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workouts! 7%SPnS ysrsP* 3vwi I I Date at left of horses name Is last workout of horse. Letters following time I j Indicate: b, breezing; d, driving; e. easily; h, handily; o, all out; u, eased np. I ti.i ..■■■»■■■■■■■■»■■■»-■■■■■—----■ .....■....-..-...-■■■■-■4 SATURDAY, MAY 14 AURORA. Weather clear; track fast — Three-Eighths Mile. 5 12 Albazano . . . :39%b 3-5 High Pockets :38 h 5-llAnalvst .... :39%b 5-11 Mr Ogden.. :37%h 5 10 Atlil :38%h 5-11 Miss Marr.. :35%h 510Aregal :37%h 5-4 Ptmanteau . :37%h 5 8 Bby Powers :40 h 5-9 Royal Riot.. :36%h 5-9 Black Ma?.. :38 h 2-16 Ragstar . . . . :39 h 5-10 Court Martial :36%h 5 6 Rex Regent. :39 h 4-25 Cash Plav.. :40%b 5-6 Shonna .... :37%h 5-6 Dble Deck. :36%h 3-21 Tre Sorella. :39 h 5-10 Gn Moments :36%h 5-10 Tridout .... :36%h 5-10 Gideon :40 h Wrn Knight :37%h 5-3 Gay Lassie.. :36%h One-Half Mile. 4 20 Doris B. ... :56 b 5-10 Ln Lugage. :52 h 5 9Dk Chevelv. :49%h 5-11 Otilla :54 b 5 8 Dodv :51%h 5-12 Sweepleven . :50 h 5-10 Ft Regiment :52 h Sorty Girl. :49%h 3 8 Golflex .... :53%b 5-12 Tres Vite... :51%h 5-5 Irish :58 b 4-11 War Saint.. :55 b 5-10 Lady Emelie :52%h 5-6 Yvette V. . . :52%b Five-Eighths Mile. 2 20 Baked Applol:03%h 5-13 Marraine ...l:04%h Curveur ....l:05%h 5-11 Rigaud ....1:06 b 5 9 Chancellor .1:08 b 5 9 Red Vamp..l:05%h 4 18Decn Lady. 1:07 b 5-7 Single C. . .l:02%h 5-llFoxbolt . ...l:07%b 5-12 Sir Raoul... 1:06 b 5-10Lavder Ladyl:05 h 5-8 Seths Ballotl:ll b 5-lOLiIn Tobin..l:04%h 5-9 Thos. Seth..l:07%b Three-Quarters Mile. 5-11 Bag Smher.l:17%h 5-11 Manta l:15%h 5-10 Black Bull.. 1:18 h 5-9 Modn Times.l:15 h 5-llCorbeau ...l:17%h 5-11 Marsl Seth.l:18 h 5-10Casimira ...l:16%h 5 11 Royal Sable. l:16%h 5-11 Frk Light.. l:16%h 5-llThe Senator. l:18%h 5-13 Hy Schneiderl:18%h 5-9 Tony Joe...l:15%h 5-12 Harpoon ...1:22 b 5 9 Wigrose ....1:17 h 5-9 J. A. Weil..l:19%h 4-28 White Flamel:16%h 5 10 Jean l:17%h 5-10 Yes l:17%h 59 Little Bustrl:19%h Seven-Eighths Mile. 512Cryout 1:34 h 5-11 Macedon ...1:34 h 5 2 Constable ..1:34 h One Mile. 5-11 Blackstrap ,l:43%h 5-10 Strathcona .1:46 h 5-3 Homewood .l:44%h Water Proof.l:50%h BELMONT. Weather clear; track good — Three-Eighths Mile. 5-11 Charleigh . . :34%h 5-4 Panetian . . . :55 h 5 11 Dome :37 h 5-11 Red Flare... :37%h 5-12 Foxy Quiller :40 b 4 30 Shoot :39 b 5 5 Novelist .... :37 h One-Half Mile. 5-12 Animate ... :49%b 4-28 Fusina :50 h 5-11 Bectoi :49 h 5 10 Hastipast . . :49 h 5-3 Beacon Hill. :51 b 5 2 Inception ..:52 b Espinetta ..:50 b 5 11 Iollan :49 h 5-10 Exile :49 h Masse :50 b 4 28 Polvgeny . . . :51 b Snap Back. , :50 b • Poloman . . . :52 b 5 9 Tar Heel.... :51%b 510Pompo!eon . :48 h 5-7 The Beasel.. :48 h Five-Eighths Mile. 512Bck Majcstyl«2%b 5-10 Seven Veils. 1:05 b 4 22Ladana ....1:05 b 5-7 Swivel 1:05 b 4 28Pompcius ..1:02 h t I Three-Quarters Mile. 5-12 Aliens 1:16 b 5-6 Sea Siren. . ,l:16%h 5-11 Double Heartl:16 h Sun Eclipse. l:16%h . 510Ghandi l:15%h 5-12 Stagecraft . .l:15%h 512Lightg Bolt. 1:16 b War Plane. .l:16%h I 5 9 Risk l:15%h 5 5 Wise Money. 1:16 h 5-11 Rson Crsocl:15%h Seven-Eighths Mile. 512Clotho l:28%h One Mile. , 5 10 Christmas ..1:54 b 5 4 Mantonian .1:48 b J. 5 12 Grn Cheese. 1:47 b 5-11 Spinach ....l:40%h 5-12 Larranaga ..l:41%h Skirl 1:52 b , 5-12 Light View. .l:44%b The Spinner. 1:52 b One and One-Half Miles. 5 7 Arc Light... 2:40 b Arucar 2:40 b , CHURCHILL DOWNS. i Weather clear; track fast — ! Three-Eighths Mile. 5-7 Absolution . :36%h 5-10 Rural Queen :36%h 5-10 Bright Moon :36 h 5 12 Remuneratin :36%h 5-7 Dble Shuffle :38%b 5-11 Surf Board.. :41 b . 5-10 Ezella :36%h 5-11 Swng Queen :37%d 5-10 Earl Baker.. :36%h 5-11 Still Better.. :38 h 5-11 Fine Fabric. :36%h 5-4 Sunny World :37%h 5 13 Heatherland :37%b 5-13 The Whig.. :37 b 5-1 Liquidate .. :36%h 5 5 Uforme .... :37%b 5 11 Monks Dude :39%b 4 28 Vonnie :39%b 5-11 Ms Kathrvn :36%h 5-12 White Legs. . :38 b 5 8 Missive :37%b 5 11 Winding On. :36%h 5-10 M. Steinhaus :36%h 5-12 Wee B :35%h 5-10 Miss Justice :36%h One-Half Mile. 5-1 Bianoz :52%b 5-12 Jessie Dear. :51%h 5 9 Chatwink .. :50%h 4-30 My Gtleman :52%b 5-llCynara .... :48%h 5-3 Monks First :51%h 5-9 Chuck B.... :51%b North Mill.. :53 b 5-6 Cathop .... :48%h 5 12 Next Call... :50 h 5 12 Caw :51%b 5-11 Polly E :51 h 5-9 Downpour . :49%h 5-9 Rusty :49%h 4 16Dremy Belle :53 b 5-8 Skii :54%h 4 28 Geraldine . . :52%b 4-15 Sizzling :50 h 5-1 High Wire.. :48%d 5-11 Thistle Play :51%h 4 30H. Explosive :49%h Five-Eighths Mile. 5-13 Adobe Post. 1:03 h 5-10 Mt. Wngtonl:02%h 5-10 Arouse ....l:04%b 5-11 Olive A l:02%h Arbitrate ..l3%h 5-10 Pierre Pan.. 1:07 h 510Bonivan ...l:04%b 5-6 Princess Ivrel:04 h 5 9 Bbon Princel:03 h 5-10 Pcess Nancyl:02%h 5-1 Bali l:04%h 512Pryor l:01%h 5-11 Charley O..l:06 b 5 12 Puppet l:04%h 5-4 Dream Portel:04 b 4 19 Playing On. .l:01%h 5-13Elise 1:04 d 5 11 Pharahead .1:06 b 5-11 Eve White.. 1:03 h 4 24 Sweep Rushl:04%b Flashlike ...l:03%h 4 27 Sis Agnes. ..1:04 b 5-10 Golden Deedsl:04 h 5-11 Supme Ladyl:02%h 5-11 Gold Peep... l:03%d 5-11 Suspence ...l:04%d Gaffney Qnl:02%d Terry Lass.. 1:05 b 5-12 King Cnder.l:00%d 5-12 Wotan ....1:00 d 5-llMerovech ..l:05%b Three-Quarters Mile. 4-10 Checkerby l:18%b 5-11 Sally Irene. l:15%h 5-12 Dawn Mist.l:17%d 5-10 Texas Kghtl:16 d 5-12 Depression l:16%h 5-12 Town Limit. l:14%h 5-10Mendell ....l:17%h 5-12 Tonawanda l:17%h 5-11 Old Depot. . .l:15%h 5 12 Thistle Aco.l:17%b 5-11 Playaround l:15%h 5 12 Upsets Lsie.l:17%h 5-12 Ringmaster .1:18 h 5-12 Winona Ladyl:21 b 5-11 Rowdy Boy.l:16%h Seven-Eighths Mile. 5-llMalaita ...l:30%d One Mile. 5-llChene l:44%b 5-12 Pces Zeldal:45%h 5 8 Chokoloskee l:47%b 5-10 Pittsburgher l:42%h 5-7 Discobolus .1:44 h 5-1 Pcess Camelial:45%b 4-30Ebeth Fox.l:45%h 5-13 Respond ...l:46%b 5-11 Fireflash ...1:44 h 5 10 St. Nazaire.l:41%d 5-13 Hsier Princel:46 h 5-3 Star Play... l:45%h 5-11 Irene T l:45%h 5-9 Sophist ....l:41%h 5-7 Majel 1:45 h One and One-Eighth Miles. 5-13Joretta ....l:56%h 5-11 Lady Dean.. 1:59 h Wotan and King Commander were together. Sophist went a good mile. DOUGLAS PARK. Weather clear; track fast — Three-Eighths Mile. Bu Cavalier. :39 b 4 29 My Sis :36%d 5-11 Consideration :39%u 5 11 Mack :37%b 5-11 Captain Karo :39 d Nanny D :36%d 5 6 Chum :39%b 5 2 Oscillation . :38%u 5 10 Chiltex :37%b 5-11 Swab :37%b 5-12 E. S :37%b 5-10 Svvt Lassie. :41 b 5-12 Must :37%b 5-11 Theas :40 b One-Half Mile. 5-11 Betty S :50 h 5 10 Lady Batts. . :57 b Bubba Bill.. :56 b Marie Dear. :58 b 5-11 Big Sink.... :52%b 5-10 Miss Pndora :49%h 5-10Cabama .... :49%h 5-10 Old Hutch.. :56%b 5-3 Er Faithful :54%b 5-12 Prudy Basil. :51 b 5-11 Hawks Lane :51 b 5 12 Pce Westend :49%h 5-7 Just Umber. :50 b 5-11 Sycee :50 h 5-11 King Booter :55 b Suffolk .... :59%b 5-10 Ly Precious :52 b 5-9 Va Criendo. :49%h 5-7 Long John.. :51 b 5-5 Wise Seller.. :51 b 5-6 Lady Gibson :51%b 5 10 Zevar :51%b Five-Eighths Mile. 5-10 Dont Touch. 1:02 h 5-12 Prty Penny. 15 b •5-9 Elmira 1:04 b 5-11 Rip the Rip. l:04%b 5-llLaguna 1:05 b 5-11 Transpose ..1:05 b 5-9 Mentality ..l:08%b 5-11 Thrushway .l:07%b 5-10 Old Judge... 1:05 b Three-Quarters Mile. 5-13 Broad Axe.. 1:17 h 5 3 Jge Luedersl:20 b 5-12 Blck West.. l:22%b 5-11 Mai San. . . .l:18%b 5-11 Big Band...l:18%b 510 McGonigle . .1:18 b 5-11 Cold Wave. .1:16 h 5 10 Sazerac ....1:13 d 5-10 Gallopette ..1:20 b Seven-Eighths Mile. 5-11 Bay Angon. . 1:31 h 5 6 King Pin...l:32%b One Mile. 5-12Cbvs Choicel:49%b 5-13 Peter Parley. l:48%b 5-11 Gold Finder. l:47%b 5-11 Ryl Guinea. l:44%h 5-10 Most Wise..l:54%b Sazeracs work was a standout. Worked from the three-quarters pole to the stand. Prudy Basil was repeated in her work, three-eighths in :11 under a pull. Oscillation was eased up the last eighth. Prince Westend could have done better. PIMLICO. Weather clear; track good — Three-Eighths Mile. Axon Lad... :38%h 5 8 Misguide . . . :37 h 5-12 Brit Pattern :37%b 4-17 Nit Jasmine :37 h 5-12Calchas . . . . :39 b 5-4 Politen :37%h 5-11 Don Carlos.. :37 h One-Half Mile. 5 10 Bravissimo . :51%d 5-12 Monel :52 h Changeable . :52%h Nahunta . . . :52 d Fltg Fancy. :52 h 4 24 On Post.... :51 h 5 9 Hut :51%h 5 11 Springsteel ..:52 h Five-Eighths Mile. 5 12 Fervor 1:06 h 5-12 Semaphore ..1:05 h 4-4 Red Ronald. 1:04 h 58 Westys Folly.lKM h I i i i i 5 ; | i j - j J Three-Quarters Mile. 4-5 Bub McFandl:18 h 3 30 Gay Bird... 1:18 h 512Bar Hunter.l:18 h Loveland ...1:19 h Chlorida ....1:20 h 5 12 Morsel l:18%h 4 6 Fourth Wardl:22 h One Mile. 4 30 Brevet 1:46 h 5-5 Margaret Mcl:48%h 5 10 Homelike ...1:53 h 5-11 Redivivus . . .1:51 h 4 26 Joe Engel...l:51 h 4 8 Wolf Run.. .1:46 h Kudos 1:47 h AQUEDUCT. Weather clear; track slow — ■ Three-Eighths Mile. 5 12 Oriental Ldy :38%h 5 4 Reproof . . . . :41 b One-Half Mile. 5 11 Character . . :51 h 5-9 Rough Boy. :50%h 5 9 Eastminster . :50%h 5-12 Rustic Spirit :51%h 5 9 Excelsior .. :50%h 5-7 Saucy Victor :53 b 5 3 Gav Colors.. :51 h 5-13 Tussle :50%h 5-10 Jn Davenpt :53 b 5 9 Winfd Ann. :52%h 5-12 Nourishmt . :51 h Five-Eighths Mile. 56 Blk Minnie.l:12 b 5-11 Masma 1:06 b 4 7 Buggins ...1:12 b 5 8 Mv Dau4er.l.05%d 511Carsona ....1:07 b 5-11 Mry Chatterl:12 b 5-4 Economic ..l:03%h 5-11 1:06 b 4-29 Frying Thor.l:06%h 5-11 St. Carl 1:07 u Three-Quarters Mile. 5-9 Air Minded. l:16%b 5 10 Marlboro ...1:25 b 5-12 Blue Tile.... 1:22 b 5-12 Scout Mastrl:17%d 5 9 Dextro l:19%b 5-12 Upturn ....1:17 h 5-10 Fred Whitn.l:25 b 5 12 War Crier. . .1:25 b Seven-Eighths Mile. 5-7 Lucky Jack.l:33%h 5-11 Sara Burdonl:30 h 5 7 Pardee l:33%h One Mile. 5-7 Affirmative .l:44%h 5-11 Malliance 11.1:45 d 5 12 Cocked Hat. 1:53 b 5-10 Pce Barton. l:45%d 5-4 Dark Secret. 1:49 b 4-23 Recede l:41%h 512Epidawn ...1:45 d 5-12 Sekhmet ...l:44%d 5 5 Jubilation ..1:49 b JAMAICA. Weather clear; track slow — ■ Three-Eighths Mile. 5 11 Disdainful . . :42 b 5-7 Jamison .... :41 b 513Hek :37%h 5-11 Walter Jr.... :37%h One-Half Mile. 5-8 All Stakes... :52 b Euclid :54 b 56 Black Flash.. :49%d 5-12 Negopoli .... :54%b 5 6 Expertus . . . :51%b 5-12 Resold :49%h Five Eighths Mile. 59 Bosafabo ...l:12%b 5-8 Janie G 1:07 b 5-12 Capt. Jerry.. l:03%h 5-3 Little Lad. ..l:02%h 5-5 Charon 1:09 h 5-11 Mittens l:04%h 5-9 First Missionl:ll b 5-10 Outguess ....1:08 b 5-12 Help Me 1:04 b 4 30 White Bud. .l:03%h Three-Quarters Mile. 5-9 Conacher ...l:16%h 5-9 Lucky Moon.l:19%b 3-16 Dailv News.. 1:18 b 5-10 Renaissance 1:22 h 5-7 Excursion ..l:18%h 5-5 Silver Canpvl:19%b 5-8 Lillie D 1:24 b 5-10 Ward in Cy 1:17 b One Mile. 5 12 Epoch l:46%b 5-10 Panguitch ..1:45 d 5-11 Moine l:46%b 5-13 Rockhone ..l:43%h 5-10Okaybee ....1:46 b Little Lad and Capt. Jerry were together. Epoch went easily. Ward-in-Chancery looks good. Okaybee had an easy trial. WOODBINE PARK. Weather clear; track fast — Three Eighths Mile. By the Sea.. :36%h 5-13 Silver Sail.. :36 b 5-10 Fly Fisher.. :36%h 5-10 Tea Gown.. :36 h 5-10 Fatal Gift... :37 h 5-12 Turkey Trot. :36 h Mental Flht. :36%h Taximan . . . :39 h 5-12 Nancy Crest. :37%h 3 6 Timon :38 h 5-12 Playing .... :38%b Tannia :36%h 5-10 Soliloquy . . :36%e One-Half Mile. Canty Rain :50 h Stage Player :50 h Getgoin :51 h 5 -12 Spey Crest.. :50 h 5-11 Illumination :52 h 2 27 Silver Scter. :50 h Ly Whmore :50 h 5-10 Sea Kale... :52 b Five-Eighths Mile. 5 10 Bobs Best..l:02%h 5-7 Powder Meyl:06%e 5-10 Col Victoria 1*6 h 5-7 Pongo l:07%h 5-10 Cupboard ..l:02%h Sleepy Belle. 1:05 h 5-10 Fools Day... 1*6 h 5 10 Step Forwardl:06 h 5-11 Fair Orb.... 1:04 h 5 11 Santa Crest.. 1:04 h 5-7 Indian Club.. l:06%e 5-12 Sailor Maid. 1:05 h 5-7 Kebbie 1:05 h 5-12 Stefan Jr.. . .1:01 h 5-10 Old Angler.. 1:05 h 5-10 Valiance ....1:06 h Three-Quarters Mile. 5-9 Abduction ..l:17%b 5-10 Little Scout. 1:22 b Anoka l:21%b 5-13 Lord Cardanl:16%h 5-11 Bold Bendigol:20%e 5-7 Len Sweep.. 1:16 b 5-11 Bill Seth....l:22%e 5 12 Million Chatsl:15 h 4 21Boscobel ...1:15 h 5-11 Mintmad . .l:16%h 5-10Candv Man. 1:16 b 5-10 My Kittv. . .l:19%h 5 13 Common ...1:15 h 5-11 Silver Dot. ..l:21%h 5-8 Dan McCronl:18%h 5-12 Solace l:14%h Dark Missionl:17%e 5 13 Toki l:17%b 5 13 Fair Fortunel:17%b 5 11 Visionarv Hrl:17%e 5-10 Hayloft ....l:19%h 5 10 Young Kitty.l:15 e Seven-Eighths Mile. 5-llClarv 1:34 e 5-11 Lindsay ....1:34 e 5-11 Little Natall:34 e One Mile. 5 13Deedie 1:44 h 512 Khorasan . ..1:41 h Dark Celt...l:44%h 5 10 Sol Gills. .. .1:41 h 5 11 Hobnob ....l:43%h 5 13 Silvery 1:43 h 5-13 Hogans Dcel:44 h 5 11 Shady Well..l:43%h 5-11 King 0Cnorl:44%n Stefan Jr. showed good speed. Young Kitty has her speed. Shady Well and Hobnob went together.