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EDWARD SHELLEY DIES NEW ORLEANS, La Feb. 18. Edward Shelley, expert accountant and for many years employed in the mutuel departments at almost all of the principal tracks in Illinois, Kentucky t.nd at the Fair Grounds, died suddenly in his apartment at 3801 Canal street early last night. He was stricken with a heart attack, believed to have been induced by indigestion, shortly after having his evening meal, and died within a short time. Mr. Shelley was fifty-seven years old and made his home at Louisville, where he was born. His widow was with him at the time of his death. Two sons, Burton and David, and two daughters, Blanche and Elizabeth, also reside in Louisville. William Shelley, widely known racing official and racing secretary at all of the tracks of the American Turf Association and placing judge at the Fair Grounds, and Thomas Shelley and John Shelley are brothers surviving. The remains, accompanied by the widow and her brother-in-law, W. H. Shelley, were dispatched to Louisville this morning. During the absence of Judge Shelley, Joseph McLennan will act for him in the placing judges stand.