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THORNCLIFFE PARK . J The "Daily Double" on the Winners of the First and Third Races j at Thorncliffe Friday Paid 3.45 for j t- --4 TORONTO, ONT., FRIDAY, JUNE 2, 1933 Thorncliffe Park l,milc. Fifth day. Thorncliffe Park Racing and Breeding Association. First summer meeting of 7 days. Marshall Cassidy Stall Gate used. Weather clear. Stewards, D. S. Gillies and J. P. Turner. Judges, W. A. Hewitt, E. Allan and D. A. Boyle. Starter, M. Cassidy. Racing Secretary, J. P. Turner. , Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time, 1:30 p. m.. W indicates, whip, S spurs, B blinkers Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse, date, track record, age of horse and weight carried. Indicates apprentice allowance of 5 pounds: 7 pounds: 10 pounds. Qtfflftl FIRST RACE 3-4 Mile. Little Gyp, June 4, 1932 1:11 6 106. Calgary Purse. oV, .r Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second, June-2-33-Thf 375. third 559- fourth, 25. Claiming price, ,000. Index Horses Eqt A WtPPSt Vi Str Fin Jockeys Owners Bquiv. Odds Strt 19395POETS DREAM w 4 108 7 4 71! 3"k 21 1" FodenN C Smythe 785-100 81938 JEANNE WACHS wb 6 111 6 9 5" 21 l1! 21 McCoyJ J F Rector 530 100 81894SLITTLE GYP wb 7 106 1 11 8 72 35 31 MattioliJ J T Ferguson 130-100 81894 LACE SHAWL . wb 4 111 4 2 2i 41! 41 40k MannF W F Morrissey 485-100 79961:DARK COLLEEN w 3 1001 9 7 4nk 51 61 55 ParadiseJ J Hoskins 1280-100 81844 JUST IMAGINE wb 4 106 11 12 101 10"! 5r 61 ThomasJ Mrs G Hogarth 3115-100 81894 TRUE SENTIMENT wb 3 105 2 8 ll1 61 71 73 ObcrtW G B Foley 4175100 77376 CHANSON BELLE wb 4 109 12 3 31 81 81 81 PolIardJ S White 3080-100 81939 BALAI DOR wb 8 1101 8 1 1 l"k 9k 91 McCannG Mrs P J Mulhall -f2680-100 77332 FAIR CHARTER w 4 106 3 5 12 111 ll1 10nk SeaboG F Fox t 81936 FREE wb 3 103 5 6 91 9HOl ll"1 CassardJ Mrs C O Iselin 1280-100 81938 WESTYS ROSE w 4 106 10 10 612 12 12 RallsC A Di Martili t tMutuel field. Time, :23?4 :47, 1:13. Track fast. MTJTTJELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS . POETS DREAM 7.70 .60 $ 3.80 785100 280100 90100 JEANNE WACHS 6.20 3.15 210100 57f-100 LITTLE GYP 2.60 30100 Winner B. g, by Rose Prince Muguette, by Minstead trained by W. G. Campbell; bred in England by Lord Harewood. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST 2:32. AT POST 5 minutes. Start good out of machine. Won driving; second and third the same. POETS DREAM, saved behind the pace, moved up gamely on the outside in the stretch and was up to win in the final strides. JEANNE WACHS, slow to get going, moved up fast near the quarter post, took the lead in the stretch, but was unable to withstand the closing challenge of the winner. LITTLE GYP, outrun early and, taken to the outside in the stretch, Finished gamely. LACE SHAWL raced prominently. DARK COLLEEN showed good form. JUST IMAGINE finished resolutely. BALAI DOR tired badly. FREE was never a factor. Ovcrweieht Lace Shawl, 5 pounds; Dark Colleen, 2; True Sentiment, 2; Chanson Belle, 3; Balai dOr, 2. SECOND RACE 3-4 Mile. Little Gyp, June 4, 1932 1:11 6 106. Martimas Purse. OAdr9 4 purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Foaled in Canada. Claiming. Net value to June-2-33-Thf winner 50; second, 5 ; third,-0; fourth, 5. Claiming price, ,000. Index Horses itA WtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Efjuiv. Odds Strt 817463PEPPER PRINCE w 3 103 7 2 11 l1 11 Is MattioliJ Four Ls Stable 160100 81897 GILDED CASINO wb 6 1121 9 1 51 2nk 23 LcgereE Mrs G" Hogarth Jr 415-100 81892 DIE CAST w 3 100 1 8 62 63 43 33 FellowsF Riverdale Stable 280-100 81746 WHITBY LAD wb 3 103 3 5 31 21 3nk 45 WilsonT H Gallagher 1285-100 81892 SURVEY w 3 1021 4 4 41 51 78 53 CassardJ R Newell 6235-100 76361 MILESTONE w 7 113 2 3 21 41 51 6" DougrtyF C S Mitchell 780 100 TURKEYTROT w 3 105 5 7 T V 6! T WoodstkL J E Smallman 2320-100 81842 MANOTACKS wb 5 113 8 6 8 86 810 810 LongoJ T S Cochenour 2010-100 SCATTERY w 3 102 6 9 9 9 9 9 CraverL Miss M Holt 9970-100 Time, :23, 1:14. Track fast. , 52 MTJTTJELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS PEPPER PRINCE .20 .15 $ 2.25 160100 57100 12f-100 GILDED CASINO 4.25 2.50 1121100 25100 DIE CAST 2.40 20100 Winner B. f, by Cudgel or Sweepster Betel Nut. by Sweepster trained by W. Russell; bred by Mr. R. S. McLaughlin. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST 3:12. AT POST 8 minutes. Start good out of machine. Won driving; second and third the same. PEPPER PRINCE took the lead before going a quarter and, steadied along in front, outlasted GILDED CASINO.. The latter improved her position and closed gamely. DIE CAST, away slowly, moved up gamely, but was not good enough. WHITBY LAD was a factor throughout. MILESTONE tired in the final quarter. MANOTACKS was not a factor. SCATTERY trailed all the way. Overweight Pepper Prince, 1 pound; Gilded Casino, 1; Whitby Lad, 1; Survey, 2; Turkey trot, 5; Scattery, 2. 80ftQ THIRD RACE 3-4 Mile. Little Gyp, June 4, 1932 1:11 6 106. Bill Thorns Purse. "C Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second, June-2-33-Thf 5; third, 0; fourth, 5. Claiming price, ,000. Jockeys Owners Eguiv. Odds Strt l8 MattioliJ J J Burns . 35-100 2" SeaboG Tedlu Stable 465-100 3" ParadiseJ W OConnor 2535 100 41 AimersT Harber Stable .730-100 54 MadeleyF F Gilpin 3965-100 6 ParkerW L Mazza 5290 100 7" FellowsF Mrs G McMacken 4655 100 8 WilsonT OF Woodward 12615-100 Track fast. PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS . HPin $ 2.15 35100 10-100 7J100 2.45 37--00 22i 100 3.50 75100 00. LOiseau Lyre trained by R. Brown; bred by Mr. d third driving, handily. SAINT LOUIS moved up, saved ground IAGON was no match for the winner and tired. EN e back stretch and tired. PRINCESS PYRE, close never serious factors. 81938 Cliftons Lass, 106. A 20rircHPVNHHMile. Gyp, June 1932 i:nH OVOif PurseHp00. 3-year-olds and upward. Foaled in June-2-33-Tpf value to winner 50; second, 5; third, 0; fourth, 5. CilfH Index norses EqtA WtPPSt V !i Str Fin Jockeys Owners 819373SERGEANT MAJOR w 8 113 2 1 21 3" 21 ll McCannG Mrs W Russcllf 81841 BRAVE ALONZO w 6 113 lb 3l 21 3J1 2 MattioliJ J R Mclntyre H 81937 LADY McNEILL wb 9 111 3 2 l1 P Tl 31 RallsC Riverdale Stable H 81795 ROSE LADY wb71U 5 3 71 61 4"k 4s LongoJ P S Pedlar H 81897 FERRY OF FATE wb 8 113 7 4 41 4? 54 51 KennedyJ A H McKennedy H 73337GEV w 4 111 9 5 8" 7nk 61 6l AimersT Harber Stable H 73773 MARBLE HALL -wb-4110 8. 9 9 9 71 7 PolIardJ M A McCurdy IH 73776 FRAGRANT GIFT w 4 113 -4 8 . 6k 8" 81 84 MircaultB M R Cowcll . 22H HARVEST HOME w3 103 6 7 5? il 9 . 9 ThomasJ G Price 85H Time, :23. :48. 1:14. Track fast. r 52 MTJTTJELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODtH SERGEANT MAJOR .50 .60 $ 2.20 75-100 30-100 1H BRAVE ALONZO 6.55 3.65 ZZ7i 100 Bl LADY McNEILL 3.00 H Winner Br. g,""by Gauntley Lady Catharine, by Anmcr trained by W. Russell;, bred by Mr.H WThitc. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST 4:26. AT POST 4 minutes. H Start good out of machine. Won handily; second and third driving. 1 B SERGEANT MAJOR, away well and taken back off the pace, moved up m the closing quarter sH coine awav. BRAVE ALONZO finished camely, but was no match for the winner. LADY McNEILH fast showed good speed, saved ground in the stretch, but. tired badly. ROSE LADY was unable FERRY OF FATE raced well for half a mile. FRAGRANT GIFT broke his leg. Scratched 81841 Dorothy Hanover, 108. 1 Overweight Harvest Home, 3 pounds. H nnAWA FIFTH RACE 1 1-16 Miles. Khorasan, Sept. 12, . 1931 1:444 107. ScH 0and9 and J Purse. Purse 00. 3-year-olds. Claiming. Net value to wriHfeyfMgH June-2-33-Thf third, 0; fourth, 5. Claiming price, ,500. H Index Egt A WtPPSt M Ya 34 Str Fin Jockeys Owners M 819363PROUD HILLS wb 108 2 2 21! 2l 21 21 1" MattioliJ Tranquility 1 80562 DARKLING wb 105 4 5 7 51 30k 3J 2 MadeleyF J HammerscH 81846 SOUTHARD v.n 111 11 6 41 41 41 33 PolIardJ T Donley H 81750lARCHWOOD wb 109 5 4 l1 l1 l1 l,k 4 DeweseM Ridgewood F;H 81660 CIRCLE ROMAN-... w 104 3 3 V 3". 5a 5" 5" ParadiseJ Fair Tields SB 77128 HANOVER JEAN w 104 7 6 ? 6! 63 64 64 FellowsF E P Barnes H 77 77290,;iXTY NINTH wb 101 6 7 5 7 7 7 7 CochranR F H Schelke H Time, :23, :48. 1:14, l:40Jfe. 1:47. Track fast. HBH MTJTTJELS PAID . OFFICIAL 3BRmr0IH PROUD HILLS .516.05 .95 S 2.95 702-100 1 9700 47H DARKLING 525 3.10 162-100 gQyyjprj 2.70 Winner B."g, by Langdon Hills Hazel Shot, by War Shot-trained by C. Irby; bred by Mr. S-H ensen. Winner entered io be claimed for ,500. WENT TO POST 5:03J. AT POST 1 minute. M Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. . j PROUD HILLS took the lead in the stretch and just outfinjshed DARKLING in a hard dr"HH lafter improved her position and, responding gamely, just tailed to get up. SOUTHARD challengedH ARCHWOOD rated along in front, tired at on the outside in the stretch and finished resolutely. CIRCLE ROMAN, close up, tired near the end. HANOVER JEAN showed early speed. H Overweight Darkling, 1 pound. B QOAr71 SIXTH RACE-1 1-16 Miles. Khorasan, Sept. 19311 :44T3107TG7iB OAvr 4 J. Purse Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Foaled in ,Canada. ClaimidH June-2-33-Thf value" to winner S550; second, S75; third, 0; fourth, 5. . Claiming pridM index Horses Egt A WtPPSt Yt V2 ?4 Str Fin Joekeys Owners 1 Egalv. M fl1Q73THUNDER LIGHT w 4 111 2 2 4 20k 11 Is l4 AimersT B F Brandon H 81789 PRINCELY PAL w 4 110 7 6 6 6s 31! 35 23 MattioliJ W D Rcddy 81937 MASTER BOBBIE w 7 111 11 31 4" 51 4l 31 MannF R W R Cowie 81937 KINGSWAY wb 6 110 5 4 1 11 2s 23 4 McCannG A Routchffe M 8 897TABSON w 4 110 4 5 51 5k 6 6" 5" ObertW J.G Fair 81842 FESS w 5 108 3 3 21 31 41 51 630 DougrtyF C S Mitchell 0 64626 0 DIGITALIS w 5 108 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 CraverL C Furry H Time, lime, -SIISg :242, :49. 1:15. 1:42, 1:49. Track fast. BOOKnM JH AID f -OFFICIAL THUNDER LIGHT .60 $ 3 35 $ 2.50 180-100 gi-IOOH PRINCELY PAL 9-1 3-fO 355-100 H MASTER Winner BOBBIE Ch. g, "by ThundcrsVoVm Argument, by The Commoner trained by F. H. SchelkH H Mr " H G Bedwell. Winner entered to be claimed for 00. TH WENT TO POST 5:39. AT POST H minutes. H Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. cfrnrH THUNDER LIGHT, steadied along while close up, went to the front leaving the back stretcK I,,l7 PRINGFLY PAL saved early, closed gamely. MASTER BOBBIE, hard urged going H tZ f and sSc f along afenvards could not overtake the leaders. KINGSWAY showed spcerH quarters. TABSON could not overtake the leaders. H Overweight Thunder Light, 1 pound; Master Bobbie, 1. M OafTO SEVENTH RACE-1 1-16 Miles. Khorasan, Sept. 12, 1 931-1 :443-3-107.B A3and and Purse Purse S700. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to June-2-33-Thf second, 5; third, 0; fourth, 5. Claiming price, 00. M Horses E.itA WtPPSt K -T, Str Fin Joekeys Owners I i lM 81 8963TROUBANOVA w6108 1 2 31 32 33 Ill1 RallsC B Irvine H 8 896VIRADO wb7110 7 4 41 41 53 2"k 23 McCannG T McCann M 81898 DUNRODE wb 4 110 2 l ll l1 Pl 3 3k MattioliJ S Sparks H 8 896PH L R w 6 105 4 5 61 5k 4k 43 44 MrehscG W OBrien M 81792 ISOSTASY w 8 110 3 6 7 7 7 7 55lFatorE C E Myatt B 81896 VERY HIGH wb 5 110 5 3 2 2 2" 53 61 FellowsF A Brent H 63 6s 61 7 ThomasJ Four L s Stable Riqqq 81939 PHObrHuKfc.bLL.isi-E. PHOSPHORESCENCE w 3 . 103 6 7 51 1:48. Track fast. Time, 1:14, 1:41. -lg piij .OFFICIAL BOOKING ODD JN-.:::":::::::::::::": S6-65 SS s 1f Winner-CnVrnVbyThe Clown-Patissicre, by Brulcur trained by W. C. Irvine; bred by Mr. E. McLean . Winner entered to be claimed for 00. WENT TO POST 6:16. AT POST minute. M Start good out of machine. Won driving; second and third the same vmM TnniTRANOVA took command in the stretch and, hard ridden through the closing eighth, held VIRH nkteSS. bt could not overtake the winner. DUNRODE tired m the final PHIL R forced to go around on the outside in the last three-eighths, closed a gap. VER I HIGH Ifl PHOSPHORESCENCE was unable to roach the leaders. H Scratched-81986Make Believe, 113; 81941 Lampoon, 113; 7746 Lunet, 1W. Overweight Phosphorescence, 1 pound. mBBB THORNCLIFFEH OFFICIAL MUTUEL TOTALS AT Friday 3 Races, 6.55; 5 Races, 34.05; 7 Races, 81H