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AT CHUECHILL DOWNS FIRET RACE 58 Mile 2yearolds Maidens MaidensAllowances Allowances Purse 1200 300 P M MHor Hor e Wt Code Horse Wt Code CodeMonkey Monkey Shine 116 1 Arundel 116 9 Head First 113 2 Battle Swet SwetTransgression Sweep 116 10 Transgression 113 3 Ledford 11 110 11 Gun Fire 110 4 Helen 113 Freesia 113 5 Klair 116 Sudden 116 C Moira 113 Aerial Prince 110 7 Regal Lady 1J3 15 15Arthur Arthur Lee 110 8 8SECOND SECOND RACE 6 12 Furlongs 3yearolds and upward Claiming Purse 1 COO 330 P M MKing King Basil 112 1 Sewanee 107 10 10Mayor Mayor Walker 112 2 Estin 117 11 11Sporting Sporting Lady 112 3 Old Times 117 12 12Marys Marys Toy 112 4 Miss Mamie 103 13 13Scotland Scotland 117 5 Lullie Belle 100 14 14Swift Swift Brccza 107 6 Bunch of Lillies 10015 10015Nymph Nymph King 112 7 Wood Aston 105 16 16Trying Trying 305 8 Jessie Carey 107 17 17Updike Updike 112 9 My Hobby 112 18 18THIRD THIRD RACE 1 116 Miles 3 yearolds and up ¬ ward Claiming Pur o 1 00 403 P II IIDuelist Duelist 117 1 Thistle Star 107 G GWhiskarm i Whiskarm 112 2 Cuddle 107 7 7Sandy Sandy Shore 112 3 Ashtabula 105 8 8Myth Myth 112 4 On the Air 305 D DOld Old Cally 110 5 5FOURTH FOURTH RACE 78 Mile 3yearolds and up ¬ ward Claiming Pursa 51200 433 P M MFair Fair Rosalind 105 1 Sis Agnes 100 8 8Uncle Uncle Matt 105 2 Agitator 110 9 9Typhoon Typhoon 311 3 Gracious Gift 110 10 10Monnie Monnie 105 4 Peace Boy 110 11 11Disturb Disturb 111 5 Broomshot 10 12 12AVhisp 12AVhisp AVhisp 110 0 Supryse 305 33 33Long Long Run 310 7 Fiddler 110 14 14FIFTH FIFTH RACE 1 13 Milss Kentucky Oaks 3 3ycaroias ycaroias Fillies 10000 Added 500 P M MAlcibiadcs Alcibiadcs 136 1 Niato 310 5 5Rich Rich Widow 116 2 Honey Locust 116 G GThistle Thistle Ann 321 Galaday 310 7 7Ezabith Ezabith Kenily 110 4 4SIXTH SIXTH RACE 5 12 Furlongs 2yearolds Fillies Claiming Purse 1200 530 P M MCharlotte Charlotte II 132 1 Normahal 108 5 5Plumage Plumage 110 2 Mary Cobb 112 G GSun Sun Porter 110 3 Dust Mop 108 7 7Journeys Journeys End 112 4 Rest Easy 108 8 8SEVENTH SEVENTH RACE 1 13 Miles 3yearolds and upward Claiming Purse 1200 600 P M MKentucky Kentucky Ace 112 1 Leah Jane 100 10 10Vacation Vacation 312 2 Spot Light 107 11 11Pompon Pompon 302 Flashing Gem 112 12 12Rose Rose ONeil 100 4 Goodman 111 13 13Caramel Caramel 102 5 Loretta B 100 14 14Pretty Pretty Run 107 G Aye Ready 105 15 15One One Long Hop 105 7 Illustrious 307 3G 3GWoodlot Woodlot 314 8 Congo II Ill 17 17Si Si Relief 105 9