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CANADIAN DERBY HANDICAP HANDICAPHAMILTON HAMILTON Ont June 22 The follow ¬ ing weights have been assigned to the horses that will start in the Canadian Derby Handi ¬ cap at one mile and a sixteenth to be run next Tuesday the opening day of the Ham ¬ ilton Jockev Clubs first summer meetine Horse Wt WtKhorasan Khorasan 122 122Hokuao Hokuao 116 116Horometer Horometer 112 112Grout Grout au Pot 109 109Crofter Crofter 106 106Live Live One 107 107Easter Easter Hatter 104 Stealingaway 10i Horse Wt WtFinalist Finalist 104 104Hero Hero win 103 103Shady Shady Well 107 Spey Crest 102 102Sun Sun Abbot 99 99Miss Miss Manoa 98 98Chastity Chastity 100 100Calchas Calchas 94