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AURORA HL MONDAY MAY 19 1930 1 Mile Sixteenth day Exposition Park Jockey Club Spring meeting of 21 days Weather cloudy Stewards M Nathanson C L Trimble and C F Henry Judges A Blanchard F P Dunne and 0 J McLennan Starter Harry Morrissey Racing Secretary C F Henry Racing starts at 21 p in Chicago time 215 p m W indicates whip S spurs B blinkers Fig cres in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse date track record age of horse and weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance A f7RE Q FIRST RACE 34 Mile Queen Towton May 21 1929 111 7 111 Purso 8CO fdfc t OtPO 3ycarolds and upward Claiming Not value to winner 625 second 100 third 3lny1930Aur 50 fourth 25 Claiming price 1000 Index Horses Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 1 = I1 1 = 1s P Keiser Valley Lake Stable 5103IGOR VR 5 109 1 2 2i 23 23 2 P RemUnl W W Finn 424100 4241004G42GFRETWELL 4G42GFRETWELL w 9 114 9 7 Gi 51 4s 3 J Leyland C Wissinger 44G1CO 474 Ct PATSY LEWIS w 3 1021 7 3 4i 4l SJ 4 R Ayraud Lewis Kemp 33GO100 33GO1004G929 4G929 CHANTRY WB 4 104 4 4 31 3h 51 5i J Boucher J M Reed 7183100 17419 TIMEKEEPER WB 5 111 39 8 = 7s 7s G = C Stranskl II C Rumago 1133100 1133100AKin AKin TinATTiTx w G 114 5 6 Gi G G1 71 L Logan J L Scobey S3S100 vn 5 1C9 G 5 7 8 S 8l J Mooney T Downs 3012100 47384 DINNEFORD w 4 109 88 9999A Cleff Irrepressible Stable 7301100 7301100Time Time 25 50 i 117 Track muddy 2 MUTUELS PAID EQUTVALNT BOOKING ODDS ODDSWATCH WATCH ON 454 302 238 127 100 51 100 19 100 100IGOR IGOR 372 286 86 100 43 ICO ICOFRETWELL FRETWELL 290 45 ICO ICOWinner Winner B g hy On Watch Patsy tee by Delhi trained by A E Brown bred by Mr T Piatt Winner entered to he claimed for 1000 1000WENT WENT TO POST 215 AT POST H minutss minutssStart Start good out of machine Won easily second and third driving drivingWATCH WATCH ON much the best beat the others away from the barrier and opening up a long lead won as his rider pleased IGOR raced well up and while not good enough for the winner easily out finished the others FRETWELL made up ground CHANTRY tired TIMEKEEPER seemed to dislike the going and was badly outrun outrunScratched Scratched 17510 Woodface 101 47509 Seths Premium 109 4720G Mona 101 47537 Solus IOC 43003 Superfrank 109 47301 Platoon 109 47310 Paul Revere 114 47509 Champ dc Mars 109 47301 Carlo in a ii 10J 10JOverweight Overweight Patsy Lewis 1 pounds Af7 i6fa SECOND RACE 34 Mile Queen Towton May 21 1929 111 7 111 Purse 800 TC a OOxl 3yearolds Claiming Net value to winner 625 second 100 third 50 fourth fourthHay1930Aur Hay1930Aur 25 Claiming price 1600 if for less 1 pound allowed for each 100 to 1000 Index Hors U Vi Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 01 23 I3 IT J Mooney J Lee 3171CO 3171CO3h 474G1 NA ZDAR WB 103 G 3 3h h 31 01 j Boucher G J Fenn 803100 803100I3 47561 MILANO ivn 10S 9 2 247420PREFERRED I3 1 = 2J 3 E Wrarden R J Jones 510100 47420PREFERRED w 104 7 9 8 = S3 S 4 = C Stranskl H G Rumage 832100 475G9 LYDA MAE w lOSi 5 10 9 = 9 S = 5i J Leyland Lyda Mae Sfk Fm Sta 2G19100 47537 RADIO SERVICE wn 103 2 4 4 4s 4 G1 R Ross J C Ellis 993100 9931007i 47512 PINK BLOSSOM w 103 3 S S474G4CALCITE 7i 7 7i 7i R DePma Paradise Stock Fm Sta 301100 301100G 474G4CALCITE iv 105 4 5 540030KITTY G Gi Gi S3 P Keiser Mrs T Crane 1170100 1170100Gi 40030KITTY KEANE AV K 1 6 647314BARBARA Gi 5i 9 = 9 ° C Nelson Dearborn Stable 10911100 1091110047314BARDARA 47314BARBARA JANE w v 93 8 7 10 10 10 10 E McLaliii H C McConnelt 8733100 8733100Tims Tims 24 50 118 Track muddy 2 MUTUELS PAID rEQUIVLENT BOOKING ODDS ODDSSETHS SETHS COMPANION 894 520 336 317 100 160 100 68 ICO ICONA NA ZDAR 862 560 331 100 180 100 100MILANO MILANO 480 143 100 100Winner Winner 15 f by Seth Simplicity hy Celt trained by G Owens bred by Mr B A Jones Winner entered to be claimed for 1200 WENT TO POST 242 AT POST 2 minutes minutesStart Start good out of machine Won easily second and third driving drivingSETHS SETHS COMPANION followed MILANO closely in the early stages went to the front when ready and won easily NA ZDAR gamely outfinished the others MILANO set the pace but was tiring fast nt the end RADIO SERVICE also tired PREFERRED made up ground PINK BLOSSOM could not negotiate the going and was far back all the way wayScratched Scratched 175375I51tie Canopy 100 37338 Noradirc 100 Fern P 101 101Overweights Overweights Seths Companion 1 Lyda Mae 2 Calcite 1 47661 THIRD RACE 58 Mils Poland Juno 22 1925 58 4 115 Purso 8CO 2year olds Maidens Claiming Net value to winner 625 second 100 third 50 fourth 25 Claiming price 2000 if for less 1 pound allowed for each 100 to 1000 Index Horses Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 47538 ALLEGRETTO w 113 7 9 S3 Gi I 1 = L Logan Valley Lake Stable 47505 = RED TAM WB 10G 11 12 12474GG 7i S Si 21 P Remilrd W W Finn 579100 5791001J 474GG DICK PRICE w 113 1 1 1475G5 1J lh 2 3 R Ayraud W Bray 2983100 29831004i 475G5 CAROLYN BARKERWB 107 12 7 4i 31 7 4X M Wimmer A Smitha 4010100 474GG ENGLEWOOD w 115 G S 11 = 10to10 = 5i W Dellow Palos Park Stk Fm Sta 11158100474GGCHEIIALIS tU5S100 474GGCHEIIALIS w 109 34 5 7 4 G1 M Dupuy Mrs F Farrar 1095100 1095100474GG3 474GG3 BELBANB wilt 45 3 2 3 7l E Level W Mikel Son 2143100 2143100475J5SBESS 475J5SBESS CLOI w 110 8 3 21 4 = G1 8 J Leyland Jones Stock Farm Sta 291100 29110047538MAXIE 291100C 47538MAXIE BINDER w 102 9 G C 5 5 9 J Mooney C E Davison 908100 908100474GGGABBO 474GGGABBO w 10S 22 9 9i 9 = 10s P Keiser C B Irwin 474GG = SUGARLAND w 115 10 10 10 = 11s ll = ll R De Pma Paradise Stock Fm Sta 591100 591100475G5CYRENEY 475G5CYRENEY w 103 G 11 12 12 12 12 J Boucher Wheaton Stable f fMutuel field Time 25 50 104 Track muddy 2 MUTUELS PAID EQUIVAL SI BOOKING ODDSN ODDSNALLEGRETTO ALLEGRETTO 100RED 770 444 404 285 100 122 103 102 100 RED TAM 56G 508 183 100 151 100 DICK 100DICK 100Winner PRICE 1278 539 100 Winner Ch c by Damrosch May L by Cunard trained by A E Brown bred by Messrs layne West Winner entered to be claimed for 1500 1500WENT WENT TO POST 303 AT POST 5 minutes minutesStart Start good out of machine Won easily second and third driving drivingALLEGRETTO ALLEGRETTO overtook the leaders in the stretch and drew away info a long lead in Ire final eighth RED TAM finished fast to outstay the others DICK PRICE showed early speed Jnt tired iu tlie final drive CAROLYN BARKER and BESS CLOI raced wide in the stretch BELBANE tired tiredScratched Scratched 173385Good Friend 113 4C1G3 Wood Cherry 105 105Corrected Corrected weight Allegretto 113 A P7fit s FOURTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards Jack Haskell Oct 19 1929 l421i 3 103 rt j d Purse SOO 3yearolds and upward Claiming Nat value to winner 650 second second3Iay1930Aur 3Iay1930Aur 150 third 75 fourth 25 Claiming price 1500 Index Horses AWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 475G9MARYMcCLAIN w 4 103 G 4 2i 3i 2i 1 Il J Boucher AV Mikel Son Son47072COTTAGE 47072COTTAGE BOY wr 5 110 5 7 G1 41 G5 51 2 E Level Mrs L G Bedwell Bedwell475G7MASTER 475G7MASTER SAMOVRw 3 103 4 3 3 5 3 2i 3 J Mulrney E McCown 47470 = FINNIC w 1 110 3 1 I1 1J lh 3i 4i M Dupuy Mrs R L Rogers Rogers475G8JMAT 475G8JMAT MAHONEY WB 3 103 1 S G1 21 4h G ° Gi J Leyland Iyda Mae Stk Fm Sta 47542 BIia IEWRCKws 3 100 2 2 4h Gi 5i 41 G ° R Ross J C Ellis 1114100 111410047GM 47GM MARENGO WB 7 113 7 G 8 7i 1 1 7 R Ayraud W C Morris 853100 47512 ANACONDA WB 7 110 8 5 1 8 8 8 8 P Keiser C D Pryor 19S100 19S100Tims Tims 25 51120 147 152 Track muddy 2 MUTUELS PAID EQUIVALNT BOOKING ODDS ODDSMARY MARY McCLAIN 1116 728 560 458 100 264 100 180 100 100COTTAGE COTTAGE BOY 1210 956 505 100 378 103 MASTER 103MASTER SAMOVER 674 237 103 103Winner Winner 15 f by Sir Barton Ghetto Girl by Ben Brush trained by J D Mikel bred by Messrs M 15 15 Jones Winner entered to be claimed for 1500 1500WENT WENT TO POST 335J AT POST i minute minuteStart drivingMARY Start good out of machine Won handily second and third driving MARY McCLAIN followed FINNIC closely in the early stages took a good lead after entering the Btretch and easily held COTTAGE BOY safe at the end The latter was restrained in the early stages and though finishing with a belated rush could not get up MASTER SAMOVER dropped back after going half tiie distance but came again in the stretch FINNIC tired badly BIRDIEWRACK was poorly ridden and raced wide in the stretch MAT MAUONEY was shut off on the far turn ANACONDA raced wide on the first turn turnScratched Scratched 47554 King of Hie Spa 110 475G73Tangram 103 47470 Privately 110 47369Ken tucky Babe 105 47G14 Bill Phillips 110 47607 Magdalena 103 103Overweight Overweight Master Samover 3 pounds poundsCorrected Corrected weight Marcngo 113 A r7 j O FIFTH RACE 34 Mile Queen Towton May 21 1929 111 7 111 Winder rx 6 V9HJ O mere Handicap Purse 1100 3yearolds and upward Net value to winner 3lay1930Aur winner3lay1930Aur 750 second 200 third 100 fourth 50 Index Horses y Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Str 471Gni5REK OF DAWN w4 107 1 3 2i 2 = 1 J l J Mooney B Creech 13S100 47395 NOSTAW w 4 11G 2 4 4 3 2 2 S Cooper Miss B Watson 309100 3091004G9GG 4G9GG SAWDUST WB 4 101 4 2 1 1i 3 = 3i L Logan La Forge Stable 429100 42910047423CIIARM 47423CIIARM w 5 104 3 1 3h 4 4 4 R Ayraud Arsonia Stable Sl lOO lOOTims Tims 25Vs 511s 118 Track muddy 2 MUTUELS PAID EaUIVALNT BOOKING ODDS ODDSBREAK 100NOSTAW BREAK OF DAWN 476 300 No show prices 138 100 50 100 NOSTAW 386 93 100 100Winner Winner 15r c by Leonardo II Grebe dOr by Verdun trained by C E Davison bred by Xalapa Farm FarmWENT WENT TO POST 400 AT POST 1J minutes minutesStart drivingBREAK Start giKid out of machine Won easily second and third driving BREAK OF DAWX followed SAWDUST closely to the stretch and taking command drew away into a safe load which he held to the end NOSTAW was outrun in the early stages and was forced to come to tlie outside of the leaders in the stretch but finished well though did not seriously threaten the wiuugr SAWDUST showed early speed but tired CHARM could not keen up Scratched upScratched l739Irish 118 47539 Nora D 102 j f 4 + Continued on thirteenth page AURORAContinued AURORA Continued from third page tr7 3ifii SIXTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards Jack Haskell Oct 19 1929 142 Vi 3 103 TC 4 OO db Purse 800 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 625 second second3Iay1930Aur 3Iay1930Aur allowedfor 100 third 50 fourth 25 Claiming price 1600 if for less 1 pound allowed for each 100 to 1COO Index Horses AWtPPSt StrFin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 47515 MISS MARYLANDwB 5 105 7 4 31 21 1 1 1 R Ayraud Lewis Kemp 308100 30810047G14 47G14 HIGH PLAYER TVB 4 112 2 5 43 41 2 2 = 2k E T Moore M Gold 202100 47569 KNWMEGNOE WB 7 111 1 1 53 5 3 3 31J L Logan Mrs AV J Martin 808100 8081004582GMEKACHEE 4582GMEKACHEE TV 4 105 5 2 I1 3h 5 ° 5 4 M Dupuy AV C Morris 845100 84510047424CHESTER 47424CHESTER TV 4 104 6 7 21 I1 45 4 53 J Mooney Irrepressible Stable 603100 603100474G5 474G5 MASTER ACE TVB 5 107 4 6 7 G5 G3 G G ° J Ketry C N Freeman 3480100 47510 ATCASA TV 5 102 3 3 6s 7 7 7 7 J Boucher H C McConnell 671100 Time 25 51 l18 l18s s 147 152 Track muddy 2 MUTUELS PAID EOmVALNT BOOKING ODDS ODDSMISS MISS MARYLAND 816 410 310 308 100 105 100 55 100 100HIGH 100HIGH HIGH PLAYER 338 262 69 100 31 100 100KNOWMEGNOME 100KNOWMEGNOME KNOWMEGNOME 332 66 100 100AVinner AVinner Ch m by Blazes Queen of the Sea by Sea King trained by J J Duggan bred by Mr J S Cosden AVinner entered to be claimed for 1400 1400WENT WENT TO POST 424J AT POST J minute minuteStart Start good out of machine Won easily second and third driving drivingMISS MISS MARYLAND well rated in the early stages moved to the front on the stretch turn and taking a good lead held sway to the end HIGH PLAYER was shut off on the far turn but raced gamely thereafter KNOWMEGNOME moved into contention after turning out of the back stretch and held the others safe MEKACIIEE was blocked on the far turn CHESTER quit badly ATCASA did not relish the going goingScratched Scratched 17COS Carin 107 47302 Princely 101 47369 Facility 101 47609 Hazel Denson 96 47C09 Ramona S 98 47564 Sailor Maid 16 17362 St Helena 101 101Corrected Corrected weight KnomMeGnome 111 lf7 JC CC SEVENTH RACE 1 116 Miles Jack Haskell May 22 1929 145 3 104 Purse TC C V 3OtJ 800 3yearolds and upward Colts Geldings and Horses Claiming Net Value Value3Iay1930A 3Iay1930A r to winner 625 second 100 third 50 fourth 25 Claiming price 1000 Index Horses AWtPPSt 14 StrFin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt w 8 109 11 6 21 11 11 I1 I5 E Level Mrs R Sullivan 435100 43510047320LOXG 47320LOXG JOE TV 6 109 910 71 71 8 = 61 2 ° J Mooney AV Mikel Son 3862100 47419 KAMUELA TV 4 114 1 2 55 4h 21 2 i 3 R Ayraud J AV Johnson 438100 47541 aFINNSTER w 7 112 7 7 81 61 Gl 31 4J J Boucher M Kellcher 574100 574100TV TV 4 109 10 S 9 103 51 5 = 51 C Stranski B E Rumage 11531100 11531100474G5 474G5 THEO RED TV 8 114 S 5 31 3l 3 43 61 J Leyland North Shore Stable t t4G9G7EASY 4G9G7EASY MONEY TV 6 109 4 9 10i 5 = 10 9 = 7i R Ross M Weil 6110100 6110100475G9DOC 475G9DOC K TV 5 109 5 4 6 = S = 4h 71 S = S Duhon Mrs B R Luscher 9109100 910910047424DONTADOS 47424DONTADOS TV 5 109 3 1 41 5 7 = 8 = 9 = M Dupuy S T Baxter CSl100 47515 ALLOY WB S 109 21111 11 11 10J = 10 = ° T Romano A T Sansone 286100 47542 TURQUOISE TVB 6 114 63 I1 21 91 11 11 S Cooper Miss B Watson 2643100 jMutuel field Time 25s 52 1195 147 154 Track muddy 2 MUTUELS PAID rEQUIVALNT BOOKING ODDS ODDSFLAG FLAG LIEUTENANT 1070 958 788 435 100 379 100 294 100 100LONG LONG JOE 1826 820 813 100 310 100 100KAMUELA KAMUELA 494 147 100 100Winner Winner Ch g by Under Iire Jessie C by Peep o Day trained by D S Fountain bred by Mr H C Ragan AVinner entered to be claimed for 1000 1000AVENT AVENT TO POST 450 AT POST 1 minute minuteStart Start good out of machine AVon easily second and third driving drivingFLAG FLAG LIEUTENANT went to the front after going a quarter and despite racing wide on the stretch turn held the lead and won easily LONG JOE gained steadily and finished fast KAMUELA was carried out by the winner on the stretch turn but cut to the inside of the latter in the stretch and was tiring at the end FINNSTER was in close quarters on the first tarn ALLOY was badly outrun TUR ¬ QUOISE quit quitScratched Scratched 46017 Captain Applejack 109 473G23Spnnish Lay 109 47242 Ralph Hartenstein 114 47424 Raymond Dale 109 31774 Prince Til Tii 109 46397 Ben Bolt II 109 46397 Jimmy Brown 109 109Corrected Corrected weight Theo Red 114