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WORKOUTS Date at left of horses name U lost workout Letters following time Indicate Indicateb b breezing d driving e easily h handily o aD out B sulked n eased up upFastest Fastest Time at Each Distance Shown in Black Face Type SUNDAY MAY 6 6AURORA AURORA AURORAWeather Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile 418 Arrowlike 38 b 421 Imelda 38b 214 Arctic Star 39 b 428 Jim Ormont 38h 52 Arthur Metz 39 b 415 Justice B 41 b 54 Aunt Marie 40b 54 King Pin 38 b 424 Barashkova 39b 53 Mary Stewrt 36h 430 Birthday Gift 36J h 415 Mt Hood 41 b 51 Chantesuta 36h 55 Route Four 38 b 54 Cf Gcronimo 36h 52 Pot Full 38b 428 Catch On 39 b 54 Spicate 37h 53 Dr Sullivan 37 h Slash 37h 312 Dandy Dan 40 b 39 Surepop 38 b 53 Edward D 36h 429 Sambo Bron 38 b 54 Fitkin 39b 47 Sir Richard 38b 38bFrench French Maid 36h 427 Truxton 37 h 52 Harold Wiley 39 b bOneHalf OneHalf Mile 51 Annan 50b 52 Hoops 47b 54 Backd Nevr 48h 53 Lawful Miss 50 b 53 Baboo 53b 430 Magna Mater 48h 53 Black Miss 48h Super Charge 56 b bBlind Blind Star 50h Temple Dcr 49h 53 Bridgeport 52 h 310 Unbelief 52b 53 Carroon 52 b 430 Vin Noir 50 h 52 Casa 50d 430 Valley 47h 53 Goldn Storm 52b 429 Whizz James 49 h 429 Grand Way 50 b 52 Wild Transit 49h 324 Happen 52b 52bFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 52 Bcton l09b 53 Mutual Frndl07 b 53 Cheers l05h 55 Mike Brown l03h 54 Captain Joy 106 b 429 Miss Envy l05b 54 Copain 106 b 53 Our Beauty l03h l03hCarom Carom Girl 103 h 53 Swt Tidingsl04b 54 Droit 104 h 53 Transbird l07b 429 Fair Image 102h 53 Vcrgene l04h 52 Fountain l03h 53 Wait Not l06b 53 Luna Brightl07b Brightl07bThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 53 Charleigh l17b 51 Lillian Zl19b 429 Ccsare l15h 53 Polly E l17h 430 Gold Ridge 122 b 54 The Spaniardl20b 53 Irish Image 115J h 53 Woodlander 120 b bSevenEighths SevenEighths Mile 430 Dispatcher l29b l29bOne One Mile 53 Austerlitz IIl50b 52 Gramarye l46h 52 Eveline F144 h hHoops Hoops and Valley worked impressively to ¬ gether Black Miss had plenty early speed CHURCHILL DOWNS DOWNSWeather Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile 422 Barkis 40 b 53 Master Beau 37h 429 Chirac 38b 54 Prs Camclia 38b 52 Dusl Girl 38b 54 Penang 40 b 423 Empress Wu 36h 430 Pancoast 40b 51 Exponent 35h 430 Sister Zoe 38 b 54 Hour Time 37h 53 Skirl 36h 429 Listening 37b 428 Upsets Lassie 39b 51 Little Joyce 35h 52 Vire 37h 53 Wise Dream 36h Wise Time 36b 36bsi si Miss Actury 37 h 427 Yce Waters 37V3b 37V3bOneHalf OneHalf Mile 51 Betty Marie 49 h 53 Ltle Mickey 49 h 52 Debs Delight 49 b 52 Night Brade 51b 426 Golden Tone 49 h 53 Nubs 49h 52 Hasty Lady 49h 52 Old Reb 52b 52 Hastinola 49h 54 Saginaw 50 h 53 Hasty Glance 48h 51 Shanghai Lad 53 b 51 Prince Vic 48 d 51 Visigoth 50 h hLee Lee Gold 53 b bFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile Bob Custerl06b 51 Migosh l04h 54 Busy Jayl05b 428 Squall 107 b 51 Billy Bleiwsl05 b 51 Watonga 105 b b420Elwawa 420Elwawa l05b 53 Yantis 102d 53 Julia Irene 103 h hThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 430 Athanctte l22b 430 Mary Frcinel17h 53 Archery l15h 425 Playdale l18h 429 Belle Grierl14 d 222 Princs Tokel17 h 428 Evcrgold 120 b 429 Persickle 114 h 52 Dixit l16h 53 Southld Ladl16d 429 Hit and Runl17 h 51 Vox Pop l23b SevenEighths Mile 53 Constl Wifel32 b 51 Miss Patsonl36 b 53 Far Star 132 b 429 Pantaloons l30d 429Kashgar l29h 414 Pot au Bms128h 52 Lucky Bellel30h 421 Stinger 133 h hOne One Mile 429 Black Nosel43b 53 Plucky Playl42h 52 Camp Princel47h 54 Red Roamerl42b 52 Full Tilt 145 d 425 Rally Roundl45b 55 Likewise 140h 53 Simon 143 h 52 Our Sailor l44sb 427 Thomasville l41b 53 Omcl 144 d dLikewise Likewise worked impressively Belle Grier and Persickle were together Pou au Brooms worked well in hand Thomasville showed a good effort BELMONT PARK PARKWeather Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile 416 Greenstone 37h 430 Miss Mcrrit 36h 54 Inlander 36h 52 No Doubt 39 b 427 Kepi 37h 52 Pompeius 36h 429 Lady Higloss 36h 53 Nancy C 36h 417 Mannerism 36h 426 Shady Past 36h 53 Moisson 36 h hOneHalf OneHalf Mile 51 Bit o Shade 51h 52 Fan 49 h 54 Bder Knight 52b 430 Our Reigh 48h 48hComing Coming Back 49h 54 Pebble Stone 49h 54 Col Greene 48b 54 Sund Advice 50h 52 Ethan Allen 52b 428 Vclociter 49h 49hFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 54 Blackduck l02h 429 Go Play 107 b bBronzed Bronzed 105 h 430 Galomar l04h 52 Bluebottle 103 h 430 Mock Turtlel03 h 54 Best Butter101d 54 Marine Girll02h 53 Chance Rayl02 h 52 Nimbus l04h l04hThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 53 Auburndale 117 h 51 Hindu Queenl15 h 53 Billy M l17h 53 Kumhere l17h 52 Baimwawa l17h 54 On Handl15h 54 Captn Argol15h 53 Rhythmic 116 h 53 Corner Boyl17 h 429 Sun Tempstl15h 428 Capt Jcrryl17h 429 Sunador 115 h 53 Contessa l15h 54 Stand Patl15h 51 Follow Thrul24 b 53 Villge Vampl17 h 52 Flam Lightl24 b 54 Watch Herl15h 429GtIe Knightl16h SevenEighths Mile 53 Rose Paradel31 h hOne One Mile 52 Chancing 150 b 53 Saint l43h 430 Dark Winterl45 h 52 W L5ghtningl46 h 52 Ladysman 141h 141hOne One and OneEighth Miles 52 Easy Mark 158 h 52 Pomposity 158 h hJAMAICA JAMAICA JAMAICAWeather Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile 430 Lady North 38d Old Baldy 38 b 53 Miss Subtle 37 d 53 Pper Profits 38 b 54 Mint Paragn 40 b 52 Secnd Guess 36d 54 Najort 38d 430 Polytude 38d 38dOneHalf OneHalf Mile 426 Angelic 52 b 51 Integrity 52 b 53 Americn Joy 49d 416 Portfolio 54 b 413 Calgary Kay 52 b 312 Quorum 49 h 51 Desert Sands 54b 54 St and Shell 52 b 422 Dont Blush 51 h hFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 54 Erriaccod l04d 52 Volomite 106 b 429 Genl Farley 103 d dThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 54 Espinaca l15d 429 Spoilt Butyl15 b 51 Herkimer 120 b 430 Portden 115 h 52 Lcky Racketl17 b 421 Uncle Dondl17 d dSevenEighths SevenEighths Mile 428 Engraver 135 h 428 Sleepy Joe l35h l35hOne One Mile 430Bernie K146j h Our Sentorl47b Sentorl47bAQUEDUCT AQUEDUCT AQUEDUCTWeather Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile 430 Bright Patn 37h 51 Sand Runr 39 h 430 Molly 36 h hOneHalf OneHalf Mile 54 Carisbrooke 51 h 51 Wedding Rg 49h 119 Lady Adair 52y3h 52y3hFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 51 Ann 0Ruleyl09 h 52 Hillsbuqh l05h 54 Bobby Btonl04 h 427 Some Knt103 h h428Ched 428Ched Eyes 107 h 429 Tcla 104 h 427 Esperanto 109 h 425 Ted Husingl04 h 429 Gay Lady 109 h 426 Vera Cruz 104 h hThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile MileGnomnie Gnomnie l21h 52 Royal Gud117h 430 Our One 119 h hSevenEighths SevenEighths Mile 53 Bahadur 134 h 54 Lambrack 135 h 53 Blue Brmsl34 h hOne One Mile 51 Elylee 152 h ALAMO DOWNS DOWNSWeather Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile Mile427Bettina 427Bettina H 37h 53 Jesting Qun 38 h 53 Blow Away 36h 428 Kavalry Jack 40 h 410 Chauvinism 39 b 51 Ogee 3975h 429 Hon Ba Hiu 38h 422 Ridgeview 36 b 51 Joe Sam 38b 415 Tocaya 39 h hOneHalf OneHalf Mile 53 Brisalford 49h 424 Ms Htchsn 49 h 53 Mintogee 50h 54 Miss Angelo 50h 53 Irish Wake 55h Play Perfect 50 h hJean Jean Mac 50h 411 Sweet Gal 54 h 427 Jerry S 50 h 54 Watch Makr 51 h hFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 427 Fast Life 105 h 53 Staked Plains101h 425 Jolly Ronaldl06b 53 Sister Adelel03h 54 Lone Knightl04h 430 Uncle Lessl02b 54 Nona l02h Zinita l06h l06hThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 51 Miss M Lutzl18h 428 Santa Cruz 122 b 54 Nyack 115h 429 Spoiled Boy 118 d 428 Rye 124 h hOne One Mile 54 Essare l50h l50hStaked Staked Plains acts well Essare pulled up lame Nyack was going handily DOUGLAS PARK Weather cloudy track fast fastThreeEighths ThreeEighths Mile 52 Court Attire 38h 428 Lucky Turn 38u 38uDancg Dancg Doll 37u 52 Ms Contrary 40 h 428 Dove of Pce 38 u 428 Mrcella Miss 38u 52 Flit of Gold 37 u 55 Mary Peach 40 h 51 Girl in Arms 37 h 424 Nell garton 37u 37uGifted Gifted Lady 37u 52 Old Nan 37 h 52 Goldn Saint 38u 424 Ryl Blundr 38 h 420 Gallac Lay 36h 52 Show Boy 37 u uLuna Luna Mica 38 h 428 True Charm 37u 53 Ly Crusader 38 h 52 White Ginger 38fcu 424 Lle America 38 h 51 Whiskora 37 h hOneHalf OneHalf Mile 427 Always True 52h Grand Ball 51h 427 Blast 51 h 52 Late Date 53h 52 Carbina 52h Last Romce 52h 52 Codetta 53h 427 Mphs Luck 53h 53 Dignitary 52h 54 Prince Charlo 51 h 52 Fanfern 53h 54 Whangdoodle 53 h hThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 52 Brit Shadovl19 h 428 Knights all19 h 52 Cloud D0rl17h 210 Miss Justiccl22 h 52 Colonist l24h 52 Man oNightl24h 53 Flying Watchl23h 428 Ms Patiencel20h 52 Gallant Macl17h 52 Trey l20h 52 Jester B 119 h 428 Tiny Kitty l20h 52 Jump Off 125 b 52 Wacoche 119 h DALLAS DALLASWeather Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile 51 Carbs Goldy 36h 430 My Lctitia 51 Carbs Tango 36h 428 Moms Polly 415 Chief Pilot 37 h 427 Pima Lad 54 Chiefs Scout 36h 430 Pima Gayle 326 Foreign Play 39 h 430 Phara Haste 48 Goyonder 36 h 35 Rosevolt 430Jtice Logan 37h 414 Runar 429 Modesto 38h 51 Splurge 53 Marjie Kerr 37 h 427 Tumbler OneHalf Mile 430 Bert Reid 51h 54 Mica Rock 52 Bumper Crop 55h 429 Manners 53 Bwn Molss 51 h 52 Onside 429 Dorothy B 51b 430 Our Pal 430Drole Polly 50 h Polante Rose 51 Fading Light 50h 54 Pctrina B 53 Gert Lighten 53 h 426 Rubio 427 Georgia Lily 51 b Sop Way 331 Golden Tip 50 h 51 Saracn Maid 52 Luke Comn 55h 54 Slapped 427 Lucky Buck 53 h 425 Tamerlane 419 Lrd Wilson 51h 52 Tug o War 51 The Trainer 52 h 430 Unmn Gold 52b 52bFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 54 Charlie K104 h 52 Pretty Peg 105 h 53 Carbon l04h 415 Renaissance l07h 415 Good Scoutl08 h 427 Wrack Ace 106 h 425Kuvcra 108 h 420 Wged Wind l04h Lucy Dear 106 b 52 Zevstar l04h 429Moane Kcalal05 h hThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 53 Animate l17ysh 426 George l21h 429 Coya l17h 52 Roycrofter 117 h 55 Flickamaru l18h l18hSevenEighths SevenEighths Mile 52 Axia 130 b 413 Comandmn 134 h hOne One Mile 53 Ben Minturn145h 52 Sandwrack 152 b Ben Minturn worked handily Coya worked handily HAMILTON OHIO OHIOWeather Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile 430 Bdy Apolis 41h Noels Blaze 41h 41hBroadmoor Broadmoor 40h Princs Volta 40d 40dBig Big Business 42 h 429 St Richard 39d 427 Comstockcry 40h 55 Sarane 40d 40dHarry Harry P 41d Thistle Wise 42h 42hOneHalf OneHalf Mile 52 Justina 53b 430 Sweet Jean 54h 51 Miss Gohi 53 h 53 Ucle Charley 56b 54 Over C 52 h 54 Van Go 53d 53dFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile Mile429Deenie 429Deenie 109 h 52 Skipaway 105d 51 Gate Boyl06h MONDAY MAY 7 7AURORA AURORA AURORAWeather Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile 53 Albaue 40 b 53 Lady Louella 38b 51 All Night 3616h 54 Mabel Krasa 37h 53 Bencdictn 407sb Monde 35h 35h315Barrido 315Barrido 40b 52 My Aga 36h 42 Ban Mack 38 b 430 Nowski 38 b 53 Crowned Hd 40b 429 Otterrop 40b 51 Gdea Glr 40b 427 Sthld Toy 39b 53 Gulfelano 36b 415 Sun Wship 40b 51 Jqueline D 38 b 52 Tadcaster 40b 54 Julius Jr 38 b 53 Tipover 37 h 430 La Salle 41 b 429 Vladimir 39 b b429Lugen 429Lugen Lge 38 b 55 Zeila 39 b bOneHalf OneHalf Mile 428 Anne L 55b 54 Miss Blanche 51h 56 Aunt Marie 51b 53 Old Bill 55b 421 Cap Danger 49h 55 Redins 51h 430 Claude C 54b 54 Taxi Dancer 51h 52 Clinton 48h 53 Tony Joe 50 b 311 F Grossman 53h 53 Well Built 48h 48hFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 53 Advertiser 108 b 429 Hot Shot 107 b 53 Bearcry l04h 54 Miss Chillal02h 53 Cherry Keyl04b 52 Maximum l02h 213 Done For 111 b 426 Sergeant Hill101d Hill101dThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 56 Arrowlike 118 h 54 Hawk Moth 117 b 51 Blind Puss 117 h 428 Morsnuff 119 b 424ChicIero 120 b 52 Mon Maiden115h 54 External l16h l16hSevenEighths SevenEighths Mile 428 Loggia 127 d dOne One and OneEighth Miles 430 Theorem 157 h hLoggia Loggia had plenty of early speed speedTheorem Theorem went handily all the way wayCHURCHILL CHURCHILL DOWNS DOWNSWeather Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile MileBien Bien Fait 36b 428 Little Gertie 37b 51 Cherkee Red 40 b 55 My Paa 38b 51 Chauvenot 36h 54 Mr Joe 35h 51 Dusky Dame 37h 427 Mr James 36h 423Donnie W 38b 54 Mission Time 36h 425 Diane S 37h Oddett 40 b 54 Emp Chang 37h 53 Py Lehmann 37b 53 High Diver 37 h 429 Pulis 36d 55 Iceberg 37 h 427 Ridge Mor 40 b 54 Lucky Kate 38 h 428 Sprig Flight 37h 51 Little Valley 39 b Scotld Wise 38b 55 Lo 38b 425 Sam Alexder 38b 54 Lady Excelt 35h 428 Strt Jacket 35J h 430 Long Bit 36h 51 True Today 38b 38bOneHalf OneHalf Mile 55 Back Log 49 h 54 Hydrobell 49 d 54 Bbling Mate 48K Hard Play 49 h 54 Black River 47 b 53 Highd Dons 49d 55 Chartres 50b Home Rule 53b 53bCcrro Ccrro 51 b 51 Levi Cooke 51 h h418Cntess 418Cntess Bina 51 b 317 Miss Jap 50 h hExcavater Excavater 5Q h 51 Palatine 52d 53 Edith W 52b 54 Prince John 48h 54 Epernay 47 h 54 Suprme Lee 49 d 55 Gobet 50h 53 White Legs 52b 51 Gooseflesh 50 h 428 Wcs ton 49b FiveEighths Mile MileBlue Blue Dusk 104 h 56 Old Reb 106 d 52 Bonnie Panl06 b 51 On Sir 101 h 51 Chief Osceolol04 h 430 Peggy Gal l04h 430 Bk Summerl01d 430 Pharamaid 101 h 51 Cf Cherokeel04 d 53 Red Sunsetl02b 52 Dark Hazardl02b 53 Solette 106 b 52 Deceive l01d 53 Skpy McGeel02h 56 Empress Wul03 h 52 Thundertone 106 b 429 Foolish Onel03 b 54 The Githerl02b 54 Nuckols Boyl03 b bThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 430 Balderdash 119 b 52 Lky Amelial19b 52 Cotton CIubl15h 54 Hydsar 115 h 54 Chney Swpl15h 51 Prince Torchl15 h 52 Cousin Bessl1523h 53 ReBid l17h 51 Chasar 115 h 54 Relief 122 b 51 Caroline Hl15 h 54 Sweet Peachl17b 55 Devotional 118 h 53 Sun Captor l16b l16bSevenEighths SevenEighths Mile 56 Exponent 128 h 430 Nightingale 130 h 54 Lra Linvillel32 h 51 Runng Tidel32 h hOne One Mile 55 Ballyhoo l44h 430 Indian Rcdl44h 55 Bbies Choice142h 52 Phaeldale l46b 429 Caw Caw 152 b bCotton Cotton Club and Cousin Bess worked to ¬ gether Exponent showed a good effort PEVILICO PEVILICOWeather Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile MileAske Aske 37h 420 Springsteel 38 b bBarcarolle Barcarolle 36h 427 Soeur Blche 38b 38bBuy Buy Slraight 36h Star Chase 36h 425 Cherokee Sal 38b 51 Scotch God 37 b bDisadvantage Disadvantage 37h 54 Sunned 36h 416 First Rndiip 39 b 53 Second Story 36h 430 First Note 38 b 426Taunton 37h 55 Happy Go 35d 319 Tight Wad 36d 36dlou lou 38 d 52 Zipalong 38 h hOneHalf OneHalf Mile 430 Aquarius 49d 423 Electric Gaff 48 h 423 Blackbirder 52 b 55 Fmbet 50 h 51 Balios 50 h 55 Kurdair 49h 410 Bonanza 49 d 413 Little Stokes 53 b 55 Candy Prince 48h 427 Maddening 54 b 53 Crng Glory 49h 54 Polar Bar 54 h 54 Curacao 54 b 430 Porter Call 49d 427 Dark Hope 48d 425 Penny Wise 49h Rhodius 49 d 52 Treadhaven 48d 55 Sch Pepper 48h 221 Westy Junior 52 b 55 Silent Shot 49 d 55 Westys Duke 48h 55 T Imrl II 49h 49hFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 55 Alanova 103 h Free Advicel05 h hCourt Court Gossipl07 b 423 Hot Griddlel07 b 55 Chg Gift 107 b Happy Dawnl02fc Dawnl02fcDunora Dunora 103 h 311 Justa Rackell03 d 55 Flying Hourl03 h Mondeley 1021 1021ThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 55 Brndn Mintl18 d 55 High Glecl14h 53 Blue Foaml17b 52 Honeysweet 121 d 54 Dainty Bellel18 h 55 While Cloudl18 d 55 Frumpery l14h 54 Wahoo 119 b 55 Fogbound 121 b bOne One Mile 51 Biography 150 b Old Field l45h l45hDunslan Dunslan l44d 55 Roustabout 142 d dDon Don Pedro l44b l44bOne One and OneQuarter Miles MilesChase Chase Me 220 b DALLAS DALLASWeather Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile MileGood Good Past 38 h 430 Shp Thoughts38 h Lady Soya 38h 331 Thistle Fly 38 h 54 Minnequa 37h 425 Tejas 39 h 426 Ps Carolyne 38h 53 Thistle Kay 38 h 429 Poll Parrot 36h 428 Vanbank 40h 40hOneHalf OneHalf Mile 426 Almosphere 50h 55 Lucy Sabine 50 h 429 Black Flash 54 h 429 Moresoris 57 h 114 Carvel Hall 51h 426 Overshoes 55h 51 Dee Tees 51h 53 Rowalong 52 h 429 Kitty Sue 54h 429 Sure Gamble 52 h 424 Line Rider 5445h 426 Westys Fox 53b 53bFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 52 Adobe Postl07 h 54 Mumsie 102 h 429BilIoy WavelK5 h 54 Racketeer 104 h 429 Debbie 104 h 55 Ria Naral06 h 429 Even Playl03h 430 Sad Knightl06 h 52 Flo M 106 h hThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 55 Al Ncimanl17 h 55 My Chatterl17 h 54 Le Bruyerel17 h 51 Rl Treasurel21h Treasurel21hSevenEighths SevenEighths Mile 426 Black Bulll31h Bulll31hAl Al Neiman and Le Bruyere worked han ¬ dily together ALAMO DOWNS DOWNSWeather Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile 429 Fireflash 39h 54 Rose Moss 36h 430 Noels Dress 37 b 425 Waterfront 37 h hOneHalf OneHalf Mile 53 Chicaro Boy 56 h 55 Midshipman 54 h 414 Canteron 53 b 53 Marmitina 50h 430EIanbee 49h 425 Meteoric 50 b 423 Friend John 54 h 424 Phantasime 50h 53 Liqueur 53 h 55 Sir Harold 49b 428 Len Helker 51h 427 The Moon 48h 48h429Mcla 429Mcla Agnes 49b 53 Ytfin 0 h hFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 425 Jack Howe l04h 53 Shaker Ladyl05 h 51 M N Cnlan103h Cnlan103hThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile Mile424FIyg 424FIyg FIynnl18b 427 Replevin l16vsh 54 Joe Baker 115h KENTLWORTH PARK PARKWeather Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile 55 Athol 41h 55 Rock Crest 39h 54 Maebee 41 h 51 Style Corner 39b Rgh Walers 41 h hOneHalf OneHalf Mile MileBungle Bungle 50h 423 Divert 49b 53 Circulet 50 h hFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 53 Bubbling Outl04h 53 Pepr Princel04 h 54 Crap Shooterl04 h 52 Ruskit l05h 53 Mish Mash 104 h hThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 51 Candy Feast 122 b 55 Sweepvale 122 b 428 Dunlins Ladl18b 53 Wrigley Fld116 b 53 Shady Well 122 b bSevenEighths SevenEighths Mile 429 Live Onel29b Onel29bOne One Mile Dark Missionl50 b DOUGLAS PARK PARKWeather Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile 54 Clumcabit 37 h 424 Maxine H 39 h Connie R 42h 56 Miss Curtice 39 h 425 Conqueress 42 h 54 Mary T 38u 38uConfer Confer 42h 53 Roman Solr 41 h 54 Essage 37 h 54 Sweet Man 36h 427 Earle Maxell 40 h 54 Storm Angel 38h 54 Easy 39h 54 Thrh Fairly 37 h 54 King Cruser 38h 53 Queen Helen 39 h 55 Meddling 40 h hOneHalf OneHalf Mile 53 Brill Winn 50 h 52 Miss Purray 55 h hBest Best Bid 50h 53 Our Hobby 52 h 53 Celebrant 51h 53 Susan Black 53 h 54 Cut Out 5043h 54 Silver Sun 50h 54 Hpy Admal 49h 54 Tuneful 50h 52 Irksome 53h 5 = 5 Viavaees 53h 53hFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 53 Petite Julie 105 h hThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 53 Dewcy Fly 119 b 54 Judge Leerl17 h 54 Exclusive l17h 55 Nocturnlabe 119 h 52 Jay Vee Id7h 56 Old Nan 122 h hOne One Mile 51 Brit Bubblel51 h HAMILTON HAMILTONWeather Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile 428 Carnival 41h 328 Me Binder 39h 39hEldredL EldredL 40 h 53 Mimilus 41 h 429 Golden Nut 38d 36 Miss Delba 42 h hKranella Kranella 41h 330 Miss Adele 40d 430 Loys Ormont 41 h 429 Peerless Lad 39d 51 Miss Avonde 38d Rock Abbott 40h 40hOneHalf OneHalf Mile 51 Bell Cap 54h 427 Romac 53h Dresmidge 54h 51 Sea Eagle 53 h Nancy Kerr 54h 54hFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 428 Miss Muffetl09h 51 Swt Lacruse108h Lacruse108hThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 315 Floor Walkerl23h JAMAICA JAMAICAWeather Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile MileCondescend Condescend 37 b Indn Runnr 39 b 52 Happy Scot 36d 428 Xandra 39 b bOneHalf OneHalf Mile 427 Bride Elect 49h 52 Later On 49 51 Bright Toney 50 h 52 Tetrarchal 48 d 52 Collector Al 49d 49dFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 53 Jessie D M101 d 426 Red Finnl 4d 51 Moralist l04h 430Yap l04d l04dThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 54 Davoc 119 b 53 Jamison 123 b 56 Eriaccod IXI4 54 Llttl Ll Mtftd 428 Lady Queenel16 d 427 Pcock Alleyl174 d 54 Laura Gall18h 427 Pardee l16h 53 Morway l15d 54 Universe 115 d 429 My Kcntckyl15 d dOne One Mile 427 King Hollisl46 d 56 Shot a Shll 144d 144dAQUEDUCT AQUEDUCT AQUEDUCTWeather Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile 54 Glow Star 39 h 428 Pete M 39 h hOneHalf OneHalf Mile MileAmmu Ammu 51h 427 Flowery 51 h 55 Choir Girl 51 h 426Marigal 49 h 55 Caba 51h 53 Precept 49 h 55 Cardamon 51 h 51 Phillippi Boy 50 h 55 Cap Pistol 51h 51 Stone Martin 50 h 423 Fake 49h 49hFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 419 Jge Schilling103 h 419 Off Duty l03h ThreeQuarters Mile 54 Broadsword 125 h 430 Parity 124 h 51 Impromptu 117 h 54 Star Player 120 h 429 Miss Snow 121 h One Mile 423 Bub McFrldlST h World Travr150 h BEOIONT PARK PARKWeather Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile 52 Black Ribn 36h 423 Sassafras 38h 54 New Flag 36h 52 Synod 38h 38hPer Per Advente 36h 36hOneHalf OneHalf Mile 54 Forever Yg 49 h 54 Little Lie 49h 55 Gay Monch 50h 52 Never Che 52 b bFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 427Dukado 110 b 429 Mad Beth 108 h 51 Mad Frump 104 h 428 Mahi 110 b bThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 51 Fting Mike115h 53 True Rancel17h 427 Good Advicel16h 52 Walda l17h 54 Hustle 120 h 428 Winston Dl17h 52 Identify l19h l19hOne One Mile 55 Elf Lock 142 h 51 Gden Mesel47 b 54 Coat Tails l45h 55 Lady Reighl46 h