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I TH0RNCLIFFE TURF NOTES R. Boyle reports all the members of the Geneseo Stable recovered from their coughing epidemic and will have a string of sixteen to campaign at Long Branch. The shipment is coming from New York. Jockey A. Rose, C. McDonald and Jack Backus, a groom attached to the H. D. Gid-dings stable, were injured in an automobile accident Thursday night. Rose and McDonald were able to be about Friday morning, but Backus is still confined to the hospital. Ross Cochran, under contract to Fred Schelke, accepted his first mount of the year and the second of his career astride Sixty Ninth in the fifth rcae. Stalls are being bedded down at Long Branch to receive the members of the Jewell Bros, stable, which is expected to arrive at the lake shore course Saturday morning..