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ENTRIES AND PAST PERFORMANCES i r TROPICAL PARK i THURSDAY, MARCH 3 Cc Col. BVPercentage of Winning Favorites in 1931 .68 Starts from VVaite Stall Gate G - Weather conditions as forecast by United States Weather Bureau , F and as at press time indicated: WEATHER CLEAR: TRACK FAST . Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time, 1:30 p. m. MJ Mac 1st Tropical Purse 00. 2-Year-Olds. Maidens. Special Weights. Mile Lady Sunbeam, March 1, -193.2 :36 2 113. 2 Index Post -Best at Distance- Wt. Claim Index Post -Best at Distance- Wt. Claim No. .Pos. Horse. Track.Wt. Time. AgeToday Price No. Pos Horse. .Track.Wt. Time. AgeToday Price 3 689123 1 Flag View. Hia 115 :36 116.. 9 Warble 113.. 68884 6 Adorland .Hia 115 :35s 113.. 68882 11 Sweet Sixteen.. 68855 10 Romac ....Hia 122 :35 116.. Hia 115 :36.s 113.. P 68912 14 Sergeant Hill.. 68747 13 Bonnie Lillian. I, Hia 122 .-35 116.. Hia 111 -37 113 68884 2 Nuns Way. Hia 117 :36 113.. ""n"tr in 68884 Q 15 .Laura .ClayHia ii 115 :36s t 113.. fi 6 68792 12 Blarney Castle. Hia 117 :36 116.. 16 Lonesome Pine. 116.. ?; 68912 3Aidas Pal.. Hia 117 :37 116.. 68826 17 Train Hia 119 :37 113.. l 68882 4 Migosh ...Hia 119 " :37 113.. 18 Col. Cloister... 116. 68912 5 Golden HueHia 111 :37h 116.. 68912 19 Golden Planet. ; 68826 7 Prestige ...Hia 119 :37 113.. ...Hia 110 :39h 116.. ; 68826 8 Danger Zone .. 68912 20 Fortnight ..Hia 110 :41K 116.. ?; Hia 119 :38 113.. g Beat times shown above are from Jan. 1, 1931. Fair mud runner. XGood mud runner. Superior mud runner. Brackets . won last start- figures or 2nd or 3rd last start; apprentice allowance. Scratches are ihown in Past Performances, but in all cases only the latest withdrawal being indicated. Ql The past performances of the horses entered in this race, together with latest work out and racing record for this and previous year: 31 ,Date Crs. DIs. Time Tr. Odds Wt. St. Str. Fin. Jockey P.P.Cl.Pce.Sts. Rest Company by American Flag High View, by Hock View. Ma Mac Flair YiPW 1 1 CZ B. c, 2 M. Vnrt- Mar ? 1 R -Wft J-J-O Trainer, W. Mulholland. Owner. F. H. Griffith. Fel Fe325Hif g ":36hy 54 110 7 33 33 BarnesE" 250018 Hernd6110,PpnemtU0,St.Chtoprll0 Fel Feh20-325Hia 1 :34 ft 338 11716 1411 13" BarnosE5 Stksl6 Okapil22,Meanyl22,JohnDavenport 122 Fe Feb. Febl3-323Hia :34 ft 215 115 7 97i 10s! BarnesE8 Allw 14 Lucille K. 125, Levaal 125, Okapi 125 Fel Feb. . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-v Jai 1932 record.. 3 0 .0 1 $ 100 " Aiinrlniil 1 1 Q Ch. f, 2 M, by Pondoland Adorable H., by Sardanapale. n 110 Trainer, W. J. McKnight. Owner, J. E. Gaffney. Fch24-323Hia :35 si 14-5 115 4 l1 4s LongJ11 Maid 13 FoulTip 115, Mintogee 115, Jesting 115 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, e 1932 record.. 1 Jai RoiliaC 1 1 CK Ch. c, 2 M, by Thundering Barracks, by Under Fire. ja Jan. D. E. McDaniel. Owner, W. M. Moore. Trainer, W rk- Mar 1 3 8 -37ft Jan. Fcb.23-32JHia :35ft 129 122 7 31 6i WorkmanR13 Allw 13 LeByerel22,MyCIlorl22,FngDgon 122 fa Jan. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., n Ue 1932 record.. 1 Ctarwwiit TTill jxiii "1 1 Q. B. e, 2 M, by General Thatcher Foxana. by Nassovian. oexbeuiii 110. Trainer, H. E. Brown. Owner, F. Marshall. K Feh25-32sHia g 56 hy 81 113 12 95 76lFronkW7 250018 HerndollO.Ptponemt HO.FgView 110 Feh23-323Hia :35 ft 117 122 13 llc Tl RennieP5 Allw 13 LcByerel22MyCllorl22,FngDgon 122 0 Oct Febl9-323Hia :35 ft 118 117 9 8!1 55J: RennieP3 Maid 16 Maeantiai7.WhiteThornll7,Bolilee 117 Au Aug. Feb.l7-32Hia g :35 ft 14f 117 16 1561 83 RennieP" 2500 18 J.Davptll7,BlyCastlell7,Revonahll7 Jtt Febll-32Hia :35 ft 176 122 11 13" 121 RennieP1 3000 16 Ipral 122,DryRidge 122,SwagrStickl22 Au Feb. 5-32JHia 2i f :28 ft 6f 122 12 74 6s RennieP11 Maid 18 Levaal 122. Maeantic 122, Pancoast 122 Au Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1932 record.. 6 v -row 1 1 Q Br. f, 2 M, by Monks "Way Goodhart, by Glencairn. C Trainer, L. Gentry. Owner. H. C; Hatch. W k-Feb 213 8 -38" Feb24-323Hia g :35"sl 7 115 6 1171 111 RileyG8 Maid 13 FoulTip 115, Mintogee 115, Jesting 115 Fc Febl6-32JHia g :35 ft .61 117 5 1 31 RileyG" 2500 18 MsBroomll75JnBrownll7,DkyLs 117 Fe 5 7 74i Maid 18 Mintwina 119,Modestoll9,Fretwork 119 Fe Feb. Feb. 8-323Hia 24 f -28 ft 17 119 RileyG" Feb. 4-323Hia 2i f :29 ft 172 113 1 2 641 RileyG3 Allw 17 DarkLove 119,FoulTip 113,LastBid 113 Fe Feh , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- , Starts: 1st. 2nd. 3rd". Won., Ja 1932 record.. 4 0 0 1 $ 100 0 nirnpv rntstlp 1 1 Ch. c, 2 M, by Apprehension Puff, by Ballot. J-J-0 Trainer, W. E. Martin. Owner, Mrs. W. E. Martin. W k Fb 29 3 8 -39ft Feb20r-323Hia g :34 ft 17-5f 117 7 8C1 10r5 LongJ15 Stks 16 Okapil22,Mcanyl22, JohnDavenport 122 0 Feb.l7-325Hia g :35 ft 58 117 1 l1! 21 SniderA6 250018 J.Davport 117,Revonahll7,Seymourll7 Jaa28-322Hia and :22. ft 1030 113 13 8" 13" KummerE8 4000 14 LucilIeK.114,Meanyll3,DskyDame 110 M . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Ja 1932 record.. 3 0 1 0 $ 150 Js A fill ; Pnl 1 1 d B. c. 2 M, by Prince Pal Aida McGee, by McGee. Ja W t V h p 7 R .4Qft J- Trainer, H. Wells. Owner, H. Oots. Ja Jan. Feb25r-32JHia g :36hy 111 113115 1311 1314 KummerE" 250018 HemdollO.Ptponemt HO.FgView 110 Ja Febl9-325Hia g -35 ft 53 117 14 111 10" KummerE" Maid 16 Maeanticll7,WhiteThornll7,Bolilee 117 Feb. 5-32JHia 2i f :28 ft 206 122 15 16" 16" KummerE" Maid 18 Levaal 122, Maeantic 122, Pancoast 122 Janl9-32sHia i :23 sy 52 117 9 941 810 GarnerM" Maid 12 M.Reynldsll7,H.Rockll7,R.Venie 117 E JarLl4-32JHia i :23 ft 100 118 10 941 13si MannJ" Maid 18 Chiltenny 118,TrySwtll8,Seymour 118 Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.. Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, F 1932 record.. 5 J; UTitrnsli 1 1 Q Ch. f, 2 M, by Transmute Bonify, by Boniface. J; W I r s pq TP -77ft J-JL5 Trainer, J. P. Kabrich. Owner, H. C. Kagan. J; Jlac l-Trp g -36ft 113 SCRATCHED. Post P. 16 2500 12 LadySunmllS.DkWarllS.Wderoo 116 S. Feb24-32,Hia g -35 si 506 11514 13" 13" ClellandO3 Maid 14 Beetle 115, Shavings 115, Tussle 115 Febl5-323Hia g -34 ft 8-5f 119 13 12" 11" ClolIandO" Maid 17 Fretwkll9,Shavgsll9,L.Bracadle 119 Feb. 8-323Hia 24 f :28 ft 23-5f 119 17 15u 142 CIclIandO" Maid 18 Mintwina 119,Modestoll9,Fretwork 119 I Feb. 2-325Hia 24 f :29 ft 407 111 18 18" 1810 MozerR 2500 18 M.Driftlll.L.Bcadalelll.S.Precus 112 1 I ,J Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-s 1932 record.. 4 A Tnllmi Una 1 1 Ct Chl c 2 M Chilhowee Solid Gold, by Theo. Cook. F W lT F h 28-1 8 -38ft 1 J- O Trainer, O. E. Pons, Sr. Owner, A. 1. Wynston, Jr. -F Mat 1-32Tro 1 -36 ft" 116 SCRATCHED. Post P. 14 2500 12 LadySuninll3,DkWarll3,Wderoo 116 , Fch25-32:Hia g :36 hy 53 111 10 841 871 HornF3 250018 HcrndollO.Ptponcmt HO.FgView 110 I Feb. 92!Hia 24 f :29 ft 171 113 4 137 1141 AllenCE" 2500 18 SwgrStkllS.OldJgellS.StrtJkt 113 ; J Jan. 8-32 a i -21 ft 21e 118 12 13" 1310 HornF4 Maid 13 ChuckB.118,T.Townll6,L.BcadaIe 115 ; Jan. 6-321Trp a i :22 ft 6 118 5 941 91 HornF2 Maid 13 Snldol 115,M.Reynsll8,LyBdale 115 , starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- J 1932 record.. 4 PrASitifTP 1 1 Q Ch. f, 2 M, by Purchase Pinta, by Johren. I J-J-O Trainer, J. F. Patterson. Owner, J. F. Patterson. IWft w lr M 1 IR Feb22r-32JHiar g :36 ft 36 119 9 7s 94 BejshakJ1 Maid 18 BunD.119,Shavingsll9,RlPurchase 119 I , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., 5 1932 record.. 1 t, 7nnA 1 1 O Ch. f, 2 M, by Crimper Valentia. by Spanish Prince II. Trainer, J. P. Mayberry. Owner, J. P. Mayberry. I ft w t V h 14 18 -38 llan l-32:iTm 8 36 ft 108 SCRATCHED. Post P. 20 250012 LadySunmllS.DkWarllWderoo 116 j C O Feb22-32JHia I :36 ft 275 119 12 13" 15" ArthurV9 Maid 18 BunD.lig.Shavingslig.RIPurchase 119 I C , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., I 1932 record.. 1 "Wirhle I "1 Q B. f, 2 M, by St. James Violet Bay, by Rock Sand. JL O Trainer, W. E. Jones. Owner, J. Heelan. Work: t i, war. r 1 l-A-s. to .772i ft -L .rffi Won starts lst 2n- 3rL Won Sw..i Qlvtoon 1 1 O Ch. f, 2 M, by Star Master Primdora, by Sir Martin. Small. B. Small. J Trainer, R. Owner, W k F h 20 3 8 -38ft FebSandHia g -35sl" 1013 115 10 1081 10s FowlerG" Maid 14 Beetle 115, Shavings 115, Tussle 115 Feb. 8-323Hia 24 f :284i ft 264 119 15 17" 17" PhillipsC9 Maid 18 Mintwina 119,Modestoll9,Fretvork 119 9 s- Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1932 record.. 2 RnnniA T.illinn 11Q Ch. f, 2 M, by Hildur Martha Fallon, by McGee. JJOnme iiiwau D Trarner, A. Meeker. Owner, Meeker and Treeful. 1 Fetxl8-32Hia g 35 ft 62 11117 1614 16i CalhanH8 2500 18 Modcstoin.ViaAppialll.DkyDame 117 7 . Jaa20-322Hia i -23 m 36 115 15 15" 16" FronkW" Maid 17 WiseAnnell5,Mintwinall5,Transen 115 5 . Jaal8-323Hia i :22 ft 33-10f 111 10 129J 12" HuttonH18 Allw 18 DkLovelll.LucilloK.m.B.Oiphan 117 7 . Jaa 8-32111 a -21 ft 71e 115 5 12" 96 ElstonH0 Maid 13 ChuckB.118,T.Townll6,L.BcadaIe 115 5 Jan. 6-32Trp a 4 :22 ft 41e 115 4 129 124 ClellandO1 Maid 13 Snldol HS.M.ReynsllS.LyBdale 115 5 Jan. 4-321Trn a i -21 ft 9 115 5 7 7 HornF1 Maid 8 LucilleK.llS.ChuckB.llS.HurRck 118 8 Jan. 1-32 a 1 i21 si 23-10 113 8 5" 651 FieldsG1 Maid 13 DskyDamell3,ChckB.116,BeSirnt 113 3 , Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won 1 1932 record.. 7 I Tnnri fllV 1 1 Q B. f, 2 M, by Angon Flara, by Torchbearer. I Work- Mar 2-3 8 -35" J--1" Trainer, J. J. Keith. Owner, J. T, Ireland. I Feb24-323Hia " g :35 si 7 115 1 44 941 GreenbergS5 Maid 13 FoulTip 115, Mintogee 115, Jesting 115 5 I Jaa20-32Hav i :23 si 10 115 5 2s 24 GreenbSS9 Allw 11 0.Sabathll5,W.Walkerll8,Fly.Girl 115 5 ! . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- 1932 record. .2 .0 1 0 100 r i Cc Col. G F MJ Mac 2 3 P I, fi 6 ?; l ; ; ?; g Ql 31 Ma Mac Fel Fel Fe Feb. Fel Feb. Jai n e Jai ja Jan. Jan. fa Jan. n Ue K 0 Oct Au Aug. Jtt Au Au C Fc Fe Fe Feb. Fe Feh Ja 0 0 M Ja Js Ja Ja Jan. Ja E F J; J; J; S. I 1 I A F -F , I ; J ; J I I 5 I j C O I C I J 9 1 7 . 5 . 7 . 5 5 8 3 1 I I I 5 I 5 ! ch- c-2 M- Potau Nymph Iuke McIuke Lonesome Pine 1 1 R reurnre4fc 1 U Trainer, A. Ayers. Owner, J. O. Keene. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- Train 1 1 Q B. f, 2 M, by Sicyon longtail, by Xong Set. Work- Feb 123 8 -36ft 1 13 Trainer, J. T. Kermath. Owner, D. J. Ely. Feb22-32JHia . g :3b ft 171 119 2 15" 1481 RenickS4 Maid 18 BunD.119,Shavingsll9,RlPurchase 119 Jan9-32JHia :22 ft 72 115 10 10" 13" KummerE" Maid 18 OhBabyll5,Mintwinall5,MsBroom 115 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won 1932 record.. 2 Cloister 1 1 1 CK B. g, 2 M, by Cloister Marie Virginia, by Polroma. JL 1 U Trainer, B. A. Jones. Owner, H. M. "Woolf. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., Golden Planet 11 . c, 2 K. by Mars-Beldore, Golden Broom. " Trainer, J. Hastings. Owner, Mrs. B. D. Hartshorce. Work Mar 1 3 " 8 35ft Feh25-32!Hia g :36hy 146 110 3 12" 12" EabyJ5 250018 HerndollO.Ptponemt 110,FgView 110. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., 1932 record.. 1 Fortnight 11 Ch. cr, 2 M, by Captain Alcock Greta, by St. Bock. Trainer, J. Hammerschmitt. Owner, J. C. Traet. Work Feb 173-8 -36 ft lTrp g :36ft " 116 SCRATCHED. Post P. 19 2500 12 LadySunmll3,DkWarll3,Wderoo 116" FebL25-323Hia g :36 hy 498 110 18 18" 18:s MadeleyF 250018 HerridollO,P,tponemt HO.FgView 110 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. fnd. 3rd. Won.-, . 1932 record. . 1 2nd Tropical Purse 00. 3-Year-Olds and Upward. Claiming. Cay Mile Bird, Jan. 12, 1932 1:11 4 109. NOTE Claiming price, ,500. Non-winners since December 26. 3-year-olds, 107 pounds; older, 117 pounds. Index Post -Best at Distance- Wt. Claim Index Post V-Best atDistance- Wt. Claim No. Pos. Horse. Track.Wt. Time. AgeToday Price No. Pos. Horse. Track.Wt. Time. AgeToday Price 69038 10Meclona . .Hav 104 1:12 4 107.. 1500 8Loyal Com- " 69024 74SDeerfield . .Trp 108 1:12 6 112.. 1500 panion M.. 3 97.. 1500 62463 2 Kingrow 4 117.. 1500 69039 9 Dancing Boy... 68730 3 Chicago GirlA.P 102 1:12 4 112.. 150C Hia 110 1:14 3 107.. 1500 69039 5Orkin ....Trp 106 1:13 4 110X 150t 66485 llLady Legs .Bel 114 l:15m 4 107.. 1500 69023 14 Dunnellen .Trp 108 1:13 5 117.. 150C 69038 12Captains Girl.. 69039 1 Big Spring Trp 114 1:13 5 117X150: Dor 108 1:14 4 107X 1500 69025 4Nardo M ... 3 102.. 150C 69038 13Diodoro ....L.F 113 1:14 5 112X1500 69039 6 Teach Me .Jam 104 l:18sy 3 102X 1500 Best times snown above are from Jan. 1, 1931. Fair mud runner. XGood mud runner. Superior mud runner. Brackets last 1 8 2nd 3rd last allowance. won start; figures or or start; apprentice The past performances of the horses entered in this race, together with latest workout and racing record for this and previous year: Oate Crs. DIs. Time Tr. Odds Wt. St ftStr. Fin. Jockey P.P.Cl.Pce.Sts. Best Company Medona 1 " 07 B. f, 4, by Noah lady Ward, by McGee. Work-Feb. 263-8 -38hy 1 Trainer. J. J. Keith. Owner. J. T. Ireland. l-32JTrp 5 f 1:06 ft 7Jf 104 5 3 45i 5ci LewisM" 150014 Gan Lee 99, Norwalk 99, Mortime 109 FebHia 5i f 1:06 ft 32 108 1 5 6s 69 FowIerG7 2500 7 Mem.DerlOS.P.HrlemlOSjvsingtn 108 Fehl2-324Hav 1 1:12 ft 8-5 109 3 4 7S1 7n GreenbgS 1000 8 Scapegoatll4,BugsLryl09,ImpiAir 115 8-32!Hav 1:12 ft 4 104 1 1 ll 2 MeadeD5 1000 7 BessCloi 104,Col.Bobl07,OurDoctor 107 5-32!Hav 3 1:12 ft 7-5 109 3 2 31 5 MartinR3 1200 8 Maximmll6,Finnth 114,BauAspin 114 Jaa26-325Hav 51:12 ft 2 111 4 1 21 2s MartinR1 1500 8 BessCIoill3,QnTtonl07,Mordawn 108 Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. St.irts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Wnn . 1931 record.. 16 4 2 1 $ 2,375 1932 record. . 8 0 3 0 S 300 Deerfifl 119 B. g. 6, by lantados Beautiful Dream, by The Manager, Work Jan 30 3-8 -39ft -L1-" Trainer, J. J. Maloncy. Owner, J. J. Maloney. Feb29-32JTrp f 1:12" ft 21-10f 108 8 8 11" 11" ReynoldsC4 1500 13 Hieoverl08,MsAvdale97,M.Windsorl08 Jan.l3-323Trp 51.- f 1:05 ft 5 113 3 2 2l 3i MillsH5 1500 8 SnySusan96,GanLeel00,Backsman 118 Jan.ll-32JTrp 5 f 1:05 ft 61 106 4 5 510 6" MontgyR1 1500 7 AryPlmelll,T.Spandlll,Cha.hee 106 8-3217 1 1:27 ft 81 108 4 3 34 781 MontgyR1 1500 9 LdConcordl08.T.Crackrll3.Orkin 106 6-32JTrp 1:12 ft 19 108 2 1 21! . 21 MomyR 1500 10 HIGumbtslOS.BkStocslll.Please 113 l-32sTrp 5 f 1:09 si 33-10 106 i 4 41 7Ti MontgyR4 1500 7 PlayFurslll.CaptsGirl lOl.Mrtimelll DecSO SlTrp 5 f 1:06 ft 33 106 1 1 2" 2k MontgyR1 1500 3 CiackPlay 103, Talky 118, Orkin 118 Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won.- 1931 record. . 11 0 1 0 $ 150 1932 record. . 6 0 1 1 25 KingrOW 117 B. c, 4, by Spanish Brince II. Checkers, by Ogden. Work Mar 2 3-8 38ft Trainer, S. E. Burch. Owner, B. Lorillard. 1-31Aqu 1 1:40 ft 107 SCRATCHED. 1500 11 Verdi 115,Optimus 103,Bird ofPrey 113 4-315Emp 5 f 1:11 ft 10 113 4 3 3J1 1 PichonL" 2500 11 HlenGreenlOS.GIensidellS.Backfire 113 Jun.23-314Aqu bj f 1:20 gd 100 112 8 8 841 871 CollinsB4 2500 11 Oncorall5,BlueDayll2,SqueezePlay 115 Au?19 SOSar 51, f 1:07 ft 4e 114 2 1 21 24 WkmanR8 "2500 18 BlackDovcll4,Finalist 114,Anadnab 114 Augl4 30Sar 5 f 1:08 m .40 114 13 8 T 63 ColtilettiF" Maid 17 MsGracclll,SatinSpnerll4,Harlrm 111, i Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., 1931 record.. 2 1 0 0 $ 700 Chicago Jirl 119 Ch f 4 1,7 Iakin Hegatta, by Pennant. Work- Feb 29 3-4 144ft -l" Trainer, J. F. Patterson. Owner, J. F. Patterson. Febl7-326Hia l l:40ft 19 111 4 2 531 6i BejshakJ 2000 9 Matadi lll,Sir Byron lll,Rocktor 105 Febll.324Hia 1 1:39 ft 18 1101 5 1 431 4U BejshakJ8 2500 6 StrLassiellSi.EssielOe.Kensington 109 5-324Hia U 1:52 ft 71 106 6 5 67 6S1 LeischnR1 2000 9 VaIourII.116,FairAlbert lll.Cabildo 111 3-323Hia U 1:54 ft 5 109 1 1 21 26 BejshakJ1 2000 9 RcdFace 114,FairAlbert 114,Algara 114 Jaa26 32Hia a 1:12 ft 338 112 6 9 8!J 89 BeishakJ10 2500 10 Fervid 108,P.HarlemllO,MriesDearl08 Oct29 31Haw 1and 1:48 ft 22 111 7 5 681 62 CunhamL8 2C00 12 Caterer 105,Inheritor 106,W.Laurel 107. Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won . . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.. 1931 record.. 17 2 2 1 $ 2,775 1932 record. . 5 0 1 0 $ 150 Orlun X 1 1 O Br 4 ty High Cost Janice Boberts, by General Kobert. Work- Feb 28 5-8 l-03ft U-" Trainer. J. A. Hall. Owner, Miss L. Hall. Mac l-323Trp 5- f 1:06 ft 25 10712 9 45 431 OsborncH8 150014 Lawyer 113, JkHowell4,BobBburn 109 Jaol3-323Trp 5 f 1:06 ft 23 118 4 5 47 331 BerryH 1500 10 P.Gaffneyll8,CsCamle 95,B.Springll8 Jan-Trp 5i f 1:05 ft 12 113 3 5 5s 561 MgomyR5 1500 8 PnellBndll8,DVgBoy 106,Mtimo 113 JanllTrp 5flK5ft 49 111 5 6 4!1 4i BerryH4 1500 8 Please lll.Dunellen lll.Mortime 106 8-326Trp 1 1:27 ft 18 106 5 1 2l 31! MillsH9 1500 9 L.Concordl08,T.Crackrll3,Ne.Kay 113 Jan. 6-32Trp 1 1:12 ft 13 106 4 4 43 531 MillsH8 1500 10 H.Gumbsl08,Drfieldl08,B.Stocks 111 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won , 1931 record. .27 3 4 4 $ 2,310 1932 record. . 8 0 0 2 $ 250 Dliniiellcn 117 CIu e 5 1,7 Dunlin Federal Girl, by TJltimus. Work- Feb 27 5-8 l-04sl 11 Trainer, M. Colford. Owner, Mrs. M, Colford. FebSOTrp 31:13 ft llf 108 4 7 76i 73i ReynoldsC8 1500 14 Light Nun 108, Estin 118, Timour 113 Jan.l3-323Trp 5- f 1:05 ft 3 118 2 5 Tl 8sl-CatroneF8 1500 8 SunnySusan96,GanLee 100,Deerfieldll3 Jan.ll-32,Trp 5 f 1K5 ft 95 111 3 4 331 21 CatroneF8 1500 8 Please 111, Mortime 106, Orkin 111 Jan. 9-323Trp 5 f 1:06 ft 140 113 5 7 81 8s HornF1 1500 9 Charliell3,Pat.CalIahan 113,Priory 118 Sepl0 3PSyr 2 1:12 ft 8 113 73 McCoy J 800 7 Hieawayl09,Awflightl05,CgDance 113 Sep 8 31JSyr 3 1:12 ft 8 108 46 AmbroseE 2000 5 Prompterl08,IaQueenl05,H.Sonata 111 . St.-irts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., 1931 record.. 10 1 1 0 $ 380 1932 record. . 4 0 1 0 $ 150 jjjjj Spring X 117 Blk" h 6 ty Sno1 II,"Eesist y Ballot. Work- Feb 28--1-2 -51ft Trainer, J. E. Wessler. Owner, J. E. Wessler. Man l-323Trp 5- f 1:06 ft 27 114 8 7 8s 77 McAuliffoD3 150014 Lawyer 113,JkHowell4,BobBburn 109 Fehl8-32cHia 3 1:13 ft 15 116 6 6 61 661 McAffeD2 25C0 8 Cootsll6.Calg,yKayll4,SunTeatime 100 Fehl2-32Hia 1 1:25 ft 375 114 9 12 129 12T1 McAulfcD11 2500 15 NealonKayll2,BrkDovellO,Westko 110 Feb. 5-32Hia 1 1:52 ft 64 116 5 4 7s 710 MozerR3 2000 9 Va!ourII.116,FairAlbcrt lll.Cabildo 111 Jan.26-327Hia 1 1:52 ft 318 114 6 9 12" 1215 BejshakJ11 2000 15 Martinelh 112,Vacatn 114,Silvery 104 Jan.l3-32:!Trp 5 f 1:06 ft 16 118 7 3 3 441 PhillipsC 1500 10 P.Gaffney 118,CfsCamiIle 95.0rkinll8 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record.. 13 110 $ 1,150 1932 record. . 9 0 1 1 $ 250 Jiardo 109 Br. c, 3 M, by Leonardo II. Asunactrad, by Corcyra. Work- Feb 27 3-8 -36sl Trainer, F. E. Moore. Owner, F. E. Moore. Feb29-323Trp f :59ft" 705 103 9 9 910 891 RenickS1 2500 10 Pan.LopezlOO.FrJack 112,Claremt 109 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., 1932 record.. 1 Teach Me X 1 09 Ch. f, 3, by Pennant Initiate, by "Whisk Broom II. Work- Feb 29 1-2 -50ft Trainer, J. A. Healey. Owner, C. V. Whitney. Man l-323Trp" 5 f 1:06 ftl7-10f 9714 11 lPUO11 ReynoldsC15 150014 Lawyer 113,JkHowell4,BobBburn 109 Feb. 5-32Hia 5 f 1:06 ft 22 115 10 12 1217 1217 WorkmanR8 2500 12 MaeSwpll5,L.OfringllO,S.Tetime 115 SPEmp 5 f 1:08 ft 5 110 7 5 441 41 RobtsnA8 1500 8 Shoot 106. Chile Gold 112, Axcnby 116 DctlS-SlJam 5 f 1:06 ft 10 109 2 6 541 310 RobtsonA3 1000 11 SirJonanll8,OilQueenll5,BnPrce 116 Oct 8-315Jam 1:14 sy 8 104 1 5 6" 730 RoseG 2000 15 T.ThreadsllO,Dceptivel02,G.oGab 104 Oct S-Slqu 1:01 ft 15 102 5 11 98 6 SmithD 1500 19 GpAlongl09,Johnnyl02,KathrnJ. 107 . Starts. l6t. 2nd. 3rd. Won . . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won . 1931 record.. 13 2 12 $ 1,900 1932 record. . 2 Loral Companion Q7 Ch" f 3 Bachelor Bird My Best Girl, by Pagan Pan. Work- Feb 283-8 -38ft Trainer, J. Hizar. Owner, Chappell Bros. JuL20-31,Lat 51; f 1:09 m 115 SCRATCHED. Post P. 15 Maid 12 BeautyBridellS.DizzyllS.WinonaLyllfi! , . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won Dancing Boy 107 " Ch B y oal1 White Slipper, by Galloping Simon. Work- Feb 29 1-2 -51ft - Trainer, L. W. Johnson. Owner. W. L. Johnson. Mac l-323Trp 5 f 1:06 ft 20 104 6 5 5!i 55 FowlerG7 150014 Lawyer 113,JkHowcll4,BobBburn 109 Feh23-323Hia g 1:13 ft 44 112 13 13 109 75 FowlerG4 250014 Zevarll0,FgnPlayl05,LoveOffcring 105 FehlS-SHia 3 1:13 ft 50 110 7 8 74i 731 FowlerG10 2500 13 F.oWhitel08,SnTtimel06,Morden 106 Jan.23-321Hia 3 1:13 gd 44 11611 10 981 81 GielloniJ7 2500 14 L.ofFirell6,Rabblell6,MyPurchasc 115 Jaal2-32Trp 5i f 1:05 ft 10 106 6 4 31 24 HanfordB7 1500 8 PnellBndll8,Mortimell3,Bounder 113 Jan. 9-323Trp 3 1:13 ft 15 108 6 5 541 4 GielloniJ1 1500 8 Preparelll,Nonanal06,BrnSupinet 111 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record. .11 111 $ 1,425 1932 record. . 7 0 1 1 $ 250 Lady LeiJS 1 07 Ch f 4 17 Upset lady McGee, by McGee. Work- Mar 11-2 -52" Trainer. G. H. Strate. Owner. J. L. Johnston. No: 4-3i1Bel 1 1:39 ft 107 SCRATCHED. 4000 8 Recede 107, Rubio 115, Don Pedro 117- Oct31-3rEmp 5f 1:11 hy 6 113 4 2 631 61 LongJ9 3000 11 Gay Pal 111, Beguile 116, Musii.g 113 Octl9-315Emp 53 f 1:11 ft 12 110 2 2 31 431 PriorW7 2800 9 Srgt.Donsn 119,Sims 114,Gay Pal 110 Octl3-316Jam l70 1:45 ft 7 108 1 1 11 23 MalleyT1 2500 8 S.ShadowlOS.AlNcimanllO.Rkhone 102 Octl0-3rjam 3 1:14 si 15 102 1 3 41 591 StudleyW 2500 10 Perkinsl26,SgleStar 121,Knovlton 114 Sep21-313Aqu 6i f 1:20 ft 12 10510 2 2"k 4"! StudleyW10 2500 13 BlkWatchl20,Voilall5,TommyLad 123. . Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won., , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record. .13 0 3 0 $ 1,000 Captains Gill X 1 07 B f by Captain Aleock Lady Bonero, by Tony Bonero. Work: Feb. 11-2... :47ft Trainer, E. Doumani. Owner, H. A. Coulson. Man l-32:Trp 5 f 1:06 ft 71f 112 3 13 13M 13" WelkLu 150014 Gan Lee 99, Nonvalk 99, Mortime 109 Jan.l3-32Trp 5 fl:05 ft 102 116 5 7 T 5" WellsL2 1500 7 Noajoycell8,T.Spaniard 118,GayPal 113 Jan.7-32JTrp 5 f 1:06 ft 46 102 4 4 44 581 ArthurV1 1500 8 Lawyer 111, Mortime 106, GayPal 116 Jan.4-32ITrp 5fl07ft 16f 113 2 3 61 93 WellsL" 1500 11 MaeSwp94,SnySsan99,Rg!Kght 101 Jan. l-322Trp 5 f 1:09 si 49 101 3 2 2 2" MillsH1 1500 7 PlayFuruslll.Mortime lll.GayPal 118 Dec30-3rTrp 5i f 1:06 ft 107 111 3 4 4 53WeIkL 1500 9 CrackPlay 103,DeerfieId 106,Talky 118 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, i 1931 record. .17 2 2 0 $ 995 1932 record.. 5 0 1 0 $ 150 DiodorO X formerly ran 1 1 O B. s, 5, by Golden Guinea De luxe Annie, by Ogden. as J. Spencer - 4--- Trainer, C. A. Bidencope. Owner, J. Marsch. Work: Feb. 21 14.... :25" Man l-322Trp 5 f 1:06, ft 54 114 9 8 1014 10" RichardsH12 150014 Gan- Lee 99, Nonvalk "99, Mortime 109 FebSlHav 15M:44 ft 5 115 7 2 2" 2 ClemonsR4 800 12 PanamallO.Gaineswd 115,H.Ashby 115 Janl2-323J.P I79 1:52 m 71 113 6 9 1029 10" NeelJ2 1000 12 Trangresnl08,EdReesell8,Harass 113 Jan. 6-323J.P 11:50 m. 6 114 7 4 9" 1015 RobleH 1000 12 PPyBird lOl.FngWings 104,DonT. 106 Jan. 2-32M.P 3 1:14 ft ,9 ill 6 7 8,f 84 RobleH8 125012 ShackeUdl07,BceVanl07,P.Clare llOi Decl4-31V.P 2 1:14 si 21 107 9 6 7U 724 LewisM 1500 12 Apolitan llS.HyKuhnslOS.Curtsey 104 Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd! Won.-. . Starts. 1st. 2nd 3rd. Won.- 1931 record. .16 1 6 1 $ 1,900 1932 record.. 5 0 1 0 $ 100 3rd Tropical pUrse 00. 3-Year-Olds and Upward. Claiming. Gay Mile Bird, Jan. 12, 1932 1:11 4109. NOTE Claiming: price, ;500. Non-winners since December 25. 3-yearblds, 107-pounds; older, 117 pounds. Index Post -Best at Distance- Wt. Claim Index Post -Best at Distance- Wt. Claim No. Pos. Horse. Track.Wt. Time. AgeToday Price No. Pos. Horse. Track.Wt. Time. AeeTod ay Price 68839 3. Sun Teatime... ... 60500 2 River Lee. . ; - .,, 3 107.; 1500 ......... Hla 1091:13 .3 102X 1500 67718 4 Sunny StarC.P 107 1:14 5 li7X 1500 69039 14Bob Blackbum 69023 5 Prince Sweep A.C 115 1:13 6 112.. 1500 M Trp 103 1:14 3 107X 1500 69025 9 The Heathen... 52075 601oman River .........Bef 106 1:11 8 117X 1500 M 5 110X1500 68969 11 Morden .. .Hia 106 1:13 3 102X 1500, 68088 8Flying Boy 687302 7 Sir Barley. Bbg 112 1:13 8 117X 1500 M ..Hia 110. 1:16 3 102.. 1500 67859 13Bounder. ..Trp 111 1:13 4 112X 1500 . 69038 10 Chianti ...HdG 113 1:14 6 117X 1500 66528 lCrystal 67746 12 Go Between... Domino.. Pirn 113 1:14 8 110 X 1500. , .. ...Trp 114 1:15 5 117.. 1500 Best times shown above are from Jan. 1, 1931. . Fair mud runner. XGood mud runner. Superior mud runner Brackets . won last start; figures 1 or ". 2nd or 3rd last start; apprentice allowance. The past performances of the horses entered in this race, together wit! latest workout and racing record for this and previous year: Date Crs. Dls. Time Tr. Odds Wt. St. Str. Fin. Jockey P.P.Cl.Pce.Sts. Best Company Son Teatime X 10? Br f 3 b7 Sun Briar TeaPoti y Broomstick. Work Feb 13 1-2 gft -lv7" Trainei, F. M. Bray. Owner, Mrs. N. G. Eisher. Feb.26-32Hia" 11:28 "hy" 3 101 3 3 3s 3" ReynoldsC4 25TO 7 Capt.Ed llO.AyWayne 112,Prepare .110 Feh20-323Hia 3 1:13 ft 6?e 1001 7 7 53 2" RcnickS8 250013 M.ofHonorl09,B.Ftherll4,C.Robin 109 Febl8-326Hia f 1:13 ft 5S 100 1 1 11 34 RenickS1 2500 8 Coots 116,CalgaryKay 114,Prioress 111 FebiS-Hia 3 1:13 ft 19-5 106 2 2 l" 21 CorbettC2 2500 13 F.oWhitel08,Mdenl06,MsAvdale 104 Feb. 9-32cHia 3 1:12 ft 21-5 107 2 2 2 3 CorbettC4 3000 6 Shivall2IW.Advocatell2,D,cobolus 115 Feb. 5-32Hia 5 f 1:06 ft 8-5 115 2 1 li. 3! CorbettC4 2500 12 MaeSwpll5,L.OfringT10.F.oWite 115 Jan29-324Hia 3 1:12" ft 3 109 5 3 3 31 FmnertyR3 3000 5 MyPchasel09,JambIayall5,NwaIk 104 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. 1931 record. .. 9 3 1 2 $ 2,950 1932 record... 7 0 2 5 $ 815 Boh lilaclibnril 11"? C1 e Dy r oha Johnson Miss leoburn, by Vandergrift. Work- Fob 27 1-2 51sl -1- . Trainer, J. Dowell. Owner, Mrs. J. Dowell. Man l-323Trp 5f l:06ft 63 109 3 2 23 3s FergusonJ4 150014 Lawyer 113,JackHowe 114,Orkin 107 Dec21-314Tan sc 1:12 sy 106 7 7 7U 710 FergusonJ4 1800 7 Lagrgel07,LaBoltel06,O.Kickpoo 110 Dec 3-313Tan sc 1:09 gd 112 1 6 7- Ti ArnoIdL4 1800 7 AnteBelIumll4.Lagrangel03,CaliG. 105 Nov30-313Tan sc 1:10 gd 104 3 5 55J 57i FergusonJ 2100 7 LaBelotte 105,A.Belluml09,Bar.Lee 102 Nov.24-313Tan sc 1:09 ft 113910 9:i 851 FergusnJ4 2000 11 T.Dagoll3,MisBaggagel02,Crofton 110 Nov.l6-315Tan 1and 1:49 hy 105 1 3 3J 353 FergusonJ4 2000 7 SethsPride 107,Peter 102,Voltear 111 - Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Von. 1931 record. .29 8 5 2 $ 3,620 1932 record. . 1 0 0 1 $ 50 Hie Hcatlieil X 117 B. h, 8, by Donnacona Buda, by Sweep. Work- Feb 27 5-8 l-05sl T ainer ! Berlstein. Owner, B. B. Stable. FebL29-323Trp :59ft 49-10 115 5 6 64 eiBejshakJ3 3000 10 Pan.Lopezl00,FrJack 112,Claremt 109 Feb. 5-323Hia a 1:11 ft 18-5 113 7 5 10" ll14 WattersE3 2500 11 GcneralA.llO.KnoltonllO.CnPlay 113 Feb l-324Hia 3 1:11 ft 27 113 4 3 4 7si WattersE5 3500 8 SunMemyll3,Bcioccoll3,D.Heart 113 Jaa29-325Hia 1 1:24 ft 5i 113 7 7 7" Tl WattersE4 4000 7 PopGaffnyl00,JazAgell6,FulIDress 107 Jao25-32!Hia g 1:11 ft 5J 114 3 3 31 3J WattersE4 5000 4 Panetnll5,FrhLass U2,CaIfRoper 116 Jaa22-325Hia 1 1:24 ft 37-10 116 112" 34 WattersE8 4000 7 Mer.Queen 106,John F.108, Sunfire 112 Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, . Starts. 1st. 2nd. Hrd. VVnri.W 1931 record. .24 7 8 5 $ 8,950 1932 record. . 7 0 0 3 $ 300 Morden X 109 B. f, 3, by Morvich Golden Lynn, by Golden Maxim. Work- Mar 2- 3-8 -35 ft Trainer, M. J. Murphy. Owner, C. A. Grande. Feb.27-321Hia 5f 1:06 "gdl7-10 106 3 1 Ti 2nt CatroncF5 2500 6 DonRomiro 106,Norwalk 106,Partiesll0 Feh23-323Hia 1:13 ft 6 107 2 2 li 9i CatroneF11 2500 14 ZevarllO,FgnPlayl05,LoveOfferjng 105 Feb.l5-32,Hia 2 1:13 ft 2 106 4 4 54 34 CatroneF11 2500 13 F.oWhitel08,STtimel06,M.AdaIe 104 JuL23-3rEmp 5 f 1:08 ft 3-5 111 1111 2" RoseG2 2500 12 RoyalStonel09,Boocapl06,Dunrode 111 JuL18-31Emp 5i f 1:08 ft 3-4e 109 1 1 l1 2- RoseGT Stks 7 StratIacel09,Morush 109,FlagTrick 111 Jual7-314Aqu 1 :58 m 9-2 112 1 3 54 54 CatroneF1 Stks 12 TopFlightl07,Polonaisel22,Brocado 112 Jun.ll 318BeI 4wc 3 m 8-5 111 1 1 Is l8 RoseGT Maid 17 SomeKnight :i4,Mea 104,Nation 114 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. Stnrts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Wnn.- 1931 record.. 8 12 1 $ 1,700 1932 record. . 3 0 1 1 $ 250 Sir Barley X 117 Ch s by Sir Barton Barley Water, by Fitz Herbert. Work- Feb 27 3-4 l-18ft Trainer, M. Simmons. Owner, O. A. Simmons. Feb29-32JTrp 1 1:12 ft 113 SCRATCHED. Post P. 19 1500 13 Hieoverl08,MsAvdale97,M.Windsorl08 Janl2-322Trp 5 f 1:06 ft 42 118 1 4 44 24 HornF4 1500 7 MissAvdalel02;St.Royal 100,Ignite 113 Jan. 8-32JTrp 5 f 1:05 ft 59 112 2 2 44 44 HornF 1500 6 Priory 112, Please 112, Talky 112 Jan. 6-32JTrp 1:12 ft 134 113 1 2 6 T HornF1 1500 10 H.Gumbsl08,DrfieIdl08,B.Stocks 111 Jan.4-32JTrp 5 f 1:07 ft 35 118 9 5 7s 74 FieldsG3 1500 11 MaeSwp94,SnySsan99,RglKght 101 Jaa l-32Trp 5 f 1:09 si 29 111 5 6 61 54 FieldsG3 1500 7 PlayFurslll.CaptsGirl lOl.Mrtimelll Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won . . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. 1931 record. .21 1 0 1 $ 590 1932 record. . 5 0 1 0 $ .175 Bounder X 119 B. g, 4, by Master Charlie Bella Boberts, by Master Eoiert. Work- Mar 2 1-2 -50ft Trainer, J. P. Mayberry. Owner. Mrs. J. P. Mayberry. Man l-323Trp 5i f 1:06 ft 109 SCRATCHED. Post P. 20 150014 Lawyer 113,JkHovvell4.BobBburn 109 j Janl3-323Trp 5 f 1:05 ft 23 113 7 7 54 55 KingJ3 1500 8 SunnySusan96,GanLee l00,Deerfieldll3 ! Jan.l2-321Trp 5105" 44 113 5 3 43 44 KingJ1 1500 8 PnellBndll8,DcgBoy 106,Mtime 113 J Jaall-321Trp 5 f 1:05 ft 39 111 8 8 64 74 KingJ5 1500 8 Please lll.Dunellen lll.Mortime 106 ! Jan. 7-32Trp 5 f 1:06 ft 54 1085 5 2 31 33 KingJ4 1500 8 MetParker 101,Priorylll,SunMask 116 J Jan. 5-323Trp 1:12 ft 82 111 5 3 34 54 KingJ4 1500 3 L,htNunl02,BarnDcell4,CtleRck 114 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record. .27 3 7 5 $ 2,195 1932 record. . 7 0 0 2 $ 175 Crystal Doillino X 110 B. h, 8, by Flittergoia tady Clara, by Bequittal. Work- Mar 1 1-2 -51ft J-J-V Trainer, W. E. Seamster. Owner, H. T. Archibald. Nov: 3-3i3Pim" 3 1:12 "ft" 35 113 8 8 7U 6" PichonL8 3000 10 Vaciltel05,M.ofHonorl05,GdPrincell6 Oct 7-306Lrl 1and 1:45 ft 2 113 1 1 l1 14 WattersE1 4500 6 C.AmorelOS.C.CollectorllS.Vacatin 108 Oct MOG 3 1:13 ft 8 116 5 9 64 2s WattersE1 4500 9 AlGreen 110,LineRider 114, Vacation 115 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record. . 1 Elver Lee l H7 c y General Xee Dorothy "West, by Wrack. Work- Feb 29 3-4 l-25ft J-v Trainer, 1. G. Mahoney. Owner, X. G. Mahoney. Jua25-3i!Dor 5 f 1:07 ft 7f 113 8 12 114 lO10 CraverL" 1000 12 CarusCIarusll9,Carrotsl07,Marlene 107 Jun. 9-3rC.P 1 1:05 m 9 110 6 7 731 721 CraverL2 1000 7 Argien 115,WhiteBasket 107,TopicA. 112 MajS-SPBel 4vc :53 gd 30 113 21 24 2415 2413 PascumaA3 2500 26 Galapan lll.Landward 106,TheNile 108 MaE25-31St.J i :50 ft 23-10f 118 9 8 84 84 ZcchiniR" 200011 HoweellS.BrdnLightlOg.DkThorn 106 Mat23-3rSt.J :50 ft 11-10 113 8 1 11 l1 PascmaA8 1500 12 Spanfair 108,Greylock 108, Argien 108 Marl8-3rSt.J g :37 ft 17-10 114 2 21 14 PascumaA4 1000 12 EvnBarrll2,Lorta lll.MissAsama 111 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-s 1931 record. .13 .210$ 1,120 Snnny Star X 117 B g S 1,7 Brignt is Hasty Cora, by Hastings, Work- Jan " 22 3-8 :38f t - Trainer, K. Arbiqiie. Owner, Mrs. B. Arbique. Jan. 7-322Trp" 5 f 1:06 ft "204 111 7 7 718 821 SmockF3 1500 8 Lawyer 111, Mortime 106, GayPal 116 Jan. l-323Trp 5 f 1:09 si 59 111 3 2 5 719 PhillipsC4 1500 7 GysChoicelM.M.PrkerlOl.Bnder 109 Dec29-314Trp 5iflK7ft 134 112 2 6 6,s 6M PhillipsC4 1500 6 McTinkle 112, Orkin 116, Meek 109 Dec28-3rTrp 3 1:13 ft 255 110 5 8 82J 8" PhillipsC8 1500 8 CyKayllO.S.Brigdelll.H.Gberts 110 Oct 7-3FL.B 3 1:17 m 20f 106 1 b 6 1010 ClevleyW11 1100 12 FedlResrvelOS.LtNunlOe.Zambar 109 Sepi26-31JKgs 3 1:22 sy 18 111 44 HornF 500 9 Scott 111, Balai dOr 108, Corsican 108 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Stnrts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record. .22 0 2 0 $ 165 1932 record. . 2 Prince Sweep X 107 " Br. g, 3 M, by Sweep On Chattel, by Helmet. Work- Feb 26 5 8 1-lOhy Trainer, i.. W. Johnson. Owner, W. L. Johnson. Febg-STrp 3 1:13 "ft" llf 103 8 10 104 S0! FowlerG8 1500 14 Light Nun 108, Estin 118, Timour 113 Feh20-32,Hia 3 1:13 ft 27 109 4 2 64 84 FowlerG4 2000 12 LkyJackl04,HoeWorkl09,B.Signal 109 Feb. 9-32Hia 3 1:12 ft 397 107 4 5 5 4 59 WilliamsG9 3000 6 Shivall2,W.Advocatell2,S.Teatime 107 Jaall-325Trp 1 1:40 ft 79 105 3 10 101 9" BauerH10 1500 12 Preparell6,FairBillows lll.Spanfair 111 Jan. 7-323Trp 3 1:13 ft 13 110 2 7 6 44 GielloniJ 1500 9 Spanfairl05,CsCamillel06,Eliz.Fox 110 DecSl-SlTrp 5 flK7 ft 49-10 1061 7 4 3 4 23 HanfordB 1500 9 Backfire 118,OnLeavo 107,VoIcry 106 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, . Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won 1931 record. .10 0 3 2 $ 600 1932 record. . 5 0 0 0 $ 25 Oleman River X 1 10 Br" S 5 r Lucky Hour Bending, by Sweep. Work- Mar 1 3-4 1-18t V Trainer, D. E. McDaniel. Owner, Mrs. F. Allen. Aug22-303Sar J 1:29 "ft 50 148 5 8 8" 820 OdHMrDB2 2500 8 GormdlSgjheTler.J.Mrnein. 165 Apn 4-3043ow 31:14gd 7if 115 8 6 6U 5,s WattersE4 2500 14 TrkyColl llS.BeheCashllLlelmpllS 3I:27-30St.J til 1 1:03 ft 20 103 8 6 61 61 WlmerM 12 SrewylW.RdioSTice lOG.EnKute 110 C Mai24-20eSt.J 1" 1:49 si 62 107 6 5 5s 41 "WimerM 9 Wagtail HM.MsScotialOj.CliicagoLadlOS C Mi21-30St.J 3 l:15ft 62 10G 11 8 7f 61 WlmmerM" 12 Satisfy 101, Amir 110, Gotta Gonow 101 C Kul9-30St.J Ei 1 1:11 m 32 103 7 7 5 3i WlmmerM 8 BoalCastal08,Buthiel03,Flre Watch 118 C . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Flying Boy 1 J- 09 Br. g, 3 "CM, by Flying Ebony Beautiful Girl, by MarchY Work: Feb. 29-12., . ;:50ft. V mont-H. Trainer, B. F. Scheffel. Owner, C. Greene. Jatt22-32THia 11:39 ft 50 105 4 6 6n 410LewisM3 2000 6 Spnfairl07,DiscblusllO,MkeSped 110 Jan-lSHia 3 1:12 ft 387 1101 8 12 14" 14" ClellandO7 2500 14 Rabble 110,Fair Billows HO.Slash 105 Jaal4-32Hia 3 1:12 ft 147 110,13 1313" 12J ClellandO9 3000 13 .SongHftll4,Rabblell2,CathineFox 102 Jan, 7-324Trp 3 1:13 It 33-10 116 6 6 81 8,s CleUandO 2000 9 FrBillowsllO.S.Royal 113,SgleKayliq , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1932 record.. 4 Chianti X 117 Ch. g, 6, by High Time Tuscan Bed, by "William Eufus, Work- Feb 28 3-4 l-15ft Trainer, O. Z. Pons. Owner, A. . Wynston, Jr. Man 1-32 5 f 1:06 "ft" 18 107 6 6 64 911 OsborneH1 1500 14 Gan Lee 99, Norwalk 99, Mortime 109 Feb. 8-32Hia 3 1:11 ft 103 114 2 2 74 7" GarnerM3 2500 8 Salisbury HO.Hamilton 112,Traitor 115 Jaal2-323Trp 5i f 1:05 ft 15 110 6 6 58 54 HanfirdB1 1500 7 C.Kayll4,Lawyer lOPatCallahan 107 Ian. 9-322Trp 5 f 1:06 ft 4 108 4 2 2s 41 MontgyR 1500 9 Charliell3,Pat.Callahan 113,Priory 118 Dec31-31!Trp 31:13 ft 12-5 118 111" 64 HanfordB4 1500 8 MrboulOg.HIGmbtslOS.M.Chilla 109 Dec28-31Trp 3 1:13 ft 5 118 4 4 48 44 HanfordB 1500 9 traitor 116, Meek 106, Marabou 113 . Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record. .10 10 1 $ 700 1932 record. . 4 0 0 0 $ 25 Go Between 117 B. g, 5, by WMskaway Shady Nook, by Atheling II. Work- Feb. 28 3-8.-:.. :39ft -L-L 1. Trainer, J . Hill. Owner, Mrs. F. Xeager. Mac 1-32Trp 5 i 106 it 114 SCRATCHED. Post P. 16 150014 Lawyer 113, JkHowell4,BobBburn 10J Jan. 8-322Trp 5 f 1K5 ft 159 112 6 6 6" 619 FowlerT1 1500 6 Priory 112, Please 112, " Talky. UJ Jan. 5-322Trp 3 1:13 ft 289 114 5 3 41 710 FowlerT1 1500 7 MsChillalOS.BigSpringlM.LhtAir lOj May 8-318.Prm ltV2:03 sl 31 108 5 11 11" ll23 SerioJ1 , 1500 11 MryMackl07,Elizthll0,DshPrince. 113 May6-312Pim 1 1:47 ft 26 114 5 9 91 91.4 GloriosoV 1500 12 FairBeth 115,YeryHigh 105,Snooty 103 APE30-3rPim 11:48 ft 34 115 7 9 54 54 SerioJ1 2500 11 ClrSkyl23,RlPanoplyl20,Phtasimel03 Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won., . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- 1931 record.. 4 " 1932 record. .-2 4th Tropical pompano Handicap. Purse ,000. 3-Year-Olds and Up 52 Furlongs ward- Song Hit, Jan. 6, 19321:053111. ; Index Post -Best at Distance- Wt. Claim Index Post -Best at Distance- Wt. Clairj No. Pos. Horse. Track.Wt. Time. AgeToday Price No. Pos. Horse, Track.Wt. Time. AgeToday Pricj 68858 5 PANETIAN .. 4 120X 69040 1 Flag BearerTrp 108 1:06 6 110X . 68858s 2 Don Leon,...". 4 117X 62420 7 Best Man 5 100X . 67966 4 Vacillate ..Hav 123 1:05 5 120X 68750 3 French Lass... 6 112X 69040 6 Pennate ..Bow 114; 1:06 4 100X Best times shown above are from Jan. 1, 1931. - .Fair mud runner. X GoOd mud runner. Superior mud runner. . Brackets . won last start; figures 1 br . 2nd or 3rd last start; apprentice allowance. . The past performances of the horses entered in this r-ace, together with latest world out and racing-record for this and previous year: y Date Crs. Dls. Time Tr. Odds Wt. St. Str. Fin. Jockey P.P.CKEce.Sts. .Best Company ; Panetlan V 1 Of Br. g, 4, by Galetian Pan Maid, by Peter Pan. Work-Feb 28 5-8 1-01t Trainer, W. F. Mulholland. Owner, C. X. Kins. Feb23-323Hia" 31:12ft 1 117 111 1 LeischnR3 Hdcp 4 Don Leon 115, Mabla 107, Marplot 98 Feb.l8-325Hia 3 1:11 ft U-5 117 4 2 21 2i RobtsnA1 Hdcp 4 DonLeonll3,VderPool 126,FrhLassl04 Febl3-324Hia 3 1:11 ft 4-5 115 4 1 H 11 LeischnR1 Hdcp 5 Mabla 107,MyDandyIll,Helianthus 111 Feb.ll-325Hia 3 1:11 ft 11-10 116 5 2 21- 21 LeischnR5 Hdcp 6 Van.Pool 124,DonLeonll5,MyDandyll5 Feb. 4-324Hia 3 1:10 ft 61 111 2 1 Tl Is LeischnR3 Hdcp 4 DonLeonll6,Helianthusll3.BckLog 113 Jaa27-325Hia 31:11 ft 21-10 110 5 2 31 3i LeischnR Hdcp 5 DonLeonll4,Br.Wisdomll7,H .nus 115 Jaa25-325Hia 31:11 ft 1 115 1 2 2" 11 LeischnR1 5000 4FrhLassll2,T.Heathnll4,CfRoper 115 Starts. 1st. ?nd. 3rd. Von.- Starts. 1st. and. 3rd. Won.- 1931 record. . 9 2 3 1 $ 8,750 1932 record 9 5 2 1 ,850 Don Leon V 117 Ch. c, 4, by lee O. Cotner Water WiUow, by Eapid Water. Trainer. B. W. Collins. Owner, R. W. Collins. ! Work- Mar 2 3 8 -35ft Feh23-32sHia 3 1:12 "ft 11-5 115 2 2 21 2" PollardJ1 Hdcp 4 Panetian 117, Mabla 107, Marplot 93 Feb.l8-325Hia 3 1:11 ft .3 113 1 1. I1 11 PolIardJ2 Hdcp 4 Panetianll7,VderPool 126,FrhLass 104 Feb.ll-32Hia 3 .1:11 ft 51 115 3 3 321 31 PollardJV Hdcp 6 Van.Pool 124,Panetianll6IMyDandyll5 Feb..4-324Hia 3 1:10 ft 13-20 116 1 2 24 2 PollardJ1 Hdcp 4 Panetianlll,Helianthusll3,BackLog 113 Jaa30-325Hia 1 1:23 ft 6 124 2 2 2 2l PollardR Stks 9 Eveningl05,LightgBoltl26,Kcsen 120 Jaa27-325Hia 31:11 ft 22-5 114 1 3 11 l1 PollardJ4 Hdcp 5 BrnWisdomll7,Petianll0,Hthus 115 Jao23-325Hia 1 1:36 ft 20 112 5 7 7" 712 RileyG4 Stks 8 Reptancell0,LitBoltll0, Van.Pool 120. . Starts. 1st 2n6V 3rd. Won.- Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record. .24 6 6 4 0,047 1932 record. . 8 2 4 1 ,900 Vacillate X 1 "-.U OC B. m, 5, by Volta Compose, by Honeywood. Work- Mar 2 1-2 -50t Trainer, B. E. Chapman. Owner, H. D. Bonsteel. Janl7-325Hav5i f 1:05 "ft 7-5e l23 2 1 I4 l5 EnsorL5 Stks 7 BurningUpl08,Malolo 126,OutBnd 112 Jan.lO-325Hav 31:13 gd 7-l0e 116 1 1 1 P EnsorL9 Hdcp 9 J.CollinsllS.OtBoundlOS.PaMarn 108 Jan. 8-325Hav 3 1:12 gd 1-2 111 3 1 1 l5 EnsorL9 Allw 7 Bl. DayllO.This.Ann 108,Brooksie 105 Dec29-315Hav 3 1:11 ft 1 112 1 1 1 2s McLarenJ8 Allw 6 JkCollinsl.OutBound 112,JohnF. 112 Ded9-31sHav 5 f 1K5 ft 8-5 110 2 2 21 22 RallsC3 Hdcp 5 Malolo 120lFlagBearerll4,SunMsionll8 Novl-313Bow 5i f 1:05 ft 10 100 5 3 41 4s PriorW4 Hdcp 7Balko 131,TheBeasel 119,FollowOn 103 Novl7-314Bow 31-12 ft 1 109 3 1 2 31! LewisM1 5000 7 Pennate 116, Solace 117, Wacket. 112 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record. .29 9.6 7 $ 8.570 1932 record. . 3 3 0 0 $ 3,930 Pennate X 1 00 B. g, 4, by Pennants Pageant, by Delhi. Work Feb 27 3-4 k i-19sl Trainer, J. A. Healey. Owner, C. V. Whitney. Mac l-324Trp 5 f 1:06 "ft 41 110 3 3 31 41 RobtsonA 5000 6 JazAgell8,Chatford lOO.DbleHeart 110 Febl5-325Hia 3 1:11 ft 23-5 117 5 4 44 25 WkmanR1 5000 7 DleHeartl05,MissTulsal04,Bkmock 98 Jan.26-324Hia g 1:24 ft 3-4 111 4 4 31 31 RobtsonA9 Allw 7 Pr.TokalonllO,GayBird lll.Chatfd 113 Janl8-323Hia 3 1:11 ft 11-10 110 4 2 24 23 RobtsonA 5000 4 Uluniu 112,The Heathen 109i,Peto. 112 Nov54-313Bow 3 1:11 ft 33-10 114 3 3 2 2s WkmanR1 6000 6 Avalon 114, Solace 116, St. Prisca 108 Nnd7-314Bow 31:12 ft 11-5 116 4 2 l1 11 WkmanR2 5000 7 Solace 117,Vacillate 109, Wacket 113 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won , 1931 record. .15 4 2 2 $ 4,045 1932 record. .4 0 2 1 $ 745 Flag Bearer X 110 h y rorta Brapeau Scepter and Staff, by Colin. Work- Feb 2f3 5-8 1-01t J-v Trainer, E. McCuan. Owner, E. HcCuan. Man l-32Trp" 5 f 1:06 "ft 9le 118 1 1 l" 5lFronkW1 5000 6 JazAgell8,Chatford lOO.DbleHeart 110 Decl9-315Hav 5 f 1:05 ft 4 114 1 1 34 3" CramerR1 Hdcp 5 Malolo 120,VaciIlatellO,SunMission 118 Oct31-314Haw 31:14 si 21-5 110 1 1 Is l3lDickeyA4 Hdcp 5 DIeHeartl07,CalPrince95,Tannery 114 Oct29-314Haw 3 1:12 ft 25 110 2 1 1 S" DickeyA4 Allw 6 CalfRoperll2,Ironsides 103,HotShot 108 Oct24-314Haw 31:15 si 11 112 2 1 31 3 DickeyA4 Allw 5 MyDandy 114,CalfRoper 112,Abdel 108 Octl5-315Haw 3 1:18 hy 51 114 1 2 614 620 LewisM5 Hdcp 6 CalfRoper 107,MyDandy 118,UIuniu 110 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, W31 record. .24 6 1 5 $ 6,020 1932 record. . 1 Best Man X 100 Blk if 5 17 Ma Hatter Bridesmaid, by Chicle. Work- Mar 1 1-2 -48t J-VV Trainer, B. A. Jones. Owner, H. M. Woolf. Aug 3-3i4Haw" 3 l:12ft 61 114 8 10 9i 918 AllenCE3 Stks 10 K.Comderll2,Sildalell9,B.Wisdm 113 JuLl5-314A.P 31:13gd 8-5 105 1 1 14 TlMoranW9 Allw 6 NoMorel05,S.Memoryl05,St.Prisca 100 JuL 7-31A.P 1 1:36 ft 2g-10 101 2 1 11 21 MoranW1 Hdcp 5 Morsel 105, Sun Beau 124, Sunvir 107 JuLl-314A.P 3 1:10 ft 27-10 110 3 1 14 21 AllenCE1 Allw 7 Neverfadel05,KarlEitel 108,PsPridel08 Jua20-312Was 3 1:11 ft 14-5 11210 2 1 14 AllenCE" 6000 12 Cheers 112, Fiddler 112, Ellice 107 Jual3-312Was 3 1:13 si 2 115 6 5 44 351 AllenCE4 6000 8 Uluniull2,GoIdStepll5. llackComet 103 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- ig31 record. .12 4 4 2 $ 5,466 French Lass X 11? B. m, 6, by Baigneur Norther, by Wormleighton. Work- Feb 27 3-4 l-19ft Trainer, N. J, McClure. Owner, N. J. McClure. Febl8-32sHia 3 1:11 ft 12 104 2 4 4 44i FowlerG3 Hdcp 4 DonLeonll3,Panetianll7,VderPool 126 Feb. 2-325Hia 3 1:11 ft 14 103 1 2 21 31 FowlerG Allw 6 B,nWisdml20,VrPoI HS.J.Schilg 115 Jaa25-325Hia 3 1:11 ft 7-5 112 2 1 1" 21 RileyG2 5000 4 Panetnll5,T.Heathnll4,CalfRoper 11 Janl5-323Hia 3 1:11 ft 13-20 106 1 2 1 l1 RileyG4 Allw 6 RlRuffinl06,LulIabyH.101,Raccoon 12J Oct23-314Lat 31:12 ft 1-4 115 1111 l1 RileyG4 Allw 5 Lerosll6,Agincourtll5,MnksFirst 103 Oct21-313Lat 3 1:11 ft 2 111 1 1 1 l4 RileyG8 4500 6 GoIdSteP115,L.Fingers 104,Gi:sGift 111 Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won. . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record. .26 11 6 4 1,280 1932 record. . 4 111 $ 1,420 5th Tropical Purse 0o. 4-Year-Olds and Upward. Claiming. 1 Mile Uluniu, Feb. 29, 1932 1:38356110. NOTE Claiming price, ,500. Weight, 116 pounds. Non-winners of two races since January 13 allowed 4 pounds; one race, 7 pounds. Index Post r-Best at Distance Wt. Claim Index Post -Best at Distance Wt. Claim No. Pos. Horse. Track.Wt. Time. AgeToday Price No. Pos. Horse. Track.Wt. Time. AgeToday Hrice 69027 5 Brooksie ..Hia 107 1:39 5 107X 1500 68829 3 Red Face 6 112.. 1500 68793 6Plutarch ..Hia 111 1:39 4 107.. 1500 , 69023 1 Play Furious.. 68860 4 Torealong ..Hia 115 1:38 5 116X 1500 Bbg 97 1:40 4 109X 1500 68703 2 Scarlet Brigade 69024 8 Strong Tackle.. ..Hia 112 1:39 6 112X 1500 Rkm 117 1:45 6 109X 1500 68793 7Cirvenna ..Hia 110 1:40 8 99X 1500 67820 9 Classy .... Trp 107 1:43 6 109X 1500 Best times shown above are from Jan. 1, 1931. Fair mud runner. Good mud runner. Superior mud runner. Brackets , won last start: figures or 2nd or 3rd last start; apprentice allowance. The past performances of the horses entered in this race, together with latest work- out and racing record for this and previous year: Bate Crs. Dls. Time Tr.. Odds Wt. St, Str. Fin. Jockey P.P.Cl.Pce.Sts. Best Company Brooksie X 1 07 Br m 6 "5y rac!t Mollle Kean, by Bobble Kean. Work--Jan 6 5-8 1-llBcl --Ul Trainer, E. McCuan. Owner, E. McCuan. Feb29-325Trp i 1:26" "ft 12 101 3 2 68i 8ts LewisM"5 2000 8 CaryKayl06,BtlgOnll2,BbsPlay 106 Feix25-324Hia 1 1:42 hy 11-10 99 1 1 Is 14 ReynoldsC1 2000 6 C.Robinl04,T.Prince 104,JuneMoon 104 FeblSHia 14 1:53 ft 31-10 108 1 1 31 32iMgomyR 2000 9 P.Rockl05,BvayLightsl08,I.Czar 100 Febl6-323Hia 1 1:25 ft 61 102 3 4 44 32 SmithD" 250012 EHicel07,Kensingtonl08,MesDear 107 Febll-323Hia i 155 ft 4 105 1 1 1 2i MontgyR8 2500 8 Polygamsll5,E.Faithful 106,J.Moonll0 Feb. 9-324Hia 1 1:25 ft 43-10 103 6 6 5 54 StudleyW 2500 8 P.HarlemlOS.MsDearlOS.H.Gberts HQ . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., . Stnrts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- 1931 record. .45 10 14 8 8,695 1932 record. .11 1 1 4 $ 1,355 I Plutarch 1 07 B" 17 DurIar H. Minnow, by Minora. Work: Feb 253-4 1:26m Trainer W. E. Jones. Owner, J. Heelan. Feb27-32Hia 1 1:37 ft 106 SCRATCHED. Post P. 1 2000 7 PoIygamsll3,So.Freel08;Knowlton 111 Feh20-326Hia 1 1:38 ft 24 104 8 7 7" 7" TurnerC7 2000 8 WarSntl04,NlonKayl04,Star.Light 116 FebI7-321Hia 1 1:39 ft 35 111 6 1 1 l1 TurnerC4 200011 BnkrSamlOS.MorcoLW.CrsdStonolll FcblO-32Hia li 1:52 ft 112 114 2 4 61 7" ClellandO 2000 11 Partisan 110,Brushl04,LionHearted 114 Feb. 3-328Hia 14 1:53 ft 22 118 7 6 571 5i ClellandO" 2000 8 Silvery UO.PrinceToy 109,Partisan 114 Jao30-327Hia li 2:05 ft 26 103 5 6 4ei 4 ArthurV 2500 7 Tancred llO.Outpost 105,StarLassie 105 Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won. . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record.. 15 12 0 $ 1,300 1932 record. . 7 1 0 0 $ 750 TorealOIlg X 1 1 B E B ly Torelore Slip Alone, by Hurry Along. Work- Feb 11 5-8 l-03ft J-J-V Trainer, J. Wilson. Owner. O. Preeee. Feb29-325Trp f 1:26" ft" 114 SCRATCHED. Post P. 9 2000 8 CaryKayl06,BtrgOnll2,BbsPlay 106 Feb23-327Hia li 1:54 sy 8 116 4 5 5" 5s ElstonH5 2000 5 Partisan lll.WarSaint lll.Griffin 111 Feb20-32Hia 1 1:39 ft 5i 111 5 6 4s 34 ElstonH4 2000 7 Fetish lll.Tack 106,Lord Concord 104 Febl2-327Hia li 2:06 ft 6 113 9 7 44 4s ElstonH8 2000 9 StardLightl09,FairBilI 108,SanPto 111 1 Feb. 4-32Ifia U 1:51 ft 2 118 6 6 6s 41 ElstonH1 2000 7 Tancred 116,LionHearted 114,Tack 111 Jan.30-32Hia li 2:06 ft 17-10 113 5 6 46i 4 MalleyT 2500 8 Sho.DownllO,L.Heartdl08,Drugst 108 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. .. Stnrts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Wnn.- 1931 record.. 20 0 5 1 $ 1,100 1932 record. .10 2 0 2 ,010 Scarlet Brigade X IT4? 3, 6 l3y Iglt Brteade Crimson Rambler, by Pebbles. Work- Mar 1 lm l-43ft --" Trainer, L. C. Veatch. Owner, E. B. McAtee. Feb.23-32Hia li l:54"sy 111 SCRATCHED. Post P. 7 2000 5 Partisan lll.WarSaint lll.Griffin 111 Febl6-327Hia li 1:53 ft 27 10910 9 9" 9" SmithD1 2000 12 Griffin 109, Tack 109, Tancred 114 Febl2-32Hia li 2:06 ft 51 108 1 5 541 5T SmithD1 2000 9 StardLightl09,FairBill 108,SanPto 111 Feb 9-32lHia li 1:53 ft 33-10 111 7 5 21 1 SmithD8 2000 7 Worklesslll,Moroccoll6,PtyPenny 111 Feb. 4-32Hia 1 and 1:51 ft 40 113 4 5 46i 581 SmithD 2000 7 Tancred 116,LionHearted 114,Tack 111 Feb l-32Hia 1 1:24 ft 42 119 8 6 5U 59 ClellandO 2500 8 Tbereaull6,ClnPlay 121,CkRobin 114 Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record. .39 4 7 3 $ 4,455 1932 record. . 9 2 10 ,650 Cirveillia X QQ B. m, 8, by Colonel Vennie Ciruella, by McGet. Work- Mar 2 3-8 -37ft Trainer, T. P. Mills. Owner. T. P. Mills. Feh20-32Hia 1 l:38f t 52 97 5 8 8J0 819 MillsH8 2000 8 WarSntl04,NIonKayl04,Star.Light 116 Feb 8-32Hia li 1:52 ft 122 103 6 6 5" 514 MontgyR 2000 9 StbdLitllO,Partisanl08,NTnKay 111 Feb 6-32Hia 1 1:39 ft 84 107 9 9 9" 9!1 LongJ 2000 9 MySisl09,PyPnnyl09,H.Gmberts 109 Feb.3-32lHia 1 1:38 ft 65 103 11 11 11" 918 MillsH5 2500 14 Glenside 117,Braggadocio llO.Batty 107 Jan.26-327Hia li 1:52 ft 67 108 5 11 11" 11" MillsH4 2000 15 Martinelli 112,Vacatn 114,Silvery 104 Jaa25-32Hia 1 1:39 ft 19 110 2 2 2 24 MillsH 2000 9 ElbcthFoxl00,PyPennyll3,Desrve 110 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Wnn.- . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.. 1931 record. . 8 1 0 2 $ 700 1932 record. . 7 0 1 0 $ 150 Red Face 1 1 O Ch B 6, by Ballot Frances Star, by Star Shoot. Work- Feb 28 lm l-41ft Trainer, J. Spencer. Owner, J. Spencer. Feh22-325Hia li 1:53 ft 73 109 9 8 814 816 TurnerC9 2000 9 PcessZeldal04,Silvryl04,L.Herted 104 Febl7-327Hia 1 1:52 ft 111 108 6 7 7" 7" TurnerC1 2000 9 Partisanl08,StardLightlll,FairBill 108 Feb 3-323Hia li 1:54 ft 23-10 114 6 2 l1 l6 StevensF5 2000 9 ChagoGirl 109,FrAlbertll4,AIgara 114 Jan26-32Hia li 1:52 ft 7i 11412 6 7s 791 StevensF1 2000 15 Martinelli 112, Vacatn 114,Silvery 104 W0-324Hia li 1:53 m 5 114 6 3 3!1 38 StevensF1 2000 8 SunMask 111, Silvery 113, BigBo 107 Jan.l6-32Hia li 1:52 ft 155 114 2 4 41 59 StevensF8 2000 9 Griffin 114, Typhoon 113, Outpost 114 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won 1931 record. . 4 0 1 0 $ 150 1932 record. . 6 1 0 1 $ 850 Play FnriOHS X 1 O Q B. c, 4, by My Play Fury, by Hourless. Work- Feb 21 5-8 l:01ft Trainer, M. J. Murphy. Owner, J. Hoffstetter. Febg-SiTrp 3 1:13 "ft 32 118 14 8 82 631 SnidcrA1 1500 14 Light Nun 108, Estin 118, Timour 113 Feh25-324Hia 11:42 hy 16 112 3 5 518 6" SniderA8 2000 6 Brooksie99,CockRobin 104,T.Prince 104 Feb22-32Hia li 1:53 ft 40 109 3 5 5" 513 LongP 2000 6 FtDbornl09,Bafabol09,NlonKay 106 Febl6-327Hia li 1:53 ft 272 112 12 8 79 68 SniderA" 2000 12 Griffin 109, Tack 109, Tancred 114 FeblO-324Hia 1 1:24 ft 463 114 10 9 9" 9" RenickS10 2500 11 Glenside 118, Please 116, Knowlton 118 Jan29-327Hia li 1:52 ft 73 112 4 7 71 713 SniderA1 2000 7 Coady 118, Batty 110. Typhoon 118 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record. .20 0 1 2 $ 375 1932 record. .10 1 0 0 $ 750 Strong" Tacltle X 1 HQ B. g, 6, by Headstrong Anna M., by light Brigade. Work- Feb 28 3-8 -35ft J- U 7 Trainer, X. Bennett. Owner, Mrs. L. Bennett. Feb29-32Trp 31:12 "ft 169 113 711 911 891 SniderA8 1500 13 Hieoverl08,MsAvdale97,M.Windsorl08 Oct27-316Lrl 1and 1:47 ft 74 110 7 8 818 715 CritchfdC4 2500 8 Baritone 112,Swatter 110, Fairdale 110 Octl6-317LrI li 1:55 si 442 11511 3 2 34i CritchfdC 1500 12 Glennoll5,B.Shannonll5,Rckslide 115 Oct8-317Lrl 11:47 121 113 9 9 81 810 CitchfieldC7 2000 10 SzePlayll3,TeveIdal07 "s.SpySnub 110 Oct 5-31Lrl li 1:54 ft 37e 113 1 6 9n 9 RemilrdP1 1500 12 MyMack 110,Vimontll8,WdgGoId 108 Sepl2-317Whe 1 1:50 ft 1 115 T PregunJ 500 8 FlygFtomll4,KgsX.105,FairMent 103 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.. 1931 record. .30 4 3 4 $ 1,770 1932 record .. 1 ClaSSy X 1 OQ B" e 6 ty Tlle Porter Beclasse, by Hapsburg. Work- Jan 29 5-8 1-06" --" Trainer, N. J. McClure. Owner, N. J. McClure. Janll-328Trp" 1 l:40"ft 189 107 8 7 7" 81J BauerH2 1500 9 Maraboull2,GsChoice 117,Jmie L.104 Jan. 7-322Trp 5 i 1:06 ft 204 111 8 8 8" 718 WliamsG1 1500 8 Lawyer 111, Mortime 106, GayPal 116 Jan. 5-32 5 f 1:06 ft 220 113 7 7 713 7" WliamsG4 1500 7 DmsterllS.P.CalhanllS.TnKniht 108 Octl7-313F.P l70 1:44 ft 65 111 5 6 818 9" WilliamsG4 1500 10 Shonna 108, Vanquish lll.Corbeau 113 Octl4-313F.P lfs 1:54 hy 25 111 4 6 8,s 820 WilliamsG7 1000 8 JuniorC. 113,StageStruck 115,AtIas 112 Oct 8-3PF.P 1 1:44 hy 25 110 10 10 841 8" GianelloniJ8 1000 11 Preferredl05,SiRelief 115,AngeIena 102 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record.. 23 2 4 0 $ 1,850 1932 record. . 3 6th Tropical Purse 00 4Year-OIds and Upward. Claiming. 1 Mile Uluniu, Feb. 29, 1932 1 :3835 6 110. NOTE Claiming price, ,500. Weight, 116 pounds. Non-winners of two races since January 13 allowed 4 pounds; one race, 7 pounds. Index Post -BestatDistance- Wt. Claim Index Post r-Best at Distance-. Wt. Claim No. Pos. Horse. Track.Wt. Time. AgeToday Price No. Pos. Horse. Track.Wt. Time. AgeToday Price 690273 5Bobs Play Hia 109 1:38 4 107. . 1500 68857 4Oaten F.P 105 1:40 4 107X 1500 68737 7Fairyman ..D.P 115 1:38 8 107X 1500 69028 6Lord Concord. . 68789s PTack Trp 104 1:39 4 107X 1500 Hia 105 1:39 5 104.. 1500 69071 2 Essie Hia 106 1:39 6 107X 1500 68975 8 Black Feather.. 68731 3 San Presto L.F 110 1:38 4 112X 1500 Hia 107 1:40 4 112X 1500 Best times shown above are from Jan. 1, 1931. Fair mud runner. XGood mud runner. Superior mud runner. Brackets , won last start; figures or . 2nd or 3rd last start; apprentice allowance. The past performances of the horses entered in this race, together with latest workout and racing record for this and previous year: Date Cm. Dis. Time Tr. Odds Wt. St. Str. Fin. Jockey P.P.Cl.Pce.Sts. Best Company BoljS Play 1 07 Ch B 4 ty My rlay BoW,y by High Time. Work- Feb 27 3-8 -37sl 1" Trainer, W. E. Caskey, Jr. Owner. W. E. Hupp. Feb29-325Trp g 1:26 "ft 16-5 106 4 1 31 32i MillsH4 2000 8 CaryKayl06,BtrgXnll2,PssZe!da 109 FebI7-323Hia 1 1:38 ft 8 112 5 6 58i 49i SmithV8 2500 9 Hamtonl09,CnPlayll4,TeaCracker 109 Feb 3-327Hia 1 1:38 ft 5-2 117 10 6 710 7" RobtsonA8 2500 14 Glenside 117,Braggadocio llO.Batty 107 Feb. l-327Hia g 1:25 ft 49-10 119 4 3 31 3" RobtsonA7 2500 7 Hamilton 116,Please 121,SanPresto 114 Jan.28-323Hia 1 1:38 ft 3-2 109 3 2 l1 l" RobtsonA1 2000 8 Athol 111, Tantalizing 109, Muff 104 Jaa25-323Hia 1 1:11 ft 28 112 8 5 37 32i RobtsonA 2500 10 Tomboreull6,Glensidell6,S.Presto 111 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, . Starts. 1st 2nd. Krd. Won.. 1931 record. .15 3 12 $ 2,863 1932 record.. 7 10 3 ,000 Falrjman X 1 07 B. g, 8, by Jackdaw Fairy house, by Glasgerion, Work- Feb 71-4 . . . -25ft Trainer. J. J. Keith. Owner, J. J. Keith. Febl7-326Hav 1 l:45ft 2 109 1 1 2" 2 MarshW2 1000 7 ChfsWarriorl09,Pan 109,RolRock 107 FeblO-324Hav f 1:13 ft 3 114 4 3 3i 2i ElhvorthJ3 800 10 Translcentl07,MyIdeal 106,Infinitusll4 Feh 7-324Hav 1:12 ft 4 118 5 4 421 42lFischerR5 1200 8 Inarage 107,LibertyAce 116,JoanK. 108 Feb. 3-324Hav g 1:12 ft 6-5 113 4 12" 2 MartinR1 1000 7 CoI.Bob 113,BessCloi lll.JeffONeil 113 Jan31-324Hav 1 1:12 ft 3 113 4 3 1 1 MartinR 1000 8 Infinitus 113, Film 118, Nelson 113 Jan28-328Hav g t 4 114 5 5 31 34 FischerR1 800 7 Valley 109,Scatter 114, Conscience 111 Jaa23-324Hav 1 1:12 ft 4 115 6 5 54 44 FischerR4 1200 8 Film 112,Gunfire U3,NetiePebbles 108 Janl6-324Hav 1A 1:47 ft 2i 110 1111 2" MartinR 1000 8 Dea 104,BrickKiln 109,HonestJohn 112 Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, . . Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record. .29 8 .7 6 $ 5,790 1932 record. . 8 14 1 ,125 Tack X 1 07 s Bennant Bridlewise, by Tracery. Work: Feb. 265-8 l:08hy Trainer, F. H. Carpenter. Owner, F. H. Carpenter. Feb20-322Hia 1 1:39 ft 13-5 106 2 2 21! 2Ji MontgyR5 2000 7 Fetishlll,Torealonglll,LdConcord 104 Febl6-327Hia 14 1:53 ft 15 109 2 2 2i 2i MontgyR8 2000 12 Griffin 109, Tancred 114, Fetish 114 Feb. 4-327Hia 1 1:51 ft 9 111 1 2 33i 3J MontgyR 2000 7 Tancredll6,L.Heartedll4,Torearng 118 Feb. 2-326Hia 1 1:52 ft 25 110 2 1 1" 43J MontgyR8 2000 10 BatgOnll4,StarbdLightll2,Griffin 117 Jan27-327Hia 1 1:52 ft 10 111 4 5 5i 531 MontgyR15 2000 15 Torealong 118,Outburst 106,Griffin 118 Jan21-328Hia l 1:52 ft 14-5 105 111 ll MontgyR4 2000 10 Typhoonlll,BenBIairl08,T.Cracker 106 Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, . . Stnrts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record. .28 6 7 2 $ 5,225 1932 record. .10 1 4 2 $ 1,540 Essie X 1 07 Br. m, 6, by Westy Hogan Pleasure, by Manager Waite, Work: Feb. 263-4 l:19hy Trainer, E. McCuan. Owner, E. McCuan. See chart of yesterdays fifth race. Feb27-327Hia 1 1:38 ft 103 SCRATCHED. Post P. 4 2000 9 S.Shadowl08,Bosafabolll,NonKay 108 Febl3-327Hia 1 1:39 ft 33-10- 104 8 9 910 9" MontgyR8 2000 14 FtDerbnlOPyPnylOl.SirByrn 103 Febll-324Hia 1 1:39 ft 5 106 2 4 3 4 23 MillsH5 2500 6 SrLassiell5,Kensgtonl09,C.Girl 11Q5 Jan24-324Hav 5i f 1:05 ft 6 110 5 8 8s?. 81 McCrossenC31750 8 Lanier 114, Justina 109, Scatter 111 Jan21-327Hav 1M 1:42 gd 8-5 113 1 2 lok 1" EnsorL1 1200 6 iMysToyl08,JhnMill 108,CpParole 111 Jaal2-325Hav g 1:12 t 6-5 115 3 2 2 1" EnsorL 1200 8 JosephineD.112,M.Beamsl09,M.Toy 115 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, . Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. W.m.- 1931 record. .29 3 1 7 $ 2,590 1932 record. . 6 2 10 ,425 San Presto X 119 Br. g, 4, by Santorb Hey Presto, by Hainault. Work: Jan. 313-8. :34 L1--t Trainer, F. F. Brant, Owner. F. F. Brant, Febl7-327Hia 1 1:52 ft 4i 106 7 3 33 43J MontgyR9 2000 9 Partisanl08,StardLightlll,FairBill 108 Febl2-327Hia 1 2:06 ft 7 111 2 1 1" 3" HanfordB3 2000 9 StardLightl09,FairBilI 108,Torearg 113 Feb. 5-327Hia 1 1:52 ft 27-10 114 4 2 2" 14 HanfordB8 2000 8 Brush 106,MikeCarey 111 Oaten 114 Feb 1-32Hia g 1:25 ft 16 114 6 4 44 48 ClellandO4 2500 7 Hamilton 116,Please 121, BobsPlay 119 Jan26-327Hia 1 1:52 ft 31-10 112 8 2 23 543 HanfordB1 2000 15 Martinelli 112,Vacatn 114,Silvery 104 Jaa25-323Hia $ 1:11 ft 98 111 10 8 719 4" HanfordB 2500 10 Tomberull6,Glensidell6,BobsPlay 112 . Starts. 1st 2rd. 3rd. Won.-, . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record. .43 7 8 5 $ 8,527 1932 record. . 7 1 0 2 $ 900 Oaten X 107 Ch. 4, by Bock Heather or Krewer Miss Cook, by Eyebrow Work- Feb 22 3-8 -38t J-VM Trainer. W. C. Reichert. Owner, "W. C. and E. W. Eeichert. Fcb23-324Hia lfl:54"ft 13-5 113 2 5 34 1 PrainA4 2000 8 Stellanoval09,GlHost 114,BillSam 103 Fehl7-327Hia 1 1:52 ft 36 109 1 6 610 610 AHenCE 2000 9 Partisanl08,StardLii!htlll,FairBiIl 108 Febll-327Hia l 1:52 ft 8i 110 4 4 34 34 AHenCE4 2000 10 Skrip 109, Mr.Dick 106, Montanaro 116 Feb. 8-327Hia 1 1:53 ft 51 108 6 4 34 24 TurkC5 2000 9 Negopolilll.DsShiplll.Haramzada 108 Feb. 5-327Hia l 1:52 ft 30 114 5 7 57 4 TurkC7 2000 8 SanPrestoll4,Brush 106,MikcCarey 111 Jan30-323Hia l 2:06 ft 106 108 3 8 64 64 TurkC1 2500 8 Sho.DovvnllO,L.Heartdi08,Drugst 108 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., . Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record. .37 9 2 5 $ 4 280 1932 record.. 9 112 ,100 Lord CoilCOrd 1 fA Ch S 6 Rock Heather May Maulsby, by Stalwart. 1 Work-Feb 8 3-8 -36" J-U4t Trainer, A. Harned. Owner, A. Harned. Feb29-328Trp 1 1:46 "ft 6 11110 8 71 49 LewisM10 1500 13 SirByronl06,Ttalizg lll,Tig.Price 111 Feb27-327Hia 1 1:38 ft 53 105 1111 55 LewisM1 2000 9 S.Shadowl08,Bosafabolll,NonKay 108 Feb20-32Hia 1 1:39 ft 28 104 3 4 34 44 MillsH 2000 7 Fetish 111, Tack 106, Torealong 111 Fehl7-32Hia 1 1:39 ft 8 114 4 3 911 9" MillsH1 200011 Plutarchlll,BankerSaml03,Morocco 119 Janll 324Trp 3 1:12 ft 21 109 5 7 79 73 MontgyR1 1500 7 ChatVrl08,TanVgll4,HIGmbrts 109 Jan. 8-328Trp g 1:27 ft 3 108 3 2 l1 11 ArthurV 1500 9 T. Crackerll3,Orkinl06,NealonKay 113 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- . Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won., 1931 record. .13 1 2 1 $ 815 1932 record. . 8 1 0 0 $ 800 Black Feather X 119 B. g, 4, by Black Servant Pin Feather, by Dalhousie. 1 Work- Mar 2 3-8 -37t J-i Trainer, C. Cafarelli. Owner, H. Kennedy. Feb27-327Hia 1 1:38 ft" 11 111 8 6 84 8" DeCamsE9 2000 9 S.Shadowl08,Bosafabolll,NonKay 108 Feb24-327Hia U 1:55 m 5 112 3 1 1" l" DeCamsE 2000 9 BoundingDcepll2,IronCzar 98,Bozo 112 Feb20-32Hia i 1:13 ft 14 114 9 6 4 31 DeCamsE8 250013 M.ofHonorlOg.S.TtimelOOi.C.Rbin 109 Febl9-32,Hia 1 1:13 ft 78 111 9 8 91 89 DeCamsE9 2500 9 Ellice 113, Common 96, The Gen 111 Febl7-323Hia 1 1-38 ft 75 107 4 5 4 4 5" DeCamsE7 2500 9 Hamtonl09,CnPIayll4,TeaCracker 109 Febl3-327Hia 1 1:39 ft 32 107 4 3 44 59 DeCamsE11 2000 14 FtDerbnl07,PyPnyl01,SirByr,n 103 Febl2-32IHia g 1:25 ft 111 110 11 13 15" 15" DeCamsE14 2500 15 NeaIonKayll2,BrkDovellO.Westko 110 Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Wnn.- . Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record. .17 1 0 1 00 1932 record. .11 1 0 1 $ 850 7th Tropical Purse 00. 4-Year-Olds and Upward. Claiming. Pretty lYs Miles Penny, Jan. 13, 19321:511 103. NOTE Claiming price, ,500. Non-winners since January 13. Weight, 116 pounds Non-winners since December 25 allowed 5 pounds. Index Post -Best at Distance- Wt. Claim Index Post -Best at Distance Wt. ClainS No. Pos. Horse. Track.Wt. Time. AseToday Price No. Pos. Horse. Track.Wt. Time. AgeToday Prica 68888 9Bozo Bbg 111 1:52 6 111X 1500 69028 3Morocco ..L.F 110 1:54 7 111X 1500 69029 6 Vermiculite A.P 107 1:52 5 106.. 1500 69043 2 Druggist ...Hia 111 1:54 5 111X1500 68945 5Angry LassJam 113 1:55 5 99.. 1500 69028 7Stellanova .Hia 109 1:53 4 106.. 1500 69029 4Workless ..Hia 116 1:53 5 111X 1500 68971 8Our Pal.... A.P 106 1:53 6 111X1500 69029 1 Spectacular Hia 106 1:53 7 106X 1500 Best times shown above are from Jan. 1, 1931. Fair mud runner. XGood mud runner. Superior mud runner. Brackets , won last start; figures or , 2nd or 3rd last start; apprentice allowance. The past performances of the horses entered in this race, together with lai-ot vork-out and racing record for this and previous year: Date Crs. DIs. Time Tr. Odds Wt. St Str. Fin. Jockey P.P.Cl.Pce.Sts. Best Company BOZO X 111 Gr. g, 6, by Boyal Canopy Simmy, by Neil Gow. Work- Feb 23 11-8 1-59t J-J.JL Trainer, R. Holloway. Owner, B. F. Coppage. Feb24-32THia U 1:55 "m" 51 112 9 5 4T 419 MontgyR7 2000 9 BlkFtherllBdgDeep 112,Ir.Czar 98 Febl7-32JHia 1 1:39 ft 13-5 114 Left at post. PrainA8 200011 Plutarchlll,BankerSaml03,Morocco 119 Feb. 9-323Hia li 2:31 ft 12 111 2 2 21! 351 MontgyR1 2000 5 Fetish 116, Silvery 106, Cabildo 111 Feb. l-323Hia 1 1:24 ft 76 114 1 7 714 7" MontgyR7 2500 8 Tbereaull6,ClnPlay 121,CkRobin 114 Janl4-327Hia Li 1:53 ft 50 11512 12 129i 12si MontgyR14 2000 14 Outburstll3,Vacationl20,BattreOn 120 Jan. l-328Trp 13 2:07 si 1 109 5 1 1" 1" MillsH4 1500 8 NoseGayl06i,FrcesSt.L.101.Cabildo HI Dec28-314Trp jj 1:13 ft 15 111 1 6 5U 4s MontgyR7 2000 7 Baccioccoll3,Tombereau 109,JazAgellO . Stnrts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won.- . Stnrts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Wnn.s 1931 record. .23 5 4 4 $ 3,600 1932 record. . 6 1 0 1 $ 850 VernilClllIte 1 C I B. m, 5, by Light Brigade Sard, by Ben Brush. 1 Work- Feb 251-2. -53m " J-UO Trainer, W. Hinphy. Owner, W. Hinphy. Fcb29-327Trp 1 1:40 ft 12 10612 8 65 51 MozerR1 1500 12 Muff 106, Braggadocio 111, BigBo 105 Feb20-32Hia 1 1:39 ft 55 112 7 7 717 614 MozerR1 2500 7 Fetish 111, Tack 106, Torealong 111 Fehl6-323Hia 1 1:25 ft 168 108 12 12 1219 ll3 MozerR 2500 12 Ellicol07,Kensington 108,Brooksie 102 FeblO-328Hia 1 1:39 ft 27-10 110 6 7 717 717 MozerR1 2000 7 BlueCld 115,BrhDineenllO,AIgara 115 Oct31-317Lat U 1:52 ft 91 113 8 8 71 6" MozerR 2500 8 Wotan 110, Montanaro 115, Skrip 105 Oct28-315Lat 1 1:59 m . 6 113 5 5 514 4" MozerR1 2500 6 Suitor 113, RiffRaff 116, Woodlot 111 Stnrts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won.. . Starts. 1st. 2nd. Srd. Won., 1931 record. .28 4 7 3 $ 5,600 1932 record. . 4 Angry LaSS QQ m y akin Fury, by Hourless. Work- Mar 1 1-2 -50ft Trainer, J. J. Dolan. Owner. Mrs. J. J. Dolan. Feb26-327Hia 1 l:55"hy 41 101 7 8 77 715 ReynoldsC8 2000 8 GlHnst lll.StelnovalOChas.Cke 104 Jan28-32Hia li 2:05 ft 18 103 2 7 6" 718 MillsH1 2000 9 Tea Cracker 108, Fetish 113, Noine 113 Jan26-327Hia 1 1:52 ft 181 10414 15 1519 15" SmithD1 2000 15 Martinelli 112, Vacatn 114.Silvery 104 Jan.l8-327Hia l 1:52 ft 285 103 7 10 105 1017 SmithD4 2000 10 StarLassielll.TopHattie 113,Brush 105 Augl9-317Dev 11:59 ft 91 107 1 7 85 6s RobertsW 1400 9 Lindsay 104,MarSala lOl.Pourboire 98 Augl3-314F.E 1A 1:45 ft 18 1017 9 T Tl DiliddoA6 1500 9 TheMquiselOO,Salisburyl09,F.Zeno 106 . Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won. , Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won., 1931 record. .19 12 1 $ 1,195 1932 record. . 4 WorkleSS X 111 s y Hourless Patchwork, by Delhi. Work- Feb 27 3-4 l-19ft J. Trainer, W. S. Higham. Owner, W. F. Yergason. Feb29-327Trp 11:40 "ft" lOf 11111 11 851 8G PrainA7 1500 12 Muff 106, Braggadocio 111, BigBo 106 Feb20-327Hia H 2:07 ft 17 108 3 9 9" 8,s PrainA1 2000 9 Garlic Hl.GenialHost 113,Druggist 113 Febl2-327Hia li 2:06 ft 32 113 3 9 8i 8" PhillipsC 2000 9 StardLightl09,FairBill 108,SanPto 111 Feb. 9-327Hia 1 1:53 ft 81 111 5 3 11 28 McLlinEM7 2000 7 SletBrigelll,Moroccoll6,PyPny 111 Feb 4-32:Hia 1 1:51 ft 49 113 7 7 7" 714 ArthurV7 2000 7 Tancred 116,LionHearted 114,Tack 111 Jan.30327Hia li 2:05 ft 24 110 6 4 571 58 MannJ1 2500 7 Tancred HO.Outpost 105,StarLassie 105 , Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won.- . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won , 1931 record. .25 4 6 4 $ 5,435 1932 record. . 9 1 1 0 $ 900 Spectacular X 1 O Ch. m, 7, by Sir Martin Flying Colors, by Star Shoot. Work- Feb 28 3-4 l-17ft J-vO Trainer, P. B. Codd. Owner, N. Neusteter. Feb29-327Trp 1 1:40 ft 17 10610 9 71 741 MartinR i500 12 Muff 106, Braggadocio 111, BigBo 106 Jan29-323Hav l50 1:41 ft 4 106 5 6 61 514 MartinR7 1200 7 PrsZeldal08,JnMilI 109,Reprduce 105 Jan.l2-327Hav 1 1:46 ft 3 114 6 8 813 816 CurranW7 1400 8 Bagiel 103, Pan 102, John Mill 110 Dec31-315Hav 1 1:53 ft 3 109 4 6 4 341 CurranW 1400 8 FrFolIyl04,EvelineF.109,AlLivgn 104 Dec25-318Hav l50 1:41 ft 10 105 6 7 711 771 MartinR 2500 7 NightTears 115,Athol 113,Cr.Stone 103 Oct31-313Lat 1A 2:00 ft 12f 111 10 10 81 8" AHenCE8 2000 12 Suitor 114,WirtG.Bowman lll.Roy 107. . Starts. 1st 2nd. Srd. Won.-, . Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won.- 1931 record. .30 5 4 5 $ 5,015 1932 record. . 3 MorOCCO X 111 B. h, 7, by Tangiers Iaurinn, by Persimmon. Work- Feb 16 3-4 1 :19ft Trainer. E. McCuan. Owner, E. McCuan. Feb29-326Trp 11:40 "ft 31 1111212 89i 810 ReynoldsC13 1500 13 SirByronl06,Ttalizg lll,Tig.Price 111 Feb24-327Hia 1 1:55 m 41-10 117 4 4 510 5" HanfordB4 2000 9 BlkFtherll2,BdgDeep 112,Ir.Czar 98 Febl9-327Hia 1 1:54 ft 33-10 115 8 6 61 54 FronkW10 2000 10 BenBlairllO,BndingDeepll2,BigBo 107 Febl7-321Hia 1 1:39 ft 2 119 9 8 54 3 DickeyA5 200011 Plutarchlll,BnkrSaml03,CrdStonelll Feb. 9-327Hia 11:53 ft 41 116 6 4 41 371 HanfordB 2000 7 Sc.Brigadelll.Wklesslll.P.Penny 111 Jan. 6-327Hav 1 150 si 2 111 1 3 31 2 RoderickT 1600 7 Racketeer 110,T.Doctorl08,WinnieJo 99 Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Wnn. . Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won., 1931 record. .21 3 1 3 $ 2,845 1932 record. .6 0 1 2 $ 500 DmgRlst X 111 B. g, 5, by War Cry Narcotic, by Mortlake". Work- Feb 25 3-4 l-25m -LJ--- Trainer, F. C. Dunn. Owner, L. J. Sandrock. Man l-327Trp 1A l:46ft 18-5f 109 12 9 761 73lFowlerG9 150014 Chicsulll.WrckRoyal i04,PnceToylll Feb20-327Hia li 2:07 It 26 113 5 2 2 34 FowlerG5 2000 9 Garlic Hl.GenialHost U3,TopHtie 108 Febll-327Hia li 1:52 ft 96 111 10 9 810 8 FowlerG8 2000 10 Skrip 109. Mr. Dick 106, Oaten 110 Feb. 6-327Hia li 2:05 ft 10 108 6 7 7" 717 BuckE4 2000 9 TeaCrkerlll.Fr Bill Hl.LnHrted 111 Jan.30-32Hia li 2:06 ft 49 108 7 7 3s 3 FowlerG4 2500 8 Sh.DownllO,L.Heartdl08,TorIong 113 Jan.23-323Hia 1 1:53 gd 186 114 7 5 47 3s FowlerG 2000 9 TancredH4,TeaCrkerl09,Manassas 100 . Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won. . Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. W- 1931 record.. 22 4 5 4 $ 5,470 1932 record. .10 0 0 3 $ 300 StellanOTa 1 fi Br- S, 4, by North Star III. Memories II., by Babelais. Work- Feb 22 -3-4 .. 1-23" J-VU Trainer, H. Z. Brown. Owner, F. E. Moore. Feb29-32cTrp 11:40 ft 33-10f 10611 11 981 59 MillsH9 150013 SirByronl06,Ttalizg lll,Tig.Price 111 Feb26-327Hia 1 1:55 hy 8 104 8 4 21! 21 LewisM 2000 8 GalHost Hl,Chas.Ckel04,L.Hted 106 Feb23-324Hia 1 1:54 ft 24-5e 109 8 1 11 2 MillsH5 2000 8 Oatenll3.GonialHostll4,BiIISoutm 103 Febl5-327Hia li 1:52 ft 24 106 7 7 7,s 611 StudleyW4 2500 8 Pleasell2,BndingDeepll3,Dunrock 113 Fehl2-32,Hia 1 1:25 ft 76 105 8 5 51 54 MillsH3 2500 15 NeaIonKayll2,BrkDovellO,Westko 110 Jan26-327Hia li 1:52 ft 63 112 15 14 1414 14" SchlausA 2000 15 Martinelli 112, Vacatn 114,Silvery 104 , Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won.- Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- 1931 record.. 5 1 1 1 $ 975 1932 record. . 8 0 2 0 $ 300 Our Pal X 111 B. g, 6, by Prince Pal Ola lee, by Assagai. Work- Feb 12 lm l-42ft Trainer, W. C. Weant. Owner, W. C. Weant. Feb27-323Hia li 2:03 ft 24 107 4 5 510 514 SmithD 2000 6 RnAnteIopel08,Silvery 102,FrBill 107 Feb24-32:Hia li 1:55 m 81 112 8 9 6" 617 LewisM9 2000 9 BlkFtherll2,BdgDeep 112,Ir.Czar 98 Jan. 9-326Trp 1 1:45 ft 81 109 2 6 61 651 ArthurV1 1500 7 BattlingOn 114,Tack 107,GoldMint 114 Jan. 7-327Trp li 14 ft 41 108 5 3 11 l1 ArthurV 1500 6 FrncesSt.L.103,Meekl08,Francock 112 Jan. 4-327Trp lfs 1:48 ft 14 112 5 6 67 5 MadeleyF8 1500 6 Chcellorll2,T.Hattie 107,NlonKay 112 Dec30-317Trp 1 1:41 ft 22-5 109 4 4 481 49 StoutJ5 1500 6 GoldMintH4,SrMashl09,BeCloud 114 lNov28-31Bow 1 2:36 si 6 113 12 3 24 2s BarnesE11 2000 12 Tarnish 107, Martinelli 110, Skirt 105 Stnrts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won.- . . Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won., 1931 record.. 22 1 3 3 $ 1,785 1932 record. . 5 1 0 0 $ 750