Workouts, Daily Racing Form, 1932-03-03

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I WO R K O UTS j L Date at left pf horses name Is last workout of horse. Letters following time j Indicate: b, breezing; d, driving; e. easily; h, handily; o, all out; u, eased up. 1 . WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2 . - FAIR GROUNDS. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 2-28 Back Kick.. :36h 2-21 Harlem .... :38b 2-26Bcrtjohn ... :37andh 2-27 Indian Boy.. :35h 2-25Bearcry .... :40 b 2-25 Mac Fogle.. :39 h 2-28 Blimp :38h 2-22 Marstcllcr .. :39 h 2-19 Broom Lady :38 h 2-29 Niblick .... :41b 2-26 Bunting Lad :37 h 2-29 Red Vest... :35d 2-28 Broad Bill.. :36h 2-25 Sonsy :36h 2-17 Donna Mine. :37 b 2-27 Santander .. :37h 2-25 Dick Chevely :37 h 2-22 Tweeny . . . . :38 b 2-27 Ed Lark.... :394ih 2-22 Trim :37 h 2-17Escorun .... :39 h 2-17 Uprise :37 h 2-23 Feliciana :36h 2-25 Worldly Lad :40b 2-27 Gay Lassie.. :374id One-Half Mile. 2-27Adsum ..... :51h 2-23 Ken Kling.. :51 h 2-26 Bgar Lady. 22h 2-8 Miss Mland. :52h 2-12Drydock ... :50 h 1-19 Miss Upset.. :54 b 2-26 Escoba Land :53 h 2-19 Peter Parley :55 b 2-13 Evergold . . . :51b 2-27 Pagan Laddie :51 h 1- 29 Flonce Dolan :54 b 2-23 Rockv Way. :55 b 2- 8 Fill In :50h 2-24 Sazerac .... :49 h 2-2Uustinian ... :52 b 2-12 White Toes. :51 h Five-Eighths Mile. 2-28 Black Lula.. 1:04 h 2-28 Morsnuff . . .l:05b 2-28 Eric the Redl:02 h 2-28 Normahal . .l:05b 2-25 Homer L....1.-06 b 2-25 Nervator i..lK5b 2-27 Hold Hard.. 1:06 b 2-28 Our Grief. . .l:01h 2-22 Joan G 1:06 b 2-16 Piecemeal ..l:05h 2-23 Lady Bvillel:05h 2-26 Rita Ann...l:03h 2-28 Motive ....1:04 h 2-25 Reproof ....1:03 h 2-24 Make Bievel:01h 2-27 Thdertone .l:03h Three-Quarters Mile. 2-25Abdel l:15h 2-20 Mexico l:18h 2-25 Bay Bloom. .l:16h 2-24 Makanda .. .1:18 b 2-26 Capn Jk Jr.l:21b 2-28 Nola .1:20 h 2-16 Halliard ....l:16h 2-24 Premeditate 1:19 h 2-29 Hy Schneiderl:21h 2-27 Peter Peter. .1:21 h 2-27 Happy Lad. .l:18h 3-1 Qtre Bs 11.1:19 b 2-27 Kenny Boy.l:16h 2-26 Song Hit. .. -l:19b 2-27Jnoys End.l:16h 2-17 Shonna ....1:21 b One Mile. 2-26 Burnt Bvnl:46h 2-27 La Feria....l:455h 2-28Bargello ...1:42 h 2-27 Lady Gibson. l:444ih 2-13 Belfry .....1:51 h 2-26 Nell Kumanl:49b 2-23 Bk Patricial:47b 2-28 Pss Csaderl:46h 2-21Bayamo ....1:51 b 3-1 Playtime . .-.l:42h 2-27 Blue Law. . .l:464ih 2-26 Rejuation .l:45h 2-24Ctal Prince.l:44h 2-26 Springsteel .l:43h 2-26 Feu Follet. .l:47h 2-28 Updike ....1:48 b 2-26 Has Chorce.l:48b 2-26 War Tide. . .l:42h 2-27 Jmy Moran.l:41h 2-26 Zaila 1:50 b One and One-Eighth Miles. 2-26 Finland ....2:03 b 2-27 Pollywog ...l:59h JEFFERSON PARK. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 2-14 By Product. :39b 2-27 Land Girl... :38 h 2-28Henado .... :41b 2-27 Ruby Stone. :38 h 2-12 Hello Lou... :39 b 2-26 Tin Hat.... :38 b 2-28Hippias .... :42 b 2-27 Wood Cress. :37h 2-27Honeyman . :38 h One-Half Mile. 2-28 Cosmos .... :50 d 2-26 Travelair ... :51h 2-16 Dusky Boy. . :55 b Five-Eighths Mile. 2-25 Lila G... . . .l:07b 2-29 Scandal Shtl:03h Three-Quarters Mile. 2-29Dar-Fur ....1:18 d 2-24 Fair Leeion.l:17 d 2-24 Erin Go Bhl:18 b 2-25 Marge Clinsl:20h Seven-Eighths Mile. 2- 28 Prate 1:30 d One Mile. 3- 1 Bunyora ...1:44 h 2-24 Lucky Pal.. 1:44 h 2-26Bled Bbon.l:49 d 2-29 Whooptedoo l:44d 2-29 Big Doug... 1:49 d 3-1 Wise Gchenl:48d 2-29 Dick Price. .1:49 d Cosmos and Scandal Sheet went together from the starting stall, the first half-mile. Fair Legion and Dar-Fur went together. Erin Go Bragh was under a pull. Prate did a splendid move, under a drive. Lucky Pal worked handily. Bunyora worked impressively. HIALEAH PARK. Weather foggy; track fast Tnree-Eighths Mile. 2- 16 Blue Face. . . :38 h 2-28 Memory Girl. :38. h 3- 1 Flag View. . . :37h 2-29 Red Fury. ... :37 h Goody ;37h 2-20 Tee Off :38 h 2-28 Jesting ..... :37h One-Half Mile. 2-29 Lady Zini... :52 h Five-Eighths Mile. 2-21 Axenby l:04h 10-13 Chilette l:02h Three-Quarters Mile. 2-2lAmcan Qunl:17h 2-22 Zevar l:18h Seven-Eighths Mile. 2-25-Fervid 1:29 h 2-29 Street Singer.l:34h HAVANA. Weather clear; track fast One-Quarter Mile. 2-19 Abstain :27 2-20 Stylish Mack. :27 2-19 Bachr Prince. :27 2-17 Birdie-Wrack. :28 2-23 Chill Wind... :25 2-26 Mats Minister :25 2- 21 Flying Girl... :25 2-23 Moon Phase.. :24 3- 1 Master Durbar :27 2-26 Red Likker. . . :25 3-1 Broad A :24and 3-1 Sunny Bob... :27 2-24 Roberta L... :27 2-27 You Darling.. :27 2-22 Marys Toy... -21 Three-Eighths Mile. 2-26 Billycoo :37 2-11 Lexington Girl :41 2-25 Confidential .. :42 2-27 One Alone.... :38 2-26 Fair Glow.... -21 2-12 Royal Rock... :37 2-20 For Play :37 1-27 Spectre :39 2-22 Jean :41 2-27 Union W :41 2-12 J. J. Bambrick -23 One-Half Mile. 2-24 Burning Up.. :54 2-27 Lucy Menifee. :53 2-20Barston :53 2-26 My L. Honey :52 2-25 Crossbones . . :51 2-23 Murmg Pines :51 2-27 De Wet -M 3-1 Number Four. 33 2-20Edeycss -21 2-26 Poor Rube... -23 2-26 Ever Faithful. :53 2-26 Water Port... 34 2-24 Flying Plum.. 25 3-1 Xylophone ... :56 2-27 Hasty Luego. 25 Five-Eighths Mile. 2-24 Capts Dhtcr.l:05 2-25 Justa Shade. .1:05 2-27Donday 1:05 2-23 Jack Bicncr..l:10 2-26 Dr. Bidencopel.02 2-23 Thistle Fyrn.l:09 Three-Quarters Mile. 2-25 Damocles ...1:25 2-22 Judge Dixon. .1:27 1- 18 Flying Atom.. 1:22 2-24 Magic Carpet. 1:22 2- 27Fifia 1:24 2-22 Thistle Duke.l:23 2-24 Ilipoluxo ...1:17 Seven-Eighths Mile. 2-25 Chs Warrior.l:32 2-27 Haramzada ..1:29 One Mile. 2-7 Cherry, May.. 1:47 TROPICAL PARK. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 2-11 Blk Feather :37 b 2-13 Knowlton . . :38h Beaming Bty :38 h 2-20 Laura Clay. . :35d Cirvcnna ... :37 h 2-26 Morden .... :35h 2-17 Don Leon... :35 b 2-17 Rome Vennie :38 h 2-29 Fretwork .. :35 h 2-16 Single Star.. :39 h 1- 29 Jean Brown. :364ih 2-29 Slapstick ... :36d 2- 29Kingrow ... :38 h One-Half Mile. 2-26Bosafabo ... :51 b 2-16 Vacillate ... :50b 2-28 Bounder ... :50 h Five-Eighths Mile. 2-27 Bright Red.. 1:07 h 2-21 Mosque ....1:03 h 2-27 Dunes l:02d 2-29 Sea Rocket.l:06 d 2-26Fauqs Pridel:05 h 2-21 Shiva 1:01 h 2-27 McTinkle ...1:03 h 2-27 Weatherprf 1:04 h Three-Quarters Mile. 2-28 Bird of Preyl:17 d 2-29 Noine .....1:19 h 2-28 Backwsman 1:21 d 2-28 Partisan ...1:20 b 2-28 Barn Dance. 1:16 h 2-29 Prude II l:18d 2-23 Gold Mint.. 1:18 h 2-27 Salisbury ..l:14d 2-6 James Riverl:19 b 2-27 Tald Prince.l:17d 2-29Noajoyce ...1:18 d 2-29 Traitor ....1:15 h One Mile. 2-24 Fetish 1:45 h 2-25 Jge Caverly.l:49 d 2-22 Fair Bill 1:47 h 2-11 Zegora 1:44 h AGUA CALIENTE. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 12-3 Breakaway,.. .:39 b 2-21 Loversall ... :38 b 2-21 Good Thots. :38 b 2-25 My Jewell... 37 e 2-27 Good a. Hot :36 h 2-20 Purple Light, :38 b 2-29Idealia :39 b 2-29 Spanish Jack :38b 1- 30Leario ...... :37e 2-16 Vice :37b 2- 23 Lady Aggie. . :36e One-Half Mile. 2-22 Aye Ready.. :50andh Motor Park. :50h 2-27 Adoble Cargo :52 b 2-27 Ono :48h 2-20 Captain Fried :49h 1-31 Prisa :49e 2-26 Campdore . . ;48 h 2-29 Reveille Boy. :53 b 2-13 Ftns Favte :50h 2-29 Shasta Uncle. :49h 2-24 Facchina . . . :50 h 2-26 Unn Women :48h 12-1 J. Cavanagh. :50e 1-29 Vera Crofton. :50e 2-28 La Belotte.. :49h 2-27 Wirt :48h 2-23 Mild :51b 2-21 Watermark. . :49 h 2-25 Miss Mona. . :50h Five-Eighths Mile. 2-26 Anaconda ...1:06 b 2-24 Nugent 1:02 ii 2-28 Alice Catalan.l:01 d 2-18 Portcodine . ,l:03h 2-28Evelena ....l:03e 2-8 Solo 1:05- b 2-24 Front Man.. 1:03 h 2-25 The Whip...l:04e 2-23 Golden Colnal:03 h 1-10 Thats It. ..1:01 d 2-26Harshaw ...l:03h 2-15 Westire 1:05 b 2-28 Kings X....l:03 h 1-26 Wild Party..l:03 h 2-28Morheart ...l:02h Three-Quarters Mile. 2-28 Al. Pantages.l:14h 1-24 Magic Light.. 1:18 e 2-25 Bronie Smilel:17e 2-24 Runshot . . . .l:16h 2-6 Dormouse ..1:19 b 1-24 Tab ;1:21 b 2-24 Master Toneyl:16h 2-23 Willies Maidl:18 e One Mile. 2-28 Beset .......1:45 h 2-26 Raucona ....l:41d

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