7th Churchill Downs, Daily Racing Form, 1930-05-31

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7th Churchill Downs rursc 1300 3y earolds and upward Claijuiiiff 1 18 Miles Dr CInrfe Oct 20 M211 M9H1119 OTK Claiming1 price 5800 3yearolds 103 pounds older 112 pounds Winners 2 pounds extra for each race won since 3Iay 9 Jfo apprentice allowance Ind PP Horse Wt RPP AWtIlan AWtIlan4SO541 4SO541 1C Spot Light CD 107 133VS 5 107X723 107X72347G71 47G71 10 Caramel CD 100 201m 3102 720 4809 7 Vacation Emp 113 1333 5 112X715 112X7154S034 4S034 5 Congo II AP 1C 1323 8114X710 47702 = 13 AVoodlot Lat 103 1513 4 114X705 114X7054S151 4S151 1 Goodman Lex 107 154 4 114 700 7004S033 4S033 4 Illustrious Lat 104 l31i 4 107iC95 47031 C Kentucky Ace 5 112x005 112x0054S09G1 4S09G1 8 Pompon 3 102x005 102x0054800C 4800C 2 Loretta B M 3 100 GOO Ind PP Horse Wt Rcc AWtHnn 47134 3 Aye Heady M 3 105 GOO GOO479G8 479G8 9 Rose OXelll 3 100 090 0904S143 4S143 11 Pretty Run lib 103 154 C 107XC90 107XC904S028 4S028 12 One Lonj Hop 3 1051690 47783 14 Si Relief M 3 105 GOO 4809 15 Leah JaneFG 115 l37s 3 100 G90 48151 17 Flashing Gem CD 111 155 4 112XC90 112XC904GS23 4GS23 18 Our Pal Mia 111 133 4 112XG90 The past performances of the horses entered in this race tosether with latest workout and racing record Date Crs DisTime Tr Odds WtSt StrFIn Joctey PPSta Best Company Class of Race Spot Light x 1 07 BIk m 5 by Wildair Electric Light by Von Tromp TrompLast Last wort 147 34 l19ft Trainer J C Gillem Owner W E Hupp Har2S307CD 1TV l47ft 225 110 G 3 4 31 ScurlockJ1 8 CongoII 112CliterBrkl09Spanflow 107 C JLj23305CD IjV l4SV ft 13 111 S 5 1 2ni EryantD1 8 LyClarcelOSPomponlOSMdpMar n 105 C ApcSOCOLex 1 5 l47i ft 3 113 3 4 41 3 ScurlocW 7 FloaGldllSGeoWrellORfeMCn 113 C Apr2SCOTLex 1J 154 ft 115 110 4 3l CarrollW 8 StGenevvellOLadyCIarcelOOSliarnll2 C Arc23305Lex Il5 ft 22 100 77 7 7 EllswhW1 MdsTrystlOOKfkyAcellOSrMash HOC Aprl730 Lex 1 lJ5ft 71 113 G 4 7 Gi ScurlockJ1 7 ShVDnllOEl ofWwkllSGcnJknllO C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 24 4 466 5136 This year 6 0 1 3 S 400 Caramel CaramelLast ohn o Gaunt Last work 14G 12 Trainer C E Gross Owner E F Prichard VtrlSyyClt 201 ra 21 100 9 3 3 lh EllswthW 10 Belgium lllJacknorgan 111 Sharon 111 C JU l30sLex 145 ft 51 111 8 4 4 S 4 ChvettaF 8 Upsedaisyll2ThtleJfnl09MissElitth 109 C Ar2130 Lex l47 ft 13 110 1 4 41 5 GarnerVV 7 YourPlayll2PcsMsrtl021Upd sy 107 C A tlS30TLex I1 l47ft 81 110 7 4 11 I GarnerW 8 ThistleJeanl07neadPinll5UpsedaiEylIO C t730JJP 1 153 hy 43 103 5 7 G G15 OJIalleyJ1 8 BbyPowrsl09EvgSkyl021ChatringlOO C MttlSSOMP 145 ft 43 101 5 7 7i 7 OMalleyJ 9 UanCortes 107Star lOSEveningSky 100 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won WonThis This year 14 203 1775 Tacation TacationLast I f I O B B 5 by byrk Spur Teachers Pet by Out of Beach Last work rk 147 34122ft J Trainer A Miller Owner I J Collins Jtj2930sCL IMGKffd 8 112 5 4 4 1 4i ji HardyL i SourMshll2SthndBoyll4Percente 114 C C5C1 lUjlO30Tul GJ f l12sy 2 113 5s 5C1 HarncdVllaj HarncdV 10 GoAway lOGLittleAlfred lllDonJr 103 C C4J llaj 330Tul EJ f l13 liy 12 111 4J HarncdW HarncdWApeSOSOBea 9 JoeCpbcIl HlFkSpterllOSthsQn 100 C ApeSOSOBea 2 l14V ft 215 113 3 3 2 12 MartinE1 8 Peralta 109 SonAmi 110 My Beauty 104 C ApcWCOBeu 1 l V sd4710 10S 4 1 li 3Ji MaddenL 8 Corbean 107 Son Ami 101 Pacheco 107 n M 2S305StJ I10 l4Gsy 125 112 5 4 G i 591 CrUclifdC1 YourPIay 103Anselena 107JAWeIl 103 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 9 212 5 2400 This year 7 2 1 1 1450 Congo II Ch B S by Bachelors Double Roscobie by St Frusqui Lnst work 129 34 l10ft 4rLx Trainer M R Earned Ownsr Harned Bros BrosHijSSSOCD HijSSSOCD lffl47ft S 112 8 4 21 1 Fisherll 8 CliterBlkl09SptLightllOSpaiiflw 107 C JLj2230CD IJj l4S ft 5 112 8 G G3 4 FroggtcD 8 CallPlay 112 Woodlot 113James3I 105 C Jiarl330CD 1J 201 m 5 111 5 9 D 7 DellJ 10 Caramel lOOBclgium lllJkUorsan 111 C MvlG30CD 1J 135 ft 9 103 7 5 3J 2t KileyG 11 Ray Ruddy 103 Irene T 103 Florhi 10G C Ha12307CD Hl33ft 14 110 6 G 5 51 i FrogteDJ 7 PoPlay 109DoIan 103SouthlndBoy 109 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last WonLast year 11 974 59312 This year 18 211 lCGO v vIVoodlot IVoodlot 1 1 A Ch e 4 by Ballot Rosewood by Magneto I ILast Last work 149 34121ft iL ± Trainer W Crump Owner J W Parrish 3U72230CD 1 IMS ft 93 115 4 1 li 2 = GarnerW 8 Call Play 112JamcsM 103ConoU 112 C llajrl730CD l liSOHsy 12 112 7 1 1 1 PichonL 11 Nevermorcll2MissIxel02FireUuder 107 C Jbjl530CD l 119 si 31 105 G G G l G CallahanC G Myth 103KtuckyAce 105Uerndeen 107 C JtijrlO20CD 1 113 ft 14 115 8 3 3 5 MeyerC 10 Crash 110 Irene T 103 Dolan 103 C Oot3 Oot320TLat 20TLat le l52m 10 103 2 2 31 2 GrecoA 8 RosieWden03Dragonll2GrandKingll2 C COtL2G20TLat OtL2G20TLat 1J 201hy4310 103 3 1 1 11 HcCoyJ 8 DounBon 103OarFurll3BorderChief U3 C Ci i Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 20 253 3286 This year 4 110 1100 Goodman 1 1 A Bt e 81r Martin Adore by Trap Rock RockI I ist work 144 58l10m JL ± Trainer J M Hukill Owner Furst Bauer Ka2S30 CD 1V 148 ft 7 112 G 5 31 Il FinnrtyU 11 jry rWkcrli2UIylSonll2Bustlinff 10 0 JLV2a30CD IjV 147 ft 7 112 4 G 4J 4 = 1 JonesL1 7 StlilMBoyll2MtdBChoicell5RlSon 112 O OMa13301CD Ma13301CD ljVl53 ril D 107 8 4 5J 43J IteevcsU1 12 PcssDnal07FireUndr 107PIeSd 1041 O Ape3030Lex IjV l49ft 1710 111 6 4 21 21 KccvcsU 9 GcnCltonllGPplcSdlOGSPgtFlynnl03 O Apr2G30 Lex ljl33 ft Gi 107 5 2 31 2 RccvesR 12 ThistleAriousll2Baritonc 112Demon 107 O 1A IMG ft 2310 112 322 251 GarnerW G LincolnPlautll2irstrsl07StMatwsll2 O Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Uon UonLast Last year 12 1115 000 This year 7 130 1219 1219illustrious illustrious 1 fJ7 B f 4 by Captain Alcock Green Pepper by Ruskin n nLast Last work 129 12 53ft L V 4 Trainer A D Steclo Owner C C G Y Hiaatt HiaattMar2S30 Mar2S30 CD 1fg 143 ft 36 1079 8 8 8i GoolerW 11 Gdmaull2MyrWkcrll2RoyalSon 112 O Mv2330eCD l lff ff 150 m 32 107 5 4 31 3 AustinM 8 AGdhl07SthdBellcl05Pho sStar 105 O JLTl930 ° CD li 201 m GO 10G 7 G 41 5 LennicW 10 Caramel lOOBelgium lllJkllorgan 111 C JLyil307CD 1fg l52m 27 107 7 7 7 G BryantD 8 AimeeGdsthl07ncreSI107MsSth 100 O Maj 230 Lex 1J 207VSft 18 100 4 5 4T 4 McycrsME1 5 Brckberryl03BoRanll5TliItleArious i3 O Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 23 1265 1450 This year 7 0 0 2 163 163Kentucky Kentucky ACG 119 C e 7 Amecan flc = Eclipsa by Assajal I ast work 149 33 3Gft LL LLi i Trainer C H Ferguson Owner A 1 Ferguson FergusonUir2G30CD Uir2G30CD 1 147 ft 4910 112 3 1 5J 61 HoffmanIC 7 SthrdBoyll25IdsClioicell5RlSoii 112 G JIV1930TCD l lj j l52rn 6 112 4 G G11 Gl TottsO1 8 Hercndeen 112 Gotoit 107 Dorita 100 G Gttvl5303CD ttvl5303CD I1 149 Pl 10 Iftt 4 3 3J 2l PottsO G lIythl05 IIercndeenl07ChafrBlack 103 C UaTlO30TCD l lc c 149 ft 115 1 4 45 4 PichonLT 10 Crash 110 Irene T 105 Dolan 103 Mv 130Lex lfi l47 ft 1020 110 144 3J DuboisD 5 MadsTrstlOSDonnBnlOSStGcnc 103 C Apt2330Lex 1 l43ft 41 110 1 4 1 2 ° PichonL 7 JrdsTrystlOOSrMnshllOFrdaGold HOO Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Vo Last year 19 523 4825 This year 6 0 2 1 369 369PoillpOll PoillpOll 1 np B f 3 by Craigangower Keepsake by Delhi DelhiLast Last work 142 CS105t ft v i Trainsr S S Combs Owner Gallahcr Combs Mar2930CD 1fi 147K 1 135 103 11 G 5 = i 31 Fishcrll tl XancySetlil07LadyWittll3ShdRcllel03 C Jfcj2730TCD IJjlMS ft 41 11011 3 1 l k Flsherll 12 jrcapJrvinl03BehofLilicsllOGotoit 112 O Jln SSOCD lrirl4S ft 225 103 5 4 Gl 3i MoycrC 8 LyClarcelOSStLightlllMpMarn 105 C CMvl4306CD Mvl4306CD l lj j 153 ra 37 105 10 4 43i 2 PichonL 10 LadyWitt 107MissLee 10SLpsedaisyl07 O llic 7SOMla 1V 1 = 48 ft 10 102 G 3 21 I RlleyG 10 BAVrkmLadyClarcelOODisprovdllS 0 Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 5 10 0 900 This year 11 222 2200 2200Loretta Loretta B 100 Br f 3 y Busy American Doric by Sain SainLast Last work 14G 58 l09ft JV v Trainer R P Brooks Owner Miss L Brooks Brooks3bj2930TCD 3bj2930TCD l l47rd 23 108 18 7 i 7 i YeltonR 11 XancyScthl07LadyWitt 115Pompon 1080 JIaj2230lCD Ifa 149 ft 225 105 8 8 8s Si NealP 12 lceTokaIonllOSpanfIowl07Pandeanl03 O OUalG30CD UalG30CD 5115 ft 21f 10712 2 4 i DuboisD 15 Blot HOVermiciilite 107Missless 103 A OctlO29CD J l2Sft 1920 112 5 4 4 3 CrumpW 9JryMrvJn 112ItMaid 112BndPal 113 A Oct 429CD 3 l13ft 10 115 410 5i 31 Duboisb U3 Elstar 115 Chattering 115 Syrell 115 Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2ud 3rd Won Last year 10 0 1 4 5 600 This year 3 3Aye Aye Ready 1 0 Ch c 3 ty AsP5nwa11 Coquette by Celt CeltLnst Lnst work 150 34113ft L Trainer C C Van Motor Owner R Carruthers Jbj GSOCD 1 l47 ft 42 107 4 G 63J Gi ChvettaF 10 OldTimes lllUnitedArmylllBruno 113 0 Jtaj22305CD l lj j 149 ft 91 110 1 10 9H 7 ChvcttaF 12 IceTokalonllOSpanflpwl07Pandeanl03 O tfa1230 CD 1 l33ift 72 110 2 G 5 5 ChvcttaF C RoyalJulian HSDisturb 113IIerrick 113 O Mar 2303Lex fclllVift G7 113 C 6 Gl GiChvettaF C Whisp HSDickOIlara 113StarPlay 115 A OcL 529Lrl 2114 ft Zit 103 12 12 1212 RoseQ 12 SportinsFool lOSladdocklOSRincon UO 0 Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 1 This year 4 4Rose Rose ONeill 1 00 B ff 3 by Peace Pennant Whats Left by Wadsworth WadsworthI I st work 143 1m l4Gft ivU Trainer W Grater Owner M J Conley ConleyMv27307CD Mv27307CD 1fy l4S7ft 41 110 7 2 5i 5TJ GoolerW 12 PponllOircailIviul05BchofLilicsllO O Marll306CD 1 153 ra 10 107 3 7 8 S14 LandoltC 10 LadyWitt 1071ompon 103Miss Lee 1U8 O Jb 230Lex 1 147 ft 71 103 3 2 I1 1i LandoltC 10 DogVanelOO BelgiurallO Escondida 108 O Apr30303Lcx fc 112 ft 53 103 U Lrider HainefF llJoanKIOSBrmoneyllSlIamEmelie 113 O Arn2130TLex I1 l45ft 25 1001 5 4 GT 7 HeigleU1 12 XiiiIlawaiil07IVkbcrry 10731gate 107 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 22 2 32 S 2000 This year 6 1 0 0 650 650Pretty Pretty Rnn 1 07 Br m 6 by R5ckety Mesqulte by Short Grass 4 Trainer H Bensinger Owner Bensingcr Sanford SanfordMat2I30JP Mat2I30JP 1J 201 Bl 143 101 11 G 4 31 FrypJW 12 IndnGdelOGCtSteel 101LdMrmnlOG O JIacl930 JP Ijj 202hy 2 10710 4 4i 4 JonesL 12 GhoocheelOSJBretuil 113SrdBrer 115 O Marl7307JP 1J 205hy G5 107 1 1 1J 2l JonesL 12 Nausicaa9GKssUowl02NayHme 103 C Jlae 730JP 1fg I34hy4910 104 10 S Il 2 FrycJW1 11 Emplette 104 TrueBoy 10J Keydet 109 O FeU2830 = FG l lj j l51m 85 10910 5 2 = 2s MeycrC 12 Command lOOColCampiislHKajaba 114 O Fibl530FG 1J l5Sm 11 100 7 2 2 = 2i FryeJW 8 3IaidnsChoicel03Facilityl01Griego 111 0 Starts 1st 2nj 3rd Wonx Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won WonLast Last year 41 43 6 53000 This year 10 0 4 1 550 550One One Lon1 Hop 10 Br Si 3 ty American Aco Tea Bo1 ty Tea Caddy Last work 13G 38 3Gft Trainer J J Flanigan Owner Mrs E L Swihard Swihard3ty2S30CD 3ty2S30CD G5 f l19ft 21 107 13 13 13 13 = FinnertyU8 13 Zeta 109 My Hobby 114 Moscow 114 O Maj GSOCD GJ f l20ft 91f 103 1 2 21 31 FinnertyR 13 M sMarnielOlrtyAmi 10PsClyn 100 O 3l3j2130 CD GJfl24 si 17f 110 7 G Si 7Ji Fisherll 15 Kstin 112rhtosStar lOJBrSinisfr 107 C UvH30CD ef f 124 ra 7f 11011 9 ll12l GarnerW 13 Scotland 118 Valdosta llOUIackFlyerllS O Ai2330Lex fc 110 ft 13 110 1 3 7 1 7 1 GarnerW 12 MindorollOHaramzadal15Vicksburg 103 O Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 71205 1075 This year 6 0 01 5 100 100Si Si Relief 1 0 f Cll s 3 M ty Prince Pal Alona at Last by The Commoner CommonerLast Last work 149 12 52ft L O Trainer A G Parson Owner Penn Villa Farm Stable JfcT SOCD 1 149 ft 21f 11012 7 71 S HardyL4 12 lceTokalonllOSpanflovl07Pandeanl03 O 3IaJ2130CD Ch 1 124 si 17f 110 1 8 H 12l HardyL 15 Estin 112PutosStar 10315rSinisfr 107 O Apr2930 = Lex fc l10ft 134 109 8 8 S15 S MeyersME Elliee 107 Fiddler 10J Ilieover 100 A Apr2330Lex 1 l41 ift 37 112 7 4 51 5 McysME 12 WdAstonll2BaWeel07EasterMornll2 A J30TLex Ic 110 ft 23S 103 9 8 S i 7SJ MeyrsME 9 GoldSteplOSiayrladesl08nyLocnsn03 A Aptl930 Lcx fc l10 ft 20G 10G 11 11 11s S1 ArnL 11 RyBlds lOSLgRun lOGSrJIash 114 A Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 5 This year 5 Leall Jane B 3 fcy CaPtain Alcock Gipsy Gold n by Bridge of Earn Uy2930TCD 1 l47gd 18 103 G 5 Gl 5 Russell RussellJIajl3 RussellK llXancySeth07LadyWitt 133Pompon 103 O Ol47sd JIajl3 07CD 1 l47sd 49 103 5 5 5 i a Kussell KussellAPc2430TLex KussellK 12 IfingSeal05Ralman 103JalFriar 110 0 APc2430TLex l45ft 7 102 2 10 10 915 LandG LandGApc2130Lex 12 UnionW103St3Itwsll2SueBaker 107 O Apc2130Lex I10 0 l4Gft 10 10114 6 43 3 LandG11 LandG11ApclS30Lex 11 XourPJayll2 GottaGonowl02 SardalOG C CO ApclS30Lex 1JO O l4Gft 31f 1011 1 4 li 3J LaridG1 LaridG1Mac2S20TJP 12 JamesJ1115SIyLava 102GraniteDust 107 O Mac2S20TJP 1 153 m G2 101 8 5 4 4 LandG 12 FlossyHare 93 ilatMahoncy 93 Doc IIOO IIOOtarts Starts tarts 1st 2nd 3rd Won WonLast Stnrts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 13 111 51225 This year 14 0 0 2 S 100 j Flasllin GCIII 1 1 O B c 4 by Thunderer Precious Pearl by Zens Last work 147 3S 37ft LL Tiainer R W Collins Owner E W Collins See yesterdays seventh Churchill Downs chart chartiIaj2S30TCD iIaj2S30TCD 1A l47ft 23 112 5 6 G G1S HoffmanK S CongoI1112ChterPlkl09SpotList 110 0 Jbr24307CD 1J l53Vigd 32 111 2 2 41 G HoffmanK 10 TmyTicklellOFireUderl05Jknganl07 O JIaT2030CD l li i l534Iiv 32 107 4 8 81 7 HainesF 10 Florni lOGBigSandy 107 Xcvermore 110 0 Marl9303CD IS lG9Jirn 4 10G G 7 S G HaincsF 8 RylSptllOMyHobbylllLyXancy IOC C UajHSOCD GJ f 124 m 7f 113 13 12 13 911 HoffmnK1 13 Scotland HSValdosta HOBlackFlyerllS O Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 19 233 52313 This year 6 6Olir Olir Pal 1 1 O B g 4 by Princo Pal Ola les by Assagai AssagaiLast Last work 147 34120 ft JJ 1 Trainer W C Weant Owner Oakland Farm Stable Apr2230TLex 1J l51ft 225 115 3 8 55J 51 RoseM1 12 MyLava 102Dolan 115Thistle Arious 115 O OAprl730ILex Aprl730ILex 1 l47ft 10 112 9 8 7 i 43i MneyJD 12 Bogan 112 Gold Ridge 112 Demon 107 O Mat2G305StJ 1 l49ft 10 108 5 5 31 lni PoseM C LightAirlOlHhPlayerllSRockhawk 118 O OJtac2030c3tJ Jtac2030c3tJ 2 115 ft 81 103 5 5 5 5 Resell3 5 Xhelsonl08PaganLdIell3ChleyJS103 O OJlatlSSO JlatlSSO StJ 1J l58V4m 12 110 3 5 3s 2 FrogtteD H Elfin Star 118 Blade 114 Fair Class 108 O Mac 730 = AIia li 154 ft 6 111 4 G G1 4 McDottL 7 Cham 103 YonrPlay 100 FairClass 113 0 Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts oi I 1st oj 2nd 3rd oi nr Won Last year 14 This year 9

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1930053101/drf1930053101_9_2
Local Identifier: drf1930053101_9_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800