untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1930-05-31


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FOR SALE AT ALL NEWSSTANDS AND 20 N CLARK ST CHICAGO ILL 1 COPY Pay No More 1 COPY NEW ISSUE OUT TODAY TODAYTRAINERS TRAINERS EDITION EDITIONIF IF YOU SEE IT IN THE RED SEAL TURF TURFWEEKLY WEEKLY ITS OFFICIAL We state the truth and nothing but the truth YESTERDAYS SUPER PARLAY PARLAYElysium Elysium 3100 Won WonOutpost Outpost 624 Won WonRemember Remember that this sensational turf information is within the reach of the smallest as well as the biggest bettors bettorsTODAY TODAY SUPER PARLAY PARLAYA A REAL BIG DOUBLE DOUBLEDo Do Not Miss Todays Big Supei SupeiParlay Parlay Two BigPriced Winners GET TODAYS SUPER PARLAY PARLAYIf If you want to cash on this sensational turf information purchase a copy of the Red Seal Turf Weekly Trainers Edi ¬ tion turn to pages 4 and 5 and act ac ¬ cordingly cordinglyTHE THE LEADING TURF WEEKLY IN AMERICA BAR NONE NONETODAYS TODAYS CODE HORSES THORNCLIFFE Dan13rl9I2 THORNCLIFFE Bert12151814 Office open from 9 a m to 4 p TO TOTURF TURF WEEKLY PUB CO 198 Broadway CityAND Suite 1002 New York City AND 20 NORTH CLARK ST

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1930053101/drf1930053101_22_12
Local Identifier: drf1930053101_22_12
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800