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TURF WEEKLY ON SALE AT ALL STANDS PRICE 35c YESTERDAYS TRAINERS CODES CODESLEADING LEADING ARTICLE 1260 WON GRAND WAY 1244 WON WONTHURSDAYS THURSDAYS TRAINERS CODES POMPABAGON 1040 WON WONSASSAFRAS SASSAFRAS 580 WON WONWEDNESDAYS WEDNESDAYS TRAINERS CODES ANNAN 1008 WON WONBELL BELL BIJEIWEISS 1060 WON WONSUBSCRIBE SUBSCRIBE TO TRAINERS CODE SERVICE 5 PAYS FOR SIX DAYS SERVICE SERVICEWe We promise no sensationallypriced winners Above is what we release and what we can give you If its 15 to 1 or 20 to 1 horses that you are looking for then do not subscribe to this service as we do not release them But if you are looking for good live solid horses at fair prices not favorites then we can take care of you This service boasts of CONSIS ¬ TENCY Nothing else counts with us Send 5 and let us take care of you for one week weekTODAYS TODAYS FREE CODE LATONIA Dye68483162 Dye68483162TODAYS TODAYS OWNERS CODES CODESLATONIA LATONIA Pink43525645 Pink43525645WASHINGTON WASHINGTON Black48385658 Black48385658TODAYS TODAYS TRAINERS CODES CODESWASHINGTON WASHINGTON Blue56379826 Blue56379826DETROIT DETROIT Green52433662 Green52433662FOUR FOUR STAR TURF WEEKLY 139 N Clark St Suite 1207 Chicago III