untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1932-08-29


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P "Americas Premier Turf Ace" Mg JOCKEY P PARTINGTON :J 118 WEST 44th- ST- V ::f jJ NEW YORK CITY, INI. Y. yllP- I BELOW ARE A FEW OF THE MANY WINNERS I HAVE RIDDEN: FEU DE JOIE, S197.60. Won; ROCK SUGAR, 40.40, Won; WK MANDY, S89.00, Won; DAN DYB RUSH, S60.60, Won; SYM- WtmEMandA PATHY, S62.20. Won; CERES. S28.90. Won; JEAN CREST, vKEP-- 1.20, Won; MERULINA, S45.30, Won SATURDAYS PARLAY: ALL HAIL, See 8th Hawthorne ETCETERA, LOST STRICTLY THE ONLY TWO HORSES RELEASED SATURDAY TWO HORSES MONDAY AT HAWTHORNE I have arranged for two horses to go today at Hawthorne and, if you never had the pleasure of cashing in on a limit win parlay, here appears your opportunity. Neither horse is a favorite, but on the contrary, I expect about twelve to one on one, and four to one on the other. That will make a 65 TO 1 WIN PARLAY How would you like to have 0 to J100 on the nose of the two of them? Its as easy as catine pie. Enroll with me today, either for one day or for a week, and Ill put you next to some of the smartest information emanating from around Chicago. If you are wide awake you will get in now. GET IN MONDAY. 1 play every horse I send out I never made a promise that I didnt make good ask your racing associates about my ridine; record. Do you need further proof of my reliability? Ill prove to the most skeptical that I never misrepresent or resort to subterfuce. If you want to cet in on the ground floor if you want real inside information if you want to join hands with a reliable turf connection dont hesitate. RUSH YOUR ORDER TODAY. TERMS A DAY JUDGE THE FUTURE BY THE PAST. My record is an open book investigate it. My office is open every day between 10 and 4. Come in with me today and convince yourself. Send your subscription by Western Union or Postal Telegraph to JOCKEY PARTINGTON, 118 W. 44th Street, New York, N. Y. Play Filed Every Noon with DAILY RACING FORM FREE THE COMPLETE NEW SALARY SYSTEM FREE Starting January 2, 1932, play of this system has been filed with the DAILY RACING FORM every noon. Over ,S00 was won during this period of thirty-four weeks, an average of over 60 weekly. Start this play at once and put the next ,900 in your own pocket. The NEW SALARY SYSTEM will continue to win in the future just as it has won in the past. Rush your name and address, but NO MONEY, for a FREE copy of this clever, practical method that really wins. Amazing new angle. AH plays to WIN only. No place or show bets. At or away from track. Three to five horses daily; never more than one horse in same race. Small or large capital. With this "just like a salary system," will be mailed the personal advice of a successful operator called "TRIPLE STOP-LOSS CAUTION" Contains sensational advice that should save thousands for race fans. QUIT LOSING! Get this FREE document and avoid the pitfalls that defeat fourteen out of fifteen. Write or wire at once. Send no money. Both Salary System and Stop-Loss Caution are FREE for limited time. The copies mailed to you will be exactly the same as those on file with DAILY RACING FORM and other publications. There will be no obligation on your part. You pay nothing now or later. We do not send you any wires. If given a chance we can show you how profit can be made in racing if business-like methods are used. Write your name and address on the margin of this page if you wish. Weekly Racing Guide f DAILY CODE Worlds Greatest Racing Weekly Two Great Free Information Services One Horse a Day Selected by Americas Greatest Experts CARMACS RELEASE FOR MONDAY: HAWTHORNE Six-16-10. ASA POWELLS RELEASE FOR MONDAY: HAWTHORNE Five-10-40. FOR CODE BUY ISSUE OF AUGUST 27 SATURDAYS CARMAC RELEASE: "ESSEFF, .02, WON SECRET SOCIETY SPECIAL TODAY 7G Out of the Last 131 Have Won TODAYS SECRET SOCIETY SPECIAL IS: OIL Violin-48-14. Correction: In code box for Carmac and Asa Powell releases, number 10 should read letter P, instead of F as printed. WEEKLY RACING GUIDE 421 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO. ILL CLOCKERS REVIEW 35 Cents a Copy Sold at All Newsstands SATURDAYS STAR SPECIAL FREE CODE: ESSEFF, .02, WON Mondays Free Code: HAW. Pink-31-18. WE EXPECT 8-1 TODAY MONDAYS COL. MATT BRADY SPECIAL: HAWTHORNE Corn-14-26. See page 11, Clockers Review, for Col. Matt Bradys winning specials. BIG LIMIT PARLAY Track connections assure limit win parlay for Monday. Both horses WIRED YOU IMMEDIATELY upon receipt of . CLOCKERS REVIEW PUBLISHING CO. 1674 Broadway Suite 915 New York City SUPREME FLASH TURF WEEKLY 35 CENTS ON ALL NEWSSTANDS 35 CENTS SATURDAYS FREE CODE: ROLLLN IN, 2.10, WON MONDAYS 00 FREE CODE: HAWTHORNE July-1-13-8-17. For CipTier Code to this 10-1 winner, see page 2, Supreme Flash, new issue out today. MONDAYS TRACKMENS CODE PARLAY: HAW. Lamp-23-4. SARATOGA Sofa-21-4. See page 5 for Trackmens Gode Parlay. SUPREME PUBLISHING CO. ISA West Madison St.t Suite 600 Chicago,. III. A RACING MIRACLE THE INVENTION OF THE AGE No figuring no handicapping no doubling up afler losers flat bets only. Should average from 5 to 0 per week net profit on flat bets. Copies of the New Wonder.System will be mailed out absolutely free. No obligations, no strings attached to this offer. First come, first served. Get your copy today I Start winning! Send name and address to If W. J. TV TV TV DIRECT STABLE INFORMATION Two Horses a Day In Code Form PAYS FOR SIX DAYS SERVICE BILLY KELLYS RELEASES FOR MONDAY: H AWTH 0 R N E Z-13-23-3-24. DADE PARK A-26-1 1-3-26. WM. BURKE KELLY 423 Plymouth Court, Chicago. III. GET THE BIG SEPTEMBER ISSUE Q I" 35 PACES-AT ALL TURF NEWS STANDS -NEW Systems That WIM A J EXPLAINED COMPLETE. READY TO GO "JT Success Profit s Winners YOU CAN WIN WE TELL YOU HOW 1 JvoU GET IMMEDIATE ACTION M 1- n QU.BUY HORSE V JOCKEY-USE CODE PAGE 27 IM -STafc. SYSTEM EDITORS SUPER-SPECIAL p Mondays free code: HAWS 4th-Neck-John-Stra $ lrarilllfl MAN WHO ROUTED THEl $ IwYSTEkIOU CHICAGO BOOKIES $ " I wr m acclaimed by every newspaper - in the. ft .,,,.,.., m COUNTRY FOR MY SUCCESS ... W ;1 1 fv. SULLIVAN now ready main s bookies dont like it t tLI. wAtch my Ssm OK 9W WHY EVERYBODY IS "WILD" ABOUT MY PARLAYS LOOK, MY LAST WEEKS RECORD SATURDAYS LAST-MINUTE SPECIAL: SATURDAYS DADE PARK PARLAY: PLUCKY PLAY, 24.34, WON BARASHKOVA .44, WON DUELIST, LOST FRIDAYS DADE PARK PARLAY: THURSDAYS DADE PARK MAY: MONEY WILD, 8.82, WON Km ABOTO 4.24, WON SandAY, 4.00, nS WEDNESDAYS PARLAY PAID 0-51: TUESDAYS PARLAY PAID OVER 0-: WISE CROSS, 7.76, WON WAYWARD LAD, 0.62, WON LITTLE GOBLIN, 0.72, WON K. RUSSELL, 3.46, WON OVER 47 WON LAST WEEK WITH BET EVERY DAY. Remember, PARLAYS pay big money, and only a small capital needed to play my PARLAYS every day. TRY IT YOURSELF. "BIG DAY" MONDAY TWO WINNERS 6-1 and 8-1 -5p DT- PARLAY SHOULD PAY 20- I urge everyone not to pass this WIN PARLAY up. "I KNOW SOMETHING" Monday. BV TERMS, A DAY Chicago Readers, Dont Go to Hawthorne Monday before you see ME and eet my PARLAY. If you cant come, PHONE ME. RANDOLPH 9195-9196 and I will send you my parlay in sealed envelope with messenger. NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR MESSENGER SERVICE. Out-of-town players, telegraph or mail your subscription and you will get my parlay by wir. "Mysterious" MR. SULLIVAN, 127 N. Dearborn St., Room 1327, Chicago. III. nmmA THE POAYSPAT94, WON TONY JOE, 8th Hawthorne Jl II FRIDAYS PARLAY: -4 ENGLEWOOD, 3.94, WON For Years a "Menace" to the "Bookies"-- COME ON, 2.38, WON Ask Any "Old Timer" Hell Tell You Thursdays Parlay: MERRDLY ON, 9.36, WON CRIMEAN LAD, .64, WON ST WINNERS! JUST A HABIT WHEN YOU FOLLOW "FIELD!" W Are You a Consistent Loser? Do You Pay Your Bookies Expenses? "t If you do, youre on the wrong side of the fence and its high time you get "wise" to yourself. Handicapping and guessing are meant for exceptionally LUCKY PEOPLE they could pick WINNERS with a HATPIN but why depend on "OLD DAME FORTUNE" when you can get the real "low down" for next to nothing WINNERS THATS WHAT I OFFER YOU AND NONE OF THEM ARE FAVORITES. U- Monday Spend and Cash a Limit Win Parlay 50 to 1 "Tp START THE WEEK OFF RIGHT TWO LIMIT WINNERS Dont Hesitate! Subscribe Now! Terms ! Two Horses Daily! Chicago clients, call in person or telephone FRANKLIN 0596 for messenger service no charge. Out-of-town clients, wire via Western Union or Postal Teleqraph. Service sent by fast telegram. JACK FIELD, 35 South Dearborn 7th Floor, Chicago, 111. INTRODUCTORY OFFER ONE MORE WEEK TWO HORSES DAILY FIFTY CENTS WEEKLY Positively this sensational offer made to my army of followers will prevail for one more week only. After this week, the price will be one dollar. In my first anonunce-ment, it was stated that this price would prevail only until such time as a sufficient clientele was obtained, but never did I realize the response would be as great as it was-. Never again will you be given the opportunity to obtain this service at such a low cost. For those who were unable to subscribe to this first weeks service, ample time is left to mail your fifty cents so it will reach my office before next weeks code cards are mailed. If you pass this opportunity you are throwing money away as I have several winners already lined up that are as good as anything that has gone postward this year. No twenty to one shots but CONSISTENT WINNERS AT GOOD ODDS. TODAYS TWO HORSES: HAWTHORNE Fall-11-9-9. HAWTHORNE Winter-6-19-20. During the summer of 1931 my BEST BETS led every handicapper in the country.. My followers at that time were limited only to the readers of the publication for which I was handicapping, and requests from all over the country from persons who had learned of my ability to pick winners were so numerous, I was prompted to sever my connections and enter this private field. Mail your fifty cents today for the best service ever obtainable, and you will receive, in code, my TWO BEST BETS selected by my mysterious method. A system I have been offered thousands for. Remit to RAY PAXON 320 East Third Street Suite 401 Cincinnati, Ohio And you will receive in return mail a handy sized code card that will fit into your pocketbook or billfold. A code enabling you to decipher each release will appear in this paper daily. Harvey Ames, Inc. 1674 Broadway, Corner 52nd St., New York, N. Y. FOUR CONSECUTIVE WINNERS HEAVY PERSONAL INTEREST IN MONDAYS TRANSACTION Terms, 00, in Advance, by Telegraph or in Person TELEPHONE NUMBERS: Columbus 5-2428, 5-2422, 5-2415, 5-6760, 5-0995 P. S. FRIDAYS "HARVEY TRANSACTION" WON AT GOOD ODDS kuEs?l IDAHOS SENSATION AND PEER OP AMERICAN it.O KIOERS. WINNER OF EVERY IMPORTANT STAKE 3BONE HORSE DAILY TERMS, DAILY FIRST HORSE GOES MONDAY WIN 00 FOR EVERY 5 WAGER YOU MAKE WEN No mistakes will be made. I am personally interested in this horse. This one has the GOLDIE JOHN SON OKAY. All angles have been taken care of. Money bet away from track so as to insure all a limit mutuel. Wire your subscription via Western Union or Postal Telegraph. GOLDIE JOHNSON, 1261 Broadway, New York City HUrPLAY ON MY PARLAY DAILY FOR ME-PSS Send No Money in Advance Just Bet on My Parlay Daily for Me SATURDAYS PARLAY: PORTCODINE, 2.80, WON ESSEFF, $ 6.02, WON Please remit promptly all money due me. Wire me your name and correct address and Mondays parlay will be wired you immediately. Just bet on my parlay for me, win only. R. T. GRAVES, 1452 Broadway, Room 306, New York City DONT GAMBLE ON THE RACES Play horses that FIGURE to win. Accurate handl-capping 1s simple when yon know how. There 1b no excuse for anyone not knowing bow to handicap. Full particulars FUEE. no strings attached. Secure your free copy o, "Pick Tour Own Winners." Learn to handicap and be a winner. Write today. Ew J. BELL, P. 0. Box 418, Cleveland, Ohio I Subscribe for Daily Racing Form me thl3 ad and you will be rewarded with a free copy of "THE SECRET OF BEATING THE RACES" J. K. WILLIS 5122 N.W. 18th Ave., Miami, Fla. Advertise in Daily Racina Form

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1932082901/drf1932082901_24_1
Local Identifier: drf1932082901_24_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800