m XvO Trainer, A. G. Tarn. Owner, A. G. Tarn. Apc23-30Whe 1-fc 1:52 ft 14-5 111 7 3 2- 21 ColvinA 7 Clodomirll. 30SScyPolly311,Signola 301 C Apr.2l-30Whe Gi f 1:23 ft 24-5 113 7 5 4 42 ColvinA 10 MadSkch 313,1IczaU lOO.KeighShot 107 C Apr.l9-30Whe Ch f 1:24 gd 51 111 G G 41 1" ColvinA 7 AwIIawklll, Sunolin lOO.JnWilnill.llC C Apr.l8-305Wlic 3 l:19sy 25 111 S 9 Si Sl ColvinA 9 RbertaL. 102.ItlBells lOO.PliiDlta 103 C MaClO-30IIav 33:41ft 7-5 103 10 10 30"30" LoganL" 30 TnelveSixty 105. Pot Full 105, Era 111 C Mac 4-30IIav 3 1:14 ft 3 113 11 9 861 G2 LoganL" 12 FrLegn 333,SshMk 335,CdIdolizr 113 C , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. . Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Last year. .32 6 8 4 $ 4,945 This year. .11 2 2 0 $ 1.425 Checkmate 1 OR Br s by Eookminister Checkers, by Ogden. Last work: 99 3-S :45m J-VO Trainer, 0. L. Foster. Owner, Mrs. A. R. Smith. Apr.l9-30nVhe f l:23gd 31 111 3 4 51 51 GoodrhE 7 TIieo.Faylll.EUcnAdair 10G,l!lazoner 111 C AiclS-30Whe 3 l:17sl 41-10 113 2 2 2 1 CoopcrP. 9 PlczalUOO, noatzinllO, MadSkctcli 113 C ApclG-SOnVhc f l:25m 24-5 US S 5 51 5i CoopcrRr 10 SwlftCurrent 99.1liiDelta lOS.Jibe 308 C A 9-303Whe GV f 1:28 hy 19-5 lit 1 1 11 1 CooperR3 10 Patrnl llG.KyColoncl lOG.GncSccdlOT C rtU22-30IIIav l".l:48hy 5 107 1 3 34 3H AustinM 8 Seallawk 107.J.WirmII.107.Fasciste 112 C Feb.20-30cHav 1" l:E7hy 31 110 4 4 3 2s BoucherJ1 7 OurJoanl03,JoanSbeyl05.Clettsburgll0 C , Starts. 1st. -2nd. 3rd. Won.-. . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. Last year.. 21 8 2 2 5 2.785 This year.. 16 3 2 1 1,995. Clay PigCOll 11 Ch e 7 by Trap Sock Bonne Cause, by Hf. J- X O Trainer, K. Crawford. Owner, E. Crawford. See yesterdays third Wheeling chart. Apr.22-30Vlie 3 1:17 ft 7-3 117 5 3 31 3i PsmoreW 0 Milano lOO.Breakaway 97,Col.Seth 110 C Apr.lG-30Wlie G. f l:2Gm 4-5 118 2 1 l1 1 PsmoreW1 10 Sunolin 105, Flaherty 103. Milano 108 C Aprl2-30HVhe JI 1:17 ft S 11G 1 1 ll 1 PsmoreW1 10 IteighShot lll.FIahertyllC.LowcrFivellC C Oct 4-29IIag a 0 1:05 hy 3-3 115 11 SanfordP , C LiePapscllu.ClileD.Jr.llO.SchleyB.llo C Bfp. 4-29Wlio a g :5S ft 1 11G lnt SpencerT 7 GdcnLocksllS.MadrigalOS.Elopemt 10S C , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Last year.. 11 4 3 0 $ 2.075 This year.. 3 2 0 1 $ 900 Colonel Setll 1 fQ B- S. 6, by Seth Keep Moving, by Yankee. Last work: 1111-2 :53ft J-UO Trainer, T. Griffin. Cwnor, Mrs. P. Eouter. Apr.22-3QVhe 3 1:17 ft G 110 2 4 41 41 ShaddyJ1 9 Milano 109,Brcaka-ay97.CIayPigeon 117 C Apr.l7-303Who 3 l:19hy 7 110 5 3 21 3s ShaddyJ G AutnBrmll7,Shorty0.112,MallSeth 105 C Air.l5-30-Wlio V l:4Sft 16 111 G 4 6i 71 ShaddyJ 9 Paternal llG.Fdoodle 112.l"tOCnor 108 C ApclO-30Who 31:19 gd 5 103 G G Gs 6!2 ShaddyJ4 10 AutnBloomlll.TimekperlOS.Curvr 111 C Wac2S-30J.P 1,1:55 ra 21 11 7 2 2 31 CrcesR" 12 SperFelixlll.Gst ofUorlOS.EIfdaG.101 C , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- . Starts. 3st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. Last year.. 17 0 1 1 5 425 This year. .13 2 13 ,700 Clodomir II. Ill B b 7 by Saint Just Cloche-dOr, by Chulo. J--L Trainer. H. T. Palmer. Owner. H. T. Palmer. ApeSS-SOWhe lfs 1:52 ft 13 10S 2 1 lt in BernierK 7 ComnGoldlll.SaucyPollylll.SignoIa 104 C Apr.21-30Whc 1" l:48VSft 32 112 G 8 G G2 BernierE" 11 Misnomer lll.EInierll. 109.LongJoe 109 C Apr.l4-307Whe lje l:Dlft 13 103 3 G 52 52 BoucherJ S Crnbelt 113,BkTrap- lOO.BwnChief 111 C Apnl2-30:Whe 1; l:51ft 14 105 3 2 31 41 BoucherJ 7 Laftar lOS.ScyPolIy llO.Kcfernduni 110 C Wac24-30"3t-J 1 l:574sl 103 10G G G S" S" BouchcrJ 9 Parolell. llliMargate IOC. Fire On 11G C MatlS-SOHav 150 i;43ft 4 103 2 1 31 3 BoucherJ 10 S.adD.MnllO.LyAUbrlOO.WolimnlOS C , Starts, let. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Last year. .22 3 5 3 $ 2.090 This year. .19 1 4 1 1,095 Betsy J.iyne 101 Br ff 4 by Paul "Weidel Debonairo, by McGee. Last work: 104 3-4. .l:22ft -LUX Trainer, J. II. Carlock. Owner, H. W. Miller. See yesterdays fifth Wheeling chart. Apr.l7-30Whe 1J 2:01 hy 5 105 4 2 31 31 LoganL C Clarificrlll.RockTrap lll.LwerFive 11C C Apr.l5-30Whe 1" 1:49 ft 13-5 106 3 3 G5 761 GoodrichEt 7 Swpstakeslll.Clarif ierl05.LowerFIvcllC C Apnll-30Wlie lg l:51ft 21 105 5 7 7" 7" GoodichE 7 StageStrkllS.P.OConrllO.Wash.KoseOG C M12-303Hav l,s l:4;ft 2 10G 2 1 1 1 NashE 11 M.J.McNyJr.ll4,Mainstlll,Elmerir.l07 C JIat 9-30Hav lel:59ft 7-5 104 2 2 2" 2 RileyG C Berosus 103, Our Joan 104. Flitphen 102 C , Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won.- . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Last year. .18 0 2 2 5 500 This year.. 15 4 3 5 ? 3.7S0 Allllie Roon Qf? B. f, 3, by Campfire Amalotte, by St. Amant. Tast work: 107 3-S :43m 7J Trainer. H. Caplan. Owner, Mrs. I. Caplan. IU..23-305Hav 1 l:47gd 10 98 G 5 41 4 RileyG C WdyLongl07.OnTrial lOO.GraniteDstlOO C rtU22-30!irav 1 l:49hy 8 90 7 4 4 4 LongJ 7 Tangram 05. Piute 101. On Trial 90 C JH17r30Hav li 2:02ra 2 102 2 G G" G15 LoganL G Mascara 107,SeaTIawk 112,Waponoca 114 C rrfaO-30eHav 1" l:47sl 10 26 3 2 in 1 BoucherJ 7 LittleScout 107.Frankman HO.Critic 110 C TA. 4-30IIav 5J f l:0Gft 12 100 10 10 10"10 NashE 30 Owl 115. Crittall 110. Spring Poet 110 C IVU 2-30Hav 31:13ft 12 99 7 5 41 Gi ScaboG4 8 BeauAspinl07,Drif ter 112,Gneswood 107 C t Starts. 1st. 2ni. 3rd. Won.-, . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won Last year.. 8 This year. .10 2 0 0 ,500 7th Wheeling" WellsTjnrg Purse. Purse 00. 3-ycar-oMs ami upward. lM.-70Yds. Claimhier. jVOTK Claiming price, 00. Ron-winners at this meeting which have not won two races this year. 3-year-olds, 110 pounds; older, 11C pounds. Ron-winners since Ularch 1 allowed 3 pounds. Ind. PP. Horse. Wt. Itec. A.Wt.Han Ind. PP. Horse. Wt. Rcc. A.Wt.Han. 40830 15Prieeman .KyP 119 1:53 7 103 X725 4G8G3 8Weathervane 4GS27 14 Macks Baby Dev 102 1:406 C 103 X095 Mia 107 1:45 C 311:1:720 4GS97 9 John J. Jr. 10 113X095 4GS99 10IIighland Chief. 7 108X713 4G722 lDIxic Beauty... 4 103 X 090 4C793 7Ir. Clark. . .Tij 104 l:40Vs 13 30S..730 4GSG5 2White Nose.... 5 308.. 090 4GS94 S J. J. Bambrick 4GS95 5 Maddenstown .. 8 313X090 J.P 303 3:5Sim 4 333 X705 4G794 33FillD Tij 109 l:53h 4 108.. 090 4GS97 12 Bethlehem .Dor 10S 1:4C " 6 108.. 700 4GS93 13Fair Catch. St.J 100 1:43 C 103X090 4CG93 3Tventy Five 4G824 10 Xeptunis M Sixy 3 98 X095 Lat 104 1:47 4 113X090 4CS21 4 Ormogirl 5 10SXG95 4GS29 17 Golden Lux.F.E 102 1:48 C 113X090 The past performances of the horses entered In this race, together with latest workout and racing record: Date. Crs. Dis.TIme Tr. Odds Wt.St. Str.Fin. Jockey PP.Sts. Best Company Class of Race. Pliceman 1 fjO B, h, 7, by Hourless Fair Priscilla, by Fair Play. XvO Trainer, J. D. Mike".. Owner, W. Mikei and Son. AiT.22-30TWhe 1J 3:57ft 41 10S 1 1 21 3J FutrellJ- 9 ElmcrU.109,PeterPrim 313,FrJmie 308 C Apcl7-30Jnie GJ f 3:27hy 30 303 1 5 31 3 DuhonS1 10 JackCp llO.Doimncer 105,Smacker 105 C Apr.l2-30nMie 3 1:17 ft 14-5 111 S 9 9 9 GoodichE 10 ClayPigeonllC.IteisliShotlll.FlahertyllC C Hatl5-29KyP V l:50igd 20 119 7 4 5i G1 E Tayr 7 Somerset lll.Gayllallie 30G.Princely 309 C M14-29KyP 1 l:51Vsl 11-5 111 3 2 4 4 J Convy 0 FireUnder 105,E.GoBgh lll.Lrenourlll C JLxc 5-29Mia lja l:47gd 21 111 7 5 G- 6" M Knit 1 8 LuckyPlayll3,I.aftarl04 j.BriMSteel 333 C rh.22-29Mia 1J l:53ft 7-10 111 3 1 1 1 R OBrn 8 Atla 11G. Mascara 103. Red Curl 103 C . Starts. 1st. 2n.i. 3rd. Won. . Starts. 3st. 2nd. 3rd Won - Last year.. 11 2 2 0 $ 1.850 This year.. 3 0 0 2 $ li0 Macks Baby " 1 "1 Cn- m 6- y Midway Gossip Avenue, by Bulse. Last work: 3073-4 1:27m XXX Trainer, R. A. Forsha. Owner. W. J. Wbalen. Apc22-30Whe 3 1:17 ft 9 103 7 9 9" S DuhonS 9 Milano 109.1Srcakaway97,ClayPigcon 117 C Arr21-30Whe 3 l:13ft 31 108 7 G G 7J GoodlchE4 7 LkyDf tl03,I5r.IIkmaiill3Timekperl08 C JIac2S-30J.P " 3 1:18 m 9 IDS D 5 4i 4i MeysME4 12 GngsKhanllS.MilanolOG. WesfnLitlOS C Mar21-20J.P 3 1:16 si 10 109 11 8 7 J G5i Ley land J 32 NlieBaIlotlOD.Arrogantl09.PoisonIyyl03 C jrll-30J.P 3 1:18 m 8-5 113 1 5 741 7!i LeylandJ" 12 T.IIugnotllS.MrSwpllS.MsFrmt HOC Jt10-30?J.P 3 l:14ft 41-10 111 7 2 2 11 LoylandJ 32 Omnia 313. Copper 131. Boottop 108 C IVk 4-30F.G lSl:5S1,3hy 01 104 4 2 2" 3" MeyersME" 12 J.Uorgenl09.CollC-mpsl09,ScyPlyl031 C , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won . Last year. .41 4 5 11 $ 4,677 This year.. 10 I 1 2 $ 925 Highland Cliief 1 OR 2" ? 7 y Hisfter-,cstra bywPrjn;0 utine. Last work- 101 1-4 :24ft J-VU Trainer, E. Rob:rtson. Owner, E. Robertson. See yesterdays seventh Wheeling chart. A22-307Wlie lil:57ft 1G 111 4 6 G G71 GoodlchE8 9 EImcrIL3091,PeterPrim333,Frieeman 108 C Aptl8-307Who 33:51 y 33 30S 6 5 5" 5" WatsonR 7 Clarificr 314, Laftar 134. Misnomer 333 C AwlS-SOWlie Ch f 1:23 ft SO 112 2 5 o"1! 51 WatsonTt1 10 VeraC. 107,IIoatzin 112,CapfnGilbertlOG C O-SOWho VUSS hy 24 303 7 7 PdUp.WatsonU 7 ElfricdaG.102,LaftarlOS.Svepstakes 111 C lIull-30-IIav 5 f 1:0714ft 20 113 7 10 lOUO" LongW? 11 SunDncell2.Theo.Fayl32,LastCharge332 C Ktt 7-30IIav 1:43 ft 8 113 1 5 G11 G" IIorvthK2 7 TtIeCootll3.Abingtonll3.FrsCooper 10S C . : Starls. 1st. 2ni. 3rd. Won.-. . Starts. 3st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. Last year.. 41- 6 7 3 $ 3,560 This year.. 20 1 2 5 ,400 i Dr. Clark 1 0 Ci.. fr, 13, by Broomstick Panasins, by Peter Pam. Last work: 30G 3-8 :42m --"0 Trainer, A. G. Tarn. Owner, A. G. Tarn. Apc21-30Who 3 l:15ft 25 1061 G 7 711 CSJ ColvinA 7 LkyDf tl08.Dr.Hkmanll3.Timekperl08 C Mae 7-305Hav 3 3:48 ft S 103 2 C 7" 7" LoganL 7 TtleCootll3,Abingtonll3,FrsCooper 308 C FcU 4-3bHav 3J3:54 ft G 105 4 7 710 7 LoganL 7 Parneli 105,Corposant 305,TryAgain 300 C Jan.23-30IIav 3 l:lSgd 8 30G 10 10 10"11" LoganL 11 Deronda lCS.Finnstcr Hl.IIappyJacklll C fon. 4-30THav l,V 1:43 ft 21 109 1 1 Ink u LoganL 8 ShaGrande 104,As AppIelOO. Pandy 104 C Jan. l-30sHav 11:47 G 305 3 2 3a 2h LoganL1 Mainshcet 105,BenBoltIII. lll.Burnt 100 U , Starts, st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- Last year. .31 3 4 4 $ 2,650 This year.. 6 1 1 0 $ 900 J. J. Bambrick "1 "I O Oh. g, 4, by theo. Cook Erla Leo, by Hindoo. Last work: 93 1-2.... :59m XXJ Trainer, W. C. Daly, Jr. Owner, Mrs. W. C. Daly, Jr. Apr.21-30Who S.3:01ift 15 117 G 5 54 52 PassreW10 12 Braedalbane 112,PIatoon 112, Vitalize 112 O ApnlG-30Who Sl:02m 9-10 115 2 2 2 2 MaddenL C Tlico.Fay llO.Lcnny 107,RoyalBells 3001 0 Apr.l4-30Who g 3:01ft 15 311 3 4 4 3 MaddcnL 12 Vandion 111, RoyalBellslO."!, Platoon 10G O Apr.l2-30Who 3 1:17 ft 31 11G 7 4 41 G MaddenL 10 ClayPigconllO.ReighSIiotlll.FIahcrtyllC C Apr. 9-30Who g l:03hyl2-5f 312 5 3 31 3 MaddcnL 12 AtnBlmlOO.EliaBnklOGJ.LastChgelOO O itai:lG-30IIav 2 1:15 ft 12 113 1 2 3 751 LongL 12 EicLhmnliS.Thco.FyllS.LstChge 113 O HaclO-30IIav 3 1:14 ft 10 110 2 2 2 4 LoganL 12 SlisliMkllC.LastChgellO.PdyFrrtyllO 0 llai 4-30IIav 3 1:11 ft 15 113 1 2 21 41 WdstockF 12 FrLegn HS.SsiiMk llS.Cdldolizr 113 O Starfs. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 3st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- Last year.. 35 4 5 5 $ 2.085 This year.. 20 1 1 4 $ 1,090 BcthlellCin 1 OR B" m 6 by 0n Waton Clintonvllle, by Transvaal. Last work: 1051-2 :53tt X Tranier. A. H. Vivcll. Owner, H. M. Dixon. See yesterdays fifth Wheeling chart. Apr.22-30nVho 3J l:5Gft 32 109 5 9 91 9J JacksonC 9 OurJoanl03,RockTraplll,SaucyPol!y 133 C Apc21-30IWho lo l:4SVft 1G 109 5 4 41 7i JacksonJ 11 Misnomer 114,ElmerIL lOO.LongJoe 109 C Apr.l2-30Who l:02ft 31 109 9 8 8i Gi JacksonC 10 Buchonlll.BrMlbnolOO.A.B.BnsKTlll C Jlae G-30J.P l,tf 1:49 ft 23 103112 4 41 5"! QnbushG" 12 ChickUp 10C,BcstBaIance9G.Cornljelt 111 O Ftb-SOF.G 1 l:47ft 113 109 8 10 9" 9 WiliardC19 11 FairFoliyl07,FrsyIIarel01.Donnatlna 109 O Fcb.l9-30F.a 1 l:47ft 101 109 10 10 101 GI QnbusliG 12 Blkbryl09,Dnatinal09.Cliattahchecl01 0 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. , Starts. 3st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. Last year.. 17 1 2 1 $ 710 This year.. 7 Twenty Five Sixty QO B. f, 3, by Sand Mole Brown Bess, by Blitzon. Trainer, J. R. Carlock. Owner, H. W. Miller. Apr.l7-30Whe Gh f 3:27hy 51 103 C 5 51 41 FatorE 30 Milano 308.NotGu;ity lOl.BIazoner 105 O Ai-.15-30Who 3" 3:lSft 30 99 5 3 31 5J GoodichE 9 Paternal llG.Fdoodle 112,PtOCnor 303 C ApclO-30Who 33:50gd 3G 301 3 t P 62 GoodrichE 7 ScyPolly 311. LyVioIa 3O0.ElmcrII. 100 O Mac 6-30Hav 1 1:11 ft 35 306 5 G 7 71 ColvinA 9 Wash.liose9G,M.AgncsK.105.G.Isabeul02 C FcU.20-30Hav 3 l:25hy 15 100 1 1 1 1 GoodlchE 11 Adminorll2,ILTpleJr.l07,BubKOn 112 C FA. G-S0Ilav 2 l:14gd 20 100 10 10 101 9" GoodrhE 32 Flltphenl07,Frompt!tudel03,l"rRube 103 A , Starts. 1st. 2nl. 3rd. Won.-, . Starts. 3st 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Last year.. 8 0 0 1 $ 50 This year.. 12 1 0 0 $ 750 OmiOgirl 1 fQ m 5 y Ormont Ashton Girl, by Sir Ashton. Lasf work: 1041-2.. :53ft Trainer. L. Kerr. Owner. Owner, L. Kerr. Apr.22-C0,Whe i l:0lft 9 112 1 5 3 2 WstockF 11 DeLgtonllO.CiirlnvlsibieW.Blaer 112 C Apr.lO-SOWhe Gi f l:23gd 43 111 4 2 31 7s WstockF 7 Thco.Faylll.ElIenAdair lOG.BIazoner 111 C Apr.l7-30Whe Gl f l:27hy 93 109 5 G S S WstockF 10 Milano 108J,XotUu;ity lOl.BIazoner 105 C Apr.lG-SOWhe GJfl:23Jm 25 109 5 6 Gi 72 "WstockF 10 SwiftCurrent 9,PhlUeIta lOS.Jibe 103 C Apr 10-30 Who gl:04gd 32 109 8 7 7 7si DycrJ 12 Lucky Drift 107. Sunolin 104. Lang 99 C Octl5-29F.P 2 i;14 It S3 99 7 9 8" 8" RileyG 430 GuineaHenl03,Lkybrif t308,PIygmial03 C , Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. "Last year. .29 2 0 3 $ 1.075 This year.. 5 0 10 $ 100 Weatliervano "1 A Q B. m. 3, by War Fame Afton Water, by Argrogor. X U O Trainer, J. Noel. Owner. Mrs. J. Noei. Apr.23-305Whe Gifl:23ft G5 111 2 7 Gi Gl DouglasF 10 JibelOS, EdvardGrayll3, ReighShotlOSC Apr.l2-20Who 21:17ft 30 106 6 7 76i 72 ColvinA 10 Kalakaua llG.ElnAdair 10G. VeraC. 10G C Apr. 9-30Whe g l:05hy 31 101 1 5 Gi 7i LoganL 12 AunBrmlO9.EilaBankl0G3.J.J.B-br-kll2 C Mat 2-30Hav 5Jfl:0S ft 35 103 11 10 9si 751 PasseroJ" 32 Munning 303. MadSketch 313. Fifia US C rch.l9-30nav 5i f 1:14 hy 12 103 10 10 101 10" BoucherJ 11 FIorinsal05,BIkAg:ite 3I0.J.J.Bbrkll0 C FelU0-30Hav 5 f 1:11 si 31 108 1 3 2 1 BoucherJ 11 BrhtPlumell3.FayIlaiitonl08.Iotal 103 O FA S-20Hav 2 l:21hy 4 101 1 3 21 2i BoucherJ 9 Soiree lOl.DixieBeauty 301,SeaKale 111 G , Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won. Last year. .31 5 3 4 ,110 This year.. 13 112 ,040 John J. Jr. "I 1 Q Ch. g, IO, by Hanbridge Wilhimet, by Hurst Park. Last work: 98 1-2 l-.Olm-1--- Trainer, R. Cooper. Owner, R. Cooper. See yesterdays fifth Wheeling chart. Apr.23-30Wha G?.fl:23 ft G3 111 7 4 4s 4 CooperR 7 TheDoctorlll.ArwITklll.RockQun 111 C Apr.21-30Whe 3"l:4SUft 35f 114 8 G 1111 CooperR 11 Misnomer 134, ElmerIL 30!.I.ongJoe 309 O ApclG-30 Who 1J 2:00m 47 313 4 5 5" 5" CooperR4 C Flapdoodlel33,GneSecondl0S.IMrim 10S O Apr.l5-30Who GXfl:21 ft 30 313 7 G G2 7JJ CooperR 30 UoLcrtaL.99.FiIl D. lOS.Arrovrllawk 10S C Apr.l2-S0Whe 31:17ft 4G 11G 8 8 8"! 81 CooperR 10 Kalakaua llG.ElnAdair lOG.VtraC. IOC C Apr.lO-30Whe 0 l:04gd 19f 114 12 10 10H1 9" CooperR 32 Lucky Drift 107. Sunolin 104. Lang 99 C Mac24-30IJ.P 11 2:01sl G3 111 1 31 11"11" CooperR" 32 Cornbelt 331,M.Maiioney OS.ScyPoIly 10G 0 MaEl9-30J.P 3 2:02hy 72 311 9 12 1212" CooperR 12 Choochcel03,Fretwll 113,SrdBrer 115 C , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won . Last year.. 9 1 2 3 $ 310 This year.. 8 Dixie Beanty I AO Ch. f, 4, by Colonel Vennle Sunflash, by Peep o Day. XVO Trainer. O. Tuggle. Owner, 0. Tuggle. Apcl8-30Who 3 l:17sl G3 30G 8 8 S9i 7si BernierEi 9 Checkmatc313. PlezalllOO. noatzinllG 0 2 l:15ft 51 109 8 G 6" 54 BernierE 8 Lassalll.Timekprlll.JnWilliainll.lll C Apr.ll-30Who 2 l:3Sft G6 103 4 5 5i Gi BernierE" 30 PhiDelta301.Panorel 103.1dMarmiou 111 C Mar27-307St.J ljV l:50ft 42 103 4 8 9" 9" BernierE 10 Paternal HS.Gunther lC7.FircUnder 113 G MaclG-30IIav 2 1:15 ft 30 103 10 11 11"11 NashE 32 EieLlimnll3,Thco.Fyll3.Ls:Chge 333 C Mac G-30Hav 2 l:13ft 20 107 2 8 7" 7T2 NashE" 12 Mad Sketch 317, Sun Dnce 112. Era 132 O , Starts. 3st, 2nd. 3rd. Won.. , Starts. 3st, 2nd. 3rd. Won.. Last year.. 32 3 4 3 $ 1,795 This year.. 19 1 1 1 $ 970 White NOSe 1 fQ B S. 5, by Campfire Elizabeth May, by Ormondale. Last work: 309 3-4. . .l:224shy XUO Trainer, F. Parks. Owner. Mrs. F. Parks. Apz23-307Whe" 3 1:52 ft 707 103 4 7 72 G"i McLalinE- 7 CIodomirll.lOS.ComnGoldlll.ScyPlylll 0 AprlWho l l:48VSft 35f 109 7 5 Gi 4i CcllinsJD 11 Misnomer 114,ElmerIL ICO.LongJoe 109 0 Aptl5-30Whe 6ifl:23 ft Gl 113 8 8 8" 8" GuerraJ 10 VeraC. 107,Hoatz:n 312,CaptnGilbertl0C O Oct 5-29sHag al 2:0G m 41-10 11G 5 MunozF 5 Starmatia 112.ImmolatorllC.S,mSlicklll C .Oct. 3-29IIag a 1J 2:33 hy 7 116 GJ MunozF 7 MlssSandl08.SndcIiffel33.C.-d -0vre33G O Oct 3-29IIag 3 l-aSandn 39 31G 41 DominickJ 7 Rlvanna33G, Vernon 331.Chef-d0vre 310 G Bcp. G-29Whe 3 1:32 m 13 110 3 CarterT G S.sPal 102,K.on t.Keysl32.SpgEdifrllO O , Starts. 3st, 2nd. 3rd. Won., . Starts. 3st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Last year.. 10 0 0 4 $ 105 This year.. 3 Maddenstown 1 1 Q cb s 8 by Marten Far Up, by Fariman. Last work: 82 1-2. . . .. .1 :00sy --XO Trainer, E. Lucas. Owner, R. Lucas. See yesterdays third Wheeling chart. Apr.23-305Whe GXfl:23ft 47 113 G S SJ 781 BarrWT 10 JibelOS, EdwardGrayllS. ReighShotlOSO Apr.lG-30Who Gifl:25m 33 113 4 6 62 61 GuerraJ 10 ClayPigeon HS.Sunolin 105,Klahprty 10S C Apr.lO-30Who "gl:01gd 42 114 G G 54 5 FatorE 12 Lucky Drift 107. Sunolin 104. Lang 99 C MaC27-30!J.P 5Jfl:0SV5ft 62 11G 3 11 9" 9" EamesC" 11 WchOn lll.Flal.ovy lll.CligLady 100 i O MaE21-307J.P IjV 153 si 8 114 4 5 1010 EamesC 12 Trpe of DawnOO.Adieu 301.Vendcuse 30i 0 Macl9-30!J.P 2 l:23hy 343 315 30 8 6i GI DellowW1 32 S.Mengel 330.BaIlGee 110.M"rshlSethll3 O FA14-30F.G lfff l:4Srt 127 112 3 12 32s12a EamesC" 12 B.Darterll2,C.Campusl07,C.Apejack 107 O , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Wen.-. . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.. Last year. .12 0 3 1 $ 260 This year. . 8 Fill D. 1 Q B Bt 4 by Cataract Marian Case-, by Star Ruby. lUO Trainer, E. C. Sutton. Owner, Capt. F. Eaton. Apr.21-305Whc G?. f 1:23 ft C 107 9 7 Gi 6 LoganL 10 MadSkch lll.Plezall lOO.KeighShot 107 G Aicl9-30Whe Ch l:23gd 31 111 5 7 6 4 ColvinA 7 Theo.Faylll.EllenAdair lOG.BIazoner 331 O Apr.l5-30Who Ch f 1:24 ft 15 108 5 4 31 22 BenoitA" 10 RobertaL.OO.ArrowIlawk lOS.PIezall 108 C Aptl2-30Who "21:17 ft 30 311 4 G Gi G51 LoganL 30 ClayPigeonl3C,lteiKliShotlll.F:ahertj31C C Apr. 9-30Who GJ f 1:28 hy 43 101 4 G G G LoganL 10 Chkmyelll.PatrnM HG.Kj Colonel 106 C Man 6-30GHav 1. l:4Gft 20 107 7 9 9 9" BoucherJ 10 Delmonicol03.IItilal09.I.adyAIIumpur 103 0 FA28-30Hav lff l:4Sft 12 110 3 8 G"2 G" MantzJ 9 TryAgainia,Worthm;in 105, Lady Ka 103 O reb.23-30IIav ls l:51sl 10 107 2 S Gl 5i BryantD 9 Coverwd 112,Campella 109,Brigand 107 0 Starts. 3st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., . Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won., Last year.. 24 2 1 3 $ 940 This year. .14 0 2 0 $ 250 Fair Catch l flQ B. m, 6, by Beaverkill Guaranteed, by Hilarious. XUO Trainer, H. T. Palmer. Owner, H. T. Palmer. Apr.l5-30Who 3 3:4Sft 45 100 7 8 Si S BoucherJ 9 Paternal 31G,Fdoodle 112,PtO,Cnor 103 C Ma-SOLJ l 3:47 ft 34 100 10 10 30r GI BoucherJ 30 Laurie 30S, Spurrier 310, Clarifier 303 O Manl3-30llav i,V3:474ift 4 101 3 3 2 2 GoodrhE 12 PrShotll2,NonStop 107,LyAllumeur 100 0 Mac-SOHav 1 l:47ft 12 100 7 G 8T 7" GodrlchE 11 BetsyJelOG.M.J.McX.Jr.lll.Mnsheetlll .0 Mat 8-30Hav 1 l:44Vft 8-5 102 G G 41 31 StransklC 7 Lady Violal02.Worthman 107,Brigand 107 O Mac G-30cIIav 1. l:4Gft 8 102 10 G 51 42 StranskiC 10 lelmouicol03,lIulal09,LadyAllumeur 10S 0 Man 4-30IIav 1" l:44ft 4 102 9 G 51 71 BoucherJ 32 Forefather 112,Dclmonico9S,NonStop 112 .0 Dea21-29IIav l-fe l:53V4hy 6 10G 5 5 5J 5" Kenlyll 6 G Bryndear99,TweIveSixtyll2,RkCndy 104 0 , Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- Last year.. 25. 3 5 2 $ 2.550 This year.. 7 0 1 1 $ 220 Neptllllis 1 "1 O B. g, 4 M, by Colonel Vennio Little Rock, by Trap Eock. Last work: 1021-4 :2Gtt XXO Trainer, J. W. Bartholomew. Ownor, Miss B. "Watson. Apr.22-C0Who g l:01ft Glf 117 7 9 7i Gl DouglasF 1 1 IVL,g,tonllO,Ormosirlll2,Chrrble 107 G Apr.lG-SOWho Gfl:2Gm 70 103 3 10 WW BenoitA 10 ClayPigeon llS.Sunolin 105. Flaherty 10S C Apcl5-30Whe 3 l:15ft SO 109 4 7 7" 7" BenoitA 8 Lassalll.Timekprlll.JnWilliamll.lll G Apr.l2-30Wlio 2 l:17ft EG 111 4 5 5 Gi BenoitA 30 Kalakaua 31G.Eln.dair 30G.VeraC. 30G 0 Apr. 9-30Who g l:05hy 50 103 10 12 32"12" BenoitA 12 Au,nBlml09.EllaBankt0C,J.J:r.brktl2 G Oct,19-293Lat 1J 1:52 ft 190 108 2 7 7" 7 DouglasF 8 OldTimes 310,Kndiakll2,LsvilIeI.ou 305 0 Oct 3-23Ilaw lfg l:50sl 40f 105 9 10 9" S" MeyerC 11 TrueBoy 103,Mgt Gaut Hl.JohnT.D.lOS O , Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won . Last year.. 11 This year.. 5 Golden Lux 11-? Cl1 s C by Golaen Guinea Do Luxe Annie, by Ogden. XXO Trainer. S. Hesseltino. Owner. S. Hesseltine. Apt22-30l!Whe 1J l:3Cft 25 111 1 5 71 7i FatorE 9 OiirJoanlOS.lSockTraplll.SaueyPolly 111 O Apr.lO-SOWhe GJ l:23gd 1G 11G 7 G 7 Gi OMallcyJ 7 Theo.Faylll.EllenAdair lOG.BIazoner 111 O Apr.lO-30Whe 31:19 gd 50 111 10 10 109i 9i BarrW 10 AutnBIoomlll.TlmekperlOS.Curvr 333 O Oct 3-29irag a 1 2:33 hy 21-5 316 41 SanfordP 7 MissSandlOS.Sndcliffelll.C.-d-OvrcllG O Oct 1-29IIag 1-S l:57m 21-5 113 6" SanfordP 7 BttIeShotl32.Starmatiall2.CirrminelOO O Sci.27-2?IIdG IS l:55V4ft luf 10S 13 9 8" 8" GodfreyN "13 LcIeAnnlOS.KyalChge HG.FairLark 103 O ETi.23-29HdG 1J l:5Gft 17 10S 9 10 10"10 IlughcsS 11 Meridal05,SperFelixl08.AssorCharliell3 O , Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won . . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. Last year.. 32 0 6 1 $ 1,000 This year.. 3