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DAILY RACING FORM. VOLUME XXXVIII. NUMBEE 272 FOUNDED IN 1894 Entered aa tecond-cIsBB matter, April 2. 18U0, at the post office at Chicago. Illicoia. cider Act of March 8, 1870. DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY A dally reflection of the American turf by telegraph Publlahed by DAILY ItACliNd FORM PUBLISHING CO. Ml PLYMOUTH COUEX " CHICAGO. ILL. . 118 rOUBXH AVENUE, XEH YOEK CITY, M. X. 60 EICHMOND 8TEEET, EABT. XOBONTO, OUT. 805-307 DECATUB 8TEEET, NEW OELEANB, LA. 2014-2016 MIAMI COURT. N W. MIAMI, FLA. TELEPHONE 7508 HAEB1SON For buslnesa and circulation purpose only. Tlila telephone hai no connection with the news or editorial departmenta and cannot be naed to communicate with ibem. For Free 1bone Uesulta Call Wabaah 7000. SUIISCKIPTION UY MUST-CLASS MAIL: 58.50 PEE MONTH PAYABLE IN ADVANCE BACK NUMBERS BY MAIL. 80 CENTS EACH Addreta all communication!, make all remittance am send all manuscript to DAILY RACING FOEM PUBLISHING CO. 441 Plymouth Court Chicago, HI. To be considered and answered, all querlea to Dally fiacing Form must be aent over the full name and with the addresB of writer. The namea and addresses are aubject to a local and foreign directory teat. 67555 is First Index of 1932