Daily Double Sets Record: Mount Royal Has Biggest Day of Season, with Handle in Mutuels Above Average, Daily Racing Form, 1932-08-29


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DAILY DOUBLE SETS RECORD Mount Royal Has Biggest Day of Season, With Handle in Mu- : tuels Above Average. MONTREAL,, Quo., Aug. 27. The speedy Ed Crump filly Zyska again proved her class and versatility on the closing day at Mount Royal this afternoon when, in the presence of by far the largest crowd at any local race meeting here this season, she easily outran her opposition to win the St. Denis Theater Handicap, at three-quarters, featuring the final days bill. It was her second victory at the meeting, the first being achieved over a fast track when she ran fractionally close to the track record. Today she was asked to race in mud and slop, which followed heavy morning rains, but was equally at home, sprinting away from the gate with keen speed. Zyska opened an early lead and saved ground on the turn. The big chestnut colt Column Right, drew up with a threatening gesture after rounding the far turn but, after racing on the inside, the filly easily withstood his effort and drew away to win handily. Column Right had a wide margin over Try Mack as the latter came from behind to annex the short end. The biggest crowd of Montreals racing season turned out for the closing. There was a sell out of programs, a new mutuel handle record for the season and the biggest daily double handle of all time on Montreal tracks, this pool reaching the ,000 mark.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1932082901/drf1932082901_2_3
Local Identifier: drf1932082901_2_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800