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1st Aqueduct Purse 1200 2 YearOlds Allowances Miss Star Mile Sept 25 1922 5725 2 107 Index Best at Distance Wt Claim ClaimNo No Horse Track Wt Time AgeToday Price 97464 Omaha M Aqu 115 101 110 97032 Moisson Aqu 112 100 117 97032 Allen Z Aqu 112 59 117 Index Best at Distance Wt Claim ClaimNo No Horse TrackWt Time AgeToday Price 96175 Tea Talk M 110 97032 High Image Aqu 112 100 117 Best limes shown above are from Jan 1 1933 sfcFair mud runner XGood mud runner Superior mud runner runnerBrackets Brackets won last start figures or 2nd or 3rd last start apprentice allowance allowanceScratches Scratches are shown in Past Performances but in all caaea only the latest with ¬ drawal being indicated indicatedThe The past performances of the horses entered In this race together with latest work ¬ out and racing record for this and previous year Omaha 110 Ch c 2 M b Gallant Fox Flambino by Wrack WrackJune June 15 Aau 12 49ft Trainer J Fitzsimmons Owner Belair Stud Stable StableDnte Dnte Trk l is Time dm Odds Wt St Str FinJocliov I I ClPcp Sis Hest Ioinpnnj IoinpnnjJual834IAqu Jual834IAqu 1 101 ft 20 115 4 5 31 2 StoutJ11 Maid 14 SirLamockll5Nubsll5Watersplh 112 snarls 1st 2nd 3rd VTon Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Wnn 1934 record 1 0 10 200 200Moisson Moisson 117 B c 2 by Sickle Mousse des Bois by Aj AjJune June 21 Bel 58 l01ft Trainer W Brennan Owner Manhasset SI SIJunll34Aqu Junll34Aqu 59 ft 41 112 1 1 lk o1 CoucciS Alhv 7 AllenZ 112Dasher 114Evangelist 114 114Jua Jua 434Bel we 58 ft 12 110 411 I4 CoucciS11 2000 11 BackFencell7AirLinell2Jobkhta 112 112May3134Bel May3134Bel g 59 ft 8 110 3 4 31 44 CoucciS8 2000 8 DistractgllOBarcarIell4BkFenccll7 DistractgllOBarcarIell4BkFenccll7May2134Bel May2134Bel 4 4vc vc 3 ft 12 112 8 12 8 5 CoucciS9 2000 18 ChmcdEycsllSMigratellSAnacrn 1C4 1C4Mayl834Bel Mayl834Bel 4 4vc vc 53 ft 20 110 454 3J CourciS1 3000 7ExhibitllOGolnDreaml02Tracker 114 114Mayll341Jam Mayll341Jam 59 ft 10 114 5 5 4 4 CoucciS 2000 8 Torrcssll7TterTotterll4Jobakhetall4 Allen Z ZJune mB g 2 by Pharamond II La Morlaye by Peter Pan June 21 Bel jo x ucii Trainer J P Smith Owner Dorwood Stable Stable59ft Junll341Aqu 59ft 165 112 4 2 2 lk RenickS Allw 7 Dasherll4Moisson 112E 112Evangelist 114 Jun 634Bel 1 we 59ft 5 115 3 1 I1 I4 RenickS1 3500 8 Cerboyl08GldnDrml06JieDM 106 Jun l345Bel 4 4vc vc 53 ft 7 109 3 2 11 I1 RenickS1 RenickS152sy 3000 5 Chekall3GdenDrmlllWysDuke 111 SIay2534sBel 4 4vc vc 52sy 12 115 8 8 7 7 RenickS Maid 10 YgNativell5CceSunll5BBanner 115 May2234Bel 4 4wc wc 53 ft 12 1141512111 41 RenickS 1500 17 BackFence 114Fake lllCardaman 111 Apr2534 = Jarn 1 101 ft 15 113 4 4 41 4s BellizziD4 2500 5 JessieDM il5HiIise 115LoveSick 115 1934 record 6 3 0 0 2100 2100Tea Tea Talk 1 1 A B c 2 M by Sun Briar Tea Pan by Peter Pan PanJune June 18 Aau 58102ft Trainer A J Goldsborough Owner J A Morris Junl2341Aqu 1 100 ft 116 SCRATCHED Maid 12 BrBannerll6BeMine 116Cterboy 116 116May3034Bel May3034Bel 4wc 52 ft 100 114 7 9 961 12J KsingerC1 Maid 18 CInOutlllBoShadelllSBeware 114 1934 record 1 1High High Image 117 Ch 9 2 y Hgh Cloud Imagination II by Buchan BuchanJune June 20 Jam 58103m X a Trainer C H Miller Owner C H Miller MillerJunll34lAqu Junll34lAqu 59 ft 30 112 3 6 66J 63i StoutJ4 Allw 7 Allen Z 112 Dasher 114 Moisson 112 112May2134BeI May2134BeI 4 4wc wc 53 ft 8 116 11 6 6s 971 JonesR1 2500 18 ChmedEyesll3Migratell3Anacrn lift liftMay May T Pim 4 f 55 ft 49 115 2 2 2 1 JoncsR 3000 12 StroIMissl07Cdimatell5KSpirit 115 115May May l34Pim 4 f 55 ft 73 118 2 8 12 1212 RcnickJ4 1500 12 Bcarollell3FRdupl09Bkbirder 109