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CLAIMS AND SALES J G Goodwin claimed Try Fair from Mrs M Cox out of the eighth race Thursday at Washington Park for 1000 1000R R B Bridwell purchased the veteran Linmast from Mrs J Chesney at Collins ville villeJohn John Zoeller sold the twoyearold Merry Go On to Mrs W Zakoor at Detroit DetroitC C Ferraro claimed Wee Toddler H out of the fourth race at Dufferin Park Friday for GOO This is the first time the Fitz william mare has changed hands since W T Trenholme acquired her as a yearling yearlingH H C Hatch disposed of Primsweep and Lady Hockberger to E F Seagram at pri ¬ vate sale Lloyd Gentry is sending three more horses to Mr Bringloe to add to his Montreal string and six go to Detroit DetroitT T C Worden claimed Star Flash winner of the second race at Washington Park Fri ¬ day from G Riley for 1500 1500Lan Lan returned to his old barn when H Neusteter outdrew Mrs A M Creech for the twoyearold in the fourth race at De ¬ troit Friday The claiming price was 1500 1500Three Three claims were filed for The Break in the sixth race at Fairmount Park Thurs ¬ day and Mrs R Scoville won in the draw The claiming price for the sixyearold son of Star Master was 1000 1000Two Two claims were filed Friday at Aque ¬ duct Glidelia went to J A Coburn for 1200 and P S P Randolph claimed Big Show for a like amount