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BLUE BONNETS ENTRIES f- - - - - --a I f For Blue Bonnets Telephone Codes use Post Position number shown im- j ! mediately before the names of all the j f horses appearing in the entries. j ...4 Weather clear; track fast. Racing starts at 2:45 p. m. Chicago time, 1:45 p. m.. First Race 5 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 00. 3-Year-Olds and Upward. Foaled in Canada. Claiming. Track Record: French Lass, Aug. 29, 1930 1:05 2 108. Index Post -Best at Distance- Wt. Claim No. Pos. Horse- Track.Wt. Time. AgeToday Price 81621 17 Lucky Stone... Dor 107 1:08 4 106X 800 81755 7 Roselys ...M.R 113 1:09 6 109.. 800 81705 3Maggie Love... Dor 106 1:08 4 100.. 800 78194 5 Colored Artist. Bbg 104 1:08 3 101X 1200 81577" 13 Assyrian Prince M Dor 106 1:08 5 107.. 800 77373 15 Royal Beacon.. 4 105.. 800 81664 1 Kebbie ... .Thf 104 1:08 4 105.. 800 81806 2 Princess Pat CoventryM.R 109 1:08 10 109.. 800 75574 4Jean Pittston M B.B 106 1:10 4 102.. 800 74654 6 Rideau 4 113X 1200 81621 8 Nancy Crest M M.R 109 1:11 5 105.. 800 77418 9 Spot Crest.F.E 110 1:11 3 102. . 1000 I 81577 10 All Roses M . F Thf 113 1:10 3 99. . 800 81705 11 Spring Violet.. M.R 100 1:09 3 105. . 1200 t 81805 12 Probate . .M.R 114 1:09 9 107.. 800 81705 14 Baton dAmour M 3 103.. 1000 81755 16 Optical ...Dor 111 1:08 8 107X 800 81664 18Tloria ZeL.Hav 104 1:08 4 111X 1200 Second Race 3-4 Mile. Purse 00. 3-Year-OIds and Upward. Claiming. Track Record: Kopeck, Sept. 1, 1930 1:11 4 116. 81622 4 IRFANEH .A.C 109 1:13 8 112. . 800 81756 15 Single Star.Trp 107 1:11 9 111 600 81662 8 Flying Heels II. . B.B 108 1:13 4 106.. 600 81809" rfloor Walker.. Hav 114 1:13 4 110.. 600 81708 17 Jadbalja . .Tdn 108 1:15 4 113X 600 81754 18 Theo. Rochester Bbg 111 1:14 6 108X 600 81753 2 My Constance .M ....M.R 108 1:15 4 106.. 600 76662 3Shaun Padraic. Dor 104 1:16 4 103.. 600 81706 5 Little Jay.. Dor 112 1:14 4 111X 600 81807 6 False Piety.Dor 109 1:14 3 105X 800 81754" 7 Catwalk ...F.G 108 1:14 3 103X 600 81005 9 Black West.Lat 113 1:15 4 108X 600 81758 10 Cyrano ...B.B 112 1:15 7 108 600 81706 11 Charlies Girl M ....M.R 110 1:17 4 106.. 60i 81831 12 Fair Sun... Tdn 1051:13 5 110.. fM 81806 13 Mad MullahB.B 111 1:14 9 103. . jM 81879 14 Little Wing L M . . . .Bow 111 1:15 4 lfffM 81756 16 Vespa . . . . . RGIOTIOSJM Third Race 1 Mile. Purse 00. 3-Year-Olds and Upward. Claiming. Track Record: Marine, Aug. 31, 1929 1:36 3 118. 81805 3 Cloido ....Bbg 115 1:43 4 100.. 800 81810 5 Golden Sandals B.B 109 1:43 4 110.. 800 81809 2-Taoist ....Aqu 110 l:39m 4 115X 800 81832 8 Skirt 6 103X 800 81665 9 New Sun...Trp 103 1:40 3 105X 1000 81184 7By Product... 6 101X 800 81707 1 Zeal M.R 112 1:44 6 105X 800 81808 4 Raeburn . . . ... 6 115X 800 81758 6 Strikeout M. B.B 109 1:44 5 98.. 800 81809 10Athlone Lass.. ..L.B 109 1:41 4 98.. 800 Fourth Race 1 Mile. Blue Bonnets Handicap. Purse 00. 3-Year-Olds and Upward. Track Record: Marine, Aug. 31, 1929 1:36 3 118. 81666 8 Stefan Jr...... 4 108X 81749 2 Anne L Bbg 107 1:39 5 109X 81665 7 Golden Fairy.. B.B 106 1:39 4 118.. 81790 6 Nyack ....F.G 110 1:41 5 105X 81790 5 Prince Peter. . . B.B 107 1:40 5 108X 81604 4 Bubola ....B.B 112 1:39 5 116X 81883 1 English Knight 4 108X 81779 3 Uncle Donald.. 3 106X F. Seremba entry Anne L., Nyack. Mrs.! Denham entry Uncle Donald, Bubola. Fifth Race 5-8 Mile. Twenty-Fifth Running Kindergarten Stakes. Purse 00. 2-Year-Olds. Allowances. Track Record: Mint Friary, June 23, 1928 :59 2 107. 81699 11 Loggia ...Wdb 107 1:01 108X 81703 12 Luck In... Jam 116 1:02 109.. 81804 13 Aida B,. 109X 81804 6 Shoteur ..Jam 109ilK3s 109X 81804 4 Iou M 107X 81804 1 Dusky M... 107.. 81804 2 Aquatis M.. 107.. 81804 3 Miss Rockland. M 107.. 80058 5 Ocean M .... 107 81703 7 Blonde Venus M 107.. 80731 8 Bar Queen M 107.. 79960 9 Doubtful Girl M 107.. 10 Wrackala M . 107. . Rolland and Miller entry Dusky, Bar Queen. Sixth Race 1 Mile. Purse 00. 3-Year-Olds and Upward. Claiming. Track Record: Marine, Aug. 31, 1929-1:36 3 118. 81589 4 Negopoli ...Hia 113 1:38 8 108X 800 I 81809 11 Donie Bel 112 1:39 5 115X 1000 I 81665 6Mekachee 7 110X 1000 I 81757 1 Fair Dawn B.B 116yttjrll3X 1000 I 81809 2DcscrvagrIM.0dX 10C0 I 818KLifnQ3X 1000 I rfB 1000 A . 1000 fBxiooo Seventh Race 1 1-8 Mil:;. Purse 00. 3-Year-Olds and Upward. Claiming. Track Record: William T., June 22, 19291:524108. 81805 17 Martha Long.. .Bbg 107 1:53 5 103.. 500 81583 15 Disapproved . . .........CP 112 1:56 6 112X 500 81625 16 Chiefs Trouba- dour.... Jam 105 1:54 4 115X 500 81759 14Golden Play... Hav 111 1:53 5 .100X 500 81723 8Rubberneck B.B 110 1:54 7 100 500 81454 10 Gold Ridge J.P 113 1:55 7 112X 500 81810 1 Playabit ..Ham 1111:57 6 105X 500 81810 2Chiclero . .F.G 112 1:53 7 107X 500 81603 3 Coventry Queen 3 100X 600 81709 4 Kaffa ....HdG 108 1:57 7 103X 500 81709 5 Verity Ballot.. Pirn 108 1:56 4 103X 500 81941 6 Little Scout... Ham 105 1:53 7 107X 500 81810 7 Ask Katie M Pirn 108 1:57 4 103X 500 81805 9 Fourth Ward.. ...HdG 108 1:54 5 105X 500 81569 11 Oregon Fir B.B 1121:58 8 105X 500 81624 12 Ore Dor 98 1:58 7 98X 500 81759 13 Nosegay ...Bbg 103 1:54 5 110X 500 81759 18 Albert Blanton M.R 118 2:02sy 8 115X 500