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WASHINGTON PARK STAKES Dates on Which Feature Races RacesWill Will Be Run American AmericanDerby Derby June 14 The American Derby to be decided Satur ¬ day June 14 at Washington Park is the sparkling attraction of six other features scheduled for the thirtyday meeting opening May 26 26Interest Interest in the result will be as buoyant as in the Kentucky Derby for the reason that it will not alone duplicate its class but it is more than probable that other star three yearolds will compete for the glory and value it represents representsThe The first week of the Washington Park meeting will find C W Hay general man ¬ ager spreading three trump attractions The inaugural topliner will be the Washington Park Handicap at six furlongs for three yearolds and upward Four days later on Decoration Day the offering will be the Debutante Stakes at five and onehalf fur ¬ longs for twoyearold fillies filliesSaturday Saturday May 31 the Thomas Curran Memorial at five and onehalf furlongs for twoyearold colts and geldings will be run The three races each carry 5000 added value The Washington Park Handicap closed with 104 nominations The Debutante Stakes has 132 eligibles while the Thomas Curran Memorial attracted 150 150The The Robert M Sweitzer Handicap at one mile and oneeighth 5000 added Value for threeyearolds and upward is to be run Saturday June 7 Eligibles in this race number 104 104The The Illinois Oaks at one mile and one eighth to be decided Saturday June 21 with 10000 added value is for threeyear old fillies The eligibles number eightythree eightythreeThe The final feature the Francis S Peabody Memorial Saturday June 28 10000 added value is for threeyearolds and upward at one mile and a quarter The list of eligibles totals 111 111The The stake events have a total value of more than 90000 Every thoroughbred of distinction has been nominated the whole representing more than 150 different owners