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Oth r airmOlint Mississippi Purse Purse 800 3yearolds and upward Mile Claiming My Dandy Sept 7 1928 111 3 106 106XOTE XOTE Claiming price 3230 if for less 2 pounds allowed for each 250 to 2730 3yearolds 110 pounds older 118 pounds Xonwinners since Ulay 1 allowed 3 pounds Ind PP Horse Wt Rec AWtHan 47481 4 SIMON KENTON JP 111 113 C 11GX725 47402 5 Genuine Bbg 120 111 7110X713 7110X71340497s 40497s J Water Lad Haw 10S 1114 5 1131710 Ind PP Horse Wt Rec AWtHan 47140 1 Tlie Padre Haw 106 112 4 113 703 703474S1 474S1 3 Sen IlubenFP 108 113 4 113 700 47399 2 Jar Mia 110 113 3 103 693 The past performances or the horses entered In this race together with latest workout and racing record recordDate Date Cra DisTime Tr Odds WtSt i StrFln Jockey PPSts Best Company Class ot Race RaceSimon Simon liPiiton 1 1 Ch e 6 by Kenward Phyllis F by Withers WithersiTt iTt work 13034 l13 ft ± Trainer H S Hart Owner G Collins CollinsMajl330lP Majl330lP 3114 ft 2l 114 1 2 2 31 ThomasH 7 GdeRt lOGPyfield 112TRchstr 110 O Maj 330Lex IjC 147 ft 4710 110 2 1 I1 I1 ThomasII2 6 CriishllOHirjnKellyll3GeoMcCrannl05 0 MIJ lS03Lex 1 l47 ft Ci 110 3 1 53i 552 ThomasII3 5 MadsTstlOSDonnBonlOSKtyAce 1100 Apr2G20Lcx fc llUft 1C 117 4 2 21 23 ThomasII4 12 StarIlay 112Scotlandll9MarysToy 107 O 1303JP 31lfisl 34 116 21 I2 I1 ThomasH 8 Agapntsll5MdsTrystl03Brambull3 O 430JP 3 l17Visl S5 120 1 1 I1 I1 ThomasII 11 Braggadocio 11G Salona 113 Alto 1130 Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won kr30 17 5 4 9074 This year 9 4 i Gqnuinc I 1 A Ch h 7 by Sir Martin Dependable by Dalbousie Last work 131 12 ini ft JLjLv Trainer W J Potter Owner Mrs W J Potter H ylO30sFP 2 l13ft S3 114 1 7 9 3 9 6 CimcraUG 11 nviiWml20MyIdyl24NHcCusHs 111 H Apr2G303HdG 2 l12ft 51o 115 1 3 G 97i SchaeferL 9 Toki 102 Beau Wrack 112 Algol HOC Apr22IO HdG 31H ft 4310 114 G 2 4 4 1 CimerakG 9 StPriscall2Equationll3Moutferrat 113 C AprlG3FHdG 2113sd 45 113 2 2 2 2 CimerakG1 5 Mud 117 Shipmaster 122 Slacil HOC ApcllSOnidG 2 l13ft 75 113 2 1 2 21 CimcraUG 8 Gerard 115 Virado 113 Equation 118 C Arc SMBow EJflOGft 5 114 2 4 G l Gi CimcraUG G RTransitllSTIIcathen121StandBy 11G n Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Wonis Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 18 10 This year 7 Water Lad 119 3r h 5 by Meridian Water Lady by Waterboy Jast work 131 341irrt r U ft JL J O Trainer S Judtre Owner Miss E F Fullerton Apr 730 Bow 5 1 2SVyiyl920 111 43 3i 33 PonceC5 D Macil 103 Aziz 100 Keydet 111 n AI l30 = Bow 5 Ii2ft 18 110 C C Cl C1 PonceC5 7 CogAir llGCrystalDomino 120Algol 110 C J3030 Mia Ijj l52hy 95 112 1 2 21 3 J PonccC1 G Marlboro 115 Blade 11G Celidon 112 C i2S30Mia 2 112 ft 7 110 7 3 55 7 ° PonccC11 12 LasiandralOGGCirvelotlllNichelsonllG C 21 2 PonccC1 10 SunWorship llSTheOkali lOSScott 113 C Kon2929JBow 3 lllft Gi 11C 11 12 10nl 9 QbaumC 13 CandyPiKllGLadyMarielOSSunMdlerllG C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won WonThis Last year 2G 3 1 7 4450 This year 5 0 1 2 405 The Padre PadreLast mBr or 4 by Light Brigade The Nun II by St Frusquln Last work 133 341lGy ft ftApr2S30Tul Trainer G W Ogle Owner G W Ogle Apr2S30Tul 51 f l09ft 14 109 109NoTlS29AD 5 i Winters 8 FtWth lllBrotWindl07StyBondll2 A NoTlS29AD 2 114 ft 112 G 5 43i 33S MayT 10 Bo tWdlOSWchmtllSDLelghfulOO C AD 5ifl07yigd 115 4 G G 2 Gi PrgtassA 8 Br o t WindlOGamyLadll2Kukui 111 C AD 5iflOSsl 109 109Octl929 3 1 I3 PrgrassA G WhmntllSFortWhllOBde o tW107 C Octl929 FP 1 l43ft 10 111 1 1 Ci GJ RoseM 0 RenRiiben 108StarPrincel02ClaudeC 90 C COctlG29FP OctlG29FP 2 l13ft 3310 109 2 1 I1 I KnightM 9 Chlclcro 104IISmith lOOCashllay 111 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 31 614 5175 This year 1 1Sen Sen Ruben 1 1 PY Ch s 4 by Kine Heather Eva Ackley 1 7 Ballot BallotLast Last work 129 34117ft tl Trainir P Lycan Owner P Lycan LycanJfajr Jfajr 1330 KP 3 111 ft IS 114 G 7 7 G i PrgrassA 7 GdeRht 10Glyfield 112S nICenton 114 C COcU929 OcU929 FP 1 l43ft 4 IDS 5 5OcUG29FP 3 1 11 PrgrassA 9 StarPrince 102ClaudcC U9LeFIore 101 C COcUG29FP OcUG29FP J l13ft 10 IDS 7 7Oct 3 1 I3 PrgrassA D Maxinms 1121atsyir lOSRagabald 110 C COct Oct 429 FP 2 l14sl 23 112 6 6Jun2S29FP 7 7 7 PergastA 7 SenatSothllSUarasslllSimKenton 113 C Jun2S29FP 5Jfi07 ft 5 113 5 5Jun21296FP 1 1T 1 PrgrassA Ml GriffW llGJlomntous HOForluck 107J C Jun21296FP 5ifl07fr 63 110 4 6 G11 713 PrgrassA MO JnValjnll5GriffW110Pliotfgraph 100 A Starts 1st 2nd 3rd 3rdLast Wons Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 6 3 0 0 2000 This year 1 1I Jar JarLast I AO Br c 3 by Runantell Patagonia HI by Magellan Last work 131 12 12JIajlO30FP I3 ft JUO Trainer E McCuan Owner Weque Stable JIajlO30FP 2 115 ft ft1130MP 7 104 G 8 43i Gs GrcenC5 8 MfryWinsorll5Ragabaldll7Domina 104 C 1130MP 2 lUsd lUsdM9303Mia 23 118 3 1 lh 2 viiightM 12 MissRseylOGMyEloiselllRingTrue 113 C M9303Mia 2 l12ft l12ftIWUOSOMia 12 114 G 7 81 9 = CnlghtM1 12 3rrtanallGBliCasusll4LaGordrinalOG C IWUOSOMia lO30MIa p l12ft 12 116 9 G G1 5 52 3 KniglilM130sMia CnightMi 12 Megazza llGGuilder lllBobShannn 103 C 130sMia 5VflOSgd 6 115 G 5 4 = 1 1 CnlghtM KnlglitJPlS30Mia 12 TJIoon HOTeaspoon 105SpanIshJackllO C lS30Mia 2 116 Uy 12 IDS G G Gs GJI CnightM1 G Rn orShinelOSBshiplllBMcFarrdlpS A Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts l t 2nd 3rd Won Last year 13 1 1 0 5 S75 This year 6 1 1 0 850