Pimlico, Daily Racing Form, 1930-04-28

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S t ENTRIES AND PAST PERFORMANCES PIMLICO MONDAY, APRIL 28 Weather conditions as forecast by United Slates Weather Bureau and as at press time Indicated: WEATHER CLEAR; TRACK FAST Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time, 2:30 p. m. 1st PimlicO Interrogative Purse. Tnrse ,300. 2-year-olds. Xnldens. Ga-l2 Mile Totte, May 4, 1925:-2 112. Ind PP. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.nan. Ind. PP. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.nan. 4GG4S3 17 Over tjhady.Bow 115 :48?5 110.. 725 4GC05 14 Earthquake Bow 111 :52?h 122.. COO 4G913 12 Exalt 122. .720 4C913 1G Tuckahoc ...... 110. .COO 4G5423 10 Aulularia .Bow 112 -AS 119.. 715 3 Baldachino .... 119 4G732 2 Miss Madelyn... 119.. 710 4 Mate 122 4C452 5 Jolly King. Bow 118 :494 122. .705 Impetus- 122 4G584 C Scotch Lassie S Queen Herod... 119 Bow 115 :50 119.. 700 9 J x Trince nnce 1 Peter eter. . . .. . J- 1"" 4C848 1 Snow White.... 119..C05 4GS44 13 Entice 119.. 095 15 Potheen 119 4G5C4 11 Sweet Senorita 18 Flagg Porter... 122 Bow 10S :50 119. . COO The past performances of the horses entered In this race, together with latest workout and racing record: Date. Crs. Dis.Time Tr. Odds Wt.St. Str.Fln. Jockey TP.Sts. Best Company Class ol Race. Over Shady 1 1 Q B- 2 M y Bubbling Over Shady Nook, by Atheling DT. JL-Li Trainer, R. F. Carman, Jr. Owner, Nevada Stock Farm Sta. ApnlG-COUIdG 4J " f :544,gd27-10 115 3 2 2s 2i MorsonR3 14 LleAincall5,Hieawayll5,BrtCometll5 M Arnl2-30Bow i :47ft 11-5 115 2 2 21 23 MorsonR 11 Squab 115,MaryEnderlyll3,TeaGown 115 M Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. AVori.- 1 This yoar.. 2 0 2 0 ? 400 Exalt 1 99 Cb c" 2 by GoIden Broom Glorymaid, by Glorificr. Last work: 1121-2... :48ft -Li Trainer, S. P. Harlan. Owner, Mrs. W. M. Jeffords. Ape25-30lIIdG 4 t :53ft C US 10 11 9? 7" AmbreE 13 IlappyScot 118.IIieaway 113, Totem 113 M Arr.l9-30IIdG 4J f :55hy 9e 111 3 2 5S1 5"3 ColIcttIF1 13 Pennate 112. Glidelia 109. Ilieaway 107 A , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., This year. . 2 Allllllaria 1 1 Q Cu 2 M, by Trojan Accara, by Accountant. XXtJ Trainer, 1. Campbell. Ownor, G. L. Stryker. ApclO-SOBoiv 1 :47 ft S 112 3 3 3i 2" RobtsnA1 10 Gij;antIcll5.RlMajcstyll5,StarPollyll2 M Apr. 5-30Bow 1 :4Sft C7 113 3 3 23 2 IlainesR 12 Saki 1J5 Jiagothy 115, Mollyllogan Ho 31 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, This year.. 2 0 1 1 $ 350 Miss Maflelyil 1 1 Q C"1 f 2 by Friar Rock Meddlesome II., by Meddlor, Last work: 113 3-S :3Gft Trainer, H. Garth. Owner, L. E. Keiffcr. Aptl9-30IIdG 41 f :55hy 107 107 9 10 1010 9" ArnoldG 13 Pennate 112, Glidella 109, Ilicaway 107 A Apnio-SOUIdG 41 f :51ft So 109 13 12 12"125 McGInisP" 13 Equipoise llS,Scbooncrll2.UncleRam 112 A , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won This year.. 2 Jolly Kin"" 1 99 Br c 2 by Ero aux I,armcs Mary King, by Fatherless. XLiLi Trainer. G. L. Arvin. Owner, H. T. Archibald. Apr. 1-20Bow I :47ft 47 US 4 C 41 5i SchaeferL 12 Sweep All 118, Gigantic 118, Up-113 M Fctnll-30Mia g :35ft 23 122 10 5 8 CatroricF 10 SilvcrCanopylll,Jhangl22,SouthScasll5 A leb. 5-30Mia g :35ft 30 113 10 10I310;s LschcrW1 10 Friar 113,RrandonSaint 118,SunMask 113 A , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.. This year.. 3 Scotch LaSSlC 1 "-"- 1 Q Cu- f 2 M, by Scotch Broom Beth Stanley, by Golden Last work: 112 3-S :3Sft Maxim. Trainer. M. Smart. Owner, S. Boss. Apr.l2-30Bow I :47ft 33 113 C 7 7,s G,s BarnesE 11 Squab U5,OvcrShadyll5,MyEndorIy 115 M , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. This year.. 1 SllOW "VIlitC 1 1 Q Br" f 2 by Ladkin Snowcapt, by Boi Herode. Last work: 1123-8 :3Sft -L J- Trainer. J. E. Pryce. Owner, W. J. Salmon. Apr.23-C05HdG 4 J :33 ft CO 114 1 S S S" SchaeferL. 10 Vandcr Pool 122,Up 117, Equipoise 122 S Ai-tlG-COIIdG 41 f :54gd 21 113 7 9 8" uJ SchacferL 14 LleAmcall5,0v,rShdyll5,Hieawayll5 11 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.. This year.. 2 Entice 1 1 Q B" f 2 M by KaiSanS Scoots, by Broomstick. X J. J Trainer, F. M. Taylor. Owner, Bancocas Stable. Apr.23-30IIdG 4J f :33 ft 9f 105 S 7 78 9 HildrthW 15 BroadA. 115, Sedgic 114,NoisyMiss 115 C , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Wen. , , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., This year.. 1 Sweet SeilOritil I -J Q B, f, 2 M, by Spanish Prince II. Sweet Pea, by Ivan the XXU Terrible. Trainer, B. Harris. Owner, G. Lerian. Apr.ll-CO:Bow I :47ft 47f 10S 12 12 12"12: DalntyF" 12 Tarpaulin 113. Glidelia 110, Smear 111 A , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., This year.. 1 Earthquake 199 Ch c 2 M by playfellow Marys Aunt, by Star Shoot. XLiLi Trainer, H. Baker. Owner, Breckinridge Long. Apr.l4-30HdG 41 t :51ift Uf US 1 7 9n0o ArnoldG1! 14 Up 118, Pennate 118. JimmyJingle 118 M Ape 7-30JBow 5" :4Sihy 42f 111 7 10 10Is10- McAffeD 11 Equipoise 111, Glidelia 110, Drydock 112 A , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- , Starts, 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- This year.. 2 TucIiilllOe 1 1 Q CU f 2 M by Sir Greysteel Shireoaks, by Volta. Last work: 113 3-S :3Cft Trainer, C. B. Beid. Owner, S. 7. Labrot. Apr.25-30IIdG 4J f :53J4Ct 41o 113 7 C G 9" MannJ 13 IlappyScot HS.IIieaway 113, Totem 118 M JIm19-30J.P 3J f :17 hy37-10 115 12 11.10i5Sl LeBlncN 12 MasrnalliganllS.LittlePanllS.Zinn 118 M rtU2G-30F.G gJi3sl 419 113 S 7 S 8" Le BlncN 10 BilIMrrisl23.Sclio,nerll9,L,aNegley 11G A . Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- This year.. 3 BaldachillO 1 1 Q Ch- f 2 M V Ryal Canopy Wren, by Star Shoot. J- J- Trainer, S. M. Henderson. Owner, Andley Farm Stable. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Mate -I 99 Ch. c, 2 M, by Prince Pal Kallashandra, by Ambassa- XLiU dor rv. Trainer, J. W. Healey. Owner, A. C. Bostwick. . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- IllipetnS 1 QO B. c, 2 M, by Stimulus Susie, by Lochryan, Trainer, M. Brady. Owner; J. E. Davis. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. , . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Queeil Herod 1 1 Q Ch f 2 M by Tetratema Heine de Neige, by Boi Herode. X J. V Trainer, M. Hirsch. Owner, Mrs. H. Puliter. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Statts. 1st. 2ndl 3rd. Won.-, Prince Teter 1 99 Ch c" 2 M" by Peter Pan Solisa, by Spanish Prince II. XLjLu Trainer, T. W. Murphy. Owner, Greentree Stable. . : Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Potheeil - 1 1 Q Br f 2 V Wildair Bosie OGrady, by Hamburg. -L J. 7 Trainer, J. Bowe. Owner, H. P. Whitney. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Flagg Porter 199 Br c 2 M y The Porter Black Flag, by Light Brigade. XULi Trainer, J. F. Schorr. Owner, E. B. McLean. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 2nd PimlicO Parse ,800. 3-year-oIds and upward. Claiming. Shuffle 1 M.-70 Yds. AIonsr yor 3 ld2S 1:42Ks 3 110. XOTE Claimin? price, 52,300; If for ,000, 2 pounds extra; ,500, 5 ponnds extra. 3-year-olds, 110 ponnds; older, 122 pounds. Winners of two races in 1930 not to be entered for less than ,500. Ind. PP. norse. Wt. Kec. A.Wt.IIan. inj. pp. norse. Wt. Eec. A.Wt.Han. 439S35 5Sliepherdess .... 4 114X725 40813 7 Cliickweed 3 105.. 700 40919 SFair Gold 5 112X720 . 4GjCj r.rtf CtIjcket 3 i ,ftov,- 102X69 4C7S0-- 1 Frances St. L... HdG 107 1:4G75 3 107. .713 4GS79 2Brown Mouse 4CSS3 0Xaylor ndG 110 l:43jj 3 107..71Q M HdG 103 1:40 K 3 102.. COO 4G733 3Jane Rinehart.. 4G7S0 4Jolin RobcrtHdG 104 1:47 3 105. . GOO UdG 105 l:50sy 4. 112X703 The past performances of the horses entered in this race, together with latest workout and racing record: Date. Crs. Dis.Time Tr. Odds WLSt. Str.Fin. Jockey PP.Sts. Best Company Class of Race. Shepherdess "1 1 A Gr or rn" f by Eyal Canopy Herd Girl, by Colin. XXrk Trainer, C. 3". Quinn. Owner, C. Amcry. ila SMia lfe l:43ft 5 103 2 1 lnt 2nt HebertS C Gadalong lOOi.Dragon llG.Letalone 10G C Mac 3-30Mia IjV l:4Cgd 12 10G 1 2 21 31 DcPrmaR 8 NeryRliymes llu.Blade 108,Letalone 113 C retn22-30!JIia 1; l:43f t 12 102 2 G G G" CarrollW3 8 Spectacular 112, Dragon 114,FairdaIe 112 C rtb.l2-S05Mia 5 1:12 ft 40 113 1 G 5J 6" MurrayT4 TSt.Priscal00,QnTowtonll2,PentLassll3 A NT.20-r9Bow 1 l:49gd 10 103 4 4 4i 4 BejshakJ 4 5 Eflecta 109, NettieStone 110, Jesirah 10G A Kot 7-29JPira ll:4Sft 7S 111 G G 71 GSJ BejshakJ 0 BattleAxll7.PlyAtt,tionll7,BeginOrll2 C OcL23-29lLrl 1-fg l:484ygd 5i 100 3 3 3s 3s SchenkA 4 Bewithus lll.Bramabiau llO.Snelboc 103 A Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won Last year.. 10 0 2 2 $ 950 This year.. 4 0 1 I S 270 Fair i uu Pold u 119 B. m, 5, by Eternal Martigold, by Martagon. XX Li Trainer, H. G. Bedwell. Owner. H. G. Bedwell. Apr.25-S0THdG lf l:4Sft 7i 103 12 3 5 5TJ CannonW1 12 VlllagerllO, FairThornlOS, ToyagelOS C Apcl9-30sHdG 1; l:51hy G 101 G 1 2and 2" PasseroJ 9 CgeBoylOS.QddfwlI.lOS.K.CrsPrcslOO C Aiel4-30:IIdG ljl:33ft G 102 4 1 2 2 CannonW" C I.lazgCchlll.PrrieGllOS.MntnGslOl C Apr.l2-303Bow l:34ft 24 10G G 5 4rJ 4 CannonW4 O IIerbAshbyl07,FairClassllG,Mnshcet 10G C Ape 9-303Bow 15 1:57 ft 11 106 2 5 C-l 5 CannonW 0 BcImOnalOG.Chattahcliee lOC.Signola 102 C Apt 4-205Bow 1 l:30gd IS 100 2 2 3J ih PasseroJ1 8 Vimont HS.Gadalongllo.BlazgCinch 108 C JIac22-30A.C lie l:16ft 19 102 5 4 6i If DePesoG 8 Marengo 103. Torch 112, StarPrince 113 C tPlaced third tlirough disqualification. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. Last year.. 22 4 3 3 5 4.260 This year. .15 13 3 ? 1,375 FrailCCS St. L. nr B. f, 3, by Baby Grand Slim Princess, by Sempronius. Last work:" 113 3-8... :35ft Trainer, C. Eaynor. Owner, J. P. McGovern. Apr.21-305IIdG l70 lMGift 27-10 107 3 1 Is 2i KobtsonA 8 MjScoopl08,Flashing 103,JohnRobcrt 104 C ApclG-30sHdG 1" 1:47 si 13 lOSi 1 2 2 2 RobtsruV5 S Cliatteringl02,Easter 109,PingCoates 105 C Apr 9-30Bow g l:2GVft 11 10SJ 3 1 1J VI KobtsnA" 15 GnomeBoyl05,XesodalellG,Traplandl05 M JUrl7-30J.P l:19h 16 111" 7 10 11" S ArnolclG1 12 MersChce lOG.AnnC. 113,GoseStep 10C C leUll-30F.G l:14ft Gf 109 8 G G Gi QbaumC" 12 Beckeeprl09,Cboristcrl05.BkdApplelOO C FA 4-SOF.G 1 l:34hy 17-5 10SJ 4 G 41 5si QbaumC 10 Pattil.ouise 102,Star 112,CutSteel 103i C Jan.31-305F.G 5 l:14sd 4S 109 3 11 7:J Gl AyraudR5 12 JlissRnmseylOG.PortsurllG.ThsSeth 113 C Jan.2i-305F.G l:llgd 17 107 10 9 82 7s ArnoidG8 12 Solus 115, Mae Price 110, Paquette 102 C , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. Last year.. 12 0 0 1 $ 150 This year.. 11 12 0 ,250 Kaylor -l AJy Ch. c, 3, by Atwell Beware, by Fair Play. Last work: 113 5-S 1:01ft J-v I Trainer, A. G. Blakely. Owner, B. H. Davis, Jr. Apc24-C05HdG 1" l:45andft 29-10 10S 5 2 2s 4 CarlisleC 11 MyScoop 113,Calome 104,BakedApple 103 C Apc21-30HdG l 1:40 ft 33-10 110 8 5 52 45J EabyJ 8 MasferStarl07,BakedApplcl08,Calomel00 C Apnll-305Bow 11:43 ft 23-10 107 7 5 4 3Ti Bethel J 0 Ulverston lOo.Calcmc 107, Wayfarer 112 C Mac 5-30Mia l:4Gft 20 109 4 3 3J 25 BethelJ1 12 Borita lOl.MissDosmond 103,LciIaA. 109 C FeU27-30Mia ljff l:47ft 8 103 G 3 2" 1J RenickS 12 Paternal 120. Wagtail 111. namca 115 C Ftb.21-30rMIa ll:4Gft 15 111 8 8 7" G" CatroneF 9 ItolgSealOG.B.-WracklOG.LyClarncelOG C Fand17-20:Mia 2 l:15Ksy 5 111 8 7 7" 713 CatroneF 12 Vagrant 103, riiilR. 100. Dasbaway 101 C , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Last year.. 9 0 0 0 $ 50 This year.. 8 111 ,100 Jane Ililieliart 1 1 Q y Meridian Joanna II., by John oGaunt. Last work: 1013-4 l:18ft J-Xand Trainer. H. E. Smith. Ownor, E. A. Ravmond. Apcl9-30IIdG lffl:5lihy 20 109 2 7 7" 7"Mor,sonR 7 Pklyirtlia.TJsliBolilOoJ.KiinRgo 105 C ApclG-30IIdG lit ,l:191sl 11 10S1 1 1 3i 410 MorsonR 0 Fire Opal 105, Mulatto 103, Reform 105 C Apell-SOBow 21:12ft llf 113 7 12 12"12tI TammaroJ 14 Hypnotism 113, I.indy 118, Valley 100 C Apt 7-30;Bov 21:14hy 9 115 1 5 71S"7" RobtsnA" 13 Propus 118, Valley 109. One Cent 113 C OcLl9-23eLrl lfs l:4Gft 45 105 3 10 ll"lls ArnoidG HI Bosky 112, Corposant 115, Buddha 108 C OcL 7-29Lrl lfe l:47Vft 23 109 2 9 92 9s RobtsnA 10 Fair Class 11C, Fair Bill 111, KrJcfc 113 C Oct l-saHdG 1A V51 hy 9i 100 1 3 5,1 c" DriccD 0 Sanford 110,Kcform lOS.GdenArow 10C C , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. Last year.. 24 2 3 4 ? 2,370 This year.. 4 0 0 0 $ GO ClllCliWeCd I AT B. f, 3, by Wrack Lady Chicksands, by McGeo, t JL U O Trainer, B, Harris. Owner, G. Lerian. Apt22-30HdG 21:13ft 23 lit 8 9 S 5 WkmanR 9 Finita 109, Flosslne 111, Tanda 11 1 A Apcll-30sBov 2 l:12ft 31 107 4 3 4l 711 RobtsnA14 14 Hypnotism 113, Llndy 118, Valley 100 0 Apt 7-30Bow 5i f l:10ihy 19 115 2 2 lJ l1 RobtsnA 10 WildFowl 115,KittyMaricll3,Bootec 115 M Apt 4-30Bow 2 l:llgd Gl 110 13 11 13"13 McTagU 14 TrkyColl llS.BchveCaslillS.rIelmpllS C Not S-29Pim 2 1:15 ft 112 113 9 9 9,s 8"2 SteffenH "12 PcsEvol lll.BritRcd 113,P,diseLostt20 O Nbt 2-29 U.H 2 t:M m 25 109 7 7 8 " 8:J SteffenE lO Martis 117,DevilsBue 112, Enduring 117 A OcUl-20Jam g 1:01 ft 20 115 5 3 852Ul SteffenE 1C FirstLady 115,Trysail 115,Calamity 115 St , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. Last year.. 6 This year.. 4 1 0 0 850 Locket 109 B. f, 3, by Eoyal Canopy Travers, by Trap Bock. XJ Li Trainer, D. C. Harrison, Jr. Ownor, P. M. Walker. Aptll-SOBow 2 l:12ft llf 100 11 10 lOUO13 PasseroJ 14 Hypnotism 113, I.indy 118, Valley 10OO Apr. 3-30Bow 2 l:13im 8 105 G 7 8" 8- WattcrsE 10 St.Tuscan 109, Columbus HO.Guildcr 110 C Not30-29Bow- J l:24rt24-5f 109 G 2 2i 2l RobcrfnA 15 XellW.113,AlwgfnDlyl03,r.riglitUdl03 O Octll-29Lrl 2 1:U ft 7-10 109 6 8 GTJ G"i RobtsnA 12 Cheng Tu 105, Wig 107. Associate 105 O OcLlO-29;Lrl 31:14 ft 13-5 103 6 4 52 5J RobtsnA 10 Fantad 115. Wackct 115, Zcvesgold 101 C Oct 1-29IldG 3 l:15hy 7 109 3 1 l"k 2h RobtsnA 13 Vinlin 100. St. Tuscan 110, Ignite 105 C 8rp.25-29IIdG f 1:03 ft 9 107 5 4 3-3 14 RobtsnA 15 Lawyer 110,1layabit 105, SkipWeidel 102 0 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. "Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. Last year. .12 1 2 2 $ 1.550 This year. . 2 BrOWll MOUSO 1 A 9 Br f 3 M by Brown Pnce II. Louise Travers, by McGee. XJ Li Trainer, C. Utz. Owner, Foxcatcher Farms Stable. Apr.21-30IIdG 1" l:16i,4ft 97 105 2 3 531 S54 PhillipsC 11 BelliCasuslll.PrincsIIcnrylOC.AngryllO 51 AptlS-SOIldG 1"1:52 m lit 101 9 11 UU1 CimcrakG,: 13 BkdAple 100,Broker 107,FairFolly 103 O Oct21-29Lrl 2 l:13ft 12 11G 7 8 I012l EricIisnH 12 FlyerllS.BubMcBarland 118.IIackyII.118 A Octlo-29Lrl 21:15 m 42 113 2 1 31 4i Ericksnll 1 9 Ruernl 113,Blde aWeell5.NilcMaidenll5 1. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-N Last year.. 2 This year.. 2 John Robert 10 ai e 3 by RoyaI Canopy Marsh Light, by Hamburg. XJO Trainer, W. M. Shewbridge. Owner, J. F. Besche. Apr.21-30JHdG llMGft C3 101 G 7 7 4"2 CimcrakG1 8 MyScoopl08,IrancesSt.L.107,FIaslig 105 O Apr. 8-305Bow l?s l:31sl 37 101 7 G P. up. QuillenC 7 Cpanionl01.PrceToyll5,BakdApple 100 C Mac20-30J.P 3 l:19liy 29 103 12 9 8,s 7:2 QuillenC 12 Tlielma L. 104, DonTinky 115, Solus 111 O Hatl3-30J.P ll:4G ft G2 109 3 8 8" 819 EamcsC4 9 HanCortes 107,Star 103,EvcningSky 10G O Feb.2S-30F.G 2 l:lG7iin 43 lit 9 9 7" 7 EamesC 10 Jean lOS.MrSamover lll.SwtCliance 114 C r14-30F.G 1 1: ft 17-5f 109 11 11 7 S" RussellR 11 PrinccBarel03.ZdcrZcel02.DisieDan 108 0 FA. 6-305F.G 21:13ft 17 Hi 12 12 101 D QbaumC 12 JcanK. lOl.MrsCboice lOI.MaePricc 101 O , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., . Starts lt. 2nd. 3rd. Won . Last year. .10 2 0 2 $ 750 This year. . 8 0 0 0 $ 50 3rd Pimkio Gllilford Purso. Pursc . 2.ycar.oH, Clainuff. to 4Y2 Fur. 1926-:53-2 111. !XOTE Claiming: price, ,000; If for ,500, 2 ponnds extra; ,000, 4 pounds extra; ,000, 7 pounds extra. "Weight, 112 pounds. Winners of 00 or two races not to be entered for less than ,000. Xaidens allowed 3 pounds. Ind. PP. norse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.Han. Ind. TP. norse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.Han. 4G844 9 Arev M..ndG 114 :55!5 109.. 725 4G8S0 2Explore M .. 4G913 1 Sustain M HdG 111 :58 101. .C95 . HdG 113 :51 11C..720 4G713 3 Tryor M 109.. G95 4GSS0 7 Black I.ula M 4GG05 5 Boy Messenger. . HdG 107 :5Gand IOC. 715 M.....HdG 118 :5S 109.. 090 4C77G 11 Abitibi MIIdC, 111 :5G3 109. .710 G.Erse 109..... 4G522 10HoId nard M 107. .705 8Utmost Ill 4GC13 4Alpine Girl M 12 Meek - 113...... HdG 113 :57Vi 103.. 700 William Garth entry Black Lula, Meek. Tlie past performances of the horses entered In this race, together with latest workout and racing record: Date. Crs. Dis.Time Tr. Odds Wt.St. Str.Fin. Jockey rP.Sts. Best Company Class of Race. JLXQY "I AQ B. g, 2 M, by Roman Bachelor Theodosia, by Theo. Cook. XKJtJ Trainer, W. Mulholland. Owner, H. R. Freck. Apc23-30ndG 41 f :55 ft 9f 114 3 3 SJ 4i CurranW5 15 BroadA. 115, Sedgie 114,XoisyMiss 115 C ApclS-30HdG 4 f -.57 m GO 114 2 4 SIO11 CurranWr 12 AbductionllO.BroadA.104.BlackLuIalOG C , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. , , Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won.- This year.. 2 0 0 0 50 Sustain 1 1 d c CM, by Gnome Maintain, by Maintenant. JL JL 0 Trainer, E. Williams. Owner, B. OF. Randolph. Apt25-C0lHdG 4S f :53ift 37 113 2 2 2 4i CurranW" 13 RappyScot llS.nieaway 115. Totem US M AprlO-SOHdG 4J f :53hy 53 110 7 11 1111 StevensF" 13 Pennate 112, Glidelia 109, nieaway 107 A Apr.l4-30HdG 4?. f :51ft 74 118 3 1 4T 4Ti StevensF1 14 Up 118, Pennate 118, JimmyJingle 118 M Apt 7-303Bow I :43hy 42f 114 2 G G" 8;o HarveyW1 11 Equipoise lll.Glidelia 110, Drydock 112 A Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won.. . Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won This year. . 4 0. 0 0 $ 100 Black Lula 1 C y Blazes Broken Promises, by King James. Last work: 1113-8 :3Gft JLUO Trainer, J. Woods Garth II. Owner, W. Garth. Apt24-30;HdG 4J f :51ft 14 109 11 13 llll; McGinisP 15 Shield 112, Zebra 112, Prince Zeus 122 O Apc22-30,HdG 4J f :51ft 47-10 107 2 9 9J 93 RobtsnAJ 15 Abduction 119,MissCanopy 100,Zebra 100 C AptlS-SOHdG 4S f. :57 m 5S 10G 1 3 5S 3 McGinisP 12 Abduction 110J,BroadA.104.CaracallallC C Ape 5-30Bow :135ift 33 115 9 10 71 7s MergrJC 12 Saki 115. Aulularia 115. Magothy 11a M , Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won.. , Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd.. Von.- This year.. 4 0 0 1 $ 100 Abitibi 1 0 Q B 2 ty Trjan Coypou. by William Rufus. XJO Trainer, M. -Brady. Owner, J. E. Davis. Apr.21-30HdG 41 f :51ft 4i 115 7 5 7 GT BejshakJ 10 Avalon 118, Spirit 118, Salisbury 118 M Ape 3-SOBow i :4Sm 9-5 110 7 8 9J 9 "WattersE1 12 Garlic 113,PccssTell HO.BronDare 113 O Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won , , Starts. 1st. 2nd. ird. Won , This year.. 2 Hold Hard 1 07 B. gr, 2 M, by Sunference Betsy Barth, by Wormleighton. XJ I Trainer, L. Campbell. Owner, M. J. Cromwell. Apr. 9-30Bow 1 :43ft 27f 105 10 G lO.lO11 HainesRs 12 MiKsDinviddiel07,RrnDarell2,Fervidlll O Ape l-30Bov :47ft 107 118 12 12 lOUO1" HaynesR" 12 Sweep All 118, Gigantic US, Up 113 M : Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won. , : Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won.- This year. .2 Alpine Girl "1 Br f 2 Mt by Galetian I,aay HUlington, by Garry Herr- . JL vO mann. Trainer, W. F. Mulholland. Owner, G. D. Widener. ApclG-OOHdG 41 f :51gd 50 115 11 14 111B 913 EabyJ10 14 LMeAmcall5,Oi-rSIidyll5,Hieavayll5 M , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won . , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won This year. .1 Explore 1 CA Ch f 2 M by Purchase Exploif, by Peter Pan. XKJrt Trainer, F. M. Taylor. Owner, Bancocas Stable. Apc21-30Hd"G 41 f :3lft 20 111 13 14 13lt139 CollcttiF3 15 Shield 112, Zebra 112, Prince Zeus 122 0 , Starts. 1st. 2ud. 3rd. Won., t Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won , This year.. 1 Tryor 1 HQ B s 2 M by Tryser Miss Orimar, by Orimar. Last work: 1141-2... :50, XJV Trainer, W. W. Taylor. Owner, H. P. Headley. Apr.lS-C05Lex 5 :4Stft 10 11G G. 4 73J G,: McCrsnC1 3 BkCmtllCDeomster HG.GodJest 11 A , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. This year.. 1 Boy Messenger 1 OQ Br 2 M by 3l8SsenEer Lough Eask. by Lough Foyle. XKJtJ Trainer, J. F. Schorr. Owner, E. B. McLean. Apell-3QHdG n f :51ft 49 US 7 9 llll- FronkW" 14 Up 11S, Pennate 118, JimmyJingle US St , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.. This year. .1 Erse 1 OQ ch" c 2 M by Ed CruraP Irish vnt by celt. .-. XVZJ Trainer, T. Bodrock. Owner, K. E. Hitt. Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- Utmost 111 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Meek 1 1 O Ch. f, 2 M, by The Turk Humble, by Maintenant. -L-Lc Trainer, J. W. Garth. Owner, Wm. Garth. , Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- 4th Pimlico Drui,i IIiu Purse? Plirse 500 3.yer.olds alIrt lIllWara. ai- Mile lowanees. 3Iainniast, May 0, 1921 1:105 5115. JH?;-, Por-. Wt" Rec- A.Wt.nan. inrt. PP. Horse. Wt. Rec A.Wt.n.in. 4401O1 . Com Collector L 4,kS1 j 5 Guilford ..IMG 10911:14ili 3 105x095 J!n US 1:13 4 12.... 725 35777 1 Charles the 4GG52 9 Chlo 15oy....Lrl 107 l:13s 3 105 X720 First ... .UdG 10S 1:13 4 115.. 090 43SS52 C Chief Executive 4 115. .715 .1G341 4 Colossal . ..Sar 112 l:131i 3 105. .090 4C71C1 8 Ante BellumLat 115 1:14 3 105X710 r, r.tack blKtt 3 105 4C8S23 11 Zlda F.G 100 1:12 3 103 X 705 30 Bronze Prince! . 3 105..... 41003 12 Gay Past... Jam 09 1:14, 3 105.. 700 Loma Stable entry Twink, Chlo Boy. 3573C 2 Twink Pirn. 123 1:14 4 115XC95 The past performances of the horses entered In this race, together with latest workout and racing record : Date. Crs. Dis.Time Tr. Odds Wt.St. i Str.Fin. Jockey PP.Sts. Host Company Class of Race. Coill Collector 1 OQ Ch. c, 4, by Golden Guinea May Lily, by Negofol. XLiO Trainer, J. H. Stotler. Owner, Sagamore Stable. Kor.29-29Bov IjV 1:-Nft GJ 10G 4 2 32 3i BejshakJ 6 7 Searcher lOS.I.owGear 103,Cbatover 10G A Kot27-295Bow lVff l:47ft 6J 10G 4 2 3i 31 BejsIiakJ 810 Snd.v Ford 107, PggsPridelOl, Perkins 10S X Kb26-29sBow- le l:47ft 10 107 5 3 4i 2 BejshakJ 5 Farmer 109, Essare 111, Lativich 117 H Koi23-295Bov lfl:4Ssl CJ 105 5 2 1 2nk BejshakJ G African 105, Searcher 10SJ. Host 110 A Kot.21-295Bow 11:43 ft 7-10 10G 1 1 3J 4 BejshakJ J 4 Farmer lOS.Annapolis lll.UpsetLad 113 A Kor.l2-295Pim l-ts l:4Gft 11-10 112 1113 li CollettiF - S FairP,etlil07.TurfWriterll0.Cbatover 107 O Koi 8-29sPim l"l:4a ft 11 103 3 2 G5 G5J BejshakJ c 7 Dr.Frrdiec,IIotTd.vll3.CfEscutivel03 II , Starts; lst.; 2nd. 3rd. Won., , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. AVon. , 1 Iast year. .22 3 5 5 $ S.125 CIlIo Boy 1 ft Ch c 3 ty Duntoyne Chloe D., by Ormondalo. Last work: 87 3-4. . . .l:15?ft J-vtJ Trainer, J. W. Hcaly. Owner, Loma Stable. Apr.l6-305HdG .21:13sl 14 103 8 5 4:1 5 ArnoldG3 11 TheHcathenll8,Balkol20,OnncrToes 115 S Apr.l4-303lIdG f 1:0714ft 13-5 110 8 5 3 3l BcjshakJ 8 Flimsyl02,JimmyMorari llO.BtyBeaulOO A Apr. l-303Bow M:0Gft 43-10 112 2 1 1 21 BejshakJ3 7 Colosl 10G,Mr.DesmdlOG,PrnlBnd 110 A Kos23-29:Bov g 1:26 6l 71 109 4 1 23 4 RobertnA 1 8 NedO.118,PlkyPlayl07, Valenciennes 103 A So 5-29Pim 2 l:14gd 7 121 5 6 S3 S3 InzeloneJ 10 BlkMmy 115,SinFalcon 118,Sistony 338 S JJot lPim 21:14mll-10 11G 1 1 l3 1 InzeloneJ C NightSualll5,Sunbrnll3,KingICelly 108 A Oct2S-293Lrl 2 l:12ft 9-So 112 3 5 S3 9J InzeloneJ 10 CrossboneslOS,NedO.H5.JimmyMoranll2 A OcL23-29Lrl g 1:13 ed 51 107 1 1 1 Is InzeloneJ 7 Sun Craig 110. Cymbal 107, Cullodcn 115 A , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. "Won.. Last year.. 12 3 10 $ 2.S00 This year.. 3 0 11 $ 325 Cllicf Executive 1 1 B c 4 Whisk Broom II. Distinction, by The Manager. J-JLtJ Trainer, G. Tompkins. Owner, Brookmsade Stable. U3-29Pim 3J 3:327sgd G 109 3 2 BakerFJ - C Inception 109, Searcher 110, Electa 105 A Sot. S-293Pim 1"1:43 ft 47 103 G 3. 3i 32 BakerF J 7 Dr.FrccldlOG notToddy313,InceptionI0G II Oct29-295Lrl 1" l:42ft 13 105 4 3 4J 51 BakerFJ C WilIiamT.112,Bcwithusll4, Inception 112 H Octl9-295Lrl 1J 2:03 ft 48 103 9 6 712 713 BakerFJ 12 Vanity 104, Curate 112, Glen Wild 112 S Oct31-295Lrl ljV 1:46 ft 29-10 110 1 1 21 1 BakerFJ 3 5 Shpdsl05,Saf tyrinl07,BcauWracklOG A Efp.3S-29Aqu 1 1:40 si 7 113 6 5 5 6! BakerF 7 Frisius 119.1-ativicli 113,SunMission 110 A Aus21-294Sar 11:23 hy 13 103 8 5 741 713 BakerF 8 Bobashcla 114. Tuskegoe llC.Curate 110 B , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., , : Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., Last year.. 12 12 2 ,800 Allte Bclluill 1 n f B B 3 ly SuPremus Umbel, by Uncle. Last work: 1133-4 1:13ft -LvO Trainer, W. W. Taylor. Owner, H. P. Headley. Apr.lS-305Lex fc 1:11 ft 3e 112 3 1 2" 21 McCrsenC3 8 Dedicatellu, ThistleAnnllO. Fiddlerll2 A Eep.20-293Lex 6Jfl:0Sft 7-5 115 2 3 43 3 DuboisD 9 Monnie 107. Sis Agnes 112, Donora 107 C Sep. 14-29 Lex 6Jfl:10m lt-5 109 5 4 21 3 DuboisD 32 Jiistinall2,UIeLutherl38,MgtScott3321 A Jun.29-29sLat 2 1:12 gd 61 115 2 6 711 9,s FronkW "10 Tannery 118,MaYerkcs 115, TakeOff 118 S Jun.2t-29Lat 5J f l:06ft 3-5 115 3 1 1 2 FronkW 1 C FiddlerllS.RollingSea 110,UneleMatt 115 A Apr.24-29Lex 4J f :54ift 6 115 4 1 l3 1 FronkW "10 SydneyllS.RolIEniDnllS.rr.a.Poctryllo A Nominated for 1930 Kentucky Derby. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. "Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- Last year.. 5 112? 1,004 This year. . 10 1 0 00 Zida 1 B 3 y Zev Kyalite- by Lucuinte. Last work: 113 5-S. . .1:02 " t -LlO Trainer, F. 14. Taylor. Owner, Bancocas Stable. Apr.21-30HdG 2 l:13ft 20 112 7 5 31 3i MorsonR3 7 Finita 109, MySis 11G, On Her Toes 12C II Mar. 1-30F.G 2 1:16 hy 3-5 103 G 5 G G2 ArnoldG5 C Extremell4,ClubHsell2,Star oMornlOG 11 FtUlS-30F.G 2 l:127ift 24-5 104 3 5 41 3J CimcrakG" C HighScoreCBeamgOvcrlOG.WclIet 114 II IVU S-30F.G 1 l:39ft 5 108 7 1 11 lnk SteffenE 10 IuingJonesllS.GUksonlOl.TIiis.AnnlOO S Fth. 5-30F.G 2 l:145gd 9-20 109 1 2 lh lh SteffenE t Ei:-Weir307,LitngJonesl09,This.Annll4 A Jn.21-30F.G 2 1:1575m 7-10 110 4 1 ll ll StcffenE 7 B.Charltonll3.GlJksoiill3.ClicngTu 108 A Jn.l8-30,F.G 2 l:15!shy 2 107 2 1 23 21 SmithV 7 Mich.Boyll8.ByProduct lOo.Blamels 101 S Jan.l4-30F.G 2 l:12ft 61 106 2 1 l3 1 SteffenE 5 Kinesen lOl.Snooze lOS.Tkeo.TtochsrllO A Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.. Last year.. 8 2 0 1 $ 1,500 This year. . 8 4 12 $ 5.4S0 Gay Past 1 C B c 3 ty Gay Ronald Pastclla, by Strephon. XUO Trainer, F. White. Owner, P. S. P. Bandolph. yot2S-293Bbw J 1:25 ft 13 108 6 3 21 1" QbaumC 13 WeDunltlOS.SnowflakellO.ValencneslOS A . ot:22-29Bow 1 l:25ft 51 112 7 2 23 2 QbaumC 7 StSentimtllS.NitSignal 122,Macil 115J II Ni:19-29Bow 2 l:14,ShyC3-10 114 11 5 3 3 PalumboS 14 JollyPal 112,Stephanite 113,Guilder 104 t JJre 7-29!Plm 21:Uftl9-10 115 1 6 51 41 Elstonll C Macil 115, Fallacious 107, Aziz 107 A ot l-29cEmp g 1:01 6l 3 122 4 3 21 21 KsingerC 3 St. Marco 122, Flossine 119, FlamingllS A Oct24-293Emp 52 f 1:10 gd 10 1041 5 1 33 23 KsingerC D SingleStar 114tStupendsll7.Pangch 100 C Octl6-23Jam 2 13 rn 1G-5 99 4 4 35 33 MarinelliJ 7 Infinitus 115, Jolly Pal 107J, Wu 103 C , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. Last year.. 17 2 4 5 ,450 Twillk T 1 K Blk c 4 y Blink II. Banniere, by White Eagle. X JL O Trainer, J. W. Healy. Owner, Loma Stable. Ihj 1-29Pim 21:13 ft 13-5 128 4 6 Cl 95J FieldsG 13 Minotaur 110, My Sis 113, Too nigh 110 S yoi27-2SBow ll:44 ft 3-5 125 2 1 54 6" L McAee 1 U Soul of Donor 112,Sunvir 104, Neddie 121 II NoT.10-2and5Pim 11:46 ft 1-2 123 1 1 1 1" L Fator 1 8 D.DidUpsetl02.StdByl08.FsFvrite 101 D. OcL27-2SLrl 1 l:394yft 1S-5 120 5 1 I3 i3 JIIBrke 12 FriarCliff lOC.Dr.FrTd HC.Voltear 114 U OcL24-284Lrl 1 l:397sft 10 116 5 1 1 lDk S ODell 9 Dr.Frceland HC.FriarCIiff 107.Dail 100 A Een 1-28Sar 61 f l:18ft 15 125 2 6 33 431 F Coltti 1C JackIIighl27.BIucLkspurl30,CirtOak 122 S Aus25-2S3Sar 21:16 m 2 122 5 2 1 V L Fator 10 Dr.Freeland 125. Oesel 118, Marine 118 S , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Wcn.- , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. , Last year.. 1 Guilford "1 C PC Br- c 3 y Wrack Elsbeth, by Jim Gaffney. J-UO Trainer, H. Bites. Owner, J. E. Griffith. Arr22-305HdG l l:ift 2Ie 10C 3 4 4S1 511 MorsonR 7 SwtSentiiiitl09,FairBethll2,Snelbocl0C A .rclT-SOIIdG 2 l:ll75liy 13 1091 2 1 2h 2" MorsonR1 C Mucker HO.Swinfd llO.FnateTth 112 A May 9-233Pim 4J f .-55 ft 7 118 12 13 11113 AmbrseE 13 MintOIgall5,UptnLadll8.AVildAppIe 118 S JI-V G-29,Pim 4i f :55rt 10 115 2 1 43 4s ODnellS 8 GoodAsGoldll2.Mintairy 113,Colossal 115 S Apr.30-29Pim 41 t .SSVztt 7 122 4 2 2 33 ODnellS C Gd asGoldll9,WiIdApplell2.Mnstrkll2 S Apr.24-29HdG 41 t :51 ft 19 119 1 2 2s 3 SchaeferL 11 Good asGoId 113.Swatterl22.St.Prisca 113 S Apt22-29HdG 4J f :55landm 17-5 118 1 1 23 1 RobertnA 3 9 Partisan 118, Poison Ivy 118, Skid 118 A i Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won , , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., Last year. . C 1 0 2 $ 2.500 This year. .2 0 10 $ 225 CliarleS the First 1 1 Fv Ch c y Sky-Bocket Kings Feather, by Eoi Herode. JL JL O Trainer, C. J. Meister. Owner, C. J. Meister. May 2-294Pim 11:48 ft 10 10S 2.4 41 413 LongW 5 Leucite 105, PkLily 114, FrrCliff 105 A Apr.27-29HdG ljV l:45Uft 39 107 2 6 V V1 LongW 3 9 Mowlee 117. Sortie 119. Recreation 108 U Apr.20-293HdG 2 l:12ft 80 109 6 9 S 83 LongW 10 TheBthen 117,ClDmino lll.Gnoek 120 H KoU0-2S5Pim 1s 1:46 ft 8 104 5 8 7" 6" J Behalt 8 Twink 123.DliDidUpsct 102,SfdBy 108 S Ko 9-2SJPim V 1:4475ft 9-5 108 2 1 1" 1" G Scher 312 JaneRhrt HO.EleMarie 102.Bldris 113 C "J-ot 3-2SPim 2 l:134ift 20 104 5 6 41 ll G Scher "12 StaPble 115.MnQun 112,Abgton 114 C OH.lS-28Lrl 5J f l:07ft ,9-3f 108 4 7 V V1 F Weinr 15 PnLdie 103.Lnhaven lll.Uborton 104 C , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. Last year.. 3 CoIOSSal 1 C P B. c, 3, by Trojan Prodigious, by Fayette. XjO Trainer, M. Brady. Owner, J. E. Davis. Apr.lO-30Bow 21:124ift 7 110 7 7 751 731 WattersE 8 HerGracelOl.HyBlakelOCJ.ostAgnesllO A Apr. 5-30Bow g 1:27 ft 6 116 1 5 53 53i SteffenE S Btlesbipll4,Mr.Desmondll2,Frumperl04 S Ape l-303Bow 55 f 1:0675ft 16 106 1 3 31 U WattersE 7 ChloBoy 112.Mr.Desmdl0G,l"nlBnd 110 A Oct.22-29Lrl 21:15 sy 91 105 2 5 711 7IS BenliamE 1 7 XedO. 108,MintOIga 113,SvtSentiiutll4 A Octll-29Lrl 2 l:13.5ft 13-5 110 2 3 33 31 RoseG 9 NitSignal 103,StStitll9.S.oXotbinll3 A Oct S-293Lrl 5J f 1:07 ft 6 111 3 7 61 Gl RoseG 12 Skirl 112, Clilo Boy 111, Suri Craig 111 A Eep.23-29Aqu g :5Sft 10 112 3 5 il 4J BurkeJH 3 7 T.Beasel 115,Periclesll2,DunlinsSon 115 A , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- Last year.. IS 1 2 6 $ 2.350 This year.. 3 1 0 0 S 850 Black AIJOtt 10 B c 3 M by Black Toney Fribble, by Sundridge. Last work: 101 1-2... :49ft Xvyt-1 Trainer, M. Hirsch. Owner, A. J. Schwartz. , Starls. 1st. 2nd. 3id. AVon. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., Bronze PrillCO "I fK B c 3 M y Brown Prince II. Superita, by Superman. JO Trainer, T. Bodrock. Owner, K. E. Hitt. i Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 5th PimlicO Twei,ty-sixtn Hunniiig Dixie Handicap. 5,000 Added; 3-year-- olds and upward. Big Blaze, 2for. 33, 1921 1 :5S 3 1 3-16 Miles 318. Ind. PP. norse. Wt. Itec. A.Wt.IIan Ind. TP norse. Wt. TJec. A.Wt.IIan. 4G787 1G Mike Hall O 122X750 4li8403 13 Frisius Sar 110 1:59t5 4 112.. 720 4C9172 19 Toro 5 12GX745 4GS40 18 Sandy Ford ... . 4 105X721 4G9173 2Inception 4 114:-:740 4G917 7 Sir Harry G 112. .715 40730 1 Bobashela ..Pirn 115 2:02 5 114X735 1CGS7 3 Montanaro 5 105X710 4C917 10 William T 5 105 X 735 40743 5 Ben Macbrec.Sar 103 1:39t3 4 10GX710 " 4G917 11 Dr. Frceland... 4G5S8 G Grey Coat ..Pirn 12G 2:02 4 111X710 Pirn 12G 2:01 4 113X735 4GC52 9 Beacon Hill Sar 117 1:58 4 117X710 37312 S Sortie ......Pirn 117 2:01 5 114X730 4C930 1 2 Solace 5 115X710 44010 4 Hot Toddy .Sar 100 2:02s 5 110X725 39502 17 Flag Day 4 112. .710 4C917 14Donnay 4 120X725 Seagram Stable entry Sir Harry, Solace. Belair 4G73G3 15Dinnh Did Upset 4 107X725 Stud Stable-Wlicatlcy entry Frisius, Flag Day. The past performances of the horses entered in this race, together with latest workout and racing record: Date. Crs. Dis.Tiuie Tr. Odds Wt.St. Str.Fin. Jockey PP.Sts. Best Company Class of Race jJIike Hall 1 OO B S, O, by Hcurless Clonakilty, by Catmint. Last work: 114 lm . . .l:43ft -L"1 Trainer, W. W. Taylor. Own3r, R. M. Eastman. Apc21-30sLex ll:39ft 1-2 US . 1 1 1 I3 McCrosnC3 4 LwGear 113,FiddIer J05,Aslitabula 10G A Apr.l7-305Lex V l:43tt 4-5 122 6 4 34 35 McCrosnC G Mtarol22,Strs a.BarsllS.PriciaMnllO A OiL30-29Xevmaiket Ens. 1J1:32 ft 33.119 17 ChildsJ 3G DoubleLifel20. Vatout 113,P.RoyallI. 12G S Oct.lC-29Xevmarket Eng. 21 3:ll?ft 33 119 13 ChildsJ 35 W.WicklowlOl.FrndsbipOO.BrnJack 12G S Ao30-295L.F 1A 1:45 ft 1-2 112 1 3 21 1" McDottt. 3 5 Canaan HO.ItIJulian 115,Blessefield 115 A Aug 7-295IIaw 1 l:3Sft 3-5 114 1 3 ll 1" McCrsnC 1 5 T.Cboctawl03,Star oMorn 104,Devonl04 A , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Wnn.- Last year.. 2 2 0 0 ,150 This year.. 2 1 0 1 $ 700 roro -1 O? B. h, 5, by The Porter Brocatelle, by Badium. last work- 111 1-2 :52ft J-"0 Trainer, J. F. Schorr. Owner, E. B. McLean. Air.25-C03HdG" 1 J 1:52 ft 29-10 326 1 3 21 23 FronkW3 G WillianiT.107,Inceptionlll,Sirnarry 108 H Jun. 1-29Bel 2:0375ft 13-5 325 1 6 51 3 PascmaA 13 Bateau 112. Petee-Wrack 121,Sunfire 110 S MaT25-29!C.D lj 2:05 si 4-5 126 2 1 l3 ll PascmaA 4 BadsidelOO.CeVanDnllO.EterSkgsllO S 11jt15-295c1d JjV 1:47s1 3-10 322 2 1 U lnk PascmaA 5 Blaekvdll2,CaIfRoperl04,BteredTtl00 A Apn-SSHdG V l:42ft 41 117 1 3 31 3 PascmaA C Victorian 117. Sortie 110. Balko 110 A starts 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- Last year.. 4 ""2 0 2 1,300 This year.. 1 0 1 0 $ 400 "111 Ch. g, 4, by Sporting Blood Chrysalis II.. by Marajax. inception 1 4t Trainer, W. G. Wilson. Owner,. B. McKinney. AVlIdG 3M-K ""it fill 3 4 3 33lQnbushG G AVilliamT. 107, Toro 12G, Sirllarry 108 n ZwiMG l l:32iiliy 14 101 1 1 1 l3 StevcnsF3 8 BobasUk,113,D.DidUpsetl0S.MosJanel07 S ir-WBow 1JU l:4Glft 18-3 11C 2 3 331 3J WkmanR3 8 D.I.Upsetll3,SyFrdll2.J.MarneIII.113 S Z 1I ClmerafcG 5 Titus 107. Uh.niu 112. AVellet 107 A 0-?0Bo v lft 3-2 103 1 1 14 S o SboJ 5M:M"ft 33 110 6 6 5i 4 ArnoldG C R.T.-nnsitllS,T.IIeatlienl21,StandBy 11G H Sis-S-FG U 5 110 1 G G-G-:RusSeim3 7 KBunyanllS.StrngheartlOS.GalabadlOSl S 8 Agitator 110. Film 103 J. Scotland 10a H S-303FG 1-1-Gft 12 112 8 5 51 53 QtlebmC I stark W 2nd. 3rd. Won. -Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won -. Last year. .16 1 3 2,900 This year.. 12 2" 5 o 12,600 Bobashela 1 "I A B h. 5, by Ormondale Trappoid, by Trap Bock. , J-JLi Trainer, B. M. Henderson. Owner, Audley Farm Stable. Arr.l9-305IIdG l?e l:52ihy 8-5 113 4 2 2 2 CollettiF3 8 Inceptionl04,D.DidUpsetlOS,MosJanel07 8 Xoi2S-29Bow 3i l:33ft 17o 110 6 6 G32 5i Fisherll 11 MIsstepl21,Dr.Freeland 104,GlenWild 110 Sj ot.23-29Bow lj l:46sl 29e 113 8 9 1082 S2 AllcnCE 13 Bateau 113. Victorian 122, Balko 111 S: KoT.18-293Bow 1 1:49 sy 2-5e 108 2 1 1 V SchutteH 4 OpsetLadl03.StrolgPrrl03,BdyBarlll J A Xoi S-29Pim 1tV16:5s1 G 322 4 1 3 3 RussellR 8 Bateau 121,Gaffsman 120,IIotToddy 117 H Oct l-2DsI.rl l 1:43 ft 1 114 3 1 ll 11 RussellR 5 Martinique lll.FairBall 109, Marine 110 A Scp.25-294HdG 1 l:46ft 7-10 111 1 1 1 1 RussellR 3 5 Mtiniqucl07,BIkDiamdl00,Arcturusl0C H , Starls. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., . Last year. .22 8 5 2 7,855 This year.. 1 0 10 $ 2,000 ;j William T. 10 Br B 5 ty Iuclty Hour Grace Cole, by Ornament. . j d-JO Trainer, W. E. Caskey, Jr. Owner, W. E. Caskoy, Jr. Apr.25-305HdG 1J 1:52 ft SI 307 4 1 l1 l3 RobtsnA C Toro 12G, Inception 111, Sir narry 108 II Xot.30-293Bow l l:44ft 30 310 1 6 3 21 RobertnA 3 9, Sandy HS.KarlEitel 114,Dowagiac 114 U Xot28-29Bow 3Jl:53ft lGf 109 10 9 8S1 91 CatroneF 11 Misstepl21, Dr.Freeland 104,GlenWiId 110 S Not:13-29Pim 21 3:54gd 6 10G 2 21 3" RobertnA 3 3 Diavolo 12G, African 101 S, Not. 6-293Pim 3 J 2:33ft 31 105 4 4 2 V RobertnA C Diavolo 127, Display 118, Bateau 115 Sj OcL29-29Lrl 1" l:42ft 43-10 112 1 4 23 1 RobtsnA C Bewitlius 114,Inecption 112,Dunmore 112 H OctlS-295Lrl 1J 1:52 ft 18-5 110 4 5 5 53 EenhamE 3 C Display 12G. Iollan 110, Searcher 103 H , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. Last year.. 23 6 5 5 2,GG7 This year.. 1 10 0 $ 1,300 I Dr. Frcelailll 1 1 O Ch. c, 4, by Light Brigade Toddle, by Celt. j Last work: 1131 1-8. .1:53 ft J Trainer, J. B. Pryce. Owner, W. J. Salmon. 1 Apr-25-C05HdG 1J 1:52 ft 13-5 111 2 2 4i a5 SchaeferL3 G William T. 107, Toro 12G, Inception 111 II Not.28-29Bow ljl:53ft 19 101 3 7 4i 2" RoseG 311 Misstep 121, GlenWild 110. Balko 114 S -it.23-29Bow l,a l:46sl ICt 106 3 5 81 10" RoseG 413 Bateau 313, Victorian 122. Balko 111 S Not.18-29Bow 1-jj l:48sy 5e 117 7 7 5" 5" ScheaferL. 8 Inception 103. Donnay 11G. African 109 S JSor.ll-29sPim lo 1:41 ft 71e 106 3 6 4i 2 RobertnA 3 7 Display 113,Sui.Edwin 120,HotToddy 112 S Xoi 8-293Piin 1 1:45 ft 51 306 2 4 2h 3l RoseG 7 notTdyll3.CfExecutiTel03.1ncepfnl00 H OcL26-29Emp 3J 1:52 ft 8 112 5 4 31 43 RichrdsH 3 Genie 110, SunEdwin 121. LowGear 105 3 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won , Last year.. 19 3 2 3 0,650 This year.. 1 Sortie T 1 A B h 5 ty 0n Watch KiPPy y Broomstick. Last work: 113 1 1-8.. l:5Gft Trainer, M. Hirsch. Owner, A. C. Schwartz. Jun.ll-294Aqu 1 1 :3875ft 6 117 7 3 31 2h WallsP 9 Comstockery 97, Mi Vida 108, Byrd 109 S Jun. l-294Bel " 11 2:03ft 7 116 5 3 43 5i AVallsP 13 Bateau 112, Petee-Wrack 124, Toro 125 S JIajr2S-294Bel 11 2:03 ft 8-5 US 3 2 21 ll WallsP 3 4 nlStrangrll8,AIgcrnnll8,IlotToddyllS S Maj21-295Wdb 1J l:51ft 29-10 120 3 0 5"! 5 3 WallsP- 3 7 Sunfire 107.SirIIarry 113,Son oBtle 109 "S Myll-29Pim 1,s l:4Gft 3-2 116 4 2 1" 11 WallsP G Bobashela 113. Display 122, Sunfire 10S S lla 6-293Pim 1:4714ft 11-10 120 -3 2 23 2 ODnellS 3 3 Mowlee 120, Pink Lily 104 A , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won , , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. Last year. . 9 2 4 0 2,S59 Hot Toddy 1 1 B- S, 5, by Ed Crump Ruth Strickland, by Czar. 1 JLJ.U Trainer, T. Bodrock. Owner, K. E. Hitt. y0T.28-29Bow 31 l:53ft 6 107 2 3 32 G2 WattersK 3ll Misstepl21, Dr.Freeland 304,GlenWiId 110 S Xot.23-29Bow lg lUGsl 16r 108 4 7 451 45 WattcrsE 13 Bateau 113. Victorian 122, Balko 111 . 3 Kotll-293Pim 11:44 ft 71 112 4 4 3 4 QbaumC - 7 Displayll5,Dr.Freeland 10G,SunEdwinl20 S Xot 8-293Piin l 1:45 ft 13-10 113 5 1 lh 21 WkmanR 3 7 Dr.Frldl0G,CfExecutivel03,Inceptnl0G Ei Noi 2-29Piin llMGssl 6-5 117 3 3 41 4 McAteeL, S Bateau 121,Gaffsman 320, Bobashela 122 n Oct26-295Lrl 11 2:02ft 6 112 7 5 71 61 MaibenJ 10 SnnBeau 123,Distraction 120,Display 120 S OctULrl 1 1:3S ft 6 111 8 5 331 33 WattersE 9 Curatel08,BshipGrayl08,BudyBauer 118 S , St:irls. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., Last year. .16 4 2 3 ,030 DoillKiy 1 Of B- c by Donnacona Kiwanah, by The Curragh. Last work: 114 lm 1:45ft -LV Trainer, F. M. Taylor. Owner, Bancocas Stable. Apr.25-C0JHdG 1J 1:52 ft 29-10 114 5 6 GT1 6 WkmanR3 G William T. 107, Toro 12G, Inception 111 EC Apr.l9-305HdG 31:521 3 314 G 8 73 73i SteffenE 8 Inceptnl01,BobasheIal33.D.DidUpsct 308 S Apr. 5-303Bow 1 l:47ft 17-10 118 5 2 61 G SteffenE3 C SdyFordl02,PaulByanl20,Baratone 108 U Man23-30,5A.C 11 2:03andft 42 311 10 5 33 35 StcffenE3 14 Victorianl2G,A.Pantagesl07,MyDandyllO S Man 4-303F.G ll l:31Vsft 37-10 122 11 12 ISH18 SteffenE" 13 Uluniulll,OldSlipl02.DinaliDidUpsct 104 8 rtU22-305F.G lj l:4Sm 7-5e 118 8 6 31 1 SteffenE 9 Uliiniu 112, Stroiigheart 107, Ituane 90S Ftkll-SOF.G 1,V l:43Vft 11-10 118 2 3 3i 33 MannF 4 Wcllet 105,Stars a.BarslOo.Molellill 102 11 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., Last year. .31 2 12 4 1,997 This year.. 14 4 0 2 1,070 Dinah Did Upset 107 B f 4 by uPset Dinah Dia ty Colin- Last work: 1131 1-S. .1:5575ft -L, Trainer, C. B. Beid. Owner, S. W. Labrot. Apr.l9-305HdG 1 l:52V5hy 71 10S 2 3 31 31 LeBlancX3 S Incoptnl04,Bobasliclall3,MolasJane 107 S Apr.l2-305Bow l:46ft 9 113 3 2 Ill" LeBlncN8 S SdyFordll2,IncepionllG,J.MarnellI.113 S Apr. 3-30Bow 2 l:12m 18-5 112 2 2 21 1" LeBlncX3 G PenntLasslll.B.ofGvanslOG.Rueful 103 A Apr. l-304Bow I l:25ft 91 117 5 8 87i S9 LeBlncN1 9 BoctonelOl.PentLassllO.Sr oMorn 110 S M.ik12-S05J.P le 1:4G ft 6-5 1051 3 1 lh lnk LeBlncN3 5 Welletl09,W.Instigatorl09,BegOver 104 A Mar 4-305F.G 11 l:5Uft 37 301 3 2 31 31 LeBlancN3 13 Uluniu lll.OldSlip 102,UneomnGold 105 S FeU.27-303F.G 1 l:38t 6 1111 2 1 1 lk LeBlncN1 4 Kincsenl03,BingOverllO.Pat.Marian 110 A , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- Last year.. 8 2 3 0 $ 6,775 This year.. 13 5 0 4 $ 8,090 t FrisiuS 1 1 9 B c y Star Hawk Filante, by Sardanapale. 1 Last work: 111 lm. . .l:43ft J--3-1 Trainer, J. Fitzsimmons. Owner, Belair Stud Stable. Apr!23-303Jam" 1 l:43ft 5 123 4 3 43 32 AbelA3 7 Sand.vFordllG,DesertLigbtl2G,EIecta 112 H NolS-29Bow lg l:4Ssy 22 115 6 8 S18 710 McAffeD 8 Inception 108, Donnay 11G, African 109 S .W 9-29sLat 13 3:26 by 71 12G 3 4 4 4" McAffeD 3 5 TlieXut 12G,Curate 12G,BenMachree 323 S Not 2-29Fim 3J 2:a3sl 10 312 1 3 38 31 McAffeD 8 GlenWild 113, Curate 114,SanuyFord 103 S OctigLrl 112:03 ft 91 112 8 10 10"10 McAffeD 312 Vanity 104, Curate 112, Glen Wild 112 S , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.. Last year.. 19 5 1 3 4,840 This year.. 1 0 0 1 $ 100 Sandy Ford 10 B s by ana Mole Inniry. by Ampelion. Last work: 1121-2 :54sl J-vtl Trainer. W. A. Shea. Owner, M. Shea. Apr.23-303Jam l10 l:45ft 2 116 2 1 ll ll CatroneF 7 Desert Light 12G, Frisius 123,Electa 112 n Apr.l2-005Bow l:4G,4ft 12 112 1 1 21 2 DaintyF3 8 D.D.Upsetll3,InceptnllG,J.MaineIlL113 S Apr. 5-30Bow l-is l:47ft 23-5 102 1 1 l1 1" HebertS G PauIByanl20,Boearatonel08.WelIet 10S 11 Apr l-305Bow 1 l:474.ft 13-10 105 1 1 3 43 HebertS3 C AnnIislOS.FyMaiden 103,Ormonbird 103 A Mac 7-30Mia l l:44ft 13-5 111 1 1 1 1" RobsonA 5 FryMdnlOS.GnAuburnllO.SunFriarlOS A , Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won., . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. Last year.. 22 8 4 2 $ 8,475 This year.. 8 3 3 0 $ 4.S50 Sir Harry 119 Ch " y 3lar Ballotade, by Ballot. r Last work: 114 lm " 1:48ft J-J- Trainer, E. J. Salt. Owner, Seagram Stable. Apr.25205HdG 11 1:52 ft 22 10S 6 5 51 4J1 McGinisP" G William T. 107, Toro 120, Inception 111 II Sep.21-295Wdb 11 2:065ft lOe 112 8 6 6si 711 McGinisP 9 Gaffsman 112. Saxon 114, Sun Beau 122 S A631-295B.B 1 l:36ft 24-5 11S 4 5 53 5: AbelA 5 Marine 118. Attack 100, Wellet 110 II Augl7-295L.B 1" 1:46 ft 9-10 124 3 3 31 1 AbelA 3 6 NickCulIop97,HannaDbe93,Strongbt 104 II Aogl0-295Ken l" 1:4314ft 7-5 118 6 2 2" 1 AbelA ft Billycock lOS.Andromedn 95,Essare 108 II AS 3-293Dev ls l:43ft 14-5 137 6 2 2" 33 TaplinE G Essare HO.Billycock 107,FrttcGirl 100 H , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won Last year.. 15 3 2 2 0,665 This year.. 1 0 0 0 $ 100 1 MoiltaiiarO 1 f B B 5 y Ormont Neddie, by Hilarious. Last" work: 1131 1-8. .lSft --"0 Trainer, L. Gentry. Owner, H. C. Hatch. Apnl7-303Lex l14 l:43ft 17 122 3 2 ll 1 TonrowR C Strs a.BrsllS.Mikelll 122,PciaMn 110 A Mar. S-30Mia 1 l:3Sft 10 108 5 5 5 5 RileyG5 5 Gunltol 119,IfdTransitl2G,J.MneIII.114 H FtbL27-30Mia 5J f l:044.ft 40 110 7 9 913 S TonrowR U PennantLasslOS,SupreSweetl03,Mud 110 A Oct. 3-29JHaw l" l:43ft 51 103 8 6 5 4s HalbertF 3 9 BrnWisdomllS.GnPrincellS.lslam 103J S Sep.2S-293L.F 1J 1:50 ft 11 104 6 4 4i 33 HalbertF 3 C GdenPneell2.KarlEitel 112.Blkwoodll2 S Sep. 7-295L.F 11 2:10hy 13 107 5 4 4 " 4" HalbertF 7 Blckwdl08,Martiniquel07.IfyUurnl08 8 Sep. 2-29L.F 1 l:50ft 1 108 3 2 2 1 HalbertF 4 5 PatrieiaMarianl01.Canaanl0S,D"von 103 II , Starts. 1st. 2nd 3rd. Won , . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won Last year.. 22 5 3 3 0,265 This year.. 3 1 0 0 $ G50 1 Bell Macliree I A B. f, 4, by Playfellow Sweet Brier, by Star Shoot. Last work: 114 3-4. . .l:lG"ft J-V O Trainer, A. D. Steele. Owner, C. C. and G. Y.Hieatt. Apr.l9-303Lcx le 1:46- ft is" 1011 7 S 73 531 ChthamR7 S TtleFyrn 103.Ni.ito lOll.PciaMarn 103 S Xo 9-29Lat 13 3:26 hy 9-5 123 5 3 3 33 TurkC 4 3 The Nut 120, Curate 12G, Frisius 12G S -ot. 2-295Lat 214:13 m 11-5 100 5 1 l10 1 TurkC 3 G ItolIedSkinglOG.UoyalJlianlOG.FterylOG S Oct 3-29!C.D 1 1:39 ft 11 107 3 4 31 3i DuboisD 3 4 BossielOS.NellieCustis 107,Spborosa 107 A Sep.l8-295Lex 1 l:43V5sl 7 102 6 6 41 31 CarrollW G Bossie 10G, Whiskery 311,ChanceIlor 114 A Aug21295Sar lft 2:02j4hy 30 107 6 4 21 23 SteffenE 7 Petee-Wrack 125,IIotToddy lOO.Dail 93 S , Starls. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won , . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won Last year.. 20 1 2 S 4,018 This year.. 1 Grey Coat 111 r" y nome Grey, by Grey leg. J- JL X Trainer, J. Woods Garth. Owner, S. Boss. Arr.l2-30sBow 3 1 :-16Vsf t 7 31S 5 4 7i S:3 McGinisP S l.DidCpsetll3.SdyFordll2,InceptionllG S Apr. 9-305Bow l-?e IM ft 7 107 4 1 4 42 McGinisP3 5 J.MrneIII.10S,Cg-Airl00,Ornriirdl03 A Octl9-293Lrl 112:03 ft 51f 112 10 4 53 Gs ODonllS ,012 Vanity 104, Curate 112, Glen Wild 112 S OcU4-295Lrl l,"s l:J4ft 17 116 1 5 41 43 ODonllS 3 5 Lativich lOS.S.ofllonor llO.TheNut 119 A Oct 7-205Lrl 1J l:51tSft 7 120 3 4 4 4" ODnoI-S 1 4 Bconllill 12C,Gffsmnl22,PcessTiiiall3 II ecp.2G-29IIdG V l:42ift 13 113 5 5 u"! o3 AllcnCE 3 S.ofirnrll0.D.D.Upstl03,BsliipGryl0S A , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won , , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won . Last year. .15 2 11 2,550 This year.. 2 0 0 0 $ 50 BcaCOll Hill 117 Br c l,y Broomstck Yankeo Maid, by Peter Pan. Last work: 11G 1 1-S..l:31ft - Trainer, F. Hopkins. Owner. H. P. Whitney. AprlG-COIIdG 2 l:13sl 5 119 7 8 S1 9" WlcnmnU 11 Tlielleathcnll8,Balkol20,OnnerTocs 115 S Not 2-29Pim 1J 2:33sl CI US a S S SJ RobtsnA S Glen Wild 113. Curate 11 1, Frisius 112 S OctnLrl 112:03 ft 6 321 7 11 1111" RobtsnA "12 Vanity 101. Curate 112; Glen Wild 112 S Octl2-295Lrl 11:38 ft 37-10 120 6 6 71 GJ RobsnA 1 9 CuratelOS.BatshipGraylOS.lIotToddv 314 S Oct 7-293Lrl H l:51ft 3-4 326 2 2 l1 1 RobtsnA 4Garfsman 122,PoessTinall5,GyCoatl20 U . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.. Last year.. 18 5 11 S,SS6 . This year.. 1 Solace 11 Ch h 5 by Trin Sellsolar, by Solar Star. Last work: 113 lm 1:47ft -- J-t- Trainer, E. J. Salt. Owner. Seagram Stable. Sec Saturdays fourth Havre de Grace chart. Apr.l3-293Bow 11:48 si 41-10 12G 2 3 31 6 McCiusP 410 Mowlee 3 3S.WillmT. lOS.PcessTina 318 S Feb.23-295Mia 1J l:52ft 3 128 4 1 31 G33 P McGis G Boris 99. FairyMaiden HO.FIyUawk 119 S Fcb.20-29Mia V l:43ft 5 124 1 6 3 1 P McGis 3 9 FIyHawkll9,J.MroneIlI. HO.BonalrellO H FtU.12-29F.G 1 l:52ft 7-3e 122 1 1 1" 2 P McGis 14 Seallooket 107J.GeniaIHost HO.Boom 105 S 339G9 F.G 1 1-16 l:465ft 41-10e 122 9 2 2 21 P McGinslG Vermajo 103J,WelIet 104,Marsl!alNeyl0G S . Starts. 1st. 2nl. 3rd. Won., , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Last year.. 9 3 4 0 3,202 Flag1 Day 119 Ch i ty Bennant Enchanting, by St. Victrix. Last work: 3147-8 1:31 f t -- -1-" Trainer, J. Fitzsimmons. Owner, Wheatley Stable. Tul.23-29Emp l,V l:4Gft 9-20e 124 5 5 51 5 BurkeJH 5 HardTack 10G,S.ofHonorll2,ChatoTer 109 S Jul.l3-29Emp H 2:03ft 13-5 116 3 2 1" 2" MaibenJ 3 4 Hcaly 121 Chestnut Oak 123, African 119 S Jun.29-29Aqu 1J 2:34 gd 16-5 110 1 1 1" 3 BurkeJH 3 5 GreyCoatll7,BlueI.arkspur l4,EIectal05 S Jun.lS-29Aqu 1 l:3SJft 33 308 7 7 53 331 BurkeJH 4 7 Jacknigh320,ChtnutOaklI7,Justinianll7 S Jun.35-295Aqu I l:26ft le 120 3 1 Is l3 BurkeJH 310 Dail 120.BlackI,atricia 113, Humanist 120 A Mj 3-29Jam 2 1:15 m 2 10G1 6 4 31 2" RobertnA C SunWship 112.Begorra lOS.SunPersnllC A Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, .r. t -Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. Last year.. 8 13 2. $ 4,300 . " . - . 6th PimllCO Purse ,300. U-year-oMs and upward. Claiming. Shuffle 1 M.-70 Yds. AIonand Jf0T 3 1923l:425-3110. IfOTIJ Claiming prlcs S3.500: if for ,000, 3 pounds xtra; 85,000, C pounds extra. 4-ycar-olds, 113 pounds; older, 114 pounds. Svinners ol two races In 1930, 3 pounds extra. Non-winners in 1930 allowed 3 pounds. Ind. PP. norse. Wt Rcc A.Wt.Han Ind. PP. Ilorse Wt. Rcc. . A.Wt.Han. 4C030 CMudge Bartlett 4G714 4 Selection 3 110X705 Lrl 115 1:44 5 112.. 725 4GS45 9CecelIa Grob Was 101 1:14 5 112X700 4G5081 C Lieutenant II. 4G770 2 Wrackcll 3 115.. 095 Wdb 11C 1:47and 10 122:1:720 4C883 1 Behave CasbM I 4CSS3 .8 My Scoop. .ndG 113 1:45 3 115.. 715 HdG 112 1:47 3 112. .090 4GS15 7ae Breeks.F.G 113 1:50 4 117 X710 40910 3Bucky Harris.. 7 117.. 090 The past performances of the horses entered In this race, together with latest workout and racing record: Date. Crs. Dis.Timc Tr. Odds WtSt Str.Fin. Jockey TP-Sts. Best Company Class of Race. Judge Bartlett 1 1 9 Br s 5 ty Donnacona Laura Frechtling, by BrummeL Last work: 97 3-8 :39m -L-Lj Trainer, L. E. Phillips. Owner, R. Pending:. Apel7-305HdG 1,V 1:50 hy" 7 10S 7 7 5ls 5" CarlisleC 7 StgheartllG.BoearatonelOO.MoleUiU 113 C Arc 9-30Bow 3 1:12 ft 5 112 1 3 4J 4 CarlisleC 9 Algol 109, Toki 105, First Mission 114 C Ape 3-S0sBow g l:27m 7-5 113 2 2 2 1 CarlisleC 7 Algol 114,Stupdous Hl.FrnkFuIlen 114 C Koi27-29Bow lV l:18ft 41-10 110 11 2 SJIO CarlisleC 14 T.Freshm nll5,Listerincl04,JkBiencrl08 C KilS-298Bow le l:49sy41-10 113 1 2 2J 2i WkmanR. 7 FalrBcth 110, MoleHill 109. Aucilla 112 C I Oct24-29cLrl 1" l:J3ft 3 113 6 4 5 5 QebaumC 9 SdyFdlll,GenialHostll8,BeginOvrll01 C 0ctl5-29Lrl 1 l:44Jm . 4 115 2 2 2 2 Lshmanlt 3 Lieut Russell 112, Sunvir U0 A r- Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won . Last year. .13 3 3 0 ? 3,230 This year. .3 1 0 0 00 Lieutenant II. I no B, g, 10, by Junior Casquotts, by Captivation. X.Lii Trainer, R. E. Potts. Owner, Mrs. S. E. Potts. Apell-SfBow liV l:19ft 10 112 1 1 2l 21 BarnesE1 14 Meanderl07,RedCsPcof:sl07,FrAgtl07 C Octll-29Lrl 1-fe l:4Gft 12 111 5 3 GJ5 G" HornG 1 7 Battle Ax 109, Bosky 108, Fair Bill 10G C Oct 5-2911 2 l:13Vft 29-10 113 8 S 6S2 53 QbaumC 9 Ca1j:aryKaylG5,Donnatinal02,Volantell4 C Sep.2S-29Wdb l:4Sft 2 110 4 2 l1 1" QnbushG 8 Lactarius 115,Aversion lll.WilhinalOS C , Sep.21-29Wdb ljV l:50V6ft 8 113 10 1 l" 2"k BarnesE "12 Ramona S. lOS.Lactarius 118,Support 109 C Eop.l3-29JThf 2 1:14 Ed 9f 109 8 7 7 72 LeonardR 11 12 SrtgaMajelOO.JyAgcclOO.M.MaximlOG C Ans22-295L.B i;i4 ft 47-10 105 3 3 5si 6 YerratA 1 8 Belmona 98. Fair Bob 99, Gideon 102 C Ang 9-29Ken 3 l:25ft 21 111 3 3 3l 3 TaplinE n2Irfaneh 108, Frank 112, The Dago 111 C , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- Last year.. 17 3 5 3 $ 3,960 This year.. 1 O 1 0 ? 200 My SCOOP " 1 E Gh. c, 3, by Scotch Broom Beth Stanley, by Golden Maxim. Last work: 10G lm...l:44gd -L-Lt Trainer, M. Smart. Owner, S. Ross. Apc21-305HdG V9 l:45ft 51" 113 7 6 31 J! ColIettiF" 11 Calome 104,l!akedApple lOS.Nnylor 10S C Ape21-305IIdG 1T0 l:46 23 10S 2 5 2 li BarnesE 8 FrcisSt.L.107,Flasirgl05,Johnllbert 104 C ApelS-SOHIdG 1"1:32 m 20 110 12 12 10 711 WattersE" 13 BkdApIe lOO.Broker i07,FairFolly 103 C Ape 9-30Bow 1 1:2614ft. 5f 111 13 14 12" 7C2 BarnesE1 15 FrcsSt.L.lOSJ.GneBoylOS.NegodalellG M Ape 3-305Bow 1:1314m 36f 111 9 9 9,s10 BarnesE 10 St.Tuscan 109, Columbus HO.Guilder 110 C : 6ep.2S-29HdG 1 l:41ft 17 10S 10 3 7" 7" FieldsG 11 MerryMnck 105,Dorita lOl.Zevesgold 111 C , Stalls. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won.- . Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won Last year. . 8 This year. . 5 2 0 0 1,700 Ifae BreekS 1 1 7 B" c y Ultimatum Plaid Kilts, by Disguise. JL X 1 Trainer, J. Faulstick. Owner, M. W. Henry. Apc23-30;HdG l:131ffc 33 118 7 4 33 U "WkmanR 15 Taddock 110,CharleyJ.S.118,Sh.Pebblell3 C Apel3-303IIdG 3 l:13Aft U 112 9 11 1011 992 BcthelJ 12 Malolo 117, Folamile 113, Fair Bob 112 C Ape 7-30Bow 2 l:14hy 27 113 8 9 9 9IC ScrioJ 13 Propus 118, Valley 109, One Cent 113 C Soc2S-2asBow l:4rft 9f 108 9 14 14"14 GodfreyN l:14 EquationllC.BlazgCinchlOO.SamboG.lOS. C Koi G-29Pim 2 1:15 ft 242 110J12 9 9"! 9l CastleW 12 Sunchen 11G, Spectre 114, Prompter 11G C hox l-29:Pim ll:47m 200 111 G 9 9" 9" CastleW 9 GoldcnArrow 117,Moscow 113,Banton 107 C Oct 2-29Duf CJ f l:2Gft Gl 102 6 CleverlyW G TheDtorl08,Dunkrk 105,WeeTlerII. 97 C , Starts. 1st 2n 3rd. Won.-, . Starts. 1st .2nd. 3rd. Won Last year.. 27 1 1 1 5 925 This year.. 3 1 0 0 $ 850 Selection Tllfl c Supremus Selective, by Brown Prince II. Last work: 111 1-2... :4914ft J-l Trainer, W. W. Taylor. Owner, H. P. Headley. ApelS-30JLex fc l:10ft 9i 112 4 3 3 31 McCrsenC1 9 PatriciaAnnlOO.BlackCloudlll.Dorita 100 C. Octl2-29Lat 2 l:llft 17 107 2 4 4" 4s SmithV G Galaday 10G,Mich.Boy 112,CampBoss 109 A JuL 2-29Lat 2 l:19hy 51 115 1 3 2 1 FronkW "12 B.Duncan 115.L,kyDrinl07.M,sElizthll2 C Jim.27-29Lat 5J f 1:07 ft 47-10 115 4 10 1011" FronkW 12 LngRunllS.Pse a.PtryllS.SnyPal 115 M Jun.22-29!Lat 5J f l:06ft 3e 115 2 7 8 9" FronkW 12 Dedte Hu.RedRider HS.MichinBoy 115 M Jua.l9-29Lat 5J f 1:07 ft 6 115 3 2 2 21 FronkW "10 Busy 115. LongRun 115, Bustling 115 M , Stirts. 1st 2nd. 3rd.- Won.- . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. . Last year.. 7 1 1 0 $ 1.100 This year.. 1 0 0 1 50 Cecelia Grob I I O B. m, 6, by Bunting Lauretta Stolworthy, by Stalwart. J- J. Trainer, F. Holman. Owner, C. H. Hughes. Apc23-30;HdG 2 l:13ft 6 10S 13 7 75i 7s Fxj-eJW 15 XaeBreeksll8,PaddockllO,CharleyJ.S.118 C Apcn-SOBow 3 l:13ft 41 10S 2 2 2 2 FryeJW1 14 YgmanllO.SamboG.llS.SamSweeney 113 C An512-295Haw 1 l:4Gft 17-5 9S1 2 3 451 41 CramerK. 10 Mary-Dale 101, Jeb 107, David L. 112 C Aog 1-29A.P ltticl :4GJft 21-10 101 7 1 V 2 ChirchJ 7 Francesltock 104,Otilla 98,Sveep-Net 106 C JaL30-23A.P li l:52ift 91 93 4 1 1 2h ChirchJ s 9 Baritonel05,SantlyLadyl03,P. Virginia 98 C JL22-2S!A.P 2 l:12and 12 102 10 8 102104 ReddingJ 15 Joy.RocU110,ChampdeMarsl07,P,Irata 110 C , Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Last year. .20 1 3 0 ? 1,431 This year.. 2 0 10 $ 200 TFrackell 11 B- c 3, by Wrack Brumellini, by Sea Sick. Last work: 105 3-4. . .l:17Jft J-J-1 Trainer, W. J. Norton... Owner, Eastland Farms Stable. Apc21-30Jam 2 113 El 30 11G 15 13 12"11J BakerF 15 Polygamsll9,GoldBrkll3,FirstLady 111 A Octl5-23Mam 5 f l:06ft GO 116 1 5 57J 51 FisherRJ 1 9 PnlBndllO.DunsanyllO.ImperialAirm A Oct 7-293Jam 2 1:1? ft 40 113 5 8 8" 7H FisherRJ 9 Mad llattie 110, Chalice 107, Maybe 110 A Dct 4-29Jam 5 f 1:08 si 12 120 5 4 61 Gl FisherRJ G BudBroom 114, Stanton 114,NativeSon 114 A JuL20-29Dor f l:0Gft 17-10e 115 2 2 2 2J BrunnerJ 12 Netie Pebbles, 109, Skid 112, Coady 109 A JuL13-29Dor 55 f l:CGft 7 113 4 2 2 2"S BrunnerJ 7 Wacket HG.BrownThistle 111, Skid 110 S Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Last year. .18 2 3 5 ,115 This year.. 1 Behave Cask 119 B. g, 3 M, by Behave Yourself Mabs H., by Spanish i Prince H. Trainer, J. Bosley, Jr. Owner, J. Bosley, Jr. Apc21-30HdG V l:45Vft llf 112 G 5 9" S15 SlateF 11 MyScoop 113,Calome 104,BakedApple 10S C Ape 8-303Bow 2 l:14sl 11 120 9 8 S5 72 SlateF 10 Easterll0,Columbusll5,MutualFriendll0 C Ape 4-30Bow 3 l:14gd 9 115 2 1 1 2 SlateF1 14 TrickyColonel 115,LtleImpll5,Morleyll5 C . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- , ; Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, This year.. 3 0 1 0 $ 200 Bucky Harris 1 1 7 B, l, 7, by Hourless Clef de Fer, by Verwood. Last work: 114 3-8... :3073ft -L-L I Trainer, "W. G. Mcrfon. Owner, Justa Farm Stable. Apr.25-30HdG 1 l:52ft 30 110 2 4 6" S" MannF 8 BdingDeeplOG.RubyKlerlOS.Sanf rd 111 C Apel3-30sHdG 3 l:13ft 12 114 10 10 11"12" QnbushG" 12 Malolo 117, Folamile 113, Fair Bob 112 C F.14-303Mia 2 laiift 30 111 7 11 9" S"2 FisherH 12 ITnsAlley lOG.Nichelsn lll.Trappy 114 C jAn.28-30Mia 2 1:12 ft 15 112 10 10 lOlO FisherH1 12 LasiandralOG.G.Chvelotlll.NiclielsonllG C Kor.27-29Bow gl:26 ft 7 US 7 6 5" 7 HerdezF Ul Prompter 118,Encamp 113,PaulinaL. 110 C Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Last year.. 8 0 0 0 $ 50 This year.. 4 7th PimlicO purse . 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Watervale, Vs Miles 3ra 17 1911-1:51-8-112. fOTE Claiming price, 53,500; if for ,000, 3 pounds extra; ,000, C pounds extra. 4-year-olds, 113 pounds; older, 114 pounds. "Winners of two races in 1930, 3 pounds extra. Ifon-wlnners In 1930 allowed 3 pounds. Ind. PP. Ilorse. Wt. Rcc. A.Wt.Han. ind. PP.-" Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.IIan. 4333S G BILLYCOCK... 4C5S9 1 Light View .Lrl 114 1:52 1 114X700 HdG 101 1:54 5 117X725 . . 4G527 3 Billy Baughn. " 4684G 4Searington ..Sar 110 1:54 4 114. .715 Mia 111 1:04 G ri11vro-4681C lllXGOu 5 Slickaway ..... 4113X710 4C91G 2Bounding Deep. 43392 7 Euphrates ..Bel 112 1:52 7 111XG90 HdG 10G 1:52 4 108 X705 The past performances of the horses entered in this race, together with latest workout and racing record: Date. Crs. Dis.Time Tr. Odds WtSt. i Str.Fin. Jockey PP.Sts. Best Company Class of Race. Billycock 117 B s 6 by Top Mat violet Eayi Eock Sand. X J. 1 Trainer, J. Bosley, Jr. Owner, J. Bosley, Jr. Octl8-29Lrl 1 l:4Gft 32 111 3 3 3 2 AbelA 2 5 PcessTinalll.SySbre 109,SmLine 111 A Oct 9-29cLrl V l:12ft 71 112 4 2 4 5 SlateF 2 5 Fair Ball 112,Safety Pin lOC.Wellet 111 C Oct 5-29GLrl 1 1:39 ft 39 .115 2 1 ink U SlateF G Lisa 112, Sunvir 112, Scots Grey 115 A BeP.2G-29IWdb 1and l:4Gft 39-10o 111 3 3 31 42 SlateF 7 Backbonell8,ClearSkyll3,Gr ofSpainl02 C 6-p.24-29Wdb lJ l:53Aft 31 10S 5 3 31 4i SlateF 8ollan 108. Amsterdam 101, Cartago 114 S ST.21-295Wdb 1J 2:0Cft GS 107 2 4 5"! 5H SlateF 4 D Gaffsman 112, Saxon 114. Sun Beau 122 S 8cp.l7-29Aqu 1 1:40 ft 10 113 4 5 42 431 QebaumC G John B. HO.Low Gear llG.RoyalPlay 115 C , Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won , , -Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., Last year. .25 5 10 2 ? 7,885 SearingtOIl 1 1 A Ch" B 4 by Purchase Tnala y Broomstick, JLJLb Trainer, J. Coffey. Owner, J. Coffey. Apn23-303HdG . lfe 1:4S ft 33 103 G G Gl 25 ScrioJ G FryMaidenll3,Ormbirdll5,Arcturus 114 C Apel7-305HdG 1,V 1:30 hy 20 105 1 C C,s G SerioJ1 1 SfgheartllG,Bocaratoncl09,MolcIIill 113 C Apcl2-308Bow lfjl:47ft 13 103 f 4 2J 2 QnbushG1 8 Kgblrd 105,TonyJoe lll.Light View 112 C Ape 7-30c.Bow 1.1:50 hy G 10S 5 2 2 2:1 QnbushG1 5 FrkFulleall2,Sringtonl08,Woolorac 107 C Ape 4-30sBow 1 1:31 gd CJ 110 3 3 25 la QnbushG 8 Belmona 100,Maxiva 105,DublinShow 110 C Ape l-30Bow 3 J l:3Gf t Ctf 113 12 21 1" WkmanU1 12 Laurie 105,Thymon 103,DangerSignal 109 C f Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won , , Starts. 1st 2nd. ?rd. Won . Last year.. 24 7 3 1 5 5.275 This year.. C 2 3 0 2,300 Slickaway 11 Br c 4 1y NcEfl Silk Lady, by Ormondalo. 1-LO Trainer, R. A. Smith. Owner, C. Moss. Apc22-30THdG 1and l:47ft G 11111 G lnk MannJ" 11 SiiySntll4,BdingDccpll0,Rejvtioul07 C Apel7-303HdG le 1:50 hy 41 Hp G 4 4i 4" MannJ 7 SfgheartllG.BocaratonelOO.MolelliU 113 C Oct2G-29Lrl 1 l:47ft 22-5 111 G 3 3i 12 FieldsG 8 PelIegrinoll8,Rauconal00,CharlcyJ.S.107 C Oct23-29Lrl 1 l:4Sgd4D-10 10S 2 3 41 3 FieldsG ! 8 Bosky 113, Kicodemus 110, Laftar 103 C Oct 7-29eLrl lffl:16ft 71t 112 10 5 51 4 FieldsG 12 Master 1U, Festic 113, Fire Opal 109 C , -Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. W-n.- , Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Last year.. 5 2 0 1 ? 2,000 This year., i 10 0 ? 900 Bounding Deep 1 OR Ch- S. 4, by Boniface Storm Bound, by MaTta Santa. Last work: 10G Ira l:4Ggd -LvO xrainer p, , Fitzgerald. Owner, F. Hayes. Apc25-30HdG 1J l:52ft 8 105 5 3 2 lh QnbushG1 8 RubyKcllerlOS.Snfordlll.SunnySaintllu O Apr.22-30THdG 1and l:47ft 15 110 4 1 2"k 3J DougrtyF 11 Slickawyll4.SnySntll4,Rejuvenatnl07 O Apr.l8-30:HdG lr l:2m 1G-5 114 5 5 7si 8" DougtyF 9 ErPlay lOO.RbyKler 112,DnSignaI 105 O Ape 9-306Bow 1and l:4Sft 25 107 4 1 31 G QnbushG "8 FryMdenllO.ClrSkyllS.Boearatone 112 O Kot.30-29cBow U 2:31ft 11 112 4 1 2 lh PonceC 11 BlazingCinchl07,FairClassUC,RingOnllG C Koi:25-29Bow 1and l:G5ft 11 102 G 1 2 3 SerioJ 8 NcalonKaylll,T.Freshnll5,GnArrowll2 O , Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- Last year.. 23 6 4 5 $ 5,730 This year.. 4 1 0 1- $ 950 Light YieW 114. h S 7 by Rock view Tread Lightly II., by Tredennis. -LJ. Trainer, J. S. McDonald. Owner, Ascot Stable. Apr.l2-30l!Bow 1-kl-AlYitt 21-5 112 8 G 5U 4 BarnesE 8 Kingbird 105,Searington 108,Tny Joe 114 O Apr. 3-305Bow 1-fc l:49m 19 10G 4 5 5i 511 SerioJ 5 Annapolisll2,StrgheartllO,Arcturusl03 A Not.SO-29Bow 1 l:46ft 370 116 8 12 12U121 WkmanR "13 VacationlO7,MtferratU2,TipperryII.103 O Nor.25-29Bow 1J l:55ft 12-5 114 8 7 7i 7U BarnesE 8 NealonKaylll.T.Freshn 115,BdgDpl02 O OcL29-29Lrl 1J l:52ft 6 114 1 2 4J 44 BarnesE G GenialHostll7,FairBethlll,Algernon 114 O , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-v . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. AVon.- Last year. .26 7 4 5 $ 7.625 This year. . 2 0 0 0 ? 50 Billy Baughn 111 B B 6 by Star Hawk Cinderella, by Celt. Last work: 109 lm 1 :50m -L Trainer, J. G. Bussey. Owner, J. G. Bussey. Ape 9-30"Bow 1J l:57f t 23-10 111 14 4 3i BethelJ 8 BillSeth lll.MnGrass lOl.Immortal 107 O Ape 2-305Bow 1and l:49ft 13 107 5 12 1010ts CarlisleC 13 Old Times 112, Maxiva 1031, Rundale 105 G NoT.12-29Pim lel:48ft 9 117 2 8 73 7ci QbaumC U2 Listerine 109, nomelike 103, Banton 112 O Kot. G-297Pim 11:49" 15 115 3 .12 12212 MerglerM 12 Vacatnll2,BgorFacellO,GlnAnger 110 O OcL30-29Lrl lTff lmandsl 91 112 3 7 8S2 SJ CannonW 10 Equationl03,Rauconal01J,BlueDarter 112 O , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- Last year.. 33 6 4 5 $ 6,065 This year.. 2 0 0 1 $ 100 Euphrates 111 Ch". s 7 by SardanaPale Usette IX by Mordant. Last work: 1053-4 1:19ft -L-L J. Trainer, T. Bonham. Owner, C. R. Fleischmann. 0ct21-29:Emp lj 2:0G ft 30 121 6 7 7" 7" SchaeferL 7 Specular HS.Ncgopoli HG.Vacation 11G O 3ctll-29:Jam 1and l:4Gft 15 122 5 6 G" 511 MalleyT G Please 118, JackBiener 115, Juggler 122 O Oct 8-29Jam le l:lGft 10 106 5 5 5i 41 StevensF 1 5 DringBordllS.JnCavghllOi.Comet 10G O Sop.2S-23Wdb 1J r:531ft 49-10 108 2 7 G7 4s TonrowR 7 Tricze 109, Keith 109, Endless 108 O Sep23-29IWdb 1 l:47ft 21-5 120 5 2 3 3 SlateF 1 G Villager 117,RoyalDoulton 111. Crecy 114 O Sop.l3-29Bel 1J l:4Sft GOo 1015 1 6 6: G: BejshakJ 1 7 IIotToddy llO.SunBeau 12G,FairBall 105 H Sep. 7-298Bel 14 2:03m 7 120 5 4 4" 4J9 RobtsnA 5 DangersllG.Comet 112.StanddBearerll2 0 Jua.2S-29sAqu lj l:17ft 7 117 2 5 0i 5i LeischnR 1 8 Greyllawk 112,RubyKeller 114,Laurlel0G O , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. t -Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- Last year. .26 4 7 1 $ 4,550

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1930042801/drf1930042801_6_1
Local Identifier: drf1930042801_6_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800