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W*?*SSnN?V*wPMC! iWOR KOUTS! Date at left of horses name Is last workout of horse. Letters following time Indicate: b, breezing; d, driving; e. easily; h, handily; o, ail out; a, eased up. SATURDAY, APRIL 30 AURORA. Weather clear; track slow; "dogs" up — Three-Eighths Mile. 4 23 Big Play . . :40 h 4 28 Hi Phi :42 h 4 29 Ba an,,, .... :39%h 4 28 Lapidary . . . :41%h 4 28 Bag o Gold. :39%h Miss Sorority :41 h 4 22 Circus Parade :40 h 4 22 Phaeldale . .. :41 h Conrad :39 h 4 26 Roberta L. . . :40Vsh Comellian . . :39 h 4 28 Silent Shot.. :37%d 4 29 Dunes :39%h 4 28 Statelv Ladv. :37%d Frnd Charles :39%h 316 Warble .... :39%h 4 28 Gay Lassie.. :40 h One-Half Mile. Avail :54 b 4 28 Lazy Mary.. :54 h 4-28 Battling On.. :54%b 4-29 Macedon .... :53%h Carmar :54 h 4 27 iMarengo .... :54 h 4 26 Cotton Time. :55 h 4 16 Otilla 100 b 4 24 Crucial Test. :51%h 4 28 Ravond Dale :52%h 4 28Dowa riac ... -.54 h 4 29 Stambul :52%h 3 25 Formic :56%b 4 27 Sweep Past. . :51%h Jerry H :53 h 4-28 Upon :52 h Five-Eighths Mile. 4-27 Boot] Bridel:05 h 4-27 Petalaros . ..l:08%b 4 26 Bo-ran 1:05 h 4-28 Phantasime .1:04 d 4 27 Bright Knot. 1:05 h 4 28 Plav Bird. ..1:07 h 4 27 Bag o Roses.l:12 b 4-27 Tewsenelda ..106%h 4 28 Hal Dwver. .105%h 4 23 Trice l:07%h 4 27 Indian Mist.. 108y5b 4-26 Tantalizing. .1:07 h Three-Quarters Mile. 4-28 Atlil 1:23 h 4 22 Falmouth Bel:22 h 4 l:21%h 4 28 Kenny Bov. .l:28%b 4 18 Bunting Lad. 1:26 b 4 26 Liberty Ace. .1:26 b 4 27 Bill Orange. .l:18%h 4 23 Rovcrofter . .l:20%h 4 23 Come On....l:20%h Selka 1:19 h 4 28 Dick Chevelvl:21%h 4 26 Vanquish . ..l:23%h 4 28 Ebony Princel:27 b One Mile. 4 26Bunvora ...l:53%h 4-28 Peasant Maidl:56 b 4-26Corbeau . ...l:52%h 4-22 Starch 1:52 h 4-27 Hold Hard. ..l:57%h 4-29 Scandal Sheetl:52i4h All works were around double "dogs" this morning. HAVRE DE GRACE. Weather clear; track fast — Three-Eighths Mile. 4 17 Back Kick.. :39 h 4 23 Judge Judv. :33 h 4 6 Chosen Pal.. :36%d 4 25 Mvnheer ... 7 b 4-28Ca!chas .... :37%b 4-25 Tee Daggers :39%h Day Dreamer :37%h Wary :37 h 4 23 Dr. Yates... :37 h One-Half Mile. Argosie :51%b 4 28 Mud :49%h Brevet :53%b 4 18 Parting Shot :52 h 4 28Bri*t Pattern :50 h Speed Boat.. .49 h 4 18 Cattail :52 h Snaplock . . . :53 b Darthea :51 h 4-7 Straphanger :52 h 4 28 Golden Fate. :49%h 4 14 Swiftly ..... :51%h 4-26 Homelike . . . :54 d 4-18 Tea Barry... :50 h 4-25 Jge Cavcrly :54 h 4 23 Wanderoo .. :48%d Five-Eighths Mile. 4 26 Air Pilot.... 1:07 h Nitto 1:03 h 4-27 Cog Air ....1:05 h 4 23 Slave Ship. .1:07 b Three-Ouarters Mile. 4 25 Br. and Boldl:16 h Irish Maidenl:21 h 4 28 Blue Darter. 1:17 d 4-18 Ind. Runnerl:16%h 4 28Blck Jacketl:15%h Rummy ...1.16%h 4 28 Capacity ...l:16%h 3 29 Span fair ... .1:21 b Frigate Bird. 1:19 b 4 27 Uluniu 1:18 b 413Ha;teras ...1:16 It One Mile. 4 6 Don Tasker.l:46%h Tortway ....1:48 h 4 23 Stone Martinl:45%h JAMAICA. leather clear; track fast — Three-Eighths Mile. 4-28 Epoch :36 h Trimmer ... :35%d 4 15 Flaming .... :38%b 4 28 Tetrarchal .. :41%b 4 22 Lv Sunbeam :38 b One-Half Mile. 4 27 Broad Lights :49%b 4 22 Martis :49 h 4 27H. A. Benm :49 d 4 29 Nuhat :47 d 4 26 M. Cwl Boy :51%b Five-Eighths Mile. 415Bking Pointl03%d 4 28 Resold 105 b 4 28Chicatie ....1:07 b 4 26 San Kai 1:12 b 4 17 Capt. Jerrv..l:03%b 4-28 Tinema 1:03 b 4-27 Lillie D 1:07 h 4 27 Wining Wasl06*ab 4 16 Many a 103%b Three-Quarters Mile. Axmetic ....1:18 h 4 27 Westward .. .1:21 b 4-27 Battv 1:25 b 4-28 Zither 1T8 h 4 21 Red Tace.... l:16Vkh 3 28 Quick Step. .1:17 b One Mile. 4 23Cambettv ...1:47 b 4 21 W. in Cherv l:44%b 4 28 Hardest v . . .1:4375b 4-16 Wild West.. .l:46%b 4-15 Sun rreair.erl:435b 4-17 Zaidee l:44h Nuhat showed fine speed from the barrier. Manya and Capt. Jerry went easily in company. Hardesty went easily. AQUEDUCT. Weather clear; track fast — Three-Eighths Mile. 4-11 Dark Secret.. :40 b Matma :38 h 4-12 Excelsior . . . :33%h Mamus :41 b Flame Bud.. :41 b 4 25 Natanis :377sd 4 13 FKi:isj Meteor :38~h 4 26 Rough Bov.. :38%h 4 21 Gay Time... :40 b Sweet Bud.. :39 b 4 25Joious :37~d 4 28Steponit :41 b One-Half Mile. 4-27 Dark Amber. 5Hfc» 4-28 Rve :50 d 4 ... :52M;b 3 28 River Lee. . . :52 h 4-27Eastu.inster . :51 d 4 22 Repaid :50%h 4-19 Fair Blanche. :56%b 4 25 Sweet Beaut v :50 d 4 20 Georgian ... :54%b 4 27 Seasaint :52%b 4 27 How High... :54%b 4 28 Uncanny ... :54%b 4 11 Ladv Diver.. 51%k 2 9 Wire Walker. :54%h 4 27 Normalcy ... :53 b 4-27 White Bud.. :51 d Five-Eighths Mile. 35 Big Leaguer. 107%b 4 28 Jim Moss. . . .l:04sod 428Cutt T«....146%fc 4-28 Nonana 104%h 4 23 Crimson RoscldOMfcfc 4 28 Noel Gav...l:05 h 428Explode 1:04 d 4 27 Peter G 1:05 d 4 15 Haggerson . .103-5h 4 28 St. Omar. . . .106%h 4 28 Herkimer . ..10773b Three-Quarters Mile. I 42r Air Minded. .1:18 h 4 27 Omagh 1:18 b ■ 4 28 Blue Joan... 1:26 b 4-25 Roback 1:22 b ■ 4 21 Blue Tile... .1:25 b 4 28 Scout Masterl:19 b ■ 4 27 Bright Spglel:18 h 4 27 Shaun Padicl:18 b I 4 28 Ga Colors... 1:19 b 4 19 Unique 1:17 h 4 28 1:., 1:22 I 428Upturn 1:26 b MJ JubiLtion . .l:21%b Seven-Eighths Mile. 4 28 Cocked Hat.. 1:36 b 4 23 Sunwood ...1:36 b 4 28 Man o Knlitl:32T6h One Mile. 4 14Captn Dick.l:45%d 4 28 Sara Burdon.l:44 h 4 27 0ptimus ....l:44%d 4-28 Tote l:42*t,h One and One-Eighth Miles. 4 28 Blenheim ...l:54*ih CHURCHILL DOWNS. Weather cloudy; track muddy — Three-Eighths Mile. I 4 27 Alma S Jtfftfc 4 21 Probationer . :39 h 4 21 Auf Wdcrsn :39 h 4 22 Skii :38 h 4 23 Ann What.. :37 h 4 26 Satrock .... :38 h Cynara :39 h Supme Ladv :37%h 4 27 Darwin :37Hh 4-27 Swift Pal..". :37%h 4-22Foxey Burt.. :38 h Sfm Center. :38%h 4 27 Grey Kitten. :38 h TJireat :37 h 4 28 More Power. :38 h 4 17 Top Pocket. . :38 h 4 27Podestan ... :40-5h One Half Mile. 4 25Aurebon ... dHfcfc 4 26 Marie Jean. . :52 d 4 26 Bbon Prince :52 h 4 24 Miss Cmron :52%h 4 3 Black Nose.. :52-y5h 4-7 My Gntlmn 2%h 4 21 Capt. Logan. :54-5h Remeration. :53%h 4-19 Cherry Red. :52 h 4 16 Sunlow .... :52%h 4-19 Domnt Miss :51%h 4 23 Seur Blnche :51V5h 4-26 Epidemic . . . :51%h 4 18 Spike :55%b 4-28 Flying Ds.. :51%h 4-28 Surf Board. . :54%h 4 28 Fine Fabric. :51%b 4 6 Sabula :54 h 4-27 Hh Explve. :55 b 4 21 Uncle Henry :51 h Jessie Carey. :50%b 4 27 Vee B 3%h 4 28 Justice Boy. :51%h 4 18 Woodworker. :55%b 4-27 Jge Pmrose :50%h 4-22 Varnallton . :51%h Little Polly. :54%h Five-Eighths Mile. 4 27 Aqua Vitae.l04%h 4 26 Florida Gold. 1.07 h 4 27 Angry 105 h 4 28 Justinian ..1:05 h 4-21 Ashphodel .1:10 b 4 26 K. Russell. .1.05 h 4-27 Agnes P.... 1:05 h 4-25 Ladv Teddy. l:05%h 4 27 Bobs Luck..l06%h 4 27 La Salle.... 103 h 3-15 Blk Squaw. 106*ib 4 26 Reeds Chcel:06 h 4 27Evergold ...104 h 4 28 Sundot l:08%b 421 Flowr Field. 1:10 b 4 26 Town Limit. 1.06 b Three-Quarters Mile. 427 Blow Fly.... 1:19 h 4-27 Herendeen .l:19%h 4 26 Bill Looney.l:16%d 4 28 Jennie Gal.. 1:27 b 4-19Bonnet ....l:16%d 4 24 Jodie K 1:20 h 4 27 Cln Clipper. 1:22 b 4 21 Lve Offeringl:19 h 4 27Cheronap .,.1:22 h 4-16 Minton ....l:18%b 4 28Chene l:19%h 4 22 Norias l:19%h 4 24 Cayuga ....l:17%h 4 24 Oh Dave. . . .l:19%h 4-29 Dis Dat....l:19y5h 4 27Panshala ...1:19 h 4 23 Doris Jean.. l:18"ib 4 27 Respond ...l:23%b Dawn Mist.. 1:20 b 4 23 Spting Ladvl:202/5h 4-27Elkay V....l:20%h 4 28 Tweenv ....1:23 b 4 27 Elkhart ....US b 4-21 Trinchera ..1:20 h 4 24 Flying l:20%h 4 23 Texs Knightl:21 h 3-17 Green Wave. 1:20 b 4 27 Thundertone l:18-.h 4-20 Hoops l:18%h 4-25 Zean Id8%k Seven-Eighths Mile. Boilg Waterl:35 h One Mile. 4-19 Bather ....l:50~b 4 21 Lurav l:52Ysh 427Delven 1:45 h 4-24 Ldv Marsch.l:46%h 4 27 Discobolus .1:47 h 4 28 Pretti Sing.l.4£V» 2 27EhVth Fox..l:53%h 4-23 Pnce Hrbrtl:52 h 427 Hal Riley... l:46%h 4 29 The Nut. ...1:50 b Kai Feng...l:46~h 4 27 Updike ....l:54%b 4-27 Ktucky Acel:50h One and One-Eighth Miles. 4-27 Cee Tee 2:00 b 428 Gallant Sir. .204"ih One and One-Quarter Miles. 4 29 Burgoo King2:ll%h 4 29 Brother Joe. 2:11 h Burgoo King and Brother Joe worked together, the latter was best. Bill Looney and Bonnet worked together. La Salle showed speed in the muddy going. DOUGLAS PARK. Weather cloudy; track sloppy — ■ Three;Eighths Mile. 4 19 Adelaide A.. :38t5U 3 16 Long John. .. :43 b Betty S :40 b Maxim Girl. :40%b 214Chiltex :43 b Mack :40%b Hawks Lane :38*ib 3 14 Sir Anthony. :38%b In Haste :38 b Swab :40b 4-17 Jane Boggess :382iu S cee :40 b " One-Half Mile. 3 14 Just Umber.. :51"r.b 3-17 Peace Buddy. :54 b 4 12 Last Attemt :50 h Sioux Chief.. :52 b On Rush.... :50 h 1 18 Worthy Ply :49iih Old Hutch... :57 b Five Eighths Mile. J. W. Grantl:06-5b 3 8 Polygamous ..104%h Three-Quarters Mile. 426Hasola l:21%b 4 29 Oscillation ..1:17%* 4-22 Marcel?t . . ..l:19:.-,b Peter Dixon .l:204f,h 3 17 Mai San l:2l7ih Stuart l:19%b Seven-Eighths Mile. Royal Guineal.ib One Mile. Arrowlike ..l:494£h 2 26 Miss Pandoral5 b 4-29 Dixie Lad... 1:51 b 4 28 Porters Dml:50 u 424 Lena M 1:56 b 4 29 Street Singerl:47aih My Dan 1:52 b Jane Boggess and Adelaide A. went together and were eased up the last eighth. Worthy Polly showed speed in the sloppy going. Oscillations work was a standout this morning. Street Singer did a nice work. Porters Dream was eased the last eighth. SPORTSMANS PARK. Weather clear; track good — Three-Eighths Mile. 4 28 Comradeship :41 b 4 20 Plumbago . . :44%b 3-17 Hollandaise :43 h 3 29 Regal Knht :4l7sb 3 2 Land Girl... :43 h 4 26 Wning Hand :41%h 4 26 Miss Hheson :42 b 4 27 You Clara. . . :42%b 4 27 Maud Bagley :42:b One-Half Mile. 3 5 Box Office.. :56 b 4 27 Reservation :54-5l 4 27 Chmas Night :55-ih 4 28 Sawdust . . . :53 b Howtiz :54%b 4 26 Sun Worship :53 b 4 27 Helen Vginia £3%b 4 27 Take Off. . . :59 b 4 21 Lanier .... :53*sb 1 17 Top Cloud.. :57 h 4 21Luxurv .... JSrKb Teddv Bear. :57 b 4 27Luchon .... 54»BI 4 27Venarock . . :53 h 4 27 Maechutc . . :55%h 4 29 Wichita . . . :56 h 3 24 Make Speed £S%k Five-Eighths Mile. 4 22Angie B....l:ll b 4 27 One Grand. .1 :10*f.h 422Brooksie ...109%h 4 27 Prince Rock. Mlfsb 4 28 Expiate ....10975b 4 26 ITmate VoteLObTsh 4 28 My Sin l:10?5h A Three-Quarters Mile. 4 28 Chtahchee 1.3345b 2 11 Lady Calis*gal:23*5b George K...l:28 b 4 26 Port o Plavl:29*.-,b 4-22 Hum Scaruml:23*sb 4-23 Red Grange.l:26-%b Seven-Eighths Mile. 4 27 White Knee. 1:35 h One Mile. 4 26 Amsterdam .1:59 b 4 26 Spng Maudiel:51 b 4o Ll? Coventrvl:58sb 4 29 Sv.eep Net .l:52"ib 4 26 Si Relief.. XSfS* Brooksie sulked. Ultimate Vote is in shape. TANFORAN. Weather threatening; track fast — Three-Eighths Mile. 4 27Abaco :36%d 4 10 Mutau :3and -£d 4 16De Rancher :Wsb 4 28 No Fun :39 b 3 20 Joe Macaw.. :37 b 4 19 Rapid Bells.. :43 b 4 23 Kinnear .38 h One-Half Mile. 4 26 Bv Wire.... :53 h 4-24 Setright .... sd 4 16Chimig Bells :51 d 4 27 Seths Hope. MWi 4 26 Dont Cry. . . . :51s5h 3-9 Star Boat... :51%h 4 24 Fly Wood... :49%d 3 20 Santonette . :504d 4 24 Lord Algy. . . :54h Five-Eighths Mile. 419 Black Spot.. 1.06 h 428Moraga 1094ib 4 24 Eskimo 102%d 3 2 Vice 1067r,h 4-26Givanna ....1AB%« 3-23 Welcker ....109%h 4 27 Mr Plumborl:06 h Three-Quarters Mife. 424 Boyd McGee.l:19%h 4-27 Kauka l:1773d 4 25Bgo La Florelle. .1:18 d 4-27 Baby Noves. .l:18%h 4-25 La Wanda.. .l:16%h 4 24 Chub l:2135h 4 27 Spanish Jackl:18 h 4-27 Padrone ....1:17 d 4 21 Suitor I371fca 4 26 Coat o Maill:20*5e 4-27 W. G. Bmanl:23%h Seven-Eighths Mile. 4 24 Pandosto ...1:31 h 4 15 Poitou lJ5%h One Mile. 4 19 Gold Caps... 1:55 e 4 25 Listo 1:47 h 4 -17Golen Princel:46h 3 27 Timbus ....1:47 h 4-27 Hillsborough 1:44 h BELMONT PARK. Weather clear; track fast — Three-Eighths Mile. BudDAile.. :373r.h Get Ready. :367ih Console .... :36"jh Magnor . . . .• :37 h 4 15 Double Heart :36 h Sherekhan . :38 h Ebony Pcess :36*-jh 4 26 The Beasel. . :35 h One-Half Mile. 4-27 Axon :51 b 4 27 Lucre :48 h 4 27 Bracer :503sb 4 27 Nome :50%b 4 27 Best Thy... :50 b Printemps ...55 b 4 28 Dunnv Bo . . :51 b Shoot :49r?ah 4-19 Fch Duchess :48Sh 4 28 Sping Light :55 b 4 26 Four Pence.. :51 b 4 28 Swivel :51 b 4 28 Flighty Ann :53 b 4 25 Unfair :50%b 4 27Ghandi . . . . :49 h White Lies.. :52%b Just Image. :54 h 4 28 Watch Tower :51 b 4 21 Kerry Patch. :49h 4 23 Well Plaved. :50 b 4 25 Light View.. :52 b 4 23 Watch Him. :49 h 4 16 Lativich .... :49 b 4 23 Warren Jr. . . :52 b Five Eighths Mile. 4 28Bck Powderl03 h 4 28 Pintail 102 h 428Cagev 107 b 4 28 Ptected Rosel07 b! 4-28 Marplot ....1:02 h 4 25 Shale 104 b Maebee ....104 b Tnree-Quarters Mile. 4 25 Bird Nest... 1:16 b 4 25 Peter Piidd.l:18 b 423Clotho l:16%b 428Panax 1:19 b 4 28 Dubious ....1:18 b 4 28 Pennate ... .1:1675b 4 28 Desert Prir.cel:18 b 4-27 Pairbypair .l:1475h 4 27 Gipsie King.l:144oh 4 28 Rash Momentl:17%b 4 25 Gallant Lassl:14 b 4 23 Risque l:13+f;h 4 19 Ha Ha l:17%b 4 27Swinrraft ..1:15 h Hey There. l:16%b 4 28 Scotch Gold. 1:19 b 4 28 Magnifico . .1:16%* 4 28 Star Scteredl:17%b ] I ! , One Mile. Beacon Hill. 1:46 b 4 21 Hussian ...1:44 h 4 21Fnk Gsmanl:46 b Hatbroom ..l:467sb 4 28Glossin 1:45 b 4 28 Old Master. .l:447ib One and One-Quarter Miles. 4 28Laufjunge ..2:17 b