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4th FairmOimt Tower Grove Park Purse Purse 800 2ycarolds Allqw 4Vo Fur ances Petit Pan 3Tay 28 1928 54 2 115 Ind PP Horse Wt Rec Rec4C4212 AWtHan 4C4212 3 Laura Xcgley 112 7 47434s 5 Princess Perox ¬ ide MFP 112 5G 4C3113 2 Red Chili AC 108 53 Ind PP Horse Wt Rec AWtHan AWtHan43C45 43C45 4 Regular Feller 111 710 7104G421 4G421 1 Master Ualligan 111X705 111X705G G Jeanne Seremba 105 7 Civollag 108 The past performances of the horses entered In this race together with latest workout and racing record Date Crs DisTime Tr Odds WtSt i StrFln Jockey PPSts Best Company Class of Race Lanra JfCgley 119 to Sisyphus Landflucht by Malus MalusLast Last work 134 12 501ift LJJ Trainer W Z Martin Owner W Z Martin Martinjrat2930JP jrat2930JP 3 f 434isi 75 115 2 2 21 21 OMallcyJ 11 RitNowll2PurpleLadyll2LittIePanl09 A Mat2230 = JP 3J f 45 m 115 112 41 1 = 11 OMalleyJ 8 RareCharm llORight Now 113Zinn 112J A Marl230JP 3J f 41ft 175 113 8 6 5 4s OMalleyJ10 11 DMorrisllGReChmll3BEydMary 113 A 330FG 1 34ft SG 114 4 2 2 2 JlooneyJD 11 Pce dAmrll7Schoonerll7BillMrisl20 S Ftix2G30FG g 35sl 25 116 3 3 331 3 AnrsonA 10 BillMorris 125Schooner 119Revate 113 A FtU1730FG 8 36vigd 5 115 3 1 lh 1 FronkW 12 JoanneE118Scboonerl21MlyHosan 115 A Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 8241 2250 2250PrillCeSS PrillCeSS Peroxide 10 Ch ft 2 M by Hoyal Canopy Pyroxene by Trap Bock BockLast Last work 129 58l042 ft JVU Trainer W J Hughes Owner J Leiter LeiterMV1230 MV1230 = FP 4Jf 5Gft 175 112 4 1 lnt 31 FowlerG4 11 BdajGiftll5Atlas 115MollyIIogan 112 M Aprl230Bow 47ft 51 115 9 9 94101 MannJ3 11 Squab 115OvorSuulyll5MyEnderly 115 JI JIAft Aft 530Bow 5 48ft 7 115 7 6 5 1 5 FronkW1 12 Saki 115 Aulularia 115 Magothy 115 M Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Von This year 3 0 0 1 50 Red Chill 1 055 to Upset Cullinan by Celt Last work 132 12 49ft LvO Trainer F W Forsting Owner E C Stable Mar2330 AG 4J f 53 ift 10 108 2 3 3 33 OBrienR3 7 Justice lllSundot 114JWGrant 108 A Matl6305AC gl01hy 5if 115 lO 11 111010 MillerC12 17 Siskin llSShastaBrm HSFlyingAce 118 S JIacll303AC 5 47ft 3 115 2 2 1J Is OBricnR 12 ShtaBrnill8Harshwll5SmIschr 118 M MM 4303AG 5 48Vift 9 115 2 4 3 = 1 2nk OBrienR3 12 Tarpaulin 118 My Shot 118 Strip 115 M Mat 1303AC J 47 ft Se 103 5 8 5ci 5s TurkC5 8 MissChne 113MissNoah HOSundot 113 A AFtlx25303AC Ftlx25303AC J 49ft 95o 115 11 7 G52 59i OBrienR 11 litHpes HoMymede 115Vtagren 115 II Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 10 1 2 1 925 925Regular Regular Feller 111 Blk E ty F1yne Ebony Queen Charming by Atheling II IIL ° L st work 134 58 l03ft L L JL Trainer C Koerner Owner Mrs C Koerner KoernerFtb2230Mia Ftb2230Mia g 35 35y 35ft y ft 7 118 2 3J 343 KniglHM 9 SunMask 112Snap 112 Francock 110 A Ftlkl730Mia i 3fsy 125 115 2 I2 Il GnwoodC 12 SolonGWilsonll2Getgoinll2Biggestll2 O Ftt 730 Mia g 3Shy 115 113 2 I1 I2 GnwodC2 12 Gobi 110 Bloodltell 110 Getgoin 11G O Ftlx 430Mia g 36V ft 185 113 1 I1 21 GrnwdC1 11 UnkwnlOoBloodltellllOPatsyCarterllO O FtU 130JIia g 35 ft 40 114 1 43 41 GrnwdC9 10 VderPool 114 Friar 114BrdonSaint 119 A Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won WonThis This year 5 2 1 1 1725 1725Master Master IlalHgan 111 Bt c 2 by Master Charlie Mazie L by North Star III IIILast Last work 101 12 55ft Trainer J G Demarest Owner J G Demarest DemarestJLu2930 JLu2930 = JP 3J f 43sl 8 118 4 4 551 5 GarrityP 11 RitXowll2LraNegleyll5PpleLadyll2 A Marl930JP 3 f 47 hy 14 US 3 2 11 lh GarrityPo 12 LittlePan 115 Zinn 118 Allegretto 118 M HaclO30JP 3J f 41ft 3 118 3 4 4s 33 GarrityP 12 TaltdPrcellSMsCanyll5Irtatnll5 II Mar 530JP 3J f 41 ft 53 110 2 3 23 2s GarrityP8 S DickMorris llORareChann 112Atlas 110 A Ftb2S30FG g 3Gm Gf 118 1 5 6 G ° CavensJ 12 Shining HSMardie lloPeaceJimmy 118 M Ftlxl730FG g 3GV4sd 34f 118 5 S 9i 92 CramerR 12 LraNegleyll5JoanneE118Schooner 121A Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 12 114 1000 Jeanne Seremba 10 Br f 2 r JVU Trainer F Seremba Owner F Seremba Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Civollag 109 Br c 2 M ty Boyal Canopy Miss Minerva by Black Toney LVO Trainer J J OMalley y Owner Audley Farm Stable Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won