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BUSY SCENES AT AURORA Schooling of Horses Well Under Way Both Heisser-Cole and Bahr Gates to Be Tried. AURORA, HI., April 24. Schooling . of horses began in earnest at Exposition Park yesterday with the arrival of Eddie Thomas, starter Morrisseys chief assistant, from Tan-foran. Seventy horses of assorted ages were broken from the Heisser-Cole starting device in the morning and the crew in charge of the barrier education of- the thoroughbreds is assured of much work from now until the commencement of the meeting on May 1. General manager Clifford R. Trimble announced yesterday that both the Heisser-Cole and Bahr starting gates would be used at the meeting. They will be given equal chance and the one that proves most satisfactory will be retained for future meetings. The Heisser-Cole device, which is having its third trial at Aurora, is said to be greatly improved. It has been lightened by 5,000 pounds and is much less cumbersome than on former appearances. It must be good to compare with the Bahr gate, which has been adopted by all of the tracks in Chicago. The latest stables to check in at the Exposition Park course were those of Lewis and Kemp and F. J. Beaucl im. The former well-known racing establishment, which includes such runners as Trieze, Jack Haskell, Miss Rosedale, Rhapsody Ann, Patsy Lewis and others, got in from Kansas City. Trieze, Rhapsody Ann and Patsy Lewis were campaigned at Agua Caliente during the winter but Jack Haskell and Miss Rosedale have had a long rest and are said to be in the best of condition. The Beauchamp string, which includes Omnia, Hilarious, Fretwell and three others, came direct from New Orleans, where it met with fair success during the winter months. Track superintendent Tim Smith reports that 500 stalls are already occupied and that he expects close to S00 head on the grounds when the meeting gets under way. The racing strip is improving daily and barring rain will be fast for the opening next Thursday.