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2nd Churchill Downs OaWnlc Purac THW WOXywo Xw Xwens ens Fillies Miss Joj Nny 21 1921 2 4y2 Fur 3 110 Wt Rec AWtIIan 470S11 11 In Haste Lex 115 55vs 473921 S Beauty BelleCD 11G r5 47472 4 High Temper CD 110 BC4iii 47429 C Surly CD 10G 55 47105 1 Prediction Lex 11G riG 47429 5 Ruth Marie CD 100 5S Ind PP Horse Wt Rec AWtHan AWtHan470SI 470SI 3 Weideleen Lex 115 53 110 695 69545C01 45C01 7 Peace Lady 11GG90 47010 32 Spring Cleaning 11GG90 2 Our Pet HG Helen 117 10 Baggage Maid 110 The past performances of the horses entered In this race together with latest workout and racing record Date Crs DisTime Tr Odds WLSt StrFIn Jockey PPSts Best Company Class of Race RaceIll Ill HastO 1 1 Bt M y Haste Inquiry by Ampelion AmpelionLast Last work 132 12 51ft LJO Trainer A Ayers Owner Koeneland Stud Stable Ma Mai30JL i30JL x 4J f 55ft G 115 1 2 23 2 LennieW1 12 FairMissiellSPhunagellSThunwin 115 M Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Wonv Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won WonThis This year 1 Q i 0 S 1U Beauty Belle 1 1 R ch f 2 M by Col ° nd Vennie Fleetabelle by Handsel HandselLast Last work 134 38 3Sm JL JL U Trainer A Goldblatt Owner J B Respess IajlO30 = CD 4J f 54ft 52 11G 1 1 11 3 GoolerW 13 RnhiKGirl llGBngicl llGCazanova 11G M Aprl30 = Lex J 4Sft 12 11G 123 5U GoolerW 7 RcverberatellGDDunnllGWchGirl 110 A Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 2 0 0 1 100 100High High Temper 1 1 R B f 2 M by Bunting Spider by The Manager ManagerLast Last work 12 38 3 JLO Trainer C C Van Meter Owner Van Meter Carrick Carrick3Ia1330 3Ia1330 = CD 4J f 554 m 12 116 2 4 43i 32 ChvettaF1 12 MissChilla HGOiitbrstllOCazanva 11C M Haj10302CD 4J f 54ft Slf 116 10 11 10 = 7i ChvettaF 13 UningGirl llGBagiel HGBtyBelle 11G M Starts 1st 2nd 3ra Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 2 0 0 1 100 100Surly Surly t f 3 f 2 M by Tryster Mood by Martinet MartinetLast Last work 134 3S 38m J f Trainer E Kaiser Owner Mrs B 0 Hickman HickmanIla1230CD Ila1230CD 4J f 54 ft il 106 7 7 7 ° G1 SchutteH3 0 BettyDerrllOPpleLdylOSMyCobb 11C A Starts 1st 2no 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 1 1Prediction Prediction 1 lZ Bt f 2 M ty Dozer Hildred by Peep o Bay BayLast Last work 134 38 37sy JLJLvJ Tiainer R L Stivers Owner R L Stivers StiversMay May 330 = Lex 4 J f 53ft 3Sf 116 1 4 5C1 Gi ClellamlF6 11 PlunrKellCEVhLcsterllGMhaJonesllG A Jlay l30 = Lcx 4J f 55ft 12 115 2 4 G S DuboisD2 12 FairMissicll5 InHastello PlnmagellS M Apr2430Lex 4i f 55i4ft 4710 115 1 5 6 1 5 GarnerW1 12 IIVirginiall5MyCobbll5StBcnoni 115 A Aprl730 = Lex J 4Sft 14 11G 7 7 7 73 HardyDO 7 ReverberatellCDDunnllGAVchGirl 110 A Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 4 Butli Marie i 1 Br f 2 M by Thunderer Nuit Blanche II by The White JL JL O Knight Trainer V Crump Owner W Crump M jl230CD 4J f 34Hft S3 106 4 9 9 S DuboisD 9 BcttyDerrllOPpkLdylOSMyCobb 110 A Starts 1st 2nd 3id Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd AVon This year 1 IVeideleen B f 2 M by Paul Weidel Blemished by Olambala JIa l30 = Lex 4J f 55ft 5J 115 9 Fell GarnerW9 12 FairMissiellu InUastello PlumagellS M Arr2C30 = Lex 4J f 5fiV ft 140 115 410 S 71 DePmaR 11 Ble ofBboi115Plumgell5MsChillall5 A Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won WonThis This year 2 Peace Lady 1 B f 2 M by Peace Pennant Lamp Post by Sweep SweepLast Last work 4G 38 375 sy J L O Trainer W F Poison Owner Basil Manor Stable 1 3Gy sd G7 114 5 5 6 1 S12 AnrsonA 11 RareCliiirinll4SprwIlawkll2ebra 117 C g 35gd 31 115 4 5 5 5 1 AnrsonA1 8 JoanneE115LnraNegleyll5BroadA115 M Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 2 2Spring Spring Cleaning 1 1 B f 2 M by Broomstick Ravage by Wrack WrackLast Last work 11 34 l3ft L L U Trainer E Haughton Owner Greentree Stable StableAprl9305Lex Aprl9305Lex J 4Sft 71 115 12 12 II150 SmithD 12 BtyDrllSCryMaylloBewchgEyesllD A Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 1 1Olir Olir Pet 1 1 fi Br f 8 ty Noah Dicks Daughter by Bick Finnell FinnellJL JL JL U Trainer J Lowenstein Owner F M Grabner Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won 1 I Ch f 2 M by Xadkin Blissful by Broomstick JL JL O Trainer H Cavanaugh Owner log Cabin Stud Stable Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Starts 1st 2nd 3rd J j B f 2 M by Messenger The Baggage by Lough Foyle JL JL U Trainer J F Schorr Owner E B McLean Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st ind 3rd Won