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Here and There on the Turf Arlington and Its Innovations Tracks Fighting for Existence Bostwicks Sportsmanship SportsmanshipMatch Match Race Deal Marks Time i What has come to be known as the most important race meeting offered outside of New York gets under way at Arlington Park Monday As has been its custom in recent years Arlington brings together many of the countrys best horses not only in its stakes but in its overnight races and naturally the skill of the outstanding trainers and jockeys also is put to the test From a racing stand ¬ point Arlington should have a very success ¬ ful meeting even though there is much sick ¬ ness among the horses throughout the coun ¬ try More horses are booked for Chicagos largest race course for the impending meet ¬ ing than ever before beforeArlington Arlington has a reputation for introducing innovations having come out with the elec ¬ tric totalizator last year the Bahr starting gate several years ago and other ideas cal ¬ culated to improve racing This year the track directed by John Hertz Charles A McCulloch Otto Lehmann and Roy Carruth ers will offer racing over a new turf course and also will attempt to hold a successful meeting financially without issuing compli ¬ mentary badges whether to police chiefs state senators or persons who say they bet from twenty to fifty dollars on each race raceThe The Illinois Racing Commission ruled out the free tickets at the instance of all the Chicago race tracks because the practice of giving out complimentaries had passed the necessary evil stage and threatened so the managements believe the life of racing Aurora had a very unsuccessful meeting and Washington Park is losing a large chunk perhaps as much as Churchill Downs made for the American Turf Association With a much more pretentious program the Arling ¬ ton officials can hardly entertain much op ¬ timism over the business prospects of their meeting While the Arlington profits always are put back into the game the officials have the same apathy toward a loss as any ¬ one else elseOne One hope the Arlington leaders may have is that their meeting always does a greater volume of business than any other track in the Chicago area It may be that the racing fans of the Chicago area have been waiting for the Arlington meeting before becoming regular attendants although they gave Washington Park two good turnouts for the Memorial Day and American Derby pro ¬ grams Although not indicated by the busi ¬ ness at Aurora and Washington Park Ar ¬ lington possibly may show the improvement enjoyed at Miami Churchill Downs and in Maryland not to mention New York If so the Arlington directors will be very happy happyA A C Bostwicks Mate failed in his major objective in England the Ascot Gold Cup but his owner is to be commended for his sportsmanship in taking the Prince Pal vet ¬ eran abroad for the effort at winning the great two and a half mile event A similar try was made in 1929 when Mrs John Hertz sent Reigh Count over to England for the Gold Cup and victory was nearly achieved as only Invershin was in front of the Amer ¬ ican champion at the finish Reigh Count won the Coronation Cup while there but Mate hardly the horse that the Hertz rep ¬ resentative was has been unable to score although he has been favored several times in less important races racesA A day has gone by without any new de ¬ velopments on the proposed match race be ¬ tween Cavalcade and Equipoise but with the arrival of Robert A Smith trainer of the threeyearold star in Chicago some ¬ thing may happen very soon Both Arling ¬ ton Park and Lincoln Fields the latter rep ¬ resented by Col Matt Winn seem to want the contest so with Smith in the vicinity the managements of the two tracks should not have much trouble in getting in touch with Mrs Isabel Dodge Sloanes representa ¬ tive Apparently the Whitney board of strategy is agreeable