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For Years a "Menace" to the "Bookies" Ask Any "Old Timer" Hell Tell You JUST AS 1 TOLD YOU! n Fridays Sportsmans Park Parlay: PIGEON HOLE, 0.98, WON KING PIN 8.84, WON Thursdays Sportsmans Specials: OUTCRY, $ 8.64, WON OUT BOUND, $ 5.96, WON Wednesdays Parlay: BERBER, 6.40, WON " LITTLE STOKES, ?10.40, WON This Parlay Paid 15 lor Tuesdays Parlay: I BRANDON ROSE, 6.00, WON MATADI, 4.20, WON This Parlay Paid 80 for Sir ABSOLUTELY Sir NO FAVORITES -? BEHAVE YOU BEEN ONE OFW SW THE "LUCKY FIELD" - FOLLOWERS? -WE IF NOT, GET WISE TO YOURSELF AND STOP LOSING GOOD "INFO" IS CHEAP AT ANY PRICE AND MY SERVICE COSTS YOU VERY LITTLE WHO SAID THE RACING GAME CANT BE BEAT? I have proven time and again that a man connected WITH THE PROPER SOURCES is bound to get WINNERS. ASK ANY "FD3LD" CLIENT. WHOLESALE "SLAUGHTER" 1 TODAY : I have two "double-barreled" winners, going today that should "annihilate" every bookie in town. SATURDAY 50 TO 1 PARLAY SATURDAY I promise that none of my clients will ever forget the Tesults of todays two limit win- ! ners. I advise you to "go the limit" WIN I ONLY! BTl.KNOW PLENTY Dont forget, one win parlay can turn a small bankroll into PLENTY, and todays two horses are a BONA FD3E investment. POSITIVELY NO RISK GET ME? DONT HESITATE! SUBSCRIBE N0WI TERMS DAILY TERMS CHICAGO CLIENTS, Call in Person or I ESgr Phone Franklin 0596 "HI i for messenger service no charge. Out-of-.; town clients, wire via Western Union or Postal Telegraph. Service sent by fast telegram. JACK FIELD 85 South Dearborn, Boom 708, Chicago, 111. CLOCKERS REVIEW For Sale on All Newsstands, 35 Cents a Copy Serving the Public for 22, Consecutive Years NEW ISSUE OUT TODAY LOADED WITH WINNERS 1W SENSATIONAL WIN PARLAYS "W That is what you receive when following CLOCKERS REVIEW. W ANOTHER HUMDINGER "WS YESTERDAYS PARLAY: FAIR IMAGE, 2.20, WON RUNNING WATER, 0.90, WON THURSDAYS PARLAY: GENERAL COURT, 3.50, WON NEW BABY, $ 6.34, WON Always on the level. When you see it in Clockers Review, it is so. NOTICE: The parlay that we have been telling you about all last week goes today, rain or shine. That big advertised Saturdays parlay. W YES SIR, FOLKS! "m TWO WINNERS EST 50 FOR ""W FOR THIS DAY ONLY "We arc extremely confident of the outcome of this parlay, which prompts lis to make this extraordinary offer. BOTH HORSES MUST WIN or we will send you Ten Issues of Clockers Review Turf Weekly ABSOLUTELY FREE Make sure you get this big Saturday parlay. Wire at once or call in person. Here is your big chance to tiim your bookie to a "fare-thee-well." Hand him this big limit parlay and then rest easy. TERMS, MAKE ALL REMITTANCES TO Parlay Service Parlays Review PLAYERS, DONT FORGET THE COL. HE IS KNOCKING THE BOOK-MAKING FRATERNITY FOR DT- A ROW OF PINS -m WITH HIS PHENOMENAL RUN OF LONG SHOT WINNERS FIVE 5 IN A ROW "SOMETHING TO RAVE ABOUT" , YESTERDAYS COL. MATT BRADY SPECIAL; LITTLE CONNELLY, 0.10, WON TODAYS COL. MATT BRADY SPECIAL: -LAT0NIA Corn-23-2. Dont miss this big special. The works are "in" today. So take my advice and go the limit to win only, and you will be well rewarded. For "Col. Matt Bradys Special, sec page 11, Clockers Review. TODAYS STAR SPECIAL FREE CODE: LAUREL Green-11-28. Address all remittances to CLOCKERS REVIEW PUB. CO. 1674 Broadway Suite 914 New York City 538 So. Dearborn St. Chicago. III. Price. 35c On Sale Everywhere Price S6o TODAYS SATURDAYS FREE CODE: LAUREL October-St. Paul-Chicago-Omaha. POPO, .78, WON was our last Code Special. Get book on sale now for todays Live One, 35 cents at newsstands. Code No. 1, Book 1327 Standard. Turf .Guide n I 1 E AS TERNCODE BU RE A U i No Telegrams! No Wires! No Telephone Calls! No Expen"--1 JUST WHAT THE SMALL PLAYER HAS BEEN SEEKING x - STRICTLY TWO HORSES A DAY IN CODE FORM 1 These Codes Are Advertised in This Paper Every Day PAYS FOR CODE CARD GOOD FOR SIX DAYS Immediately upon receipt of your 5 we will wire you todays parlay only we prepay telegram and mail you code card by aii mail. This card is good for six days six parlays. You -need no telegrams. SPIT SUBSCRIBE FOR NEW CODE CARD DATED MONDAY -W THIS CODE CARD GOOD FOR SIX DAYS Monday, Oct. 24, to Saturday, Oct. 29 Subscribe Today Dont Wait for the Last Minute Act Promptly Do It Now Start today. Receive todays parlay by prepaid telegram, also Code Card the first thing in the morning. Code Card ood for six days. Two horses a day. No specials. No extra horses. No bet for me on horses. No additional charges. No extra expense. , YESTERDAYS STRICTLY TWO-HORSE PARLAY: FAIR IMAGE; 2.20, WON LITTLE CONNELLY, 0.10, WON Our Service Is the Talk of the Entire Country Sensational Information SW" NO TELEGRAMS NO TELEPHONE CALLS NO EXPENSE mr SAVE YOUR MONEY PROTECT YOUR MONEY NO WAITING NO SUSPENSE THIS CONCERN IS ABSOLUTELY WT 100 PER CENT FOR THE PLAYER A Fair and Square Deal Is Assured Under No Consideration Should Any Player Miss Next Weeks Code Information Subscribe for That Code Card." Today Do It This Very Minute Be Sure to Get In on This Service You Cant Go Wrong You Can Hardly Miss You Must Win Todays Strictly Two-Horse Parlay: LAUREL Cadffiac-29-3-27. LATONIA Ford-95-12-27. . For prompt service, remit via Western Union or Postal Telegraph. Be sure to include your correct mailing address. Offic : open. 8 a. m. to 8 p. m. every day. EASTERN CODE BUREAU 145 WEST 41ST STREET, ROOM 508 NEW YORK CITY : ! I I i 26 YEARS OF ACTUAL TURF EXPERIENCE " "Darky" Bob Williams YESTERDAYS 11TH HOUR PARLAY: RIDGE LADY, 2.70, WON LUCKITE, $ 9.10, WON DF- FREE! SPECIAL INDUCEMENT! m mr FREE! m ,000 OCCASIONAL Insiders Commission Secret Transaction GOES MONDAY, OCTOBER 24TH W" 00 SECRET "m This is straight inside info. GOES WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 26TH All clients subscribing to my 11th Hour Parlay Service will receive absolutely free the above two 2 specials free. I can positively assure you there wiU be no hitches, catches or any kind of con game to this proposition other than a .straightforward, clean transaction, as above stated. For any further information regarding BOTH SPECIALS, write,- wire or phone m RANDOLPH 9211 OR 9212 ""W TUESDAYS 11TH HOUR PARLAY: SWPALATINE, 4.26, WONW EWBUKN1NG FEET, 0.50, WON! MONDAYS 11TH HOUR PARLAY: WK. RUSSELL, 3.08, WON STREMENDOUS, 1.00, TVON TODAYS 11TH HOUR PARLAY TWO 2 WINNERS Both horses come from a highly recommended source, connections forbid giving any details other than the price expected should be at least D- 0 FOR TODAY WATCH THE DUST FLY TERMS FOR 11TH HOUR PARLAY S3 PER DAY Sold on All Newsstands TODAYS "DAILY DOUBLE" CODE: LATONIA December-25-13-5-8. SPORTSMANS PARK October-10-23-17-23. Terms for "DAILY DOUBLE, 50 cents at your newsstand or for six 6 days service, which will bo sent to reach you the first mail in the morning. You may have this information wired you daily if you desire. Out-of-town clients, wire your subscription via Western Union or Postal Telegraph. Make all remittances payable to BOB WILLIAMS 123 W. MADISON ST. SUITE 6001 CHICAGO. ILL. SUPREME FLASH TURF WEEKLY For Sale at All Newsstands 35 Cents a Copy Yesterdays Free Code: WISE COUNT, .50, WON Thursdays Pree Code: COLOSSAL, .30, WON Todays Free Code: LAUREL May-1 8-1 7-21 -2G. 9- Hurrah! Five Win Parlays and W Going Strong! YESTERDAYS TRACKMENS PARLAY: FAIR IMAGE, 2.20, WON LITTLE CONNELLY, 0.10, WON Not onC losing day last week. OUR FOLLOWERS ARE CLEANING UP on TRACKMENS PARLAYS. TODAYS TRACKMENS PARLAY: . LATONIA Stick-26-19. LAU R EL HeImet-44-1 1 . Play this parlay with confidence. DONT HESITATE. BET YOUR LIMIT AND YOU WILL HAVE NO REGRETS, as from what we know it is all over but the shouting. Here Is an Opportunity if There Ever Was TERMS FOR TRACKMENS PARLAYS, PAYS FOR SIX DAYS CODE CARD. All persons subscribing today will receive todays Trackmens Parlay by return telegram, and also receive a code card good for the next six days. Make all remittances to SUPREME PUBLISHING CO. 799 Broadway Suite 407 New York City The NEW SALARY SYSTEM wins with ease. Get a FREE COPY and pocket ten 0 bills every week. Starting Jan. 2, 1932 the daily play has been filed every noon with DAILY RACING FORM. Shows over 00 weekly profit. Plays to win only. Never more than one horse In a race. A cinch to operate and win steadily. Also FREE, a successful players advice, "TRIPLE STOP-LOSS CAUTION." Read it and stop all loss forever. Write for FREE COPIES. R1TEWAY PH. CO., ICASO. ILLINOIS I 1 Cookies "E IMiYSTERIAU cwc ago I 1?M " W V m - ACCLAIMED BY EVERY NEWSPAPER IN THE 1 1 -4- ... . .ftjALa m. coimTKr for my success . - 1J ? m m fro SULLIVAN Jtw now ready again and bookies dont like t ? 3 Gr WATCH V4V SMOK" - W NOW ARE YOU SATISFIED THAT "SULLIVAN" CAN MAKE YOU A SBIG WINNERS? TH YESTERDAYS LATONIA PARLAY: THURSDAYS LATONIA PARLAY: RUNNING WATER, 0.90, WON GRIMACE, 9.56, WON DUELIST-, 8th Latonia HIGH STORM, $ 7.82, WON "MR. PLAYER," you have seen this "AD" in the Racing Form day after day for the past nine straight months. "COMMON SENSE" should tell YOU thai there MUST BE SOMETHING TO IT, as it costs over ,100 a day for ADS and "INFO," etc., and you know people DONT PAY FOR LOSERS. That should convince you . that "SULLIVAN" MUST BE DELIVERING THE GOODS, otherwise we couldnt exist that long. COULD AVE? Remember, YOU CANT tell GOOD INFORMATION on "ONE DAYS TRIAL." "SUUUVAN" BROADCASTING TODAY "STATION" W-O-N - PARLAY W Do You Want to Beat the "Dally Double" Today? I Have It -sp And you know what that pays at SPORTSMANS. So T urge you not to miss it. W ALSO "FREE" LATONIA PARLAY TODAY SHOULD .WIN AND PAY THE "LIMIT." Im going to. give everyone who subscribes today this Latonia Parlay "FREE." W TERMS, 3 A DAY CHICAGO PLAYERS, "STOP-LOOK-READ" It will pay you to drop up to my office and see whats going on. YOURE UNDER "NO OBLIGATION." I will show you PROOF that I have the GOODS. IF YOU CANT COME, PHONE ME RANDOLPH 9195-9196 and I will send you my PARLAY in sealed envelope with messensw. NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR MESSENGER SERVICE 1 Out of town players, send your and you will get my PARLAY by FAST WIRE. NO WAITING. Parlay sent immediately on receipt of your subscription. "Mysterious" "MR. SULLIVAN, 127 N. Dearborn St, Room 1327, Chicago, HI. The "Pink Sheet" Price, 15 Cents THE FRENCH ROSE, Regrens Best Bet, .08, WON PENT HOUSE, Bassett Sportsmans Park Tip, 8.58, WON OUT BOUND, Regren-Bassett Sportsmans Park Tip, 5.96, WON TRICKYS SON, Regrens Dufferin Park Tip, 9.70, WON HIGH STORM, Regrens Latonia Tip, 7.82, WON Arid Other Good Ones in Thursdays "Pink Sheet" SATURDAYS PREE CODE HORSES: LAUREL Erie-30-47-39. EMPIRE CITY Rome-27-43-43. TO DECIPHER FREE CODES BUY A TELEGRAPH CHICAGO DAILY TELEGRAPH 441 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO, DLL. per Month by First Class Mail S8 per Month by Air Mall WIN FIRST THEN PAY ME BET FOR ME ON MY PARLAY DAILY YESTERDAYS TWO HORSES: MEROVECH, LOST FINNIC, LOST We are in a position to make money for anyone who is on the IeveL Try me today. WIRE YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS. I WILL DO THE REST. FOR A MORE PERSONAL CONTACT AND FASTER SERVICE. Telephone FRANKLIN 7563 Telephone DAYTON PUBLISHING CO., .Room 804, 10 N. Clark St., Chicago, III. BF" ONE WINNER A DAY YESTERDAYS RELEASE: POLLYS FOLLY, 3.46, .04, 2ND SW NO MONEY IN ADVANCE "m All I ask is your promise to remit, the winnings of a bet on my daily advices I cannot profit unless I make you profit FOR FASTER AND MORE PERSONAL SERVICE PHONE FRANKLIN 8057 BOB BURTON, 7th Floor, 64 W. Randolph St., Chicago, 111. FREE PHONE RESULTS CALL WABASH 7000