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RIDERS KILLED IN ACCIDENT Auto Smashup Fatal to Shelton Smallwood and Eaton Machine Collides VVIlh Culvert Abutment AbutmentNear Near Troy Illinois With WithTerrific Terrific Force COLLINSVILLE 111 May 19 Jockey James Shelton 22 of Mattoon 111 Raymond Smallwood 39 of Washington D C and James Eaton 24 of Louisville Ky were killed in an accident when the automobile in which they were riding collided with an abutment beside a culvert at the foot of Deterding Hill on the National Trail Illi ¬ nois state highway N 11 one mile west of Troy 111 about midnight Saturday SaturdayThey They were returning from a dance they had attended at Moonlight Pavilion Mike Berta of Collinsville who was driving his automo ¬ bile behind Smallwoods machine witnessed the accident He slowed up momentarily when he reached the Deterding Hill which is a steep decline the culvert being at the bottom and midway in a curve in the road at that point pointThe The road was slippery from rain which fell during the night and whether Smallwood lost control of the car or whether it skidded could not be determined on account of the high rate of speed at which he was driving The culvert is situated in an obscure place being on a turn It is probable Smallwood failed to sight it until too late lateWhen When the car reached the top of the hill Berta said it must have been traveling sixty miles an hour On6 man was sitting on the collapsible seat next to the driver the third man was in the back seat Berta said he had stopped his automobile to investigate when he heard the explosion following which the wrecked machine burst into flames Berta notified Collinsville authorities authoritiesThe The force of the collision caused the ma ¬ chine to straddle the concrete abutment which forced the engine back through the floor boards and against the front seat crush ¬ ing the legs of the occupants occupantsThe The sedan which Smallwood was driving carried a District of Columbia license plate Collinsville police arrived shortly after the accident and they extinguished the fire with water from a drainage ditch The bodies of Shelton Smallwood and Eaton were taken to the Schroeppel undertaking parlors in Col ¬ linsville An inquest will be held today todayJockey Jockey Shelton developed by 13 B Shipp was widely known and was astride J L Pontius Michigan Boy when that colt won the Louisiana Derby at Jefferson Park Shelton had been engaged to ride the colt in his subsequent engagements and journeyed to Pimlico to ride the Pontius threeyearold in the Preakness which was won by Gallant Fox FoxSmallwood Smallwood who arrived a week ago from Maryland was for many years affiliated with the stable of James Arthur He was in the employ of Ray Bryson who has an extensive string at Fairmount FairmountEaton Eaton formerly a jockey and more recently an exercise boy was assisting R Pollard until he could obtain steady work