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1st Washington Cheltenham Purse Purse 800 2YearOlds Maid fi r i ens Special Weights Judge Leer Oct 7 1933 52 Furlongs i05y5 2 109 Index Post = Best at Distance Wt Claim ClaimNo No Pos Horse TrackWt Timt AjeToday Prict 97546 1 Dojo Was 115 107 115 973901 3 Born Happy 115 97193 8 Spanish Babe 112 97390 5 Prince Splendor 115 Index Post Best at Distance Wt Claim ClaimNo No Pos Horse TrackWt Time AgeToday Price 97390 2 Sula Was 114 i09sy 115X 97546 6 Chicasha Was 115 108 115 97546 4 Advantage Was 115 109 115 96845 7 Maple Hussy 112 jest limes enown aoovo are irom Jan fcFalr mud runner XGood mud runner Superior mud runner Brackets won last start figures or 2nd or 3rd last start apprentice allowance allowanceScratches Scratches are ihown In Fait Performances but in all cases onlv the latest with ¬ drawal being Indicated IndicatedThe The past performances of the horses entered in this race together with latest work out and racing record for this and previous year yearDojo Dojo 1 1 EJ B c 2 M by Swift and Sure Courting by Wrack WrackJune June 22 Was 12 50ft JLt Trainer I Weil Owner Aarons Weil Date Trk DIi Time Con Odds Wt St Str FloJockey PPClPceSts Best Company CompanyJunl9342Was Junl9342Was 5i f 1 = 07 ft 21 115 9 6 4 2 KeesterP8 Allw 10 BubblingMate 115SkipIt 115Witan 115 Juol434IWai 1 101 ft 34 113 3 6 5i 4 HardyL1 2000 7 BtRcidll5BblingMatel08Chicashall3 Starti lit 2nd 3rd Wonx Start 1st 2nd 3rd Wnn 1934 record 20 1 0 150 150Born Born Happy 1 1 K B g 2 M by Black Toney Bienaime by Roi Herode HerodeJune June 22 Was 38 37ft JLt Trainer W Hurley Owner E R Bradley BradleyJunl6344Was Junl6344Was IKK ft 75 115 3 1 2 3s SmithJ1 Maid 8 GtHslell5Glaclayll5PceSplenr 115 Jun 734Was 100 ft 2310 115 4 3 24 24 KingJ1 Maid 8 WisePIayerllSBReidllSComdnt 115 115My My 734 Pim 4i f 55 ft 35 110 7 4 6 6 SmithJ10 Allw 10 Motto 114 Cubist 107 JustaJones 115 Apt3034lPim i 48 ft 25 118 5 3 4U 4 SmithJ5 Maid 12 Mottoll5ScotchQunll5Canchita 115 1934 record 4 0 11 200 200Spanish Spanish Bal6 119 Chf 2 M by Spanish Prince IL Eileen by Plaudit or Star Shoot ShootJune June 22 Was 38 33ft LJ 1 Trainer J Lowenstein Owner F M Grabner Juol334lWas g 100 ft 125 115 6 3 34i 2 BalaskiL8 Maid 8 BlkHelenllSDvoless HSLuluLite 115 1934 record 1 0 1 0 125 125Prince Prince Splendor 1 IK B g 2 M by Bostonian Kings Fancy by King James JamesJune June 10 Was 38 35frL Trainer B A Jones Owner T C Worden Junl6344Was fl00 ft 13 J15 5 4 441 4 WestropeJ2 Maid 8 GtHstell5Glaclay llSBrnHappy 115 j 1934 record 1 0 0 0 25 25Sola Sola X 11 Bri c Wj by Sun Flag Golden Lassie II by Golden Sun SunJune June 22 Was 38 35ft Trainer J J Greely Owner Shandon Farm Stable Junl6344VVas i 100 ft 8 115 7 7 71 5i HeigleR8 Maid 8 GtHstell5Glaclay 115BrnHappy 115 Jun 934Was 5i f 1086 si 45 114 3 5 5i 3 HeigleR1 Stks 9 ChfChrokeell9GrtHastell4Stay lib Jun 234JWas i 100 ft 7 115 2 8 6 54 RichardA1 Maid 12 Stay HSGrcatHaste 115OurPrince 115 I M 1934CD gl00 ft 1710e 115 8 7 7 7 MeyerG1 Maid 9 FtEntry 115Elwawa 115WeTime 115 M 1234CD 1 = 00 ft 45 117 4 7 T10 61 MeyerC1 Stks 10 StBernardl22FraidyCatl22ByeLo 119 May 934CD 4if 5 ft 165 115 744 4 i MeadeD2 Maid 9 Riffll5 Cclebrantll5 JohnMarcum 115 May 334CD 4 f 54 ft 28 115 39 7n 7 RuderL Maid 12 FortSpringsllS ElwawallS Almac 115 Apr2834CD 4i f 53 ft 46 108 5 7 714 714 RuderL Alhv 7 AlbuqueU2DyeDick 115SMcGee 112 1934 record 8 0 0 1 265 CIncaslia 1 1 Br g 2 M by Ormont Dancing Daughter by Ultimatum June 13 Was38 40ft A X U Trainer W Lewis Owner W F Axton Junl9342Was 5i f l07ys ft 29 115 7 2 21 57i KacalaJ9 Alhv 10 BubblingMate 115Dojo 115SkipIt 115 JuaMMWai 1 101 ft 24 113 5 3 22 32 KacalaJ1 2000 7 BertReid 115BblingMate lOSDojo 113 Jun 734Was g IKK ft 27 115 b bAdvantage 7 710 710 KeesterP Maid 8 WisePlayerll5BHapPyll5BtReid 115 1934 record 3 0 0 1 50 50Ch Advantage 11 Ch c 2 M by Carlaris Betty Ames by Royal Canopy June 21 Was34 l18ft ij ijJual9342Was Trainer R E Hefferan Owner J J Coughlin Jual9342Was 5 f 107 ft 25 115 5 8 8 8 0DobsonJ3 Allw 10 BubblingMate 115Dojo 115SkipIt 115 Jun l342Vas 1 100 ft 21 110 5 53IapIe 3 4i 4JiDobsonJ 1200 8 Spicate ilOLyLouelIal08QueGato 109 1934 record 2 0 0 0 25 25B 3IapIe Hussy 119 119June B f 2 M by Traumer Sun Hussy by Sun Briar BriarTrainer ± j Trainer J Owner W F June 22 LF38 38ft Heagy McCanless Jun 734CT 1 106 si 8 111 44 HcalyF Maid 8 BySpriselll Jinnee 114SPdemup 114 May2834CT 8 1 = 03 ft 377 115 49 HcalyF Maid 10 HdyGurdyll5ScaFinnll5Disrupn 115 1934 record 2 0 0 0 20