Hears Approval of Policy: Colonel Winn Encouraged by Response to Lincoln Fields Plans, Daily Racing Form, 1932-08-29


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HEARS APPROVAL OF POLICY Colonel Winn Encouraged by Response to Lincoln Fields Plans. Reduction of Admission and Transportation Charges Appeals to the Public Large Stables Gather at Crete Track. Col. M. J. Winn, executive director of the Lincoln Fields Jockey Club, in his recent announcement of innovations in connection with the thirty-one days of racing, scheduled to begin at that track on Saturday, September 3, guessed correctly respecting favorable reaction. He ha.s received congratulations on obtaining a seventy-five cent round trip rate on the C. and E. I. railroad for Chicago patrons who find the sport at Lincoln Fields specially attractive. The reduction of general admission to plus tax and fixing the clubhouse admission fee at additional, plus tax, proved popular, Colonel Winn states, as revealed in talks with turfmen and letters from persons assuring him that he need have no fear as to the attitude of the public concerning the racing situation. Colonel Winn is gratified over one feature which caught the popular fancy his promise to keep racing going and not close the gates. In pruning costs in all departments Colonel Winn has followed a judicious system of safeguarding the sport itself, affording protection to turfmen and the people who find racing a preferred pastime. The Colonel, in his long connection with racing, has qualified as a statistician. As each days business advances on his tracks he is in step with developments. Thus it is that before the close of transactions any afternoon he is able to analyze profit and loss. Colonel Winn and C. Bruce Head, general manager, are going to present at Lincoln Fields eight races daily, the first at 2:15 p. m. No purse will be below 00. Many will be ,000, some will be ,500 and features ,500, such as the Labor Day Handicap, on Monday, September 5. There will be 1,200 horses, perhaps a few more, due to an overflow of thoroughbreds to Washington Park. The best racers in training will compete. All of the Illinois favorites, all of the crack Kentucky performers and a fine representation of New York horses will be under colors throughout the seasor. Many stables have arrived at Lincoln Fields, including those now campaigning at Hawthorne. A large number of horses will be brought from Canada. Colonel Winn, briefly summarizing the situation, said: "There will be the class of former Lincoln Fields seasons. The track is faster than heretofore, the plant is even more attractive and the clubhouse has been improved Continued on twenty-second page. HEARS APPROVAL OF POLICY Continued from first page. for the comfort of the public. Alteration in the mutuel department in the club house make it one of the best equipped In this country. We are going to have a great season."

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1932082901/drf1932082901_1_6
Local Identifier: drf1932082901_1_6
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800