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1st Jamaica Purse 1000 2YearOIds Colts and Geldings Claim ¬ Mile ing Outline May 16 1923 58 2 111 NOTE Claiming price 1500 Weight 114 Ibs Winners twice since April 1 3 Ibs extra Index HBestatDistance Wt Claim ClaimNo No Horse TrackWt Time AgaToday Prici 938571 Synod Jam 115 l01sy 114X1500 93306 Gammon Jam 116 102 114 1500 93913 Omar Jones M Jam 110 102 114 1500 Index Best at Distance Wt Claim ClaimNo No Horse TrackWt Time AgeToday Price PriceSpeedcmup Speedcmup M 114 1500 Linchpin M 109 1500 est times shown above are from Jan 1 1933 Fair mud runner XGood mud runner Superior mud runner Brackets won last start figures or 2nd or 3rd last start apprentice allowance allowanceScratches Scratches are shown in Past Performances but In all cases only the latest with ¬ drawal being indicated indicatedThe The past performances of the horses entered in this race together with latest work ¬ out and racing record for this and previous year yearSynod Synod X 1 1 A Cn 9 2 bv Transmute Blessings by Chicle ChicleMav WhitneyDate Mav 7 Bel 38 38ft L Trainer J A Healey Owner C V Whitney Date Trk Ois Time Con Ocds Wt St Sir FinJockey J l CJlceSts Best Company May CompanyMay 334Jatn 100 sy 125 115 122 2s RobtsonA1 1500 5 MissFircflyll2QueryllOSientDon 110 Apr27342Jam 1 101 ft 2 115 4 3 21 21 RobtsnA 1500 7 MissFireflyl07JtMariel07Quivira 112 Apt2434Jam 1 100 ft 85 118 3 4 55i 5 RobtsonA 2500 6 Dunfox 113 Wax 113 Blackbirder 113 Aptl934HdG 4i f 35 m 1 112 1 1 11 llk RobtsonA4 1750 8 BackFence 114 Exhibit 114 Pekin 111 Apd634HdG 4i f 55 m 9 116 4 4 33 3 RobtsnA5 Maid 13 PsychicBidll6Arbitraryll6SCce 116 ApdO34Bow i 48ft 9i 114 3 7 51 5i RobtsonA 1750 11 RusticJoell2MissFireflyl09EvFr 108 Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won 1934 record 14 122 1000 1000Gammon Gammon 114 Br c 2 M by The Porter Devils Garden by Colin ColinAor Aor 27 Bel 12 53ft J1 Trainer R A Smith Owner Brookmeade Stable StableMay May 234Jam 1 1KX ft 10 116 8 7 3i 3 ° BellizziD 1500 10 Torresll6ShadyPastl08Dictatorial 111 111Marl7341Hia Marl7341Hia 35 gd 70 lllill lli 7si GarnerM 2500 11 Cheka 110 Fake 107 Evangelist 110 110Matl234JHia Matl234JHia 1 4 ft 77 112 6 910 10 GarnerM9 2500 13 Manual 112 Dander 115 Query 115 115Feh2834IHia Feh2834IHia 35 m 40 113 15 11TJ II1 GarnerM8 2500 15 Dander 113 Tutticurio 113Aperitif 110 110Feb2034JHia Feb2034JHia 34 gd 72 110 3 9 ° 64 GarnerM1 2500 9 HstyGIancell3Cterboyll5Query 113 113Feb Feb 5342Hia 34 ft 22 112 7 6s 851 JonesR10 2500 13 Query 112WhoaBack 107Tabitha 109 1934 record 8 0 0 1 50 Omar Jones 1 1 A AAor roadway Jones Omar Maid by Omar Khayyai Aor 28 Jam 38 38ft JL t tMay Trainer E A Burke Owner Mrs E A Burke May 434lJam 1 102 m 8 108 4 4 4ll 31 HaasL 1500 5 Migratcll3SusieV 113HnahAnnc 105 Apc3034Mam 101 ft ll5e 110 5 4 43i 5s HaasL 2000 5 Moisson llOPeteM 115Dictatorial 106 ApiSS Jam fi 101 ft 40 118 4 4First 6 T8 711RoseGI Maid 7 Sufcientll8SirBevIyll8CceRay 118 1934 record 3 0 0 1 First start for the following Speedemup 114Mav 114 Ch c 2 M by Infinite Accelerator by Uncle Mav 1 Aau 12 52ft LJ t tlinchpin Trainer C Buxton Owner J H Louchheim linchpin B g 2 M by St James Safety Pin by Friar Rock Trainer W F Mulholland Owner G D Widener