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WiBtciNG FORM VOLUME XXXVTII.~f NUMBEa 106 FOUNDED a 1894 Entered ai second-class natter, April 2, 18W, at the poat office at Chicago. Illinois, tinder Act of Uarcli 3. 1879. p HAIL1 KXCEll 8UNDAI A daflj reflection of the American turf by telegraph Published by DAILI RA11MJ FORM PUBLISHING CO. Ml PLYMOUTH COITRT CHICAGO. ELL. IIS FOURTH AVENUE, NEW YORK CITY, H. X. M RICHMOND STREET. EAST, TORON10, ONT. SM S9? DECATUR STREET, NEW ORLEANS. LA. SO14-M10 MIAMI COURT, N. W. MIAMI. ELA. J-El.ElMKiMi 7508 HAKKI84N For huainees and circulation purpose* ontj. Thla telephone has no connection with the news at editorial depHriments and cannot be used to communicate with them. For Free Phone Basalts Call Wabash 7000. SUBSCEirriON BY FlKST-CKaSS MAIL: .60 PER MONTH PAYABLE I.N ADVANCE BACK NUMBERS BY MAIL. 25 CENTS EACH Addreta all communications, make all remittances and send all manuscripts to DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. 441 Plymouth Court Chicago, HI. To be considered and answered, all ojueriee to Dally Racing Form most be sent oyer the foil name and with the uUUress of writer. The names and addresses are subject to a locai and foreign directory teat. 67555 is First Index of 1932