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WO R KOUTSj -f-andkL Jhk hfl1 1 Date at left of horses name Is last workout of horse. Letters following time Indicate: b, breezing; d, driving; e, easily; h, handily; o, all out; u, eased up. I JrJJjrjrirjrjrjrjrJJrjrrrrrr--- .----V WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 6 JEFFERSON PARK. Weather cloudy; track muddy Three-Eighths Mile. 12-25 Brinkloy ... :39 h 11-28 Lucky Drift. :41 b 12-31 Beggar Lady :39 b 1-3 Madfinis .s. :42b 1-4 Buzzy Boo.. :41h 1-4 Melody Qun. :38b 12-25 Bogan :38 h 12-20 Nervator ... :40h 9-8 Bunting Lad :45 b 12-31 Prudy Basil.. :41b 1-3 Come On.... !40 b 1-3 Polyfon .... :39 b 12-16 Catalog :37h 1-2 Pollys Folly. :39 b 12-30 CrysI Prince :39 b 1-4 Peace Buddy :43 b Don Benito.. :38b 12-12 Torch Boy.. :43b 12-27 J. J. Williams :40b 1-4 White Toes. . :39 b King Halma. :38 h One-Half Mile. 1-3 Etonardo ... :53b 1-2 Sprig :55b 12-7 Hello Lou... :53 b 12-31 W. Hve You :56b Five-Eighths Mile. 12-30 Chicgo Bellei:06 h 12-27 Kg Comndrl:08h 1-2 Delta l:06h Three-Quarters Mile. 12-20 Evelyn L....151b 12-30 T. Rochester.l:21h 1-4 Premeditate 1:29 b 1-1 Troll l:21b 1-4 Kenny Boy. .1:29 b One and One-Quarter Miles. 12-25 Spanflow ...2:21 b Nothing worthy of comment. FAIR GROUNDS. Weather cloudy; track muddy Three-Eighths Mile. 12-16 Big Blue.... :37h 1-2 Runar ..... :38h 12-31 Downpour .. :36h 12-30 Reverberate.. :39 b 1-3 Jack B :37h 1-2 Saintly Sue. :40 h 1-3 Knight Club. :39 h 12-29 The Whig... :36h 1-3 Lfty Hghts :40 h 1-2 Toodleoo ... :40 h 12-29 Mad Finn... :36h One-Half Mile. 12-30 Acey Deucy. :54 h 9-27 Must Hurry :53h 1-4 Belen ...... :52h 12-30 Make Belvel:60 b .1-3 Babble :55 b 12-25 Otilla ...... :58b 1-3 Broad Axe., :55 b 1-2 Pietro :55b 1-2 Helns. Pride :55b 12-27 Rivet :52h 7-27 Miser :54h 1-4 Violet Crown :54 h Five-Eighths Mile. 1-3 Bide a Wee.l:06h 1-2 Jack Murohyl:13 b By Herself . .1:07 h 1-1 Mter Ogdenl:06h 1-5 Fervor 1:07 h 1-2 Trincliera ..l:07h 12-26 Happy Lad. .1:14 b 1-2 Vestal Maid.lK7h 1-4 High ,Storm.l:07b 1-3 Worldly Ladl:67h Three-Quarters Mile. 1-3 Bill Looney.l:19 h 12-23 Ms Perftionl:22h 1-3 Box Office.. l:25h 12-31 Pursuit ....1:17 h 1-2 Betty Shinn.l:25 b 12-30 Pr. a. Poetryl:20h 1-2 Bay Leaf... 1:20 h 12-25 Quando ....l:20h 12-26 Chy Sweep..l:20h 1-3 Strongheart l:26b 1-4 Dtor Happyl:20h 1-2 Sorrento ...l:24h 12-26 Escoba Landl:26 h 1-3 Stephanite ..1:19 h 1-2 Hn Virginial:23h 1-4 Springsteel ..l:21h 1-2 Harlem ....l-25h 1-2 Tantivy ....l0h 1-2 Iskum 1:20 h 1-1 Vanity Case.l:20h 1-3 Jmy Morah.l:25 b 1-2 Weidleeri ...153 h Seven-Eighths Mile. 12-30 Gaillardia ..1:38 b 1-3 Primeyal ...1:39 b One Mile. -1-3 Chokoloskee l:52b 1-2 Red Shadow.l:49 h : 1-3 Force 1:53 h 1-3 The Duke... 2K0 b 1-3 Ikard 2:00 b ; TROPICAL PARK. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 12-29 Blue Nile.... :38b 1-4 Fauqrs Pride :37d 12-23 Bright Red.. :39h 12-29 Mrgt Parker :38h Denny C... :39h 12-7 Volcry :39h One-Half Mile. 12-15 Bozo :53 h 12-30 Mont Jule... :52h. 12-28 Braggadocip.. :53h. 1-3 Whileaway .. :52H f 12-25 Chianti ..... :52h 1-4 Worthy Polly :51h I 1-2 Jamison .., 4h Five-Eighths Mile 12-30 Gold Mint... 1:03 h 1-4 Ms Avondalel:04h ; 1-2 Hasty Cat.. .1:05 h Owney M....l:03h Three-Quarters Mile. ! 9-27 Fox Squirrel.l:18h 10-7 Jacquelyn V.l:18 h j 1-5 Jsie Coppagel:22 b 12-27 Lyl Princssl:16 h HIALEAH PARK. Weather clear; track fast -: Three-Eighths Mile. ; 1-2 Best Man... :38 h 1-3 Ghost Dance :38 h 1 12-18 Dyak :37 h 1-4 Heroville ... :38 h ; 1-3 Door Notch.. :37h 1-3 Rey d. Norte :39 h ; 1-3 Double Heart :36h 1-1 Skyway .... :37h 1 12-29 Dear Duff. . . :38 h 1-3 Sun Teatime -6 h i 1-4 Ellanglock .. :33h 12-25 Siwanoy ... :39 h 12-28 Evelyn Barr. 8h. 1-3 Street Singer :36h 1-3 Flying Boy. . :36 h 1-3 Zcsara :37h One-Half Mile. 1-4 Angry Plume :49h 1-2 Lila Lee.... :49h : 1-4 Bill Southam :54 h 1-4 Ltlc America 3 h 1-3 Brilliant Bud :49 h 1-3 Mordcn .... :52 h Briquett .... :54 h 1-3 Ncgopoli ... :52 h 10- 14 Beau Jolie.. :51 h 1-3 Noon Whistle :48 h . 11-11 Chicsu ..... :57 h 1-4 Native Wit.. 34 h 1-3 CrysI Dmino :49 h 1-2 Old Rcb :49h 1-4 Curiosy Shp :54 h Jentrache ..... :52 h , 1-2 Diana D.... :48h 1-3 Repentance.. :48h 1-3 Fairdale .... :51 h 1-3 Royal Ruffin :49h 1-3 Flr Walker. :48h 1-4 Suspicious .. :55 b 1-3 Haramzada . :54h 1-2 Sonnelli .... :49 h 1-5 Ill Get By. . :49 h 1-3 The Heathen :48h" 1-2 Jillion :48 h 1-2 W. Advocate :48 h : 1-3 Litning Bolt :48h Five-Eighths Mile. 1-4 Amcan Qunl:02h 1-3 Parnell Bnd.l:01h 1-3 Burnish ....1:05 h 1-2 Pearl Grace.l:03h 1-4 CaporalII....l:06 h 1-4 Slambang ...1K4 h 1-4 General A.... 1:07 h 1-3 Thursday ...l:02h 1-3 Lady Legs... 1:05 h 1-4 Vander Pool.l:01h 1-4 Oil Queen. . .l:02h Three-Quarters Mile. 1-3 Brdway Litsl:20 h 12-30 Happy Play. .1:18 h 1-4 Bleak ......1:18 h 12-30 Jambalaya . .1:22 rf 1-5 Blanket Bay.l:20 h 12-30 Lullaby II.. ..1:17 h 11- 7 Blue Blitzen.ld8h 1-4 Mordrom ...l:18h 1-4 Breezg Thrul:17h 1-2 Margite Starl:18h 12- 29 Bill Tell 1-22 h 1-3 Plfcls Drm.ld7 h 12-29 Bobs Play.. 1:20 h 1-4 Rocktor 1:18 h 9-23 Col. Crump.l:18 h 12-31 Reservation .1:18 h 1-4 Clean Play..l0 h 12-29 Shiva 1:22 h 1-3 Dr. Syntax. .1:2Q h 12-29 Sir Byron.. .1:22 h 1-4 Fredrick .1.. 1:15 h 12-25 ScIet Brigdei:18h 1-3 Fair Blanchel:24 b 1:2 Westys Star.l:16h 1-2 Flossine ....1:17 h 1-3 War Saint... lJL8h 1-4 Glcnside ...1:20 h 1-2 Westys Rosel:18 b Seven-Eighths Mile. ttMThl,! My One Mile. 1-2 Directly 1:48 h 1-5 Red Face... 1:45 h 1-5 Kay Dawn.. 1:47 h 1-2 Skrip . . . . ..l:424ih 12-29 Prude II l:45h 1-3 Stellanova ..1:43 h 1-2 Prince Dale.l:44h 1-3 Westko l:424ih 1-3 Playbill . . . .1:43 h AGUA CALD3NTE. Weather clear; track slow Three-Eighths Mile. 12-25 Annan :37e 12-7 Jk Alexnder :39 b 12-30 Book Maid.. :35h 1-4 Leano :38b 12-24 Bnie Smile. :38b 1-5 Morshion ... :37o 11- 28 Betrothal ... :37 h 12-8 Nihil :38b 12- 15 B. of Brbon :38 e 12-14 Panda :36h 12-31 Cash Play. ... :38 b 12-20 Proctor Hug. :37 h 12-19 Caliente Girl. :38b Queen Bessie :37b 1-3 Dutch Boy. . :36h 12-19 Released . . . :40 b 1-5 Dapper ..... :35h 1-1 Speedy Al... :36h 12-30 Fuss Budget. :36h 12-7 Shsta Broom :38b 12-24 Figueroa ... :40 b 12-5 Starkist .... :38 e 12-11 Generl Blaze :37 e 10-30 Totolo :37 h 12-23 Gen. Waldk :36h 12-31 Wild Bella. . . :36h One-Half Mile. 12-8 Aye Ready.. :53 b 12-16 Miss Susan.. :52 b 10- 3 Fs Favorite. :53b 12-30 Master Toney. :50h 1-4 Good and Ht :53 b Purple Light :50h 12-14 Golden Oriole :50 h 11-25 Simon Legrce :51h 12-19 Irfaneh .... :53 b 12-22 Shp Thots. :51b 1-4 Lakeland ... :50 h 12-7 Silver Man.. :50h 12-20 Macon :53 b 12-30 Time Shot. . . :51h 1-3 McGonigle . :49h 12-31 Westire .... :50h Five-Eighths Mile. 12-22 Beth Hogan.l:07 e 1-2 Krakerjac ..l:07b 12-31 Bag Smasherl:05 b 12-31 Klair l:07b- 12-31 Chiclero ....l:04h 10-25-Night Patrol. l:07b 12-31 Centermarch l:02o 12-30 Ono l:04b 11- 23 Dark Ayr....l:02d 1231 Scotch Made.lK6 b 12- 31 Gabbo ......1:05 e 1-3 Taches l:04e; 12-21 Housoboy ..1:05 e-12-3L Wicker l:06b 12-22 Inheritor ...1:05 b 1-1 Wly Meteor.l:03 h 12-30 Joe Flores...l:04e 12-30 Whataman .l:06b Three-Quarters Mile. 11- 27 Hootinany . .1:21 b 12-20 Runshot ... . .1-20 b 1-2 Mk Anthonyl:19 e 12-30 Seths Hope.l:19 b 12- 22 Nugent .....1:19 b 12-30 Seths Pride.l:19 e SevenEighths MileT 1-1 Pawn ...... l:32h Shasta Monkl:35b - One Mile. 1-2 Athens ... .,VMh 12-23 Victor 1:50. b 12-23 Omrah .....1:46 . h HAVANA. : ; Weather clear; track good One-Quarter Mile. 12-30 Alcove 26 10-26 Oreg. Citizen. :24 12-25 Chester .....25 12-31 Shandygaff .. 55 Dorsay 26 1-3 Tliistle Lass.. :24 Demon 26 12-29 Torchfire 26 9-8 Fair Glow.... :26 12-30 Winnie Jo.... 25 1-2 Goldn Sweep. 28 1,5 Yumuri ..... :26 1-2 Gilded Arch.. 55 Three-Eighths Mile. 1-2 Athol :38 12-29 My Beauty :38 1-5 Black Signal.. :38 1-3 Pan Fron.... :36 - 12-30 Barston :38 12-29 Peach Basket :37 10-19 Domina ..... :40 10-3 Princs Henry, :38 12-30 Fusion :39 12-30 Qun Towton. . :38 Freckle Face. . :38 9-3 Rudbeckia ..7 10-12 Fair Atina. .. :38 9-,3 Running Girl. :43 12-31 Floria Zel. . . . :40 1-2 Ruby Dear. . . :40 1-5 Inarage ..... :39 1 Shabby Shoes :36 Lady Camel.. 141 .1-2. Singing Kid.. :41 12-31 Lady McNeill. :38 12-18 Thistle, Duke. :38 12-29 Maximum ... :39- 12-24 Thund. Speed. 8 1-3 More Space... 37 Wooly West.. :38 ,12-30 Mordawn .... 7 One-Half Mile. 12-27 Athlone Lass. :53 12-22 Justa Ormont. ;54. 12-30 Band Time... 30 12-29 Listerine .... :54 12-30 Bagpiper . . . .- 30 12-31 Mac Maxim. . . :54 12-19 Cecelia Grob. :53 12-19 Marys Toy... :53 1-3 Dictate :51 10-19 M. Mary Lou :51 12-20 Dolesia :52 12-29 Meclona .... :48 12-24 Donday :53 1-5 Mter Strokqr :49r; 12-30 General Court :55 12-29 Nohvalk :53 12-30 Gunfire :51 9-12 Rita Lee..... :55 . 12-28 Gun Man . :51 12-26 Translucent . :58 1-2 Howee :52 12-23 Two Bills 33. Hy Title..... 34 12-26 Vacillate .... :49 12-29 Indiazen .... 32 Five-Eighths Mile. 1-2 Bachr Princel:06 Hernan Cortesl:09 12-30 Brooksic 1:11 1-5 Hamhocks ...1:08 1-5 Consummatn 1:03 12-31 Innisfail .....1:04 1-5 Camping "....1K5 1-5 Mrry Windsorl:ll , 12-27 Chrjslor ... .1:07 12-28 Out Bound. . .1:05 1-2 Charms NotelK3 1-2 Pere Noel. . . .1:04 10-15 Crash ..i....l:07 12-18 Pictover ..,.1:09 12-29 Fair Avis.... 1:08 12-23 Pomfret 1:10 1-2 Gay Party. . . .1:08 12-31 Runaway . . . .1:06 12-29 Good Jest....lK7 12-31 Thistle Marty.l:05 12-30 Glendair ....1:03 10-13 Venezia 1:05 Three-Quarters Mile. 12-30 Al Neiman. . .150 1-2 Fast Life. . . . .1:22 12-26 Blue Day.... 156 1-2 First Mission.152 1-5 Burning- Up.. 152- 1-2 Jean 152 12-26 Blanc Seing..l:23 1-2 Little Nap.... 156 12-23 Billycoo 1:18 12-20 Meg Merriliesl54 1-2 Black Knight.153 12-26 Robrack 150 12-31 Bad Axe 151 1-5 Water Port.. 152 8-29 Best Maifou..l:23 12-29 Xylophone ..150 Seven-Eighths Mile. 12-28 Little Bill... -.1:36 1-3 Thistle Dee. ..1:39 One Mile. 12-27 Bee Jay..... 1:49 9-20 Sun Dance... 1:49 Black Finn... 1:50 10-15 Southn Cloudl:59 1-5 Cabaret 1:47 12-28 Spectacular ..1:47 8-5 Elizabeth ....1:53 1-5 Thunwin ....1:47 12-31 Honest John. 1:16 1-5 Venezuela ...1:48 1-5 One Alone.... 1:47"