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6th Churchill Downs rursc i 0D Sycarolds Fillies Claiming 512 Fur Bringhurst Oct 8 1915 101 2 92 OTE Claiming price 3000 if for less 1 pounl alhnrcil for each 5230 fo 51300 Weight 115 pounds Nonwinners of two races since 3Iay 9 allowed 2 pounds one race since then maiden races executed 4 pounds Ind PP Horse AWtnan 47780 1 Mary Cobb 112 725 48005 5 Plumage 110720 47003 S Xormalial 108 71 3 48001 = 0 Sun Porter SI 110 710 47905 3 Rest Kasy M 103 703 Ind PP Iloisc 47003 7 Journeys End EndM M 470G3 2 Dust Mop M 47S70 4 Charlotte II IIM M The past performances ot the horses entered In this race tosether with latest workout I and racing record Date Crs DisTime Tr Odds WLSt StrFin Jockey PPSts Cost Company Class of Race Wary Cobb 119 clu Zt by Hish ir ° on Aunti3 M ° y fcy uncle uncleLast Last work 140 3102ft J Trainer J C Gillcm Owner Hupp Judy JudyJLv2230 JLv2230 CD S 101 ft 10 113 4 4 31 41 PichonL G MJonesllOMissEVtralOSMissChilla 110 A AJIajlGS03CD JIajlGS03CD g l01ft 11 122 12 8 8 S ChvettaF 11 I5ettjD2rrllJlileLadyll9SIthaJesll4 S SJLvl230CD JLvl230CD 4J f 54ft 175 11G 8 5 53J 31 RusscllK1 U RetlyDerrllOPpIeLdylOSMexanD 103 A AAprSOSQiLcx AprSOSQiLcx 4i f 51ft 81 112 0 G 43J I RusscllK 8 BettyDerrll5RarcChinll5irc ofIVonll3 S SAic21SOLex Aic21SOLex Uf 33ftll5e 113 S 3 2s 21 ScurlockJ1 12 IIVirsiniallSStRenoni 115Releasedll5 A AAitlSSOLex AitlSSOLex J 49Vsft EXf 112 B 4 4 i 3 = 1 ScurlocUJ 11 BEMaryll2Bloodltelll09RareChm 115 A Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Vcn J This year G 11 2 3770 Hninage B f 2 by Ballot Glyn by Delhi ISOCD g 101 gd 4V 112 5 2 2J 2 = Fishcrll C HuinsGirlll2FtrMissiell2KalLy ICO A Ajuj juj 30CD E l0l = ft 3310 112 2 1 11 2U MeycrC 8 Reverbtc 1120urnan 107MexicanI 110 C CJIajlG303CD JIajlG303CD l01 ft 50 119 7 11 ll10n PichonL11 12 I5ettvDerrllDPi leLadyll9MthaJesll4 S SJLv JLv 330 = Lex 4J f 55yt 123 11G 21 I1 1 PichonL1 11 KbctliLosterllCMtliaJoncsllOTavyllG A AJLv JLv 130Lex 4A f r ft 1110 115 7 3 31 31 PichonL 12 FairMissiellu InllastcllS ThumviullS 11 11ApciGSOLex ApciGSOLex 4 f 55V ft 173 115 1 1 1i 2 PichonL 11 ITle oflrbnll5JIsChiIlall5I5agiel 115 A Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 7 1 3 2 1250 Ifornialial 1 Q CIu 2 by Omar Khayyam Atala by Star Shoot ShootLast Last work 142 12 50ft LvO Trainer W Grater Owner Estate of E Byfleld ByfleldJUTiSOCD JUTiSOCD 5 l01vift 9 113 1 3 3 = 1 I1 Kus3eIlK = 11 GraaiBCtlirInlJ2twccnll5SgCrins 115 M MjJLV24SOCD jJLV24SOCD g l01gd 30f 11G 533 = 451 LandoltC 12 OutburstllCUestEasy HCResalLadyllG M MMvlD30CD MvlD30CD 4J f 3G m 2Sf 115 4 5 f = 3 LandoltC1 11 MaJnesll5TranssrVnll5CreyKtyll5 M Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2id 3rd Von This year 3 1 0 0 900 900Sun Sun Porter 1 HessianL T 0 B f 2 M by Ths orter In tha Sun y Hessian L J U Trainer J F Schorr Owner E B Mclean McleanKv29 Kv29 30CiD g l01sl 41 115 2 1 2h 2nt AmbroseK1 15 SugarKissllOOldXanllOFairManna 115 C CJLij JLij 2MPim 4J f 55ft 23 110 G G 5 J 3 McTagrtJ 11 AIpincGl lOSDlinsLd HOExplorc 102 C CArn2130IIdG Arn2130IIdG 4J f 54ft 4Jf 109 G 5 6 GTJ HuffN 15 Shield 112 Zeura 112 Prince Zeus 122 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 3 0 1 0 5 200 200IJCSt IJCSt Easy 1 XankeeJWO flQ Br f 2 M by General Thatcher Pawnee H by Xankee JWO Trainer V C Weant Owner Oakland Farm Stable StablejJD jJD j27COCD g l01ft 1G5 115 G G G = 2 G = i HoffmanK10 Xoriiialmlll5GralibCtll5InIJetween 115 M fcyrilSOCD g l01gd 27 116 7 2 21 2 lUissellK1 12 OutbtirstllCRegalLadyllCNrmahal 11G M Mjlhjl330 jlhjl330 = CD 45 f 35m Gf 11G 1 G 5i 5 SchutteH3 12 MissChillallCOtbrstllGnbTmpr 11G M LrlO30JCD 4J f 54ft SJf 11G 3 6 7 8 i LandoltC1 13 IfningGirl llGBasiel llGBtyUelle 110 M Mir2SSOStJ 4J f 56sy 20 105 4 1 3SJ 7 RoseM 10 PlayEm 117MasterRose 117DeeJohn 120 C CJIiti30StJ JIiti30StJ 5 SOsl 21 107 2 2 4H G GuerraJ 12 OneGrand 110 I K Girl 110 Early 111 A Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Von This year 11 0 1 0 200 200l Journeys End EndLast l l 119 B fl 2 M by sPanisl Prince II Miss Marcelia by Sir SirSS Last work 13 SS 12 5373ia Ll Martin MartinTrainer Trainer H Cavaaaugh Owner F A Wehle g l01ft 4e 115 3 C 5 = 1 5 BarrcttN1 11 XorjnahaU15Gradisetll5InBetveen 113 31 Starts 1st 2nd 3rd XVon Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won WonThis This year 1 Dust Mop I AO B f 2 M by Bunting Scrub Xady by Broomstick JVO Trainer W Lawis Owner W T Azton 30CD g l01tt G7 113 7 S S10 9CJ FinnertyR11 11 Xormalialll5Gradisetll3IuBetween 113 M Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 1 Cliarldtc II KhayyamJLL 119 Chl f Z Ml ty Campfire Hurry Home by Omar Khayyam JLL JLLi i Trainer J Strickland Owner H VT Miller Hajr2130CD i g l01sd 100 11G 8 9 S11 S i Smith 12 OiilburstllGItsstEasy llCResalLaavllC M Hajl3SOCD 4J f 33m 2Gf 11G R 7 7S1 7 = HardyL 12 MissCliniallCOtbrstllCHhTmpr 110 M Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Von t Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 2