Rehoboth Wins the Governors Derby, Daily Racing Form, 1932-08-29


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REHOBOTH WINS THE GOV- j ERNORS DERBY 2 ! SPRINGFIELD, 111., Aug. 27. Sponsored by racing interests of Illinois and the Illinois State Fair, a crowd of about 6,000 was attracted to the complete, spacious and up-to-date racing enclosure of the Fair Grounds and saw Rehoboth win the Governors Derby. Overcoming interference and in a nerve-tinkling nose finish, Rehoboth, the son of Sun Friar and Lazuli, carried the silks of J. Fred Adams, of Maryland, to victory in the third annual Governors Derby here today. Rehoboth led R. M. Eastmans Cathop under the wire by inches and Chu Chu, racing for the Jersey Stable, was third to complete the mile and one-sixteenth. She was six lengths back of the leaders and ten lengths before A. A. Baronis Watch Tower. As Rehoboth and Cathop fought it out bitterly the final five-sixteenths, Willie Moran, who had the mount on Cathop, repeatedly interfered with P. Remillard, who piloted the winner, and Morans foul tactics resulted in the disqualification of Cathop. This popular action of the officials gave second money to Chu Chu and the third part of the ,000 jurse to Watch Tower. Due to illness, Governor Louis L. Emmer-son, of Illinois, was unable to attend and it marked the first of the three runnings of the race named in honor of the chief executive that he did not witness it. The governor provided a handsome trophy as his personal award to the owner of the victorious three-year-old. Pleasant weather ruled and the track was in fine condition. In addition to the Derby, the large crowd saw six other contests, fashioned for the Fair Grounds performers raced here through the Illinois State Fair, which closed yesterday. Among those who assisted in putting on the racing vere Charles J. McClelland, John Carey and Roy Dickerson, who came from Chicago; also A. H. Pendleton, F. W. Soady, Harry Beatty and H. T. Ireland.

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Local Identifier: drf1932082901_23_5
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