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bth r airmOlint purse 800 4yearolds and upward Claiming 3Fy Dandy Mile Sept 7 19281 11 U10 JfOTE Claiming price 52000 if for less 2 pounds allowed for each 230 to 1500 Weight 116 pounds Ronwinners since 3Iarch 1 allowed 3 pounds Ind PP Horse Wt Ree AWtHan 47483 1 Shasta LadFP 112 111 G 11GX725 47437 3rounser FP 108 114 9111X720 9111X72047403s 47403s SNicliolsou Hav 108 lllti G 111X715 111X71531552s 31552s l Kaani TiJ 97 113 4 101 710 47399 = 4 llagabald DP 105 113 4 113X705 113X7054G42GI 4G42GI GOld Bill Ibg 103 113 G 103X700 103X700474S3 474S3 2 KinRSpprt HavJOS 112 55 113 695 6954G1I2 4G1I2 llSweepXet lP 115 114 7 99XC95 99XC954G979 4G979 13 Sambo G Bow 113 113 4113G95 Ind PP Borse Wt Rec AWtHan AWtHan4i2SG 4i2SG 5Iuck Piece Bbg 104 114 4 104X690 43248 7 Uncles MissFP 103 113 4 104 G90 47478 9 Le Flore Lat 108 112 4 111XC90 45411 12 Rtinmaid libg 113 113 410SG90 250993 14 King Io M 4 109 G90 G904GC2 4GC2 ir Tlie Major Jl 113 115 G 109 G90 44205 16 High Spot Aur 114 l14Hi 5 109XG90 4G323 17Good Shepherd HdG 112 113 C 111XG90 Tlie past performances of the horses entered in this race together with latest workout and racing record Date Crs DisTJme Tr Odds WtSt StrFln Jockey 1PSts Best Company Class of Eace Sliasta Lad j I f B g 6 by Harmonique tady Alice by Assagai AssagaiLast Last work 131 12 55ft LJLU Trainer H S Hart Owner G Collins V1330SF1 ai14lift il5ll2 5 1 1s I1 ThomasIP 12 JkCrainl07KatArmsll2ForteJIannl07 C SO Lex fclll ft 85 117 2 4 3T 3 CramcrK1 S CapfnJS112H nThottsll2MaePrice 10G C CSO1 SO1 Lex fc i10ft 75 110 2 3 3J 2l CramerU 10 BlkKIyerll2CaptnJS110JnSpeed 105 C CApr2230sLex Apr2230sLex fc l10ft 1110 US 1 3 2 3 CramerR S MrsFstrlOOSpfgLylOSUidiiThtsllS C CAu5l720IIaw Au5l720IIaw g 112 ft 125 107 10 8 7TJ S SmlthV 12 LittleGyp97ElizthBollal02Princetonl02 C CJuL JuL 1295AP 3 117 hy 85f 103 2 7 5 5 SmlthV l12 CayugallOGrcenockllGDoubleneart 10S S Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won WonLast Last year 11 520 4250 This year 4 1 1 2 850 850LoUIlgCl LoUIlgCl Til Bt E y Swsep Sweet Marjorie by Goldfinch GoldfinchLast Last work 131 5S l03ft JJJ Trainer G Peterson Owner S Louis JLV12303FP 2 115 ft 25 112 2 1 li 1U PcggC1 8 Orestes II 112 Gideon 112 Focus 112 C 2G295FP Iff 14S ft 4 111 188 8IS TrimbleL 8 SportIrfss97SpanisliAsterl08Isoard 110 C 20297FP l l45ft 3310 107 3 5 G = J 5l KnightSI 7 OurPal lOSFkFuln llSNyRhymes 103 C C729FP Junl729FP 729FP 1g l47ft 3710 109 2 2 2 2 KnightM 1 SpanisbAsterl03EpliesiaullGClarifierl07 C C2297FP Junl2297FP 2297FP IjV 150 m 2 10S 3 3 2 2Ji EdwrdsC G Morocco 113 Atoi 10S Clarifier 110 C CS293FP 8293FP 2 l13Bd 135 114 7 7 G l 651 GonzlesH 12 MsRosedale lOlSonAmi 114FlSpd 109 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 7 02 0 463 This year 1 1 0 0 5 G50 G50lldSOn lldSOn 111 C Bl 6 by Omoni Miss Malvenia by Seth SethJJL JJL Trainer E Flynn Owner V H Perry Perry030FP 030FP 2 lllft 95 117 2 2 21 33 EdwardsC8 7 UmateVotel04OiiiMleurll7Surgeon 104 C llariSSOStJ 830StJ 2 115 sy 2 110 3 4 41 33i DaintyF4 C Estin 110 PaganLaddie 11G Guilder 105 C r20DO 0DOStJ StJ 2 115 ft G5 10S 1 1 1H lot DaintyF1 5 IaganLdiellSCirieyJSlOSTrcheonlll C JkEl3305StJ 5S f 103 ft 1310 11G 8 Sptnallahanl20Cleora lloSeaCliart 102 C Jt Jtac 430Mia 21 2113 = 13 ft 5 110 3 4 21 2ut RobsonA 11 KmghtComdrll2Motell2RoyalSon 111 C Crtkl4303Mia rtkl4303Mia 2 Ill4 ft 31 111 5 3 331 2 KnightM1 12 UnsAlley lOGTrappy 114StepUus 111 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won WonLast Last year 18 C 3 1 4SOO This year 10 153 1413 1413jTtalaili jTtalaili 104 HandselJLvrx s y War ° T e Cullen Bon by Handsel JLvrx Trainer T Flippen Owner H Dougherty Doughertyrtt2429Tij rtt2429Tij 1 l40Uft 21 103 3 1 lh 2k D Trivt 12 DonFndo 107MysWrth 102Sufcy 108 C CKU2229JTij KU2229JTij 2 l12ft 21 9G 7 3 4J 57 A Schek 8 Pkanaka 10711gStar lOGCnciliatn 111 C Crib5293Tij rib5293Tij 2 l12ft 16 98 6 7 7i 9 D Trivt 13 Argus 102 Woodface OORollingStar 105 0 0Fcbii2293Tij Fcbii2293Tij 2 113 ft 8 97 2 1 1s 1 D Trivtt 412 Billy 110 Nose Dive 104 Cuevas 110 i Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won r 8 2 1 0 S 1030 1030Itacabald Itacabald 1 1 Q s by RaEamuffn Miss Baldwin by Flammarion or orJL JL JL O Shepherd King KingTrainer Trainer E E Major Owner E E Major MajorJbjlO30FP JbjlO30FP 2115 ft 1G 117 4 3 31 21 RoseM3 8 MorryWindsorll5Dominal01Malolo 120 C 1 2800 1J 154 ni 225 101 11 7 5s G11 LandG3 11 SweepstakeslOSLittlcSpied 94Endor 114 C CMat2530JP Mat2530JP 2 I3 Bd 9 109 3 G 3J S11 DeperiniR1 12 LaDentelle lOGBlackFlycr llGZeta 104 C 2303JP 2 l19Vim 2910 111 4 G 451 5ci DeperiniR3 8 IIymkerlllBkeeperlOSStinRoman HOC Jlac SOMP 2 11 ft 4 113 3 G 31 2 DeperiniR1 12 Wdgainll3TlielmaL lOOJolinSpeed 115 C rfb2S30 ° FG 1fs l51m 19f 109 2 1 2 45S McyerC 11 BPowersl09SvecpNetllOEvelynL 109 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 20 8205 4175 This year 8 0 2 2 325 3250tl 0tl Bill 1 Q Br B G by Swiftfoot II Meddling Miss Dy Tony Bonero BoneroLast Last work 134 38 38tt JLVO Trainer L M Holmes Owner Mrs L M Holmes HolmesJUr2930JP JUr2930JP lfg l51sl 185 10G 2 1 1H 1 = MeysME S Bozo 109 Baby Delhi 105 Fair Folly 93 C c21303JP l15sl 2910 111 H 8 852 7 ° i CantonR 12 MasrSwpll4KdWordslllBoysPfdllC C 1530JP 2 l17m 4 109 4 3 2 31 CimerakG 12 IIdPinlOlGdShepherdlllLaDtelle 109 C 1U2130FG lfg lnft 7 111 1 3 3 ° 1 4 CimerakG4 10 ScySiie lOfiEmplettelOjFairArgumUOO C Febll307FG 1 l47ft 31 109 4 7 G ° J 5TJ CantonR 9 Bun lOllayessClioicelllGoldRidge 112 C Jan2730FG l lj j l4Sift 2310 109 4 G31 G3J MartinL 11 BuiitbornelOSCisfieldlOoTstleAriouslOS C Starts 1st 2ml 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 26 532 S 4G14 This year 8 1 1 1 847 847JlillCSpOrt JlillCSpOrt 1 1 O B g 5 by Brown Prince II Alverda by Fair Play PlayLast Last work 129 53 l01Hft Trainer W Webster Owner C Bartsch BartschMajl30 Majl30 FP 2114ft 32 1072 G G G SwigcrtT1 12 ShstaLadll2JckCrainl07 KatArms 112 C Itaz 2305Hav Vff l45ft 1 120 2 1 Il 4 = BryantD9 13 SanCarlos lllMartMalone lOSCrash 114 II rtb24305Hav 1 143 si 4 113 2 1 I4 I1 BryantD 10 MartMal6nel08Baltimore92SanClos 112 II reblG30Hav 2112 ft 710 108 4 1 lh 1 J ColyinA 7 Algol 111 Andresito 110 Charbucl 100 C Ftb GS05Hav 15 14J gd 35 109 2 1 I 2 PasseroJ 7 Stampdale 105Eloise 105SanCarlos 113 C L2G30Uav 2 l12 ft 2 110 1 1 1 Is LogaiiL 7 Eloise 99 Orestes II 109 Gideon 111 A Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Wen Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 4 10 1 750 This year 9 5 1 0 5050 B m 1 by Sweep Netia K by St Martin SweepWet 33ft Trainer E McCuan Owner Blue Star Stable Last work 129 38 TtUlOSOFG 1j l47ft 1 Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2 2Last on1 3ri Won Last year 25 2 f 4 This year 30 0 2 1 375 JQ Ch c 4 by Pandion Viola Vail by Jean Bereaud JJ j Trainer A G Robertson Owner E K Bryson BrysonTSft TSft 5112 7 9 9 9 BolneseT 9 StogMajell5ValleylOOGrtIIopes 113 C Huft G 119 3 3 23 23 HarveyW H SteaM jell5rShMari el22GryGl 109 C 3 llSVft 10 113 G 3 3 31 SerioJ 11 YeggmanllOCliaGroblOSSSweeney 113 C 1 d G 13 5 5 S = J 3 SerioJ 14 Apostle ll brcanaLe lOSTDpctor 113 C M10 1 HO 1 c C Ci MorrlsL 9 BobK nan 103Cbclerol7aneC 103Cbclerol7aneCd 103Cbiclerol07IaDntellC1021 C d 11 114 8 G 8 8 MorrlsL 9 Iraq 112BobKernan 114BlackFlyer 111 C Cnt Stirts StirtsLast nt 2nd 3rd Won g star3 lt o d 3 d won Last year 23 1 2 5 1875 This year 6 0 1 2 400 Luck PlCCC 1 H A Bt s y Rouleau Bit o Luck by Star Snoot SnootJLU JLU Jt Trainer W Mitchell Owner J H Edwardi EdwardiOctl7S9 Octl7S9 FP 1 l45ft 5 107 7 2 2 5 CramerR 8 StarPrincel07WillBank 112ttLoma 115 0 OcLl2293FP Ijj l53hy 23 102 8 1 21 21 CramerR 10 ZelmaONeal 1001onimoi lOOBryndrlOO O Oct 529 FP I4151hy 32 10310 G 74 81 EdwardsC 10 Md o t Sfm 91ClaudeC105Punkie 1110 Sepll29DP 1 l47i liy 8J 105 3 5 3 31 KdwardsC 7 Sharon 118 Valence 112 Uead Cover 115 O Bep 329 DP 1 139 ft 17 102 8 9 911 9J SavageJ 9 Yargee 108 Marabou 10S Miracle 108 O P l l401 ft 23 105 2 1 1 1 CramerR 12 BobbieR109MacksBabyll2 Valence 112 O Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 15 22 1 1533 Uncles Miss 1 A ch f 4 ty Clermont Georgiana W by Uncle Last work 134 58104 ift JvTC Trainer G L Palmquist Owner J Goedecke Jr OctlC297FP 1 l47ft 33 9910 8 6J G CimerakG H2 Sunspecl02ProspectlOGMysfyBalIlot 10G 0 Octl429FP 2115 el G2 102 7 10 10JIO CramerR 12 KrankD107PresitSetlil07DrCharliel07 O Oct 829FP 2 l14Jft 8f 10S 10 8 95j 9J GarrityP 12 FrankD 1071ckySweep lOSChlcola 110 0 Sfp2329sRP 7Jfl3Cft 5 10J lu ScurlocUH 10 LtleBver OSMastcrMald 107DanD 95 0 Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 18 1 0 2 5 370 370Lc Lc FIOFC 111 B c 4 by Sir Barton Resting Time by Black Toney ToneyLast Last work 123 12 54ft LJL JL Trainer C R Anderson Owner P 0 Anderson Marl330FP g 114 ft 15 112 9 7 GSJ 4J PierceW 12 TlieShwOffl07Highwayl07Patsyn 1020 Octl929 FP l43ft 7i 101 222 4J SwIgertT 9 SenRtiben 103StarPrincel02ClaudeC 99 O QcUl293FP l45sl 145 10S 211 2 GdrichE G ZclmaONl 107MleKing99SportDrslOJ 0 OctlO29FP 2116 hyl710 111 5 1 I4 I4 MuloneyJ G Lamkinl05ChmgLadyllOFlsyIIare 109 O 2529LF 2 115 el 75 105 7 2 2 Il NealP 9 FldCtrol 110NncySethlOGRGibsnllO O OP1729LF P1729LF 2111 gd 235 1081 3 31 351 MozerR 12 TmyLad 103Brillantel02StarForw dlOG O Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Wen Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 20 3445 369C This year 1 1Runiliaid Runiliaid 1 AQ Ch f 4 by Runs tar Tailor Maid by Fair Play PlayLast Last work 128 58 l04ft LUO Trainer G W Atkinson Owner G W Atkinson AtkinsonFA1330 FA1330 = FG IjV l4SV ft 31 102 9 9 9 S FryeJW4 12 RckAbbeyll2FryIIarel02Ragabald 107 0 Dec2029JP 2 l13ft 28 108 5 6 83 Sl MayT 12 Burnt Sienna 108 Jeb 109 Facility 10J O ODoclG29JP DoclG29JP 2 l14Vft 27 10G 10 8 7SJ 7 SandozJ 12 Kingnalma 108 Jeb 103 StorinyPort 108 0 FP 2 l13Vift 2cf 102 9 10 ll1111 PrgrassA 11 Arrogant llGPrestSetbl07Maximus 11G O Octl529 = FP 2 11 ft 26 101 6 5 G 7 ButlerT 10 Gulneanenl05LkyDriftl08Iiygmial08 C H729LF 2 l12ft 26 105 6 7 7 8 MorsonR 9 Shift 112Uarys Toy lOlMiss Lee 109 O OStarts Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Vfon Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won WonLast Last year 23 0 30 5 400 This year 1 1Killg1 Killg1 LO 1 HQ B c 4 M by Kin r Hoather Monardella by Ballot BallotLast Last work 133 12 49 ft LUt Trainer P Lycan Owner P Lycan 25999 Oma 58101 1 1 110 S 7 oJ 33 K Legere 8 My Girl 112 Ella Bank 112 Woodface 117 25721 Oma 58 lOOKft Cl 107 G 4 3 2 II West 8 My Girl 100 Woodface 113 Valucia 100 Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won The Major 1 OQ B St ky 0rmon3alJ Miss Minerva by Slack Toney Toney51Ct 51Ct JUt Trainer V Gallo Owner J G Gallo JI 2G30JP 1J l5Sft 1G 1091 G G 101411 DcllJ1 12 GoldlldlulOGMystcrioiislOOIiangOn 101 C 3tar2430JP 2118sl 5710 1153 3 41 33i CramerR1 12 Joellen 105JnGrncrl03Vulnerable 111 C Jlicll30 = JP 2 l17V m 9 115 5 9 5 5BS CramerR1 12 CoriSethll3EIfrdaG105APCanalellO 0 H H1030JJP 1030JJP 2 lllift 8 113 2 3 G1 71 CramerR 12 MacksBaby 111 Omnia 113 Copper 1110 21HV ft 17 118 5 5 4J G CramerR 12 BlckAlicelOSArrogantlluUncleBoot 115 0 Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 10 1 01 850 This year 5 0 0 1 50 50f High Spot f A Q B h 5 by High Cloud Sallie Ward by Singleton JL U t Trainer J Paul Owner A Stroud Decl9293JP 1 l4SVSft 75 112 1 7 8 9 WilsonL 12 iryessCircellOFligbtlOOTngnot 112 0 OcLl229Lat 1J l53yft 41f 103 1 11 llll z SavageJ 11 Dragon 110 Kadiak 108 Hold Fast 105 O Ans3129DP 1g 200ft 16f 110 5 2 21 4 i WdsfkF 12 Naninawaii IGSMascalOSLongcpsllO 0 Aug o293Bbg 2 l13ft 28 108 9 11 12 12 DuhonS 12 Agitate 107PketMse HSTwoColorsllO O Jon 129Bbg 2 l15ft 29 112 6 L riderLyonC 11 Empty Glass 97Liborio 112Martha J 92 C M 2329Aur 55 f l10sl 41 107 9 II 8 i 5 DePmaR 411 Bobbie Doyle 111 Old Tom 110 Owl 104 C Starts 1st 1stLast 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 9 9Good Good Shepherd ShepherdLast j J J Ch h 6 by Golden Broom Ida Claire by Golden Maxim Last work 131 lar Owner C A Coyle 3Iw2430lJP iuwsi iuwsilfarlS303JP 25 111 2 2 5J 5 CimerakG6 11 SimKentonlSOBrgadocio HGSalona 113 0 lfarlS303JP 2 l21liy l21liyIarl530 1 11G 2 1 1 1 MannJ 8 JnSpeed llSNliplSallotlllTAbbot 115 O Iarl530 JP 2 l17m 225 111 2 1 1 2i ThibodxH 12 IlcndPin 101 Od Bill 109LaDentelle 109 O 14 110 4 5 8 10IS ThlbdxH 11 McellaAgneslOOZcta 105r Dentelle 105 O 18 11010 2 334 4i TdeauxH 11 Agapnnthusl07Witclinioiint 112Alto 113 O Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 12 0 0 475 This year 4 11 0 725