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134 134AURORA AURORA Jll May 14 Todays training gallops included the following AURORA AURORAWeather Weather cloudy track fast 38 MILE 131 Anton Ccrwafc 38 b Garden Wall 45 b 121 Alto 3Gh 127 fold Handle 38h 38h13U 13U Blameless 38b 131 Kclso 37h 131 ness Clol 3Gh 93 Ray 37h 37hDamon Damon Bean 38 h 127 Toman 41b 41b12D 12D Favorit II 37h 127 Tcntbuilder 37h 123 Gibbys Pal 37tfh 122 Wingo 36U 12 MILE 131 Applecross 54b 130 Money Musk 48h 131 Atlil 50h 131 Magdalena 49 b 123 Biloxi 54h 12T MJMcXyJr 50 b 132 Jack Annder 51 h 12G Salona 49b 123 Mozart oO h 53 MILE USAregal l03h 93 La Belottcl02 d 130 Col Crump 101 b 131 Paul G l06b 131 Film l03h 132 Prince lulbol02 h 128 Tagger l05Kh 133 Pals Bride l01d 132 King Pal l02h 123 Yam Toy 106 b 34 MILE 130 Alfred Trudel23 h 131 KwMeGe l20h 132 Dolly Bay l19h 131 Lawyer 120 b 130 Easy Money l18h 131 LaCoed l19h 133 Golden Colnal14ysd 132 Negodale 118U 133 Geo Groom l15h 128 Spanish Lay 120 h 130 Hy Sclmeiderl15b 132 SetlTs Ballotl20h 132 Jack iricinsl18b SITanist 121 78 MILE 130 Garnish l31b 130 Jimmy Brownl3Gh 1 MILE 133 Schlaf Wohll48 b 127 Theone l43u l43uFew Few horses made their appearance on ac ¬ count of the bad weather weatherBess Bess Cloi worked from the gate LOUISVILLE Ky May 14 Todays train ¬ ing gallops included the following followingCHURCHILL CHURCHILL DOWNS DOWNSWeather Weather cloudy track muddy 38 MILE 122 An Ranshaw 37 h 131 Perl t Model 39 b 127 Beauty Belle 39 b 131 Pallaily 37h 121 Banner Miss 38 h 131 Percentage 39u 128Crck Brigade 3Gd 128 Prce Athelg 38 h J32 Current 38 b 121 Surly 38 h 131 Freshet 39 b 132 Sheen 38 h 131 Kronenburg 39 b 131 Thistle Star 37li 130 Mr Moon 39 b 129 Weideleen 37 h hMore More Power 38b 12 MILE 127 Busy Monarch 52 b Miss Electro 51h 132Cady Uill 52 b 131 Myth 53b 118 Cackle 51h 128 Monticello 52 h 123 Downcast 53b 132 McGonigle 52 b 128 De Vfct 54b Normahal 52b 121 Deemster 54 b 113 Ournan 50 h 129 Gallt Knight 49b Running Girl 52 b 119 Hte Hardies 53b 128 Stars a Bars 52h 52hKaty Katy McCook 52 b 131 Sir Percival 3nb 131 Josephine D 51 5h 133 The Aldermn 31 h 125 Lee Cooper 53 b 129 Woodlot 52 b 128 Martie Flynn 52 b 68 MILE ISOAmilcar 110 b 128 Pigeon nolel03b 129 Buffer 100 b 129 Real Pardnerl02d 130 Bustling lOG = 3b 122 Tayslcc lOG b 131 Col Henryl08 b 130 The Senatorl03 h 131Jimmie L lOj d 113 Uncle Matt 107 b 107 Mike Carey 107 b 12L Upright 105 h 131 Nettie Bellel10 b 34 MILE 122 Clos Dance 122 b 131 Rushing 121 b 131 John Silver l21b 131 Slhland Boyl237ib Boyl237ibLoud Loud Speakerl24 b 128 T Southrncrl23b 131 Lady BrdcastllG h 131 United Army 118 d 131 Prce TokalonllGh Useppa 122 b 131 Pr n Poetryllri d 133 Wisdom l22h 131 Pcs Virginial21 b 78 MILE ISlTishybo 134 b 1 MILE ISlBellicent l48b 130 Gone Awayl4G h 128 Bobby Powersl51d 133 Islam 148 b 133 Belle Reeves lr2b 130 Jn Desaiblel3t b 131 Black Dancerl5ld 130 Ladrone l35 b 129 C Vn Dusenl45 d 133 Plumbago 147 h 129 Equation l52b 133 The Nut l4Gb 131 Galaday 148 b 131 Whiskery 145 h 1 18 MILES 133 High Footl59b 1 14 MILES 133 Buckeye Poet212h 127 Sydney 217d 127 Gallant Fos219 b 128 Wrattler 319 b Gallant Fox was paced by Wrattler in his final long Derby trial High Foot was not fully extended Sydney worked under a light drive through ¬ out Gallant Knight was well in hand handDOUGLAS DOUGLAS PARK PARKWeather Weather cloudy track sloppy 38 MILE 74 Delco Del 39 b Loves Way 40b 132 Friik Podesta 39 b 128 Monoplane 40b 130 High Score 40 b 129 Prediction 37 b 121 Little Scout 39b 12 MILE 130 Devon 50b 128 Gracious Gift i50fb 131 Dusky Maiden 5t b 131 Social Mug 50b 131 Flower Erin 30 b 58 MILE 81 Burnam I05hl29 Mlnturn 111 b 129 Chicago Ladl05h 34 MILE 130 Eleven Sixtyl20b 131 Mill Handl19b Friend 119 b Wishing Bill 122 b 78 MILE 130 Jack Berry l44b 1 MILE 123 Blk on Whitel49 b 131 Si Relief l47d 132 Lillian T 149 b bSocial Social Mug and Gracious Gift worked to ¬ gether Si Relief was doing his best at the finish TORONTO Ont May 14 Todays training gallops were as follows followsWOODBINE WOODBINE PARK PARKWeather Weather rainy track sloppy 38 MILE Circulet 39 h Lovetoken 39 c cImbros Imbros 38d 132 Pandorus 37h 11 Ima Queen 38 h Ty One Sgs 37d 127 Killing 39 h 12 MILE Bve Bendigo 51d 123 Light Step 51h 130 Candyman 51 d Portia 55 b bEveng Eveng Breze 54 h 131 Rose Lady 51 d 121 Imaginary 55 b Roselys 51 d 131 Leadgold 51 h 133 Snow White 51h 58 MILE 132 Long Grass 101 h 120 Sidney Wl03d Wl03dISONoon ISONoon 107 h 120 Sun Craig 111 e e128Plaguer 128Plaguer 111 e 121 Young Kitty 111 e 130 Postville 107 h 34 MILE MILEISOBuo ISOBuo t Wtl23 b 130 Lommern 121 h 130 Cupboard 123 b 11G Promandale 121 h 12G Friar Cliff l19d 1 MILE 130 Annapolis 145 e Retainer 150 h 129 Air Port 151 h 127 St Sentimcntl52 b b12GBlek 12GBlek Diamdl45 e 129 Sir Harry 149 h 130Buckrill 149 h 130 Ulverston 152 b 131 Loves Arrowl50 h 1 18 MILES 131 Brave Aloti7o213 e 131 Prince Carol 205 b 131 Granite Rock203 b Buckrill and Sir Harry went handily to ¬ gether Annapolis and Black Diamond were breez ¬ ing together togetherSnow Snow White and Light Step went easily together Imbros worked from the barrier barrierCOLLINSVILLE COLLINSVILLE 111 May 14 Todays training gallops included the following followingFAIRMOUKT FAIRMOUKT PARK PARKWeather Weather clear track fast 38 MILE 129 Baritone 38b 131 Old Bill 38 b 130 Black Gal 3Gb 111 Thlc Arious 37h 131 Click 38 h 12 MILE 131 Escobyby 50h SIMarca Agnes 31h 127 Genuine 5Ubh Medford Boy 49h 131 Good Sheprd 30h 131 Nrry Rhms 49h 49h12Hypoluxo 12Hypoluxo 52 h 131 The Major 51li 128 Jar 53 ib 129 The Badger 52b 52bLaura Laura Ncgley 50 h 130 Woodgain 49h 58 MILE 119 Bty Bwng 103 h 132 Morton l02b l02b129Domina 129Domina l01h 132 Rgr Feller l03d 130 First Pick l01b 132 Sambo G 103 h 130 Hy Sommrsl03 h 128 Ultte Vote 102 11 127 J A Weill02h 131Ucs Misa 101U 31 MILE ISOChiz l18b 132 Selection l16jh 131 Extreme 118U 127 Saar l19b l19b130Florenda 130Florenda l22Vib 128 Sea Rocket l19h 130 Gaines wood 117U 132 Tky Colonel l17h 132 Joe Engel l18h 130 AVizardry l19u Mgt NMiaml18h 128 Yargee l10b 126 Oul Msieurl13h 1 MILE MILE127Bwn 127Bwn Wisdoml39h 132 Pheasant l40b 130 Howard Lee l47 h hBrown Brown Wisdoms mark was one of the best ever made over this track trackOui Oui Monsieur was full of run all the way wayDominas Dominas work was very impressive impressiveUltimate Ultimate Vote is at his very best bestThe The track is improving rapidly and is near its best form NEW YORK N T May 14 Todays training gallops over the local courses were as follows followsJAMAICA JAMAICA JAMAICAWeather Weather clear track fast 38 MILE MILE132Black 132Black Shirt 37 h 125 Up 3Sh 3Sh5G 5G Friar 37ih 103 Vigllia 38 b b132Sydka 132Sydka 3G h 12 MILE 123 Beaumont 51 h ISO Donie 537 u 129 Baby Blimp 51 h 12C Negopdli 5G b 131 Chill Wind 49tfd 132Torrito 53 b 68 MILE 132 Carnivorous 100 b 127 R Cs PrlnslOC75b 127 Flamma 105 b 130 Rusticate 101 h 131 Irish Indian 105 1 133 Rose Hoganl02rfil 132 Perception 105 b 132 Sister Adelel01b 34 MILE 132 Betty Beaul14ih 132 Nassak l17 = fb 132 Eager Play 122 127 Rnway Lassl18b 78 MILE 113 Begin Overl33 129 The Freshmnl33 b 1 MILE 131 Comet 146 b 130 Dabster 143 d dBetty Betty Beau worked handily Nassak was well in hand Dabster went well Up went from the barrier barrierAQUEDUCT AQUEDUCT AQUEDUCTWeather Weather clear track fast 38 MILE 131 Gadalong 38 b Transformer 3Gh 122 Moronge 38 b Transmew 3Gh 12 MILE 12GFlossine 49 b 125 Minotaur 54 b 122 Grey Coat 51 b 131 Stanton 5i b b11G 11G Hazel Gberts 50 d 132 Swank 52h 132 Impish 32il 127 Verdi 55 b 127 Jk Campbell 5t 1 127 Winning Hrt 54 b 58 MILE 131 Hazel L 103 h Mercedes El13 b 131 Infinitua 100 h 34 MILE 106 Daffodil 127 b 120 Sable Lady 121 b 131 Great Hopesl17h 78 MILE 132 Hornpipe l27h 1 MILE 84 JSeaiiregard 150 b 132 Distraction l41h 131 Rubberneck 150 b 114 MILES MILES132Diavolo 132Diavolo 212 b bDiavolo Diavolo went a handy mile and a quarter Transformer showed good speed Hazel L went handily Distraction is back at his best form Flossine went handily OJELMONT PARK PARKWeather Weather cloudy track fast 38 MILE 125 Blk Feathers 37 b Jack High 35h 132 Blue Banner 38 b 130 Kaleidoscope 38 b 133 Capture 34d 132 Kildare 38 b bDIs DIs Dame 35 d 123 Master Toney 3G h 127 Dynamite 38 b 130 PeteeWrack 34 d Finite 35h 127 Pennant Lass 3Gh 132 Fair Ball 38b 100 Radium 35d 133 Gipsy King 30h 125 St Tuscan 35d 121 General Toy 38 d 132 Sortie 38 b 132 Grattan 34d 111 Simba 37b 37bJust Just One 38 b 132 Wild Law 3Gh 12 MILE MILEBalko Balko 19 h 127 Imperial Air 47d 47dRusticus Rusticus 48 h 118 Nusakan 47d 128 Chicatie 47h 130 Osmand 46d 123 Chouette 50 b 131 Peter Simple 50 h Chuckling 52 b 132 Robins Egg 48h Cn Collector 30 h 131 Surf Board 54 b 132 Ducat 50 h 132 Sandy 49 h 130 Egypt 48h 132 Storm 49 h 132 Flying Heels 51 b 132 Shannon Star 50 h 132 Fly Guy 48h 132 Sun Edwin 49 h hGabrielle Gabrielle 51b Sylvia 51b 130 High Step 4b Thackery 48h 133 Houssain 48h Volante 49h 129 lago 48h 34 MILE Al Green 115 h 120 Phillip 125 b 131 Billy Blake l13d 133 Prince Bonniel15h Blue Larkspurl10b 125 Beacon Hill 115 h Bay Beauty 110 132 Squeaky l13d 123 Crazy Coot llGib 78 MILE 132Fche dArgtl29 h King Clmrnirl31 b 1 MILE Buddy Bauer l40d 130 Live Oakl4G b bBeivithus Beivithus 140 d 132 Limbus l39d l39dColossal Colossal l43h 133 Panuco 140 d 104 Dustemall 143 h Rooney l42h l42h132Hatbroom 132Hatbroom l46b 130 Royal Play 146 b 127 Juggler 143 h 132 AVhichone l4Gb 130 Luggage l447ib 1 14 MILES 132 Quarter Deck212 b bBlue Blue Larkspur was only breezing Bewithus was under a mild drive Buddy Bauer went evenly all the way Billy Blake went well wellImperial Imperial Air and Chicatie were in company Nusakan had his speed PeteeWrack had all his speed Sun Edwin went from the barrier Osmand worked impressively Whichcne is rounding into form