Workouts, Daily Racing Form, 1932-08-29

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r J j I I , I j j - i V I I I i L 1 3 g 3 I : NOTE Date at left ol horses name is last J previous workout of horse. Letters following J time indie tet b breezing: d driving; J V e easily: h handily: c all out; u eased up. j 4 SATURDAY, AUGUST 27 HAWTHORNE. tVeather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 8-24 Bag Smasher -.40 b 8-23 Mad Pursuit. :37.i 8-11 Big Brand... :37h 8-17 Premeditate :36h 8-18 Fetch .41b 8-25 Pendulum . . :37h 8-22 First Regint :38 h 7-25 Rex Regent. :37. h 8-21 Gay Bird... :42 b 8-23 Santa Sophia. :39h 8-24 Head Play. .. :35 b 8-22 Serving Lad. :37h 8-25 Hamilton ... :36h 8-22 Wee Drop. .. :39 b 8-20 Kenny Boy.. :41b 8-22 Waylaycr ... :39 b 8-23Lugen Luge :38 h One-Half Mile. 8-20Babee :48h 8-20 Metaurus ... :51h 8-24 Dusky Devil. :54 b 8-21 Meeting Plce :53b 8-20 Easter Sox.. :49 h 8-20 Midshipman . :51h 8-21Fairlee :50 h Mystic Kght :52 h 8-24 Fine Fibre... :47h 8-23 Oil Queen... :50 h 8-23Fanfern .... :49 h 8-19 Palatine ... :52b 8-20 Gay Heart... :47h 8-22Truxton .... :49 d 8-20 Late Date... :54b 8-21 Transbird ... :48b 8-24 Luna Mica.. :54 b 8-18 W. J. Balmer :51h 8-16 La Contessa. :47h Five-Eighths Mile 8-25 Arrowswift .1:04 h 8-19 Little Cncllyl:05h 8-22 Agatha l:05d 8-5 Luke Connell l:04h 8-24 Big Cinders. .1:03 h 8-22 Monks Star.l:02h 8-23 Blue Law.... l:04d Miss Muffit.l:02 h 8-19 Charley O...l:01 h 8-21 Moderation .1:03 h 8-18 Conquest ...l:01h 8-21 Northgalis ..l:03h 8-24Ennis l:03d 8-20 Plucky Girl. .1:03 h 8-24 Fiddler l:01h 8-24 Rose Bowl. ..l:05h 8-24 Gay Prince.. 1:06 h 8-24 Reservist ..l:03b 8-23 Hope to Do.l:01d 8-17 Starch l:03h 8-20 Indian Rnerl:06b 8-20 Scotch Nell..l:03b 8-18 Infinity ....1:05 h 6-21 Syrinx l:07h 8-25 Just Buck..l:01d 8-21 Watch Him..lKlh Three-Quarters Mile. 8-20 Alma S l:17h 8-24 Ltle Colonel 1:19 h 8-19 Big PIay....l:17h 8-23 Lord Dean..l:17h 8-24 Battling Girl.l:17 h 8-18 Miss Pfectnl:16 h 8-23 Cuddle 1:16 d 8-23 Na Zdar 1:23 h 8-20Chcsney ....1:14 h 8-24 Old Judge.. .l:16h 6-13 Evergn Qn.l:19h 8-23 Punishment .l:21h 8-16 Flg Pilgrim. l:17h 8-13 Reproof ....l:13d 8-25Galagold ...l:19h 8-21 Switch l:15h 8-23 Gettin Even.l:17 h 8-23 Sir Satin.... 1:17 h 8-23 Hopulikit ..l:16h 8-13 St. Nazaire..l:23 b 8-24 Hazel Densnl:20 h 8-11 Sta Bullet. ,l:18h 8-24 Higher l:18b 8-20 Soothing . . ..l:17h 8-22 Indian Boy..l:16d 8-16 Sans Coin.. .1:17 h 8-24 Jean Lafitte.l:16h 8-25 Totem 1:15 h 8-15 Kneehigh ..1:20 h 8-21Ted Clark. ..l:17h 8-20 Lady Genal l:21h 8-23 Upright ....1:23 b 8-23 Latifolia ....l:17h Seven-Eighths Mile. 8-23 Aviary .....1:34 b 8-17 Zida ..l:34b 8-13 Uncn Gold.l:30 h One Mile. 8-16Afridi l:43h 8-12 My Dandy. .1:43 b 8-22 Bengal Tigerl:43h 8-22 Sarazen II. .1:44 h 8-26 Durango ...1:45 h 8-12 Shady Rest. ,l:46d 8-25 -Gala Flight.. l:45b 8-24 Subtlety ... .1:46 h 8-25 Mad Carcer.l:44h 8-26 Tmy Tickle.. 1:45 h 8-24 Matthew ...l:44h 8-25 Volta Maid..l:45b SPORTSMANS PARK. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 8-11 Cmandman. :39b 7-11 Playbill .... :40 b 8-21 Mokui- :38h One-Half Mile. 8-24Garrick .... :52h 8-8 St. Jim :51b 8-20Jorico :55 b 8-26 Santa Roma. :53 h 8-24 Rosa de Cuba :53 b Five-Eighths Mile. 8-18 Nick D l:07b 8-24 Volcry l:07h Three-Ouarters Mile. S TSIay Pennantl:19h 8-23 War Dimes.l:19b Seven-Eighths Mile. 8-24 Bocaratohe .1:35 b One Mile. 8-24 Plum Orchdl:52 b , War Dimes and May Pennant were gether. St. Jim was breezing. BAINBRIDGE PARK. Weather cloudy; track heavy Three-Eighths Mile. 7-20 Advertiser .. :43 d 7-25 Fing Ambor :39h 8:25Balzar :43 h 8-23 Luxuriate .. :41 h 8-20 Bwn Gold.. :40d 8-24 Nth Vernon -.40 d 8-24 Cut Price... :43 h 8-24 Porgie :40d I 8-4 Cliftons Gem :41d 8-12 Uprise :39d 8-11 Discreet ... :43h 8-22 Wega :41h j One-Half Mile. 8-25 Bellarion ... :53h 8-2 Pacheco .... :55b , 7- 26 Ellen D :52 h 8-24 Pcess Trash :54 h , 8-25 Laura Clay. :57b 8-23 Pce Canbar. :52 d 8- 16 Mayes Lutz. :51 d Tears :53 h , 8-24 Miss Fsky. . :51h Five-Eighths Mile. 8-25 Carnival ...l:llh 8-23 Pkersburg .l:14b , 8-24 My Luck...l:09d 8-18 Yes Yes. . . .l:lld 1 Three-Quarters Mile. 8-11 Gay Hallie..l:25 b 8-24 Pagan Lad;1:19 h , 8-26 Mr. Twin...l:23h 7-25 Teeare l:18d j 8-24 My Beauty. .l:22b One Mile. 8-25 Dick Porter.l:52 h a 8-23 French Maidl:53 h I, DADE PARK. Weather cloudy; track heavy Three-Eighths Mile. . Duveen .... :42b 8-1" Murky Cloud :39h ? S 5-5 Edwin White :39b 8-18 Our Pal :42b ? I 8-25Hieover .... :40 b 8-25 Ruckus :39 b P L 8-23 Jessie Dear. :38b 5-25 Swab :37 b ? 8-17 Miss Sthaus :39b 8-25 Tea Tax.... :39 ? b - 8-20 Miss Justice. :38h 8-24 Unswept ... :39 h e One-Half Mile. . 7- 24Aidas Pal... :53b 8-24 Sea Billows. :53 ? b s 8-24 Catwalk .... :52 b 8-24 Surf Board.. :53 b ? t 8-24 Donna C... :54b 8-25 Sweet Flag.. :52 b , e 8-22Laftoi :55b 8-25 Tweeny .... :53 b a 8-21 Lly Woman :53h 8-25 Updike .... :56b J 8- 25 Royl Julian :58 b Five-Eighths Mile. i 8-23Belen 1:08 b 8-25 Patsyette ...l:05d id j I 8-24 Irene T l:07b 8-19 Pcock Bluo.l:08b ;b I 8-16 Marabou ...l:12b 8-25 Quk Verdictl:06b ;b 8-8 Muslet ....l:08b 8-23 Runar 1:08 b b 3 8-25Mccat 1:05 b 8-23 Standout ...1:05 b b 3- 8-17Nobilia lK5b 8-23 Sit Tight. . .l:07h ih 8-14 P. Hy Mac...l:09b 8-15 Viba ....... l:03b ;b r Three-Quarters Mile. d 8-24 Chuck B....l:21b 8-24 Scream l:17u iu Lt 8-26Googie l:21d 8-22 Upset Ann.. 1:20 b b te 8-22 Old Tuck...l:18b 8-21 Vesee 1:21 b b 8-24 Rector 1:20 b V I j , , , , 1 , j h a h I, . ? ? b P b ? ? b h . ? b b ? b , J b id ;b ;b b b b b ih ;b iu b b b b Seven-Eighths Mile. 8-17Delco Del... 1:35 b One Mile. 8-21 Low Gear...l:47b 8-22 Prcefeather l:54b SARATOGA Main Course. Weather cloudy; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. r 8-8 All Ablaze... :36 h 8-18 Rapscallion . :41 b 8-23Backstep ... :36 h 8-23 Ship Ablaze. :36 h 8-25 H. A. Bham :36d 8-20 Sarada :36b 8-23 Jungle King. :36 b 8-20 War Banner :36 h One-Half Mile. 842 After Dark.. :48h 8-25 Magnifico .. :48 d 8-13 At Sunrise.. :49h 8-23 Orphean ... :49b 3-1 Black Watch :51 b 8-24 Our Sallie... :50 b 7- 2 Carte Blche :49 h 8-8 Pompoleon . :48h 8- 25Capsheaf ... :48 h 8-22 Pompalo ... :49b 5-7 Craigco .... :51 b 8-24 Red Coat... :49 h 8-26 Eva B :50 b 8-22 Resurtion . :48h Goliah :49h 8-23 Thermopye :50 h 8-23Manya :48 d" 8-24 Via Appia... :50 b 8-27Morfair .... :47h Five-Eighths Mile. 8-23 Accent ,...l:01h 8-22 Lieut. Bob..l:03h 8-26 Boston Mattl:06 b 8-20 Mamas Che.l:06 b 8-19 Blk Minnie.l:07 b 8-23 Mry Cline.l:01 d 8-24Cutie Face..l:00h 8-25 No Frills... 1:04 b 8-16 Daisy Cutterl:01 d 8-22 Octaroro ...1:04 b 8-25Denon l:02d 8-26 Royal Coquel:06 b 7- 30 Easy Day... 1:00 h 8-24 Sweep Pic. .1:06 b 8- 25 Finite 1:06 b 8-26 F-winwood ..1:01 d 7- 27Gramarye ..1:06 b 8-24 Tetrarchal . .l:00h 8- 20Grys Tradc.l:06 b 8-21 Trimmer ...1:04 b 8-26 How High... l:02b 7-30 Wise Kid... 1:02 h 8-23 Jacobs Ladrl:01h 8-25 Wild Papoosel:03 b Three-Quarters Mile. 8-25Blondish ...1:14 d 8-25 Morsel l:18b 8-23 Blue Tile...l:17b 8-26 Novelist ...1:17 b 8-20 Caesars Ghtl:16 h 8-13 Nose In....l:18b 8-25 Caterwaul ..1:25 b 8-22 Okapi l:16h 8-23Glidelia ....1:14 h 8-23 Regula Bunl:13 h 8-25 Good Guess. 1:19 b 8-23 Starelius ...1:21 b 8-25 Halcyon ...l:13d 8-25Volette ....1:19 b 8-25 Hell Diver... l:18b 8-24 Wise Moncy.l:15 h 8-22 Microphone .1:17 b 8-22 Wonderful .l:20b Seven-Eighths Mile. 8-25 Sir Ashley.. 1:31 b One Mile. 8-21 Don Pedro.. 1:48 b 8-23 Playfole ...1:42 h 8-25 Fall Apple.. l:45b 8-21 Spinach ....1:42 h -8-13 Helianthus .1:48 b 8-22 Scout Mter.l:45 b 8-13 Jim Robin.. 1:43 h 8-14 Tug o War. .l:41d 8-21 Jamison ...l:46b 8-25 Top Flight.. 1:40 h 8-18 Monday ....1:48 b 8-25 Tred Avon..l:43b 7- 28 McGonigle ,.l:41d 8-23 War l:44b 8- 20Moine l:42h 8-22 Young John.l:46b 8-25 Mad Frump.l:41h One and One-Klf Miles. 8-18 Osculator ..2:45 b Morfair did a good speed test. Top Flight seems fresh and good. Easy Day worked handily. Moine was not fully extended. Osculator was under restraint all the way. Cutie Face went well. Tred Avon looks and acts good. McGonigle and Tug o War were on even terms. Halcyon is in good condition. Glidelia is near racing condition. Mad Frump did his work handily. Regula Baddun has all of his speed. SARATOGA. Oklahoma training track. Weather cloudy; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 8-16Carsona .... :40 b 8-13 Enchanter . :37h 7- 24 Double Heart :39 b 8-25 Last Bid.... :38h 8- 20Edgemont .. :39 b One-Half Mile. 8-26 Miney Mrson :50h 8-16 San Kai.... :52 b 8-23 Nightie .... :51 b 8-13 Sonnelli .... :53 b 8-25 Sun Shadow. :51 b 8,23 The Heathen :51 b Five-Eighths Mile 8-22 Bndon Lightl:04 h 8-25 The Crane... 1:04 b 8-18 Jubliation ...1:04 h 8-16 Tellantell ...1:05 h 4-19 Pce dAmr.l:05 b 8-20 Zaidee 1:03 h 8-19Southco ...1:03 h Three-Quarters Mile. 7- 24Croyden ...1:20 b 8-18 Sergt. Dldnl:20 b 8- 26Donie 1:19 h 8-25 Tramp Fast.l:18 h 7- 5 Expertus ...1:20 b 8-24 Thursday ..l:18h 8- 16 Foreword ...1:19 h 8-19 Yancey ....1:19 h 8-13 Night Patrol. 1:20 b DEVONSHIRE PARK. Weather cloudy; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 7-27 Coral Beach. :38 b 7-13 Pce Westend :37 b 6- 20 Gun Man... :38 b 8-20 Polly Ewcll. :36h 7- 29 Hieaway .... :38 b 8-26 Rose Twig.. :37 b 8- 19 Lindsay :38b 7-26 Rippling ... :39 b 8-26Ladykin .... :37 b 8-26 Star Crest.. :37h 7-29 My Sis :37b One-Half Mile. 7-29Buzzy Boo.. :51 b 7-27 Ld Cardigan :49b Bagamon . . . :50b 8-13 Maximum . . :50 b 8-26 Fair Jack... :50b 8-26 Troy Maid.. :51b Five-Eighths Mile. 8-26 Fair Avis... 1:04 b 8-26 Speywood ..l:04b 7-30 Goldn StormlK2 h 8-16 Single C....l:03h 7-26Hrrold Jr... 1:02 h Watch Lite.. 1:05 b 4-9 Prometheus 1:03 h Three-Quarters Mile. 8-26 Billy Baughnl:16d 7-25 Thndr Lightl:16 h 8-19 Fair Fortunel:16 h 7-15 Westivity ..l:16d 8-26 Fair Speed.. 1:16 h 8-26 Zangwill ...1:15 h 7-25 Soil Gills.... l:15b Seven-Eighths Mile. 7- 23 Bud Charltonl:35 b 8-13 Song Hit. . . .l:29h One Mile. 7-26 Bide a Wee.l:43 h 8-26 Justa Sheik.l:44 d. Boys Howdy.l:46b 8-17 Pamperd Petl:47 b 8- 19Deedie 1:43 h 8-16 Wild Dreamsl:44 d MOUNT ROYAL. Weather rainy; track muddy Three-Eighths Mile 8-3 Cloiwald ... :39h 7-19 Mint Time.. :42h 8-25 Jean Gaffney :41h 6-24 Our Jewell. . :40h 8-6 Maone :42 h 8-20 Sunset .... :41h One-Hall Mile. 8-19 Mast Lady.. :55 h 8-24 Timon :54h 8-17 Red Tarn... :55h 7-30 Visionary .. :54h Five-Eighths Mile. 8-23 Big Storm.. l:09h 8-23 Mad Mullah.l:10V 8-22 Dark Nun... l:08h Three-Quarters Mile. 8-18 Black Prins.l:24 h 8-23 Vimont . . . .l:22h CU5D3ERLAND PARK. Weather clear; track good Three-Eighths Mile. 8-9 Berber :39h 7-22 Muskoday .. :39h 7-29 Bright Seas. :38h Press Selima :38 h 7-14 Holiday .... :39h One-Half Mile. 7-27 Chummy ... :50h 5-4 Unfair ...... :51h 8-24 Imperialist . :52h Five-Eighths Mile, Sthland Chfl:07 h Three-Quarters Mile. 3-8 Grey Belle... l:23b Welsh Betty.l:23 h

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