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RIVERSIDE PARK MEETING Preparations Well Under Way for Inaugural of Kansas City Baa ¬ ing on May 19 KANSAS CITY Mo May 7 With less than two weeks intervening before the open ¬ ing Riverside Park is rapidly taking on an air of activity that indicates the nearness of the spring meeting which begins May 19 for twentyfive or more days The plant which was renovated last year requires but little overhauling to have it at its best when the gates are thrown open for the inaugural day Today large crews of workers started to tidy things up and make ready for the inaugural days sport The hard rains of last week were just what were needed to pack the racing strip and while another good rain within a few days would further benefit it track officials and horsemen pro ¬ nounced it ready and several fast moves have been noticed in training preparations preparationsFor For a short time it was feared by the officials here that there would be a short ¬ age of horses but with 200 already quar ¬ tered at the track and 300 more expected at the close of the Texas season Riverside is assured of plenty of racing material for the coming meeting meetingThat That Kansas City race fans are patiently waiting for the bugle at Riverside is mani ¬ fested by the fact that over 3000 visitors inspected the course Sunday SundayGeneral General manager William P Kyne is ex ¬ pected to arrive here Tuesday from his home in San Francisco to take charge of the fin ¬ ishing touches at Riverside Park