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4th Churchill DoVIlS pursc 1200 2ycaroWs Fillies Claiming 4 12 Fur 3IIss Joy 3Fay 21j 1921 52 2 110 OTE Claiming price 3000 If for less 1 pound allowed for each 230 to 2000 Ucifjlit 11G pounds Xonwiiiners of two races allowed 3 pounds maidens 6 pounds Ind PP Horse Wt Rec AWtHan 47472 5 Miss Chilla Lex 115 47049 33 Reverberate Lex 112 47127 11 Directly Lex 108 47420 4 Belle of Bourbon CD 108 47302 2 Ann Clay M CD 116 47023 7 Oilman M Lex 115 4C818 9 Lioness MLex 115 Ind PP Horse Wt Rec AWtHan 40740 14 Lila M 108 COS 47023 8 White II oops M Lex 110 57 IOC COO 40334 10 Miss Way M 108 COO 47302 12 Naughty Sallie SallieM M CD 110 58 110 COO 1 Water Port 110 3 Sheen 100 100C C Cousin Doll IOC The past performances of the horses entered in this race together with latest workout and racing record Date Crs DisTime Tr Odds WtSt StrFin Jockey PPSts Best Company Class of Race Miss Cllllln 1 1 Q B f 2 M by In Mcmoriam Chilla by Alvescot AlvescotLast Last work 132 38 37ft JLLO Trainer C Van Duscn Owner C Van Busen Busenifcjl3SOCD ifcjl3SOCD 4J f 55m 125 11C 3 2 Ill JlcCrosnC5 12 Outbrst llCIIliTnipr HCCazova 110 M Arr2C30 = Lex 4J f 55l4ft 21 115 52 21 3Z McCrsnC19 11 Ble ofBrbnllillumasellSBagiel 115A Apr2230 = Lex 4J f 55 ft 1710 115 4 3 31 31 McCrsnC4 12 MexicanD115TanFacell5ThdrNphll5 O OStarts Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won WonThis This year 3 1 0 2 1000 1000ReVCrljeratC ReVCrljeratC Ill h y T un erer Flora McFlimsey by Ballot BallotLast Last work 110 38 37ft Trainer E Haughton Owner Greentree Stable StableApr30305Lex Apr30305Lex 4 f 54ft 15 115 8 8 S6 S15 JonesL 8 3IaryCobbll2BettyDerrll5RarcChinll5 S SArr21304Lex Arr21304Lex 4J f 55ft 1910 112 S 5 4 i 4 = MoonyJD5 10 IfreClimlia MsterRell2 PlumagellO A Aprl730 = Lex J 4Sft 45 11C 231 Il SmithD 7 DelmaDunnllCWatchGirl HCOurnanllC A AFeU2630FG FeU2630FG i 35sl 209 113 9 8 69 4s JonesL4 10 BillMrrisl25SchonerllOLaNegley 110 A FtIxl230IFG g 354ift 69 111 8 6 6U 43J SmithV 12 ZebralloSparwHawkllCPhilReuter 114 O Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won WonThis This year 5 1 0 0 C50 Directly 1 MarathonJL OQ B f 2 by Do DoLast Dodse Desire fcy Marathon Last work 130 12 52ft JL LVt V Trainer J S SMay Ward Owner V K J L Bodge May 230 Lex 4J f 55 ft 8 113 5 G 6 ° G8 DuboisD4 C TanFacellOMccanDllCMniFrcnce 103 O Apr2930 Lex 4J f 56ft 8 110 3 1 in 1 1 DuboisD 10 Bloodltell lIORalTrystll2lIamFleI05 O Apr 2530 Lex IJ f 35 ft 17 108 3 4 5 1 G5 DuboisD3 8 MeicanD110RareCirmll3MrsRose 110 O AprlK30 = Lex i 4Sft 8 115 6 4 451 5 1 PichonL 12 BtyDrlloCryMaylluBcwcligEyesllS A Mae 530Mia i 4Sft 50 107 2 2 2 31 McCoyJ 12 Kensinstonl07Squalll05Ladynosan 115 A Fthl2301Mla g 35 ft GO 111 3 GJi 914 McAffeD4 12 SilvrBtyllOBrdltell HOLleAmcallS M MStarts Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 7 1 0 1 725 Belle of Bourbon Ill B f 2 by Aga Khan Clintonville by Transvaal Marl2SOCD 4J f 54V ft 36 10S 1 4 43i 5 ReevesR 9 BcttyDerrllOPpleLdylOSMyCobb 11C A Apr30305Lex 4J f 54ft 7 115 3 5 5 i 44J GarnerW4 8 MaryCobbll2BettyDerrll5RareChmll5 S Apr2630 = Lex 4J f 5Gft 165 115 3 4 43 1 GarnerW 11 Plumage 115MissChiIla lloBagiel 115 A Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 3 1 0 0 750 750Ann Ann Clay 1 01 Br f 2 H by Wrack Abbat ssa t y Ballot BallotLast Last work 12G 38 3Gft Trainer K Spcnce Owner Audley Farm Stable MajlO30 = CD 4J f 54ft 30 116 12 13 12310 ° DuboisD8 13 RninjrGirl HGBagiel HGBtyBclIe 110 il Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 1 Oilman 1 C Ch f 2 M by Hourless Nan Knoehr by McGee McGeeLast Last work 134 12 50m VU Trainer T P Hayes Owner D D Canfield CanfieldPr2930 Pr2930 Lcx 4J f 56f t 5 110 1 8 S Si JonesL2 10 Directly HOBloodltell llORalTryst 112 0 Arr2630 = Lex 4J f 56ft 36 115 11 11 712 S8 DuboisD 11 Ble ofBbonll5llumgell5MsChillall5 A Apr730 = Lex 5 48ft 4710 116 3 4 5 431 GarnerW3 7 RevcrberatellGDDunnllGWchGirl 110 A Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 3 LlOIieSS 1 C Br fl 2 M by Actuary Tempting by McGee McGeeLast Last work 10G 38 3Gft vU Trainer A Goldblatt Owner J B Respess Apr2230 = Lex 4J f 55 ft Cl 115 5 S 11 11 GoolerW 12 MexicanD115TanFacell5MissChilla 115 O AprlS30Lex i 49 ft 26 109 G 10 101082 GoolerW9 11 BEMaryll2BloodltelllOOMaryCobb 112 A Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 2 2JjHft JjHft CQ B f 2 M by Stimulus Lilane by Vindex VindexLast Last work 132 58 l00ff JLvO Trainer C C Van Meter Owner C Clay ClayAprl9302Lex Aprl9302Lex J 4Sft 17 115 7 7 1 6 ChvettaF12 12 B tyDrll5CryMayll5BewcirgEyesll5 A Aprl7305Lex 1 48ft 5 116 6 G Gl Gsi ChvettaF 7 ReverberatellGDDunnllGWchGirl 110 A Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 2 White IIOOpS J C B f 2 M by Paul Weidel Flavia by TJnder Fire FireLast Last work 133 12 49ft JLV7U Trainer C E Gross Owner E F Prichard PrichardApr Apr SOLex 4J f 56ft 74 110 9 5 G G DePremaR 10 Directly HOBloodltell llORalTryst 112 O Apr22303Lex 4 f 55 ft llf 115 1 10 101 911 GarnerW 12 MexicanD115TarFacell5MissChilIa 115 O AptlSSO Lex J 49Aft 32 1091111 9 92 GarnerW8 11 BEMaryll2BloodItelll09MaryCobb 112 A Frfx2430 FG 3 36gd4310 115 6 5 710 S LynchD 12 BEdMaryll5Dnpourll8SnyFronkl8 M Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 4 4Miss Miss Way AQ Ch f 2 M by Midway Cousin Martha by Pirate of Pen Last work 50 38 37ft zance zanceTrainer Trainer A Lusader Owner F W Bradsby BradsbyicISSOJP icISSOJP 3J f 43 cd 245 107 1 G G ° G ° CTMalleyJ 12 TTtdPcel21PpIcLadyll2Xorvatorll2 0 JIai1230JP 3 f 41ft 247 113 7 9 9510 GevingL4 11 DMorrisllGReChmll3BEydMary 113 A FtbL2430FG g 36gd 15f 110 11 12 12 = 12 GianloniJ3 12 BEdMaryllSDnpourllSSnyFronkllS M Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won WonThis This year 3 3Jfailgllty Jfailgllty Sallie 1 1 D B f 2 M by Prince pal Pretty Miss by Leonardo II Last work 100 12 53 ft JL J U Trainer W Lewis Owner Miss W F Axton JIajrlO30 = CD 41 f 54 ft glf 116 9 9 13 = 138 LaidleyO9 13 RningGirl llGBagiel HGBtyBelle 110 31 Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 1 1IVater IVater Port 110 HerbertJL Ch f 2 Ml by The Porter Barley Water by Fitz Herbert JL JL V Trainer J F Schorr Owner E B McLean Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Slieeil I Ofi B f 2 ty Sun Flae Palladium by Martinet MartinetLast Last work 134 38 38m LvyvJ Trainer E Kaiser Owner B 0 Hickman Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won WonCoiisill Coiisill Doll 1 f J B M y Baigneur Bernaise by Sempronius Last work 130 3S 3filfft JvO Trainer W Reed Owner C Nuckols Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won