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J .RACING BASEBALL BOXING M LW XWM Everything in Sports for the Sport I?WFl3 lvvS«?*% h-lipKiKflDC ATBD TU A feJ Fl 25. -AT ALL NEWSSTANDS -25c Tj | M fe feT » ■V Sfi 8 1 FRE1 CODE GOES MONDAY FOR | W * xtC """l**??!?* #V 8° KgfW THE FLAYER— NOT THE LAYER I JE SAME SyLifLfz SAME sS" FOURTEEN FREE CODES WON NAME mZmtwlP x ADDRESS Out of 18 Released in Last Three Weeks MY ADVERTISEMENT APPEARS 365 DAYS A YEAR— WIN OR LOSE II your newsdealer cannot supply you with the j am certain that I can prove conclusively the true value of my service over a period of time. Anybody can pick a •winner now Sports Cr.tic, wire or mail for fifteen issues and and then— but the real, bona fide test is a profit. after six consecutive days. LET ME CONVINCE YOU. you will receive as a premium absolutely FREE SATURDAYS PARLAY" ■35F=tw«. GRAND PRINCE, 1.94, WON BROWN PET, 1.60, WON SENSATIONAL CODE SERVICE to«i-«/-*kJ*— KT~» In view of the fact that alt my re,eases are L0NG SHOTS, I STRICTLY ADVISE A SEPARATE PLAY ON 290 PROFIT ON A $"i FLAT PLAY MHllp-Jlkfe lF EACH HORSE, in addition to the PARI. AY play. You will find this method very profitable. A super code service of one horse daily released fe£t. JSSrrtSZ ""BC*"* RCI II7/I7 IT OR MOT* "MW twenty-four hours before post and known as E8ffil®5Ssiand **" DILL. IE, V IL II KJ I IW I J* daily special code fLmfTC A TWO-DOLLAR PARLAY ON S. R. KINGS 21 CONSECUTIVE See Page 7 for This Weekly Code Service HNT WINNERS WOULD HAVE PAID VS grand ■pRiWck:" ™94, won FfVl 3,072,201,333,240,484,557.26 land fc Qi* AWNC APPEARED IN 257 NEWSPAPERS THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE WORLD ON MAY 30 AND JUNE 2. 1930 INDIANTOWNYS C0DE 3 10 WON S*a T B The Horses Release Are the Horses I Advertise PARNELL BOUND, Ran Third Jk 2°T A?™ ww""** TAPV° mCTl%L « n 9tT CRITIC Join Your PARLAY Layers SERVICE Pay Roll ~*G W1"futhmP ff W- fMWl K S3 L 3.11V J m"MT 3LY18LV J K 95 3 represents the greatest return for the smallest invest CITY CLIENTS UNABLE TO CALL IN PERSON MAY PHONE FOR MESSENGER SERVICE ment and is known from COAST TO COAST for -*;Kfc CD AM If I IM A70£ — KB consistent winning results. Terms within the reach SsW rKAlMrVLIlM O/ZD "WK ** OFFICE OPEN ALL DAY SUNDAY DE LUXE vtrDADI PARLAY AVOCDW1„c SERVICE axx clients subscrd3ing Sunday will receive Mondays advertised horses — DAILY— S. R. KING NEWS! S. R. KING. 10 North Clark Street, Room 706, Chicago, III. LIVE! ■ INTERESTING NEWS ■ | «|K jr -wp Hal Kennelly. . . .Baseball releasing bona fide, legitimate turf information The Mask Ticker Talk Strictly Two Horses a Day — Prompt and Courteous Service to All Out-of-Town Subscribers — No Waiting , j 2W" TERMS — DAILY P8S Q p r oOl IvOSeil DrOftQWoy The two horses you are to receive are positively the horses advertised. Everybody receives the same two horses the very same day WT SPECIAL ARTICLE -m they subscribe. No exceptions. No Jiality NEW YORK TRACKS 2Wr DO NOT MISS LIMIT -.-_ «„, WIN PARLAY * » * „„ -«2 ___ ___ Under no consideration should any player miss two big-priced winners at Aurora. Subscribe today and receive this big double DOOIYlLD promptly. No waiting. No delay. _...,. . . . .. , . SATURDAYS STRICTLY TWO HORSES: Explaining the proposed tax and its effect and ■— *" OPEN ALL DAY SUNDAY f 1*2111/4 TVlVkCf 11 Q4- Wnil Come up and see whom ou are doing business with. _M1 W M 1 111 1 111. M m. tT* %Aj M. K. mh mM mT mh W W J M. 1 »»»**« • » m. m w +* w w v * ■ SUBSCRIBE NOW-IMMEDIATE SERVICE mmmwwjj my NO TELEGRAMS ON ALL CODE SERVICES P-r* «V V V 7 V mm .**. *■+. MONDAYS FREE CODE: I I fl* 7 MX Cj I sssrssr lombereau, 5b 7.0o, Won CHURCHILL— W-10-28-14-14. * ■ * PIMLICO — K-5-18-7-26. My two horses are advertised every day, regardless of results. Legitimate turf information. Fast rush telegrams send all out- MONDAYS SPECIAL CODE- of-town clients. A fair and square deal assured everybody. pimlic-g 16 14 38 9. » MONDAY— 0 TO WIN PARLAYBE SPORTS CRITIC PUB CO advertised parlay wired all clients immediately— no waiting— no delay m north clark st room 804 Chicago W DO NOT MISS MONDAYS PARLAY— TWO BIG-PRICED WINNERS ~*0 W MY REPUTATION IS AT STAKE ON THE OUTCOME OF MONDAYS PARLAY "Wt === ||T Direct Information on Mondays Two Horses at Aurora — Two Big Winners "PE DAY LONG SHOT DAY GETAWAY IS _r SUBSCRIBE FOR MONDAYS PARLAY— WIRE IMMEDIATELY "W And Saturday, Mjy 21, is Getaway Day at Churchill We have a special department to handle western subscribers exclusively, securing prompt attention. Out-of town subscribers ro Downs Kentucky. Our last Kentucky Getaway Spe- ceive the advertised two horses. Subscribe today. Dont wait for tomorrow. The day you miss is the day you lose, rials were Prince Megan, 5.44, Won, and Chum, Out-of town subscribers wire via Western Union or Postal Telegraph. New York office open every day from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m, 6.02, Won, so we expect two from Churchill that Prompt and courteous service to everybody. should also w,n and pay plenty. Our price for T. M. FERGUSON, 1452 Broadway. New York, N. Y. these Kentucky Getaway Specials is only and BOTH mmmmmmmmm ma m h tmmm H — hbm ib hbm aam ■■■■■ wmtm w* ■ ■ ■ mmmmmm M m HORSES we send ou MIST WIN AND WIN ONLY, or we will wire uu our regular parlay for Saturday, nMM««u; rSi— ii fc F t ~ k_ May 28, FREE and also mail you a "subscription 6 1 W W MnXM Ul fU I licfoi* The Soaal y Register for Horses fe weeks to Gallops v eeklv and Parlav Page, with I » " ■ M1 *— d t £ 7I1 j ■ ■■ 911 m. ■ I fc I W m L — * /w»k— instructions, FREE. Dont miss these Getaway Spe- fuc «A"t*s .SfvSLSul Taiu s"ct|S *- X# fc V/UCtVI ■PTr.[ fc » f W mA m FandSl k cals and dont forget-they go Saturday. May 21. Just M *T ••~ »~?~S_ - J PlV .▼#T#1 f send 32 and say. tor Kentucky Getaway Specials. Vt. VIN WE ?! CLEANED UP $ SOLD ON LL NEWSSTANDS JlB J. I 1*1 VaTA 1 k3 AWI rD4UBS4R,s™EAORN ™STERS "»~»M »«"*■ * 1 PARLAY CODE CARD d» -| r GALLOP S st 1 1 daandS£"%5£oS TOMBEREAU * coop for 6 days « JSSfS sTlslcl = d"T r0 WT4*m ITS A SENSATION And as a Premium You Receive SUPREME FLASH $/.Uo, WtJIN No Wires ! No Phone Calls ! ! absolutely free 35c at All Newsstands f n A lVTI DDTMPr No Waiting ••• 3 BLUE STAR SPECIALS! new issue out UKA1NU rKlfNH. BUY ONE NOW! ! DONT WAIT! ! Saturdays blue star special: MONDAYS 00 * * * FREE CODE: WON AGAIN 194 WON INDIANTOWN, 3.94, WON W * PiMLICO-July-13-6-17-21. » SATURDAYS DE LUXE PARLAY: Break the Book With Blue Book Parlays fc 66 cipher code, see page 2, Supreme Flash Turf Fridays Parlay $ Also WON $ NOAHS PRIDE The Racing Blue Book which is known for its win- y reC°mmends t0 aU PayerS the beSt m°"ey mak- MONDAYS SUPREME PARLAY: THURSDAYS PARLAY: CQ 1 fl WOM ?"* W KJIV inS servlce" PIMLICO-Plane-1-49. CHURCHILL— Gas-46-41. IREDELL, 2.94, WON 0.1U, For Supreme Parlays, see page 8, Supreme Flash t PRLNCE FARTHING, 1.34, WON J IXXI F TTOOXl PARLAY CCDX/irc. SERVICE— 53 „ nAI1 DAILY „ Turf Weekly, sold at all newsstands, 35 cents the copy. _ , U ***■ * W * »J Positively No Favorites „, „„ m, „,J.„ 1M SUPREME PUBLISHING CO. "LOOK-This Parlay Paid 00- y oq ll/f] See Pa 6 for This Service YV KJIV 799 Broadway Suite 407 New York City And Everyone CLEANED UP Wednesday on +• •**", c.x,nvC . „ Go to the nearest newsstand and this weeks _ MllKUAJ S LUUt rnnr Dao, FAKLAl: tv -== — — - cinvrirkT CO nn ivotsj procure SUNDOT, 2.00, WON par,ay code card or wire mGPdirect BROWN PET, 1.60, WON ■■pnpHHHBMKandHnaiMgg Thats the kind of WINNERS you get when YOU THIS INFO ONLY COSTS YOU GRAND PRINCE, 1.94, WON ■ « T* *«3r*i m IB follow "ONE WHO KNOWS" and gets the BEST. SIXTEEN CENTS A DAY FRIDAYS CODE PARLAY: ■■ J JL3I A |f rUlillllWfl MONDAYS PARLAY: 0.00. WON APPREHENSIVE, , | Dont Be a "Sucker" for Your Bookie! ~ °« ™™ UOV ■SSTHffSW Over .434 Won Last Week With * Bet CjlRM TWTNNERS MONDA ■ "THE SECRET OF BEATING I WT MONDAY— 00- PARLAY "mk 151 West 42nd Street New York Citv We advse a separate play on Mondays parlay, at H THE RACES" H And we are also going to give Monday a OR MY WESTERN REPRESENTATIVE both horses are long shots BH J K WILLIS Wmm _,. , _.. . ., »«»i»e. Turn to anJ t th tn j f playing TWO ■ 5122NW lit 1 Ave* Miami F a I "FREE" WIN PARLAY AT AURORA Rinder D.Stnbuters LONG SHOTS LEVELING. ■ ■» Remember, You Get 2 Parlays Monday 64 West Randolph St.. 7th Floor Chicago. III. OlEN SUNDAY " - — All those calling today, Sunday, will receive thest PI NaaaI 3*W Terms, a Day "S • tvvu lo,1!i shots immediately. ava.c XT I I r» x-« • ■ n«tycrs, motice. CHICAG0 players "notice- -m Weekly Racing Guide no wires; no expense; Chance ot a lifetime. If vou play the races I " . mA~ZZwm nAII V POnC MONDAYS CODE PARLAY: „ lf l to off,ce Phone RANDOLPH UAILY OUUt you can come our PIMLICO-C-38-26-14-9. wiU put you next to a little secret that should place you above want as long as you live. Write 8781 8701 and we will send you our parlay in sealed Two Great Free Information Services CHURCHILL — G-96-48-17-6. for free description of my New Discovery. It envelope with messenger. OUT-OF-TOWN PLAYERS, One Horse a Day Selected by Americai MONDAYS FREE CODE: will open your eyes. telegraph S3 and we will wire you. Greatest Experts PIMLICO — Allen-21-7-51-9. T. SECOR MAXIM mim A ex *j« P.AY i CARMACS RELEASE FOR MONDAY: RACING BLUE BOOK Aurora Illinois AURORA-Six-34-50. 64 W. Randolph St. Room 712 Chicago, III. ., = 64 W. Randolph St., Suite 1010 Chicago, B III. „ I ASA POWELLS RELEASE FOR MONDAYt =— MASTER CLOCKER ■ CHURCHiLL-Five-26-40. 0 TO WIN PARLAY JOHN W. CROMWELL TURF WEEKLY ,F0R C0DE BUY ISSUE 0F MAY 14 VA«n.v.c rRFF rnnrs. rr»FQ MriMHAV MONDAY S FREE CODES: G0ES MONDAY WEEKLY RACING GUIDE MONDAYS TWO FREE CODES: PIMLICO-Cord-Brace-Show-To.l-Flow. CHURCHILL-Mud-11-14. PIMLICO-Bridle-19-16. Worlds Greatest Racing Weekly SEE T. M. FERGUSON CHURCHILL— Cord-Gear-Mode-Seed-Less. Mondays Reynolds Special: AURORA— Utah-79-96. 421 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO, ILL. READ ADVERTISEMENT ELSEWHERE